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== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_27086" /> ==
Brandt <ref name="term_27095" />
<p> the name of a family in [[Holland]] eminent for learning and piety. They were all Arminians, and have contributed greatly to our knowledge of the Arminian and Remonstrant controversies. </p> <p> '''1.''' GERARD, professor of divinity, was born at [[Amsterdam]] in 1626. After a thorough theological education, he became pastor of the Remonstrant church in Nienkoop; in 1660 he removed to Hoorn, and to Amsterdam 1667. Here he continued in pastoral and literary labors till his death, Dec. 11, 1685. His great work is the Hist. der Reformatie in en Ontrent de Niederlanden (Rott. 4 vols. 4to, 1671-1704), of which the last two volumes were edited by J. Brandt. It was translated into English by Chamberlayne, History of the [[Reformation]] in the Low Countries (Lond. 1720-23, 4 vols. fol.); abridged in French (Amst. 1730, 3 vols. 12mo) He published also a Life of Barneveldt, a Life of De Ruyter, etc. His Reformation is a magazine of facts; and the candor and truthfulness of the book, as well as its value, are now generally acknowledged -Winer, Theol. Literatur, i, 824; Haes, Life of [[Brandt]] (in Dutch, 1740, 4to); Cattenburgh, Bibliotheca Remonstrantium. </p> <p> '''2.''' CASPAR, son of Gerard, was born in [[Rotterdam]] June 25, 1653. After a careful training under his father and at the university, he became pastor of the Remonstrant church at Amsterdam, where he died Oct. 5, 1696. He wrote ''Hist. Vitce Jac. Arminii'' (Amst. 1724, 8vo), enlarged and corrected by [[Mosheim]] (Brunsw. 1725, 8vo), translated by Guthrie, ''Life Of Arminius'' (Lond. 1854, 18mo); ''Hist. V. H. Leven D. Hug. De Groot (Grotius),'' (Dort, 1732, 2d ed., 2 vols. 8vo). - Winer, Theol. Lit. i, 765, 862. </p> <p> '''3.''' JOHN, youngest son of Gerard, was born at Nienkoop 1660, and was successively minister at Hoorn, the Hague, and Amsterdam, and died 1708. He wrote ''Vita S. Pauli'' (4to), and edited the ''Epistole Prastantium Virorum'' (Amst. 1684), which throws great light on the history of Arminianism. </p> <p> '''4.''' GERARD, son of Caspar, minister at Amsterdam, edited the ''Vita'' Arminii written by his father and published in 1724. </p>
<p> the name of a family in [[Holland]] eminent for learning and piety. They were all Arminians, and have contributed greatly to our knowledge of the Arminian and Remonstrant controversies. </p> <p> '''1.''' GERARD, professor of divinity, was born at [[Amsterdam]] in 1626. After a thorough theological education, he became pastor of the Remonstrant church in Nienkoop; in 1660 he removed to Hoorn, and to Amsterdam 1667. Here he continued in pastoral and literary labors till his death, Dec. 11, 1685. His great work is the Hist. der Reformatie in en Ontrent de Niederlanden (Rott. 4 vols. 4to, 1671-1704), of which the last two volumes were edited by J. Brandt. It was translated into English by Chamberlayne, History of the [[Reformation]] in the Low Countries (Lond. 1720-23, 4 vols. fol.); abridged in French (Amst. 1730, 3 vols. 12mo) He published also a Life of Barneveldt, a Life of De Ruyter, etc. His Reformation is a magazine of facts; and the candor and truthfulness of the book, as well as its value, are now generally acknowledged -Winer, Theol. Literatur, i, 824; Haes, Life of [[Brandt]] (in Dutch, 1740, 4to); Cattenburgh, Bibliotheca Remonstrantium. </p> <p> '''2.''' CASPAR, son of Gerard, was born in [[Rotterdam]] June 25, 1653. After a careful training under his father and at the university, he became pastor of the Remonstrant church at Amsterdam, where he died Oct. 5, 1696. He wrote ''Hist. Vitce Jac. Arminii'' (Amst. 1724, 8vo), enlarged and corrected by [[Mosheim]] (Brunsw. 1725, 8vo), translated by Guthrie, ''Life Of Arminius'' (Lond. 1854, 18mo); ''Hist. V. H. Leven D. Hug. De Groot (Grotius),'' (Dort, 1732, 2d ed., 2 vols. 8vo). - Winer, Theol. Lit. i, 765, 862. </p> <p> '''3.''' JOHN, youngest son of Gerard, was born at Nienkoop 1660, and was successively minister at Hoorn, the Hague, and Amsterdam, and died 1708. He wrote ''Vita S. Pauli'' (4to), and edited the ''Epistole Prastantium Virorum'' (Amst. 1684), which throws great light on the history of Arminianism. </p> <p> '''4.''' GERARD, son of Caspar, minister at Amsterdam, edited the ''Vita'' Arminii written by his father and published in 1724. </p>
== The Nuttall Encyclopedia <ref name="term_69740" /> ==
== References ==
<p> A Swedish chemist; chanced on the discovery in 1669 of phosphorus while in quest of a solvent to transmute metals, such as silver, into gold; <i> d </i> . 1692. </p>
==References ==
<ref name="term_27095"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/brandt,+(2) Brandt from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_27086"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/brandt Brandt from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_69740"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/the-nuttall-encyclopedia/brandt Brandt from The Nuttall Encyclopedia]</ref>