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Scorn <ref name="term_7952" />  
== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_57490" /> ==
<p> ''''' skorn ''''' : Fox Talbot connects this English word with the Danish <i> skarn </i> , "dirt," "ordure" "mud," "mire." As distinguished from such words as "mock," "deride," "scoff," all of which refer specifically to the various ways in which scorn finds outward expression, scorn itself denotes a subjective state or reaction. </p> <p> Further, this state or reaction is not simple but complex. It includes a sense of superiority, resentment, and aversion. This reaction occurs when one is confronted with a person or a proposition that by challenging certain things for itself evokes a vivid sense of one's own superiority and awakens mingled resentment, repulsion and contempt by the hollowness of its claims and its intrinsic inferiority or worse. [[Scorn]] is a hotter, fiercer emotion than disdain or contempt. It is obvious that <i> scorn </i> may - indeed, it not uncommonly does - arise in connection with an not grounded, arrogant sense of self-esteem. </p> <p> The word, outside of the phrase "laugh to scorn," is found only in the Old Testament, and then only 4 times ( Esther 3:6; King James Version, [[Psalm]] 44:13; Psalm 79:4; Habakkuk 1:10 ), and it represents three different [[Hebrew]] words for none of which it is a suitable rendering. The two words "thought scorn" in Esther 3:6 represent but one in Hebrew, namely, <i> '''''bāzāh''''' </i> , for which "disdain" would be a nearer equivalent. In Habakkuk 1:10 (the King James Version) the word translated "scorn" is <i> '''''miṣḥāḳ''''' </i> , "an object of laughter," "laughing-stock." In Psalm 44:13; Psalm 79:4 the Hebrew word is <i> '''''la‛agh''''' </i> from a root, probably meaning "to stutter," "stammer," for which "mocking" is a better English equivalent. In the King James Version Job 34:7; Psalm 123:4 , <i> '''''la‛agh''''' </i> is rendered "scorning". (the rendering given in Proverbs 1:22 to <i> '''''lācōn''''' </i> , a word from a totally different root and one much more nearly approximating the fundamental idea of the English word "Scorn." In Proverbs 29:8 and Isaiah 28:14 <i> '''''lācōn''''' </i> is rendered "scornful"). </p> <p> As a verb the word is the translation given to <i> ''''' lā'agh ''''' </i> , "to mock" ( 2 Kings 19:21 parallel Isaiah 37:22 Job 22:19; Nehemiah 2:19; Psalm 22:7 , "all laugh to scorn"); <i> '''''ḳālas''''' </i> = "to scoff" ( Ezekiel 16:31 , margin "Greek: <i> '''''scoffeth''''' </i> ," but text still "scorneth"); for the noun <i> '''''ceḥōḳ''''' </i> , "laughter" ( Ezekiel 23:32 ); <i> '''''sāḥaḳ''''' </i> = to laugh," "laugh at" ( Job 39:7 , Job 39:18; 2 Chronicles 30:10 ), with the noun <i> '''''seḥōḳ''''' </i> , "laugh to scorn" (the Revised Version (British and American) "laughing-stock," Job 12:4 ); <i> '''''lūc''''' </i> = "to scoff" (as used in ethical and religious connections) ( Job 16:20; Proverbs 3:34; Proverbs 9:12 , all "scoff" in the Revised Version (British and American)); in Proverbs 19:28 the Revised Version (British and American), not happily, "mock at." the Revised Version (British and American) is warranted in substituting "scoff" for "scorn" because the context indicates some form of outward expression of the scorn. </p> <p> The Revised Version (British and American) always (except Job 12:4; [[Sirach]] 6:4; 1 Macc 10:70) retains "laugh to scorn" ( 2 Kings 19:21; 2 Chronicles 30:10; Nehemiah 2:19; Job 22:19; Psalm 22:7; Isaiah 37:22; Ezekiel 16:31; Ezekiel 23:32; 2 [[Esdras]] 2:21; [[Judith]] 12:12; The [[Wisdom]] of [[Solomon]] 4:18; Sirach 7:11; 13:7; 20:17; Matthew 9:24; Mark 5:40; Luke 8:53 ). The verb in [[Apocrypha]] and the New [[Testament]] is usually καταγελάω , <i> '''''katageláō''''' </i> , but in The Wisdom of Solomon 4:1 ἐκγελάω , <i> '''''ekgeláō''''' </i> ; in Sirach 13:7 καταμωκάομαι , <i> '''''katamōkámai''''' </i> ; and in 2 Esdras 2:21 <i> '''''inrideo''''' </i> . In addition "scorn" is retained in Esther 3:6; Job 39:7 , Job 39:18; 2 Esdras 8:56 ( <i> '''''contemno''''' </i> ). In Proverbs 19:28 "scorn" is changed to "mock at" but elsewhere invariably to "scoff." </p> <p> Scorner is the translation of the participle of <i> ''''' lūc ''''' </i> and once of the participle of <i> ''''' lācac ''''' </i> . For "scorner" the Revised Version (British and American) everywhere substitutes - properly - "scoffer." Outside of Proverbs (and Hosea 7:5 ) the word is to be found only in Psalm 1:2 . The force of the word has been well indicated by Cheyne, who says that the "scorner (scoffer) is one who despises that which is holy and avoids the company of the noble 'wise men,' but yet in his own vain way seeks for truth; his character is marked by arrogance as that of the wise is characterized by devout caution." </p>
<p> <b> [[Scorn]] </b> —Of scorn pure and simple there is remarkably little trace in the recorded words and actions of Jesus Christ. [[Whereas]] other teachers of lofty morality have usually treated with some contempt those who made no effort to approach their ideals, Christ’s attitude towards the sinner was uniformly one of sympathetic help. He alone recognized the intimate relation which exists between the [[Creator]] and the human race, and His knowledge of this relation and of the possibilities of each individual prevented Him from despising man, whom the Father had made in His own image, however much that image might have been defaced. Thus it is that we never find Him using sarcasm, a form of scorn calculated to wound rather than to improve. Even the εἰρωνεία of Socrates, the affected self-depreciation which threw ridicule upon the egotism of others, has no counterpart in the Gospels. When Jesus used scorn, He employed it as a skilled physician, who wounds with the intention of healing. It is thus that He uses it to the Pharisees, whose cloak of self-righteousness needed to be pierced through with some sharp weapon, if they were to be brought to the state of mind in which they might be capable of any improvement. </p> <p> <b> 1. The scorn of contempt. </b> —A single word of unmitigated contempt is recorded by St. Luke as used by Christ. It occurs in His answer to the threat used by certain [[Pharisees]] of danger from Herod [[Antipas]] (&nbsp;Luke 13:31-32). ‘Go ye,’ He said, ‘and tell that she-fox.’ The phrase τῇ ἀλώπεκι ταύτῃ is certainly surprising at first sight, and unlike any other phrase employed by our Lord, not even excepting His comparison of the scribes and Pharisees to ‘whited sepulchres,’ ‘serpents,’ and ‘offspring of vipers’ (&nbsp;Matthew 23:27; &nbsp;Matthew 23:33). The fact of the word ἀλώπεκι being in the feminine gender is perhaps only an accident. The word is found, it is true, in the masculine gender in &nbsp;Song of [[Solomon]] 2:15, but it is generally found in the feminine, <i> e.g. </i> &nbsp;Judges 1:35, &nbsp;1 Kings 21:10, &nbsp;Matthew 8:20, &nbsp;Luke 9:58. The fox was and is a type of knavish craftiness. The particular offence of Herod on this occasion was his crafty endeavour to get rid of an influential preacher of righteousness by uttering a threat by the mouth of others, which he had not the courage himself to carry into effect. He was unwilling to add to the unpopularity caused by his treatment of John the [[Baptist]] by a repetition of it in the case of Jesus. No doubt the general character and conduct of Herod helped to suggest the application of the expression,—his unscrupulous nature (&nbsp;Luke 3:19 περὶ πάντων ὧν ἐποίησε πονηρῶν), his tyranny (&nbsp;Luke 13:31), his weakness (&nbsp;Mark 14:9), his profession of Judaism, combined with his heathen practices, his adultery and incest, and his murder of the prophet John. Such is the character which elicits the one recorded word of contemptuous scorn from the lips of Jesus. </p> <p> <b> 2. The scorn of denunciation. </b> —While remarkably free from any contempt for those people who had ideals and failed to reach them ( <i> e.g. </i> the young man with great riches and the [[Apostle]] Peter), or for those who from lack of any ideal were for the time outcast from society ( <i> e.g. </i> the despised publicans, &nbsp;Mark 2:15-17), He showed clearly His contempt for all religious professions and practices which were not of the heart. ‘The vain practices of devotees,’ says Renan, ‘the exterior strictness which trusted to formality for salvation, had in Him a mortal enemy … He preferred forgiveness to sacrifice. The love of God, charity, and mutual forgiveness were His whole law.’ Yet in all His dealings with the systems of the scribes and the teaching of the legal doctors, His words bear little trace of mere contempt, but rather of stern denunciation. His attitude was defined at a comparatively early stage during the ministry in Northern Galilee, when He gave His definition of moral defilement (&nbsp;Matthew 15:11, &nbsp;Mark 7:15) by saying, ‘Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth the man; but that which proceedeth out of the mouth, this defileth the man.’ This attitude culminated in the sublime anti-Pharisaic discourse in which the foibles and vices of a degenerate piety were depicted with prophetic plainness and scornful denunciation (Matthew 23; cf. also &nbsp;Mark 12:38-40 and &nbsp;Luke 20:45-47). </p> <p> <b> 3. The scorn of silence. </b> —Of all the occasions of scorn displayed by Jesus, none are more marked than those when He met mere captious questions and criticism either by a definite refusal to answer, or by absolute silence. Such an instance is recorded (&nbsp;Matthew 21:23-27) when Jesus met the question of the chief priests and scribes, ‘By what authority doest thou these things?’ with a counter question, and on their refusal to answer declined in turn to reply to their question. Still more impressive was the silent scorn with which He met His accusers at the various stages of His trial, refusing in turn to answer the accusation of false witnesses (&nbsp;Matthew 26:60-63, &nbsp;Mark 14:61) and the questions of the chief priests and elders (&nbsp;Matthew 27:12, &nbsp;Mark 15:3; &nbsp;Mark 15:5), of Herod (&nbsp;Luke 23:9), and lastly of [[Pilate]] himself (&nbsp;Matthew 27:14, &nbsp;John 19:9). </p> <p> In comparing these instances, we find no word used simply for the purpose of causing pain. The contemptuous expression used on the occasion of Herod’s threat is, we have seen, amply justified by the character of the man, and destined to hold up to reprobation so paltry a device and so wretched a personality. In the rest His silence is an expression of His own dignity, and of His refusal to give an answer to questions and charges which were not intended to bring the truth to light, but merely to raise unreasonable prejudice; while His severe attacks on the character of those who were too blinded by their imaginary virtues to try to amend their lives, are wonderful instances of a scorn unmarred by ill-nature and untainted with cynicism. </p> <p> On scorn of which Christ was the <i> object </i> , see artt. Despise, Mockery, Reproach. </p> <p> T. Allen Moxon. </p>
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_62811" /> ==
<p> SCORN, n. </p> 1. [[Extreme]] contempt that disdain which springs from a person's opinion of the meanness of an object, and a consciousness or belief of his own superiority or worth. <p> He thought scorn to lay hands on [[Mordecai]] alone. &nbsp;Esther 3 . </p> <p> Every sullen frown and bitter scorn but fann'd the fuel that too fast did burn. </p> 2. A subject of extreme contempt, disdain or derision that which is treated with contempt. <p> Thou makest us a reproach to our neighbors, a scorn and a derision to them that are around us. &nbsp;Psalms 44 . </p> <p> To think scorn, to disdain to despise. obs. </p> <p> To laugh to scorn, to deride to make a mock of to ridicule as contemptible. </p> <p> They laughed us to scorn. &nbsp;Nehemiah 2 . </p> <p> SCORN, </p> 1. to hold in extreme contempt to despise to contemn to disdain. &nbsp;Job 16. <p> Surely he scorneth the scorner but he giveth grace to the lowly. &nbsp;Proverbs 3 . </p> 2. to think unworth to disdain. <p> [[Fame]] that delights around the world to stray, scorns not to take our Argos in her way. </p> 3. To slight to disregard to neglect. <p> This my long suff'rance and my day of grace, those who neglect and scorn, shall never taste. </p> <p> SCORN, To scorn at, to scoff at to treat with contumely, derision or reproach. Obs. </p>
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_171366" /> ==
<p> '''(1):''' ''' (''' n.) To treat with extreme contempt; to make the object of insult; to mock; to scoff at; to deride. </p> <p> '''(2):''' ''' (''' v. i.) To scoff; to mock; to show contumely, derision, or reproach; to act disdainfully. </p> <p> '''(3):''' ''' (''' n.) Extreme and lofty contempt; haughty disregard; that disdain which springs from the opinion of the utter meanness and unworthiness of an object. </p> <p> '''(4):''' ''' (''' n.) An object of extreme disdain, contempt, or derision. </p> <p> '''(5):''' ''' (''' n.) To hold in extreme contempt; to reject as unworthy of regard; to despise; to contemn; to disdain. </p> <p> '''(6):''' ''' (''' n.) An act or expression of extreme contempt. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_7952" /> ==
<p> ''''' skorn ''''' : Fox Talbot connects this English word with the Danish <i> skarn </i> , "dirt," "ordure" "mud," "mire." As distinguished from such words as "mock," "deride," "scoff," all of which refer specifically to the various ways in which scorn finds outward expression, scorn itself denotes a subjective state or reaction. </p> <p> Further, this state or reaction is not simple but complex. It includes a sense of superiority, resentment, and aversion. This reaction occurs when one is confronted with a person or a proposition that by challenging certain things for itself evokes a vivid sense of one's own superiority and awakens mingled resentment, repulsion and contempt by the hollowness of its claims and its intrinsic inferiority or worse. Scorn is a hotter, fiercer emotion than disdain or contempt. It is obvious that <i> scorn </i> may - indeed, it not uncommonly does - arise in connection with an not grounded, arrogant sense of self-esteem. </p> <p> The word, outside of the phrase "laugh to scorn," is found only in the Old Testament, and then only 4 times (&nbsp;Esther 3:6; King James Version, &nbsp;Psalm 44:13; &nbsp;Psalm 79:4; &nbsp;Habakkuk 1:10 ), and it represents three different [[Hebrew]] words for none of which it is a suitable rendering. The two words "thought scorn" in &nbsp;Esther 3:6 represent but one in Hebrew, namely, <i> ''''' bāzāh ''''' </i> , for which "disdain" would be a nearer equivalent. In &nbsp;Habakkuk 1:10 (the King James Version) the word translated "scorn" is <i> ''''' miṣḥāḳ ''''' </i> , "an object of laughter," "laughing-stock." In &nbsp;Psalm 44:13; &nbsp;Psalm 79:4 the Hebrew word is <i> ''''' la‛agh ''''' </i> from a root, probably meaning "to stutter," "stammer," for which "mocking" is a better English equivalent. In the King James Version &nbsp;Job 34:7; &nbsp;Psalm 123:4 , <i> ''''' la‛agh ''''' </i> is rendered "scorning". (the rendering given in &nbsp;Proverbs 1:22 to <i> ''''' lācōn ''''' </i> , a word from a totally different root and one much more nearly approximating the fundamental idea of the English word "Scorn." In &nbsp;Proverbs 29:8 and &nbsp; Isaiah 28:14 <i> ''''' lācōn ''''' </i> is rendered "scornful"). </p> <p> As a verb the word is the translation given to <i> ''''' lā'agh ''''' </i> , "to mock" (&nbsp; 2 Kings 19:21 parallel &nbsp; Isaiah 37:22 &nbsp; Job 22:19; &nbsp;Nehemiah 2:19; &nbsp;Psalm 22:7 , "all laugh to scorn"); <i> ''''' ḳālas ''''' </i> = "to scoff" (&nbsp;Ezekiel 16:31 , margin "Greek: <i> ''''' scoffeth ''''' </i> ," but text still "scorneth"); for the noun <i> ''''' ceḥōḳ ''''' </i> , "laughter" (&nbsp;Ezekiel 23:32 ); <i> ''''' sāḥaḳ ''''' </i> = to laugh," "laugh at" (&nbsp;Job 39:7 , &nbsp;Job 39:18; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 30:10 ), with the noun <i> ''''' seḥōḳ ''''' </i> , "laugh to scorn" (the Revised Version (British and American) "laughing-stock," &nbsp;Job 12:4 ); <i> ''''' lūc ''''' </i> = "to scoff" (as used in ethical and religious connections) (&nbsp;Job 16:20; &nbsp;Proverbs 3:34; &nbsp;Proverbs 9:12 , all "scoff" in the Revised Version (British and American)); in &nbsp;Proverbs 19:28 the Revised Version (British and American), not happily, "mock at." the Revised Version (British and American) is warranted in substituting "scoff" for "scorn" because the context indicates some form of outward expression of the scorn. </p> <p> The Revised Version (British and American) always (except &nbsp;Job 12:4; [[Sirach]] 6:4; 1 Macc 10:70) retains "laugh to scorn" (&nbsp;2 Kings 19:21; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 30:10; &nbsp;Nehemiah 2:19; &nbsp;Job 22:19; &nbsp;Psalm 22:7; &nbsp;Isaiah 37:22; &nbsp;Ezekiel 16:31; &nbsp;Ezekiel 23:32; 2 [[Esdras]] 2:21; [[Judith]] 12:12; The Wisdom of Solomon 4:18; Sirach 7:11; 13:7; 20:17; &nbsp;Matthew 9:24; &nbsp;Mark 5:40; &nbsp;Luke 8:53 ). The verb in [[Apocrypha]] and the New [[Testament]] is usually καταγελάω , <i> ''''' katageláō ''''' </i> , but in The Wisdom of Solomon 4:1 ἐκγελάω , <i> ''''' ekgeláō ''''' </i> ; in Sirach 13:7 καταμωκάομαι , <i> ''''' katamōkámai ''''' </i> ; and in 2 Esdras 2:21 <i> ''''' inrideo ''''' </i> . In addition "scorn" is retained in &nbsp;Esther 3:6; &nbsp;Job 39:7 , &nbsp;Job 39:18; 2 Esdras 8:56 ( <i> ''''' contemno ''''' </i> ). In &nbsp;Proverbs 19:28 "scorn" is changed to "mock at" but elsewhere invariably to "scoff." </p> <p> [[Scorner]] is the translation of the participle of <i> ''''' lūc ''''' </i> and once of the participle of <i> ''''' lācac ''''' </i> . For "scorner" the Revised Version (British and American) everywhere substitutes - properly - "scoffer." Outside of Proverbs (and &nbsp; Hosea 7:5 ) the word is to be found only in &nbsp;Psalm 1:2 . The force of the word has been well indicated by Cheyne, who says that the "scorner (scoffer) is one who despises that which is holy and avoids the company of the noble 'wise men,' but yet in his own vain way seeks for truth; his character is marked by arrogance as that of the wise is characterized by devout caution." </p>
==References ==
==References ==
<ref name="term_57490"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-new-testament/scorn Scorn from Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament]</ref>
<ref name="term_62811"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/king-james-dictionary/scorn Scorn from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_171366"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/scorn Scorn from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_7952"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/scorn Scorn from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_7952"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/scorn Scorn from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>

Latest revision as of 08:18, 15 October 2021

Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [1]

Scorn —Of scorn pure and simple there is remarkably little trace in the recorded words and actions of Jesus Christ. Whereas other teachers of lofty morality have usually treated with some contempt those who made no effort to approach their ideals, Christ’s attitude towards the sinner was uniformly one of sympathetic help. He alone recognized the intimate relation which exists between the Creator and the human race, and His knowledge of this relation and of the possibilities of each individual prevented Him from despising man, whom the Father had made in His own image, however much that image might have been defaced. Thus it is that we never find Him using sarcasm, a form of scorn calculated to wound rather than to improve. Even the εἰρωνεία of Socrates, the affected self-depreciation which threw ridicule upon the egotism of others, has no counterpart in the Gospels. When Jesus used scorn, He employed it as a skilled physician, who wounds with the intention of healing. It is thus that He uses it to the Pharisees, whose cloak of self-righteousness needed to be pierced through with some sharp weapon, if they were to be brought to the state of mind in which they might be capable of any improvement.

1. The scorn of contempt. —A single word of unmitigated contempt is recorded by St. Luke as used by Christ. It occurs in His answer to the threat used by certain Pharisees of danger from Herod Antipas ( Luke 13:31-32). ‘Go ye,’ He said, ‘and tell that she-fox.’ The phrase τῇ ἀλώπεκι ταύτῃ is certainly surprising at first sight, and unlike any other phrase employed by our Lord, not even excepting His comparison of the scribes and Pharisees to ‘whited sepulchres,’ ‘serpents,’ and ‘offspring of vipers’ ( Matthew 23:27;  Matthew 23:33). The fact of the word ἀλώπεκι being in the feminine gender is perhaps only an accident. The word is found, it is true, in the masculine gender in  Song of Solomon 2:15, but it is generally found in the feminine, e.g.  Judges 1:35,  1 Kings 21:10,  Matthew 8:20,  Luke 9:58. The fox was and is a type of knavish craftiness. The particular offence of Herod on this occasion was his crafty endeavour to get rid of an influential preacher of righteousness by uttering a threat by the mouth of others, which he had not the courage himself to carry into effect. He was unwilling to add to the unpopularity caused by his treatment of John the Baptist by a repetition of it in the case of Jesus. No doubt the general character and conduct of Herod helped to suggest the application of the expression,—his unscrupulous nature ( Luke 3:19 περὶ πάντων ὧν ἐποίησε πονηρῶν), his tyranny ( Luke 13:31), his weakness ( Mark 14:9), his profession of Judaism, combined with his heathen practices, his adultery and incest, and his murder of the prophet John. Such is the character which elicits the one recorded word of contemptuous scorn from the lips of Jesus.

2. The scorn of denunciation. —While remarkably free from any contempt for those people who had ideals and failed to reach them ( e.g. the young man with great riches and the Apostle Peter), or for those who from lack of any ideal were for the time outcast from society ( e.g. the despised publicans,  Mark 2:15-17), He showed clearly His contempt for all religious professions and practices which were not of the heart. ‘The vain practices of devotees,’ says Renan, ‘the exterior strictness which trusted to formality for salvation, had in Him a mortal enemy … He preferred forgiveness to sacrifice. The love of God, charity, and mutual forgiveness were His whole law.’ Yet in all His dealings with the systems of the scribes and the teaching of the legal doctors, His words bear little trace of mere contempt, but rather of stern denunciation. His attitude was defined at a comparatively early stage during the ministry in Northern Galilee, when He gave His definition of moral defilement ( Matthew 15:11,  Mark 7:15) by saying, ‘Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth the man; but that which proceedeth out of the mouth, this defileth the man.’ This attitude culminated in the sublime anti-Pharisaic discourse in which the foibles and vices of a degenerate piety were depicted with prophetic plainness and scornful denunciation (Matthew 23; cf. also  Mark 12:38-40 and  Luke 20:45-47).

3. The scorn of silence. —Of all the occasions of scorn displayed by Jesus, none are more marked than those when He met mere captious questions and criticism either by a definite refusal to answer, or by absolute silence. Such an instance is recorded ( Matthew 21:23-27) when Jesus met the question of the chief priests and scribes, ‘By what authority doest thou these things?’ with a counter question, and on their refusal to answer declined in turn to reply to their question. Still more impressive was the silent scorn with which He met His accusers at the various stages of His trial, refusing in turn to answer the accusation of false witnesses ( Matthew 26:60-63,  Mark 14:61) and the questions of the chief priests and elders ( Matthew 27:12,  Mark 15:3;  Mark 15:5), of Herod ( Luke 23:9), and lastly of Pilate himself ( Matthew 27:14,  John 19:9).

In comparing these instances, we find no word used simply for the purpose of causing pain. The contemptuous expression used on the occasion of Herod’s threat is, we have seen, amply justified by the character of the man, and destined to hold up to reprobation so paltry a device and so wretched a personality. In the rest His silence is an expression of His own dignity, and of His refusal to give an answer to questions and charges which were not intended to bring the truth to light, but merely to raise unreasonable prejudice; while His severe attacks on the character of those who were too blinded by their imaginary virtues to try to amend their lives, are wonderful instances of a scorn unmarred by ill-nature and untainted with cynicism.

On scorn of which Christ was the object , see artt. Despise, Mockery, Reproach.

T. Allen Moxon.

King James Dictionary [2]


1. Extreme contempt that disdain which springs from a person's opinion of the meanness of an object, and a consciousness or belief of his own superiority or worth.

He thought scorn to lay hands on Mordecai alone.  Esther 3 .

Every sullen frown and bitter scorn but fann'd the fuel that too fast did burn.

2. A subject of extreme contempt, disdain or derision that which is treated with contempt.

Thou makest us a reproach to our neighbors, a scorn and a derision to them that are around us.  Psalms 44 .

To think scorn, to disdain to despise. obs.

To laugh to scorn, to deride to make a mock of to ridicule as contemptible.

They laughed us to scorn.  Nehemiah 2 .


1. to hold in extreme contempt to despise to contemn to disdain.  Job 16.

Surely he scorneth the scorner but he giveth grace to the lowly.  Proverbs 3 .

2. to think unworth to disdain.

Fame that delights around the world to stray, scorns not to take our Argos in her way.

3. To slight to disregard to neglect.

This my long suff'rance and my day of grace, those who neglect and scorn, shall never taste.

SCORN, To scorn at, to scoff at to treat with contumely, derision or reproach. Obs.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): ( n.) To treat with extreme contempt; to make the object of insult; to mock; to scoff at; to deride.

(2): ( v. i.) To scoff; to mock; to show contumely, derision, or reproach; to act disdainfully.

(3): ( n.) Extreme and lofty contempt; haughty disregard; that disdain which springs from the opinion of the utter meanness and unworthiness of an object.

(4): ( n.) An object of extreme disdain, contempt, or derision.

(5): ( n.) To hold in extreme contempt; to reject as unworthy of regard; to despise; to contemn; to disdain.

(6): ( n.) An act or expression of extreme contempt.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]

skorn  : Fox Talbot connects this English word with the Danish skarn , "dirt," "ordure" "mud," "mire." As distinguished from such words as "mock," "deride," "scoff," all of which refer specifically to the various ways in which scorn finds outward expression, scorn itself denotes a subjective state or reaction.

Further, this state or reaction is not simple but complex. It includes a sense of superiority, resentment, and aversion. This reaction occurs when one is confronted with a person or a proposition that by challenging certain things for itself evokes a vivid sense of one's own superiority and awakens mingled resentment, repulsion and contempt by the hollowness of its claims and its intrinsic inferiority or worse. Scorn is a hotter, fiercer emotion than disdain or contempt. It is obvious that scorn may - indeed, it not uncommonly does - arise in connection with an not grounded, arrogant sense of self-esteem.

The word, outside of the phrase "laugh to scorn," is found only in the Old Testament, and then only 4 times ( Esther 3:6; King James Version,  Psalm 44:13;  Psalm 79:4;  Habakkuk 1:10 ), and it represents three different Hebrew words for none of which it is a suitable rendering. The two words "thought scorn" in  Esther 3:6 represent but one in Hebrew, namely, bāzāh , for which "disdain" would be a nearer equivalent. In  Habakkuk 1:10 (the King James Version) the word translated "scorn" is miṣḥāḳ , "an object of laughter," "laughing-stock." In  Psalm 44:13;  Psalm 79:4 the Hebrew word is la‛agh from a root, probably meaning "to stutter," "stammer," for which "mocking" is a better English equivalent. In the King James Version  Job 34:7;  Psalm 123:4 , la‛agh is rendered "scorning". (the rendering given in  Proverbs 1:22 to lācōn , a word from a totally different root and one much more nearly approximating the fundamental idea of the English word "Scorn." In  Proverbs 29:8 and   Isaiah 28:14 lācōn is rendered "scornful").

As a verb the word is the translation given to lā'agh , "to mock" (  2 Kings 19:21 parallel   Isaiah 37:22   Job 22:19;  Nehemiah 2:19;  Psalm 22:7 , "all laugh to scorn"); ḳālas = "to scoff" ( Ezekiel 16:31 , margin "Greek: scoffeth ," but text still "scorneth"); for the noun ceḥōḳ , "laughter" ( Ezekiel 23:32 ); sāḥaḳ = to laugh," "laugh at" ( Job 39:7 ,  Job 39:18;  2 Chronicles 30:10 ), with the noun seḥōḳ , "laugh to scorn" (the Revised Version (British and American) "laughing-stock,"  Job 12:4 ); lūc = "to scoff" (as used in ethical and religious connections) ( Job 16:20;  Proverbs 3:34;  Proverbs 9:12 , all "scoff" in the Revised Version (British and American)); in  Proverbs 19:28 the Revised Version (British and American), not happily, "mock at." the Revised Version (British and American) is warranted in substituting "scoff" for "scorn" because the context indicates some form of outward expression of the scorn.

The Revised Version (British and American) always (except  Job 12:4; Sirach 6:4; 1 Macc 10:70) retains "laugh to scorn" ( 2 Kings 19:21;  2 Chronicles 30:10;  Nehemiah 2:19;  Job 22:19;  Psalm 22:7;  Isaiah 37:22;  Ezekiel 16:31;  Ezekiel 23:32; 2 Esdras 2:21; Judith 12:12; The Wisdom of Solomon 4:18; Sirach 7:11; 13:7; 20:17;  Matthew 9:24;  Mark 5:40;  Luke 8:53 ). The verb in Apocrypha and the New Testament is usually καταγελάω , katageláō , but in The Wisdom of Solomon 4:1 ἐκγελάω , ekgeláō  ; in Sirach 13:7 καταμωκάομαι , katamōkámai  ; and in 2 Esdras 2:21 inrideo . In addition "scorn" is retained in  Esther 3:6;  Job 39:7 ,  Job 39:18; 2 Esdras 8:56 ( contemno ). In  Proverbs 19:28 "scorn" is changed to "mock at" but elsewhere invariably to "scoff."

Scorner is the translation of the participle of lūc and once of the participle of lācac . For "scorner" the Revised Version (British and American) everywhere substitutes - properly - "scoffer." Outside of Proverbs (and   Hosea 7:5 ) the word is to be found only in  Psalm 1:2 . The force of the word has been well indicated by Cheyne, who says that the "scorner (scoffer) is one who despises that which is holy and avoids the company of the noble 'wise men,' but yet in his own vain way seeks for truth; his character is marked by arrogance as that of the wise is characterized by devout caution."
