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Plant <ref name="term_56214" />  
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_78722" /> ==
<p> Under this general term we classify and explain the several plants mentioned in Scripture, as edible, flowering, or medicinal, in order. </p> <p> I. Edible Plants. — Among these, with which we number also aromas and spices, may be noticed: </p> <p> 1. Anise, Gr. ἄνηθον, which means rather dill; an aromatic herb mentioned by [[Christ]] ( Matthew 23:23). (See [[Anise]]). </p> <p> 2. Barley, the frequent rendering of the [[Hebrew]] seorah', שְׂעֹרָה, and of the [[Greek]] κριθή , as in Revelation 6:6; John 6:9; John 6:13. (See [[Barley]]). </p> <p> 3. Bean, Heb. po, פּוֹל, as in 2 Samuel 17:28; Ezekiel 4:9. (See [[Bean]]). </p> <p> 4. Caper-berry, Heb. abiyonah', אֲבַיּוֹנָה, desire ( Ecclesiastes 12:5). (See [[Caper-Plant]]). </p> <p> 5. [[Cinnamon]] is the rendering of the Hebrew kinnamon', קַנָּמוֹן ( Exodus 30:23), and of the Greek κινάμωμον ( Revelation 18:13). (See [[Cinnamon]]). </p> <p> 6. [[Coriander]] represents the Hebrew gad, גִּד, in most ancient versions, as the Sept. and Vulg., in Exodus 16:31; Numbers 11:7; but the Chaldee and [[Samaritan]] vary. (See [[Coriander]]). </p> <p> 7. [[Cucumber]] translates the Hebrew kisshu, קַשֻּׁא ( Numbers 11:5); and wild cucumbers appear to be meant in 2 Kings 4:39bypakkuoth', פִּקֻעוֹת, where our version has wild gourds. (See [[Cucumber]]); (See [[Gourd]]). </p> <p> 8. [[Cummin]] stands for the Hebrew kammon, כִּמּן ( Isaiah 28:25; Isaiah 28:27); and in the New Test. for the Greek κύμινον, which is simply an adoption of the Hebrew. (See [[Cummin]]). </p> <p> 9. Doves' dung our version gives for charey yonim, חֲרֵי יוֹנַים, which is probably some kind of vegetable food, perhaps kali, though the rendering given is the literal translation ( 2 Kings 6:25). (See [[Doves Dung]]). </p> <p> 10. [[Fitches]] is given by the A. V. in Isaiah 28:25; Isaiah 28:27 for the Hebrew ketsach, קֶצִח, which, according to the Sept., Vulg., and rabbins, is a kind of fennel flower, as black cummin. In Ezekiel 4:9 the word kusse'meth, כֻּסֶמֶת, is rendered fitchles, but it seems to mean properly snelt. (See [[Fitches]]); (See [[Rye]]). </p> <p> 11. [[Garlic]] is the Hebrew שׁוּם, shuim ( Numbers 11:5). (See [[Garlic]]). </p> <p> 12. Gourd. (See [[Cucumber]]); (See [[Gourd]]). </p> <p> 13. [[Grape]] is the rendering of several Hebrew words; some of them distinguishing particular kinds or qualities: </p> <p> (a) beiishtm. בְּאֻשַׁים ( Isaiah 5:2; Isaiah 5:4), wild grapes, i.e. bad grapes. [[Aquila]] has σαπρίαι, Symm. ἀτελῆ . </p> <p> (b) Bo'ser, בֹּסֶר ( Isaiah 18:5; Jeremiah 31:24; Jeremiah 31:30; Ezekiel 18:2), sour or unripe grapes; Sept. ὄμφαξ. </p> <p> (c) Chartsdn, חִרְצִן, sour grapes, kernels ( Numbers 6:4), and of the Greek σταφυλή , bunch of grapes ( Matthew 7:16; Luke 6:44; Revelation 14:18). (See [[Grape]]). </p> <p> 14. Leek (in Numbers 11:5) renders חָצַיר, chatsir', which elsewhere is translated grass, i.e. greens. (See [[Grass]]); (See [[Leeks]]). </p> <p> 15. Lentil renders Heb. adash', עָדָשׁ ( [[Genesis]] 25:34; 2 Samuel 17:28; 2 Samuel 23:11; Ezekiel 4:9). (See Lentil). </p> <p> 16. [[Mallows]] is for the Heb. malluach, מִלּוּחִ, properly sea pu r slain ( Job 30:4). (See [[Mallows]]). </p> <p> 17. [[Mandrake]] is the Heb. dudaim, דּוּדָאַים, love-apples ( Genesis 30:14 : Song of [[Solomon]] 7:13). (See [[Mandrake]]). </p> <p> 18. Manna, Heb. man, מָן, a sweet resin distilling from the leaves of tamarisk trees, of several species, especially the tamarix Gallica mannifera, from punctures made by an insect, the coccus manniparus. (See [[Manna]]). </p> <p> 19. [[Melon]] is found in Numbers 11:5 as the rendering of the Hebrew abattichim', אֲבִטַּיחַים . (See [[Melon]]). </p> <p> 20. [[Millet]] (in Ezekiel 4:9) represents the Hebrew dochan, דֹחָן; it is the holchuis dochna (Linn.). (See [[Millet]]). </p> <p> 21. Mint (in Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42) is the Greek ἡδύοσμον, i.e. sweet-scented; the mentha virides of Linn. (See [[Mint]]). </p> <p> 22. [[Mustard]] (in Matthew 13:31; Matthew 17:20; Mark 4:31; Luke 13:19; Luke 17:6) is the Greek σίναπι; the sinapis orientalis. (See [[Mustard]]). </p> <p> 23. [[Olive]] universally is given in the A.V. where the Hebrew za'yith, זִיַת, is used. In 1 Kings 6:23 the word olive-tree renders the Heb. ets-shemen, </p> <p> עֵצ שֶמֶן , lit. the tree of fatness. The same expression is rendered oiltree (Isaiah 4:19) and pine ( Nehemiah 8:15). (See [[Olive]]). </p> <p> 24. [[Onion]] is in Heb. be'tsel, בֶּצֶל, as Numbers 11:5. (See [[Onion]]). </p> <p> 25. Parched-corn is the Heb. kali, קִלַי or קָלַיא; it is wheat or barley roasted in the ear and then rubbed out; perhaps occasionally some kind of pulse ( 1 Samuel 17:17). (See Parched-Corn). </p> <p> 26. Pistachio-nuts, in Heb. botnim', בָּטְנַם ( Genesis 43:11), a kind of nut of oblong shape, and taking this name from beten, בֶּטֶן, the belly, in allusion to their form. (See [[Nuts]]). </p> <p> 27. [[Pomegranate]] renders the Heb. rimmon, רַמּוֹן, in many passages. (See [[Pomegranate]]). </p> <p> 28. [[Purslain]] is the Heb. challamuth', חִלָּמוּת, according to the Syriac. Our version has egg ( Job 6:6), "white of an egg," which is certainly wrong. See Gesen. Thesaur. s.v., and (See [[Purslain]]). </p> <p> 29. Raisins, bunches of ( 1 Samuel 25:18; 1 Samuel 30:12; 2 Samuel 16:1; 1 Chronicles 12:40), translates the Heb. tsimmtik, צַמּוּק. (See [[Raisins]]). </p> <p> 30. Rye (in Exodus 9:32; Isaiah 28:25) translates the Heb. kussemeth, כֻּסֶמֶת, which means a smooth grain, spelt. See No. 10, above, and (See [[Rye]]). </p> <p> 31. Vine, Heb. sorek, שׂרֶק, or sorekdh, שׂרֶקָה, is a peculiar kind of grapevine. Thus, choice vine ( Genesis 49:11); choicest vine ( Isaiah 5:2); noble vine ( Jeremiah 2:21. (See [[Vine]]). </p> <p> 32. [[Wheat]] in general is the Heb. chittah, חַטָּה, of which the plural in Chaldee is chintim', חַנְטַים, as Ezra 6:9; Ezra 7:22; and in the New Test. is σῖτος, a general name for grain, which is also rendered "corn" ( Mark 4:28; Acts 7:12). </p> <p> II. Among flowering plants we notice the following: </p> <p> 1. Lily is the Heb. shushan', שׁוֹשִׁן ( 1 Kings 7:19), and shoshan, שׁוֹשִׁן ( Song of Solomon 2:16; Song of Solomon 4:5; Song of Solomon 5:13; Song of Solomon 6:2-3; Song of Solomon 7:3; 1 Kings 7:22; 1 Kings 7:26). The word means a musical instrument shaped like a lily, as Psalms 60:1; Psalms 69:1. Also Heb. shoshannah, שׁוֹשִׁנָּה, but only in the first sense, as 2 Chronicles 4:5; Song of Solomon 2:1-2; Hosea 14:6. (See [[Lily]]); (See [[Musical Instruments]]). </p> <p> 2. [[Myrtle]] (in Nehemiah 8:15; Isaiah 41:19; Zechariah 1:8; Zechariah 1:10-11) represents the Heb. hadds, הֲדִס . (See [[Myrtle]]). </p> <p> 3. Rose, Heb. chabatstseleth, חֲבִצֶּלֶת, is properly the meadow saffron (colchicum autumale, Linn.) ( Song of Solomon 2:1; Isaiah 35:1). (See [[Rose]]). </p> <p> 4. Saffron, Heb. karknm, כִּרְכֹּם; Sept. κρόκος ( Song of Solomon 4:14), may refer to both kinds of saffron, the common and the Indian. (See [[Saffron]]). </p> <p> 5. Sedge, Heb. אָחוּ, csm, rendered meadow in Genesis 41:2; Genesis 41:18, flag in Job 8:11, is an [[Egyptian]] word, applied to all kinds of grassy growth in marshes. (See [[Reed]]). </p> <p> 6. Tare is the Greek ζιζάνιον, properly darnel ( Matthew 13:25 sq.). (See Tare). </p> <p> 7. [[Thorn]] is the translation of many Hebrew words, for the meanings of which (See [[Thorn]]). </p> <p> III. Of medicinal plants we name the following: </p> <p> 1. Balm, "balm of Gilead," Heb. tsori', צַרַי, opobalsamum ( Genesis 43:11; Genesis 37:25; Jeremiah 8:22; Jeremiah 46:11; Jeremiah 51:8; Ezekiel 27:17). (See [[Balm]]). </p> <p> 2. Camphire, Heb. kopher, כֹּפֶר, rendered pitch ( Genesis 6:14); in Song of Solomon 1:14; Song of Solomon 4:13, refers to the el-henna of the Arabs, a shrub with fragrant white flowers. (See [[Camphire]]); (See [[Pitch]]). </p> <p> 3. Hyssop, Heb. ezob, אֵזוֹב, and Greek ὕσωπος . (See [[Hyssop]]). </p> <p> 4. Myrrh, Heb. lot, לֹט, a fragrant resinous gum from the leaves of a shrub, the cistus ladanifera. Sept. and Vulg. stacte, myrrh ( Genesis 37:25; Genesis 43:11). Also Heb. mor, מֹר or מוֹר, a bitter aromatic resin distilling in tears from a tree, the balsamodendron myrrha. (See [[Myrrh]]). </p> <p> 5. Rue, Greek πήγανον, the ruta graveolens of Linn. (See [[Rue]]). See, for the plants of [[Palestine]] in general, (See [[Botany]]). </p>
<div> '''A — 1: '''''Φυτεία''''' ''' (Strong'S #5451 — Noun [[Feminine]] — phuteia — foo-ti'-ah ) </div> <p> firstly, "a planting," then "that which is planted, a plant" (from phuo, "to bring forth, spring up, grow," phuton, "a plant"), occurs in &nbsp;Matthew 15:13 . In the Sept., &nbsp;2—Kings 19:29; &nbsp;Ezekiel 17:7; &nbsp;Micah 1:6 . </p> <div> '''B — 1: '''''Φυτεύω''''' ''' (Strong'S #5452 — Verb — phuteuo — foot-yoo'-o ) </div> <p> "to plant," is used (a) literally, &nbsp;Matthew 21:33; &nbsp;Mark 12:1; &nbsp;Luke 13:6; &nbsp;17:6,28; &nbsp;20:9; &nbsp;1—Corinthians 9:7; (b) metaphorically, &nbsp;Matthew 15:13; &nbsp;1—Corinthians 3:6,7,8 . </p> <div> '''C — 1: '''''Σύμφυτος''''' ''' (Strong'S #4854 — Adjective — sumphutos — soom'-foo-tos ) </div> <p> firstly, "congenital, innate" (from sumphuo, "to make to grow together"), then, "planted" or "grown along with, united with," &nbsp;Romans 6:5 , AV, "planted together," RV, "united with Him," indicating the union of the believer with Christ in experiencing spiritually "the likeness of His death." See United. Cp. emphutos, &nbsp; James 1:21 , RV, "implanted" (marg., "inborn"). See Engrafted. </p>
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_62028" /> ==
<p> [[Plant]] n. L. planta splendeo, splendor. </p> 1. A vegetable an organic body, destitute of sense and spontaneous motion, adhering to another body in such a manner as to draw from it its nourishment, and having the power of propagating itself by seeds "whose seed is in itself." &nbsp;Genesis 1 This definition may not be perfectly correct, as it respects all plants, for some marine plants grow without being attached to any fixed body. <p> The woody or dicotyledonous plants consist of three parts the bark or exterior coat, which covers the wood the wood which is hard and constitutes the principal part and the pith or center of the stem. In monocotyledonous plants, the ligneous or fibrous parts, and the pithy or parenchymatous, are equally distributed through the whole internal substance and in the lower plants, funguses, sea weed, &c. the substance is altogether parenchymatous. By means of proper vessels, the nourishing juices are distributed to every part of the plant. In its most general sense, plant comprehends all vegetables, trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, &c. In popular language,the word is generally applied to the smaller species of vegetables. </p> 2. A sapling. 3. In Scripture, a child a descendant the inhabitant of a country. &nbsp;Psalms 144; &nbsp;Jeremiah 48 4. The sole of the foot. Little used. <p> Sea-plant, a plant that grows in the sea or in salt water sea weed. </p> <p> Sensitive plant, a plant that shrinks on being touched,the mimosa. </p> <p> PLANT, To put in the ground and cover, as seed for growth as, to plant maiz. </p> 1. To set in the ground for growth, as a young tree or a vegetable with roots. 2. To engender to set the germ of any thing that may increase. <p> It engenders choler, planteth anger. </p> 3. To set to fix. <p> His standard planted on Laurentum's towers. </p> 4. To settle to fix the first inhabitants to establish as, to plant a colony. 5. To furnish with plants to lay out and prepare with plants as, to plant a garden or an orchard. 6. To set and direct or point as, to plant cannon against a fort. 7. To introduce and establish as, to plant christianity among the heathen. <p> I have planted, [[Apollos]] watered, but God gave the increase. &nbsp;1 Corinthians 3 </p> 8. To unite to Christ and fix in a state of fellowship with him. &nbsp;Psalms 92 <p> PLANT, To perform the act of planting. </p>
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_157776" /> ==
<p> '''(1):''' ''' (''' n.) To furnish with a fixed and organized population; to settle; to establish; as, to plant a colony. </p> <p> '''(2):''' ''' (''' n.) To furnish, or fit out, with plants; as, to plant a garden, an orchard, or a forest. </p> <p> '''(3):''' ''' (''' n.) To set in the ground for growth, as a young tree, or a vegetable with roots. </p> <p> '''(4):''' ''' (''' n.) A young oyster suitable for transplanting. </p> <p> '''(5):''' ''' (''' v. i.) To perform the act of planting. </p> <p> '''(6):''' ''' (''' n.) To set up; to install; to instate. </p> <p> '''(7):''' ''' (''' n.) To set firmly; to fix; to set and direct, or point; as, to plant cannon against a fort; to plant a standard in any place; to plant one's feet on solid ground; to plant one's fist in another's face. </p> <p> '''(8):''' ''' (''' n.) To introduce and establish the principles or seeds of; as, to plant [[Christianity]] among the heathen. </p> <p> '''(9):''' ''' (''' n.) To engender; to generate; to set the germ of. </p> <p> '''(10):''' ''' (''' n.) A plan; an artifice; a swindle; a trick. </p> <p> '''(11):''' ''' (''' n.) An oyster which has been bedded, in distinction from one of natural growth. </p> <p> '''(12):''' ''' (''' n.) To put in the ground and cover, as seed for growth; as, to plant maize. </p> <p> '''(13):''' ''' (''' n.) A vegetable; an organized living being, generally without feeling and voluntary motion, and having, when complete, a root, stem, and leaves, though consisting sometimes only of a single leafy expansion, or a series of cellules, or even a single cellule. </p> <p> '''(14):''' ''' (''' n.) A bush, or young tree; a sapling; hence, a stick or staff. </p> <p> '''(15):''' ''' (''' n.) The sole of the foot. </p> <p> '''(16):''' ''' (''' n.) The whole machinery and apparatus employed in carrying on a trade or mechanical business; also, sometimes including real estate, and whatever represents investment of capital in the means of carrying on a business, but not including material worked upon or finished products; as, the plant of a foundry, a mill, or a railroad. </p>
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of OT Words <ref name="term_76462" /> ==
<p> <em> Nâṭa‛ </em> ( '''''נָטַע''''' , Strong'S #5193), “to plant.” Common in both ancient and modern Hebrew, this word is also found in ancient Ugaritic. It occurs approximately 60 times in the [[Hebrew]] Old Testament. The word is used for the first time in the text in Gen. 2:8: “And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden.…” The regular word for planting trees and vineyards, <em> nâṭa‛ </em> is used figuratively of planting people: “Yet I had planted thee [Judah] a noble vine …” (Jer. 2:21). This use is a close parallel to the famous “Song of the Vineyard” (Isa. 5:1-10) where [[Israel]] and Judah are called God’s “pleasant planting” (Isa. 5:7, RSV). <em> Nâṭa‛ </em> is used in Isa. 17:10 in an unusual description of idolatry: “… Therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set it with strange slips.” The NEB (much like the JB) translates more specifically: “Plant them, if you will, your gardens in honor of Adonis” (Adonis was the god of vegetation). “To plant” sometimes has the meaning of “to establish.” Thus, God promises in the latter days, “I will plant them upon their land” (Amos 9:15). </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_56214" /> ==
<p> Under this general term we classify and explain the several plants mentioned in Scripture, as edible, flowering, or medicinal, in order. </p> <p> '''I.''' ''Edible Plants. '''''—''''' Among'' these, with which we number also aromas and spices, may be noticed: </p> <p> '''1.''' ''Anise,'' Gr. '''''Ἄνηθον''''' , which means rather ''Dill;'' an aromatic herb mentioned by Christ (&nbsp;Matthew 23:23). (See [[Anise]]). </p> <p> '''2.''' ''Barley,'' the frequent rendering of the Hebrew ''Seorah','' '''''שְׂעֹרָה''''' , and of the Greek '''''Κριθή''''' '','' as in &nbsp;Revelation 6:6; &nbsp;John 6:9; &nbsp;John 6:13. (See [[Barley]]). </p> <p> '''3.''' ''Bean,'' Heb. ''Po,'' '''''פּוֹל''''' , as in &nbsp;2 Samuel 17:28; &nbsp;Ezekiel 4:9. (See [[Bean]]). </p> <p> '''4.''' ''Caper-Berry,'' Heb. ''Abiyonah','' '''''אֲבַיּוֹנָה''''' , [[Desire]] (&nbsp;Ecclesiastes 12:5). (See [[Caper-Plant]]). </p> <p> '''5.''' [[Cinnamon]] is the rendering of the Hebrew ''Kinnamon','' '''''קַנָּמוֹן''''' (&nbsp;Exodus 30:23), and of the Greek '''''Κινάμωμον''''' (&nbsp;Revelation 18:13). (See Cinnamon). </p> <p> '''6.''' [[Coriander]] represents the Hebrew [[Gad]] , '''''גִּד''''' , in most ancient versions, as the Sept. and Vulg., in &nbsp;Exodus 16:31; &nbsp;Numbers 11:7; but the [[Chaldee]] and [[Samaritan]] vary. (See Coriander). </p> <p> '''7.''' [[Cucumber]] translates the Hebrew ''Kisshu,'' '''''קַשֻּׁא''''' (&nbsp;Numbers 11:5); and ''Wild Cucumbers'' appear to be meant in &nbsp;2 Kings 4:39bypakkuoth', פִּקֻעוֹת, where our version has ''Wild Gourds.'' (See Cucumber); (See [[Gourd]]). </p> <p> '''8.''' [[Cummin]] stands for the Hebrew ''Kammon,'' '''''כִּמּן''''' (&nbsp;Isaiah 28:25; &nbsp;Isaiah 28:27); and in the New Test. for the Greek '''''Κύμινον''''' , which is simply an adoption of the Hebrew. (See Cummin). </p> <p> '''9.''' [[Doves' Dung]] our version gives for ''Charey Yonim,'' '''''חֲרֵי''''' '''''יוֹנַים''''' , which is probably some kind of vegetable food, perhaps ''Kali,'' though the rendering given is the literal translation (&nbsp;2 Kings 6:25). (See [[Doves Dung]]). </p> <p> '''10.''' [[Fitches]] is given by the A. V. in &nbsp;Isaiah 28:25; &nbsp;Isaiah 28:27 for the Hebrew ''Ketsach,'' '''''קֶצִח''''' , which, according to the Sept., Vulg., and rabbins, is a kind of fennel flower, as black cummin. In &nbsp;Ezekiel 4:9 the word ''Kusse'Meth, '''''כֻּסֶמֶת''''' '' , is rendered fitchles, but it seems to mean properly ''Snelt.'' (See Fitches); (See Rye). </p> <p> '''11.''' [[Garlic]] is the Hebrew '''''שׁוּם''''' , ''Shuim'' (&nbsp;Numbers 11:5). (See Garlic). </p> <p> '''12.''' ''Gourd.'' (See Cucumber); (See Gourd). </p> <p> '''13.''' [[Grape]] is the rendering of several Hebrew words; some of them distinguishing particular kinds or qualities: </p> <p> '''(a)''' ''Beiishtm.'' '''''בְּאֻשַׁים''''' (&nbsp;Isaiah 5:2; &nbsp;Isaiah 5:4), ''Wild Grapes,'' i.e. ''Bad Grapes.'' [[Aquila]] has '''''Σαπρίαι''''' , Symm. '''''Ἀτελῆ''''' . </p> <p> '''(b)''' ''Bo'Ser,'' '''''בֹּסֶר''''' (&nbsp;Isaiah 18:5; &nbsp;Jeremiah 31:24; &nbsp;Jeremiah 31:30; &nbsp;Ezekiel 18:2), sour or unripe grapes; Sept. '''''Ὄμφαξ''''' . </p> <p> '''(c)''' ''Chartsdn,'' '''''חִרְצִן''''' , sour grapes, kernels (&nbsp;Numbers 6:4), and of the Greek '''''Σταφυλή''''' '', [[Bunch]] Of Grapes'' (&nbsp;Matthew 7:16; &nbsp;Luke 6:44; &nbsp;Revelation 14:18). (See Grape). </p> <p> '''14.''' [[Leek]] (in &nbsp;Numbers 11:5) renders '''''חָצַיר''''' , chatsir', which elsewhere is translated ''Grass,'' i.e. ''Greens.'' (See [[Grass]]); (See [[Leeks]]). </p> <p> '''15.''' [[Lentil]] renders Heb. ''Adash','' '''''עָדָשׁ''''' (&nbsp;Genesis 25:34; &nbsp;2 Samuel 17:28; &nbsp;2 Samuel 23:11; &nbsp;Ezekiel 4:9). (See Lentil). </p> <p> '''16.''' [[Mallows]] is for the Heb. ''Malluach,'' '''''מִלּוּחִ''''' , properly ''Sea Pu'' ''R'' [[Slain]] (&nbsp;Job 30:4). (See Mallows). </p> <p> '''17.''' [[Mandrake]] is the Heb. ''Dudaim,'' '''''דּוּדָאַים''''' , love-apples (&nbsp;Genesis 30:14 : &nbsp;Song of [[Solomon]] 7:13). (See Mandrake). </p> <p> '''18.''' ''Manna,'' Heb. ''Man,'' '''''מָן''''' , a sweet resin distilling from the leaves of tamarisk trees, of several species, especially the ''Tamarix Gallica Mannifera,'' from punctures made by an insect, the ''Coccus Manniparus.'' (See [[Manna]]). </p> <p> '''19.''' [[Melon]] is found in &nbsp;Numbers 11:5 as the rendering of the Hebrew abattichim', '''''אֲבִטַּיחַים''''' . (See Melon). </p> <p> '''20.''' [[Millet]] (in &nbsp;Ezekiel 4:9) represents the Hebrew ''Dochan,'' '''''דֹחָן''''' ; it is the holchuis dochna (Linn.). (See Millet). </p> <p> '''21.''' [[Mint]] (in &nbsp;Matthew 23:23; &nbsp;Luke 11:42) is the Greek '''''Ἡδύοσμον''''' , i.e. sweet-scented; the mentha virides of Linn. (See Mint). </p> <p> '''22.''' [[Mustard]] (in &nbsp;Matthew 13:31; &nbsp;Matthew 17:20; &nbsp;Mark 4:31; &nbsp;Luke 13:19; &nbsp;Luke 17:6) is the Greek '''''Σίναπι''''' ; the ''Sinapis Orientalis.'' (See Mustard). </p> <p> '''23.''' [[Olive]] universally is given in the A.V. where the Hebrew ''Za'Yith'' , '''''זִיַת''''' , is used. In &nbsp;1 Kings 6:23 the word [[Olive-Tree]] renders the Heb. ''Ets-Shemen,'' </p> <p> '''''עֵצ''''' '''''שֶמֶן''''' '','' lit. ''The Tree Of Fatness.'' The same expression is rendered ''Oiltree'' (Isaiah 4:19) and [[Pine]] (&nbsp;Nehemiah 8:15). (See Olive). </p> <p> '''24.''' [[Onion]] is in Heb. ''Be'Tsel,'' '''''בֶּצֶל''''' , as &nbsp;Numbers 11:5. (See Onion). </p> <p> '''25.''' ''Parched-Corn'' is the Heb. ''Kali,'' '''''קִלַי''''' or '''''קָלַיא''''' ; it is wheat or barley roasted in the ear and then rubbed out; perhaps occasionally some kind of pulse (&nbsp;1 Samuel 17:17). (See Parched-Corn). </p> <p> '''26.''' ''Pistachio-Nuts,'' in Heb. ''Botnim','' '''''בָּטְנַם''''' (&nbsp;Genesis 43:11), a kind of nut of oblong shape, and taking this name from ''Beten, '''''בֶּטֶן''''' , The Belly,'' in allusion to their form. (See [[Nuts]]). </p> <p> '''27.''' [[Pomegranate]] renders the Heb. ''Rimmon,'' '''''רַמּוֹן''''' , in many passages. (See Pomegranate). </p> <p> '''28.''' ''Purslain'' is the Heb. ''Challamuth','' '''''חִלָּמוּת''''' , according to the Syriac. Our version has [[Egg]] (&nbsp;Job 6:6), ''"White Of An Egg,"'' which is certainly wrong. See Gesen. ''Thesaur.'' s.v., and (See Purslain). </p> <p> '''29.''' ''Raisins, Bunches Of'' (&nbsp;1 Samuel 25:18; &nbsp;1 Samuel 30:12; &nbsp;2 Samuel 16:1; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 12:40), translates the Heb. ''Tsimmtik,'' '''''צַמּוּק''''' . (See [[Raisins]]). </p> <p> '''30.''' [[Rye]] (in &nbsp;Exodus 9:32; &nbsp;Isaiah 28:25) translates the Heb. ''Kussemeth,'' '''''כֻּסֶמֶת''''' , which means a smooth grain, ''Spelt.'' See No. 10, above, and (See Rye). </p> <p> '''31.''' ''Vine,'' Heb. ''Sorek,'' '''''שׂרֶק''''' , or ''Sorekdh, '''''שׂרֶקָה''''' '' , is a peculiar kind of grapevine. Thus, ''Choice Vine'' (&nbsp;Genesis 49:11); ''Choicest Vine'' (&nbsp;Isaiah 5:2); noble vine (&nbsp;Jeremiah 2:21. (See [[Vine]]). </p> <p> '''32.''' [[Wheat]] in general is the Heb. ''Chittah,'' '''''חַטָּה''''' , of which the plural in Chaldee is ''Chintim', '''''חַנְטַים''''' '' , as &nbsp;Ezra 6:9; &nbsp;Ezra 7:22; and in the New Test. is '''''Σῖτος''''' , a general name for grain, which is also rendered "corn" (&nbsp;Mark 4:28; &nbsp;Acts 7:12). </p> <p> '''II.''' ''Among Flowering Plants'' we notice the following: </p> <p> '''1.''' [[Lily]] is the Heb. ''Shushan','' '''''שׁוֹשִׁן''''' (&nbsp;1 Kings 7:19), and ''Shoshan, '''''שׁוֹשִׁן''''' '' (&nbsp;Song of Solomon 2:16; &nbsp;Song of Solomon 4:5; &nbsp;Song of Solomon 5:13; &nbsp;Song of Solomon 6:2-3; &nbsp;Song of Solomon 7:3; &nbsp;1 Kings 7:22; &nbsp;1 Kings 7:26). The word means a musical instrument shaped like a lily, as &nbsp;Psalms 60:1; &nbsp;Psalms 69:1. Also Heb. shoshannah, '''''שׁוֹשִׁנָּה''''' , but only in the first sense, as &nbsp;2 Chronicles 4:5; &nbsp;Song of Solomon 2:1-2; &nbsp;Hosea 14:6. (See Lily); (See [[Musical Instruments]]). </p> <p> '''2.''' [[Myrtle]] (in &nbsp;Nehemiah 8:15; &nbsp;Isaiah 41:19; &nbsp;Zechariah 1:8; &nbsp;Zechariah 1:10-11) represents the Heb. hadds, '''''הֲדִס''''' . (See Myrtle). </p> <p> '''3.''' ''Rose,'' Heb. ''Chabatstseleth,'' '''''חֲבִצֶּלֶת''''' , is properly ''The Meadow Saffron (Colchicum Autumale,'' Linn.) (&nbsp;Song of Solomon 2:1; &nbsp;Isaiah 35:1). (See [[Rose]]). </p> <p> '''4.''' ''Saffron,'' Heb. ''Karknm,'' '''''כִּרְכֹּם''''' ; Sept. '''''Κρόκος''''' (&nbsp;Song of Solomon 4:14), may refer to both kinds of saffron, the common and the Indian. (See [[Saffron]]). </p> <p> '''5.''' ''Sedge,'' Heb. '''''אָחוּ''''' , csm, rendered [[Meadow]] in &nbsp;Genesis 41:2; &nbsp;Genesis 41:18, [[Flag]] in &nbsp;Job 8:11, is an [[Egyptian]] word, applied to all kinds of grassy growth in marshes. (See [[Reed]]). </p> <p> '''6.''' [[Tare]] is the Greek '''''Ζιζάνιον''''' , properly ''Darnel'' (&nbsp;Matthew 13:25 sq.). (See Tare). </p> <p> '''7.''' [[Thorn]] is the translation of many Hebrew words, for the meanings of which (See Thorn). </p> <p> '''III.''' Of ''Medicinal Plants'' we name the following: </p> <p> '''1.''' ''Balm, "Balm Of Gilead,"'' Heb. ''Tsori','' '''''צַרַי''''' , opobalsamum (&nbsp;Genesis 43:11; &nbsp;Genesis 37:25; &nbsp;Jeremiah 8:22; &nbsp;Jeremiah 46:11; &nbsp;Jeremiah 51:8; &nbsp;Ezekiel 27:17). (See [[Balm]]). </p> <p> '''2.''' ''Camphire,'' Heb. ''Kopher,'' '''''כֹּפֶר''''' , rendered [[Pitch]] (&nbsp;Genesis 6:14); in &nbsp;Song of Solomon 1:14; &nbsp;Song of Solomon 4:13, refers to the ''El-Henna'' of the Arabs, a shrub with fragrant white flowers. (See [[Camphire]]); (See Pitch). </p> <p> '''3.''' ''Hyssop,'' Heb. ''Ezob,'' '''''אֵזוֹב''''' , and Greek '''''Ὕσωπος''''' . (See [[Hyssop]]). </p> <p> '''4.''' ''Myrrh,'' Heb. ''Lot,'' '''''לֹט''''' , a fragrant resinous gum from the leaves of a shrub, the ''Cistus Ladanifera.'' Sept. and Vulg. ''Stacte, Myrrh'' (&nbsp;Genesis 37:25; &nbsp;Genesis 43:11). Also Heb. mor, '''''מֹר''''' or '''''מוֹר''''' , a bitter aromatic resin distilling in tears from a tree, the ''Balsamodendron Myrrha.'' (See [[Myrrh]]). </p> <p> '''5.''' ''Rue,'' Greek '''''Πήγανον''''' , the ''Ruta Graveolens'' of Linn. (See [[Rue]]). See, for the plants of [[Palestine]] in general, (See [[Botany]]). </p>
==References ==
==References ==
<ref name="term_78722"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/vine-s-expository-dictionary-of-nt-words/plant Plant from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words]</ref>
<ref name="term_62028"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/king-james-dictionary/plant Plant from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_157776"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/plant Plant from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_76462"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/vine-s-expository-dictionary-of-ot-words/plant Plant from Vine's Expository Dictionary of OT Words]</ref>
<ref name="term_56214"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/plant Plant from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_56214"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/plant Plant from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>

Latest revision as of 13:42, 14 October 2021

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

A — 1: Φυτεία (Strong'S #5451 — Noun Feminine — phuteia — foo-ti'-ah )

firstly, "a planting," then "that which is planted, a plant" (from phuo, "to bring forth, spring up, grow," phuton, "a plant"), occurs in  Matthew 15:13 . In the Sept.,  2—Kings 19:29;  Ezekiel 17:7;  Micah 1:6 .

B — 1: Φυτεύω (Strong'S #5452 — Verb — phuteuo — foot-yoo'-o )

"to plant," is used (a) literally,  Matthew 21:33;  Mark 12:1;  Luke 13:6;  17:6,28;  20:9;  1—Corinthians 9:7; (b) metaphorically,  Matthew 15:13;  1—Corinthians 3:6,7,8 .

C — 1: Σύμφυτος (Strong'S #4854 — Adjective — sumphutos — soom'-foo-tos )

firstly, "congenital, innate" (from sumphuo, "to make to grow together"), then, "planted" or "grown along with, united with,"  Romans 6:5 , AV, "planted together," RV, "united with Him," indicating the union of the believer with Christ in experiencing spiritually "the likeness of His death." See United. Cp. emphutos,   James 1:21 , RV, "implanted" (marg., "inborn"). See Engrafted.

King James Dictionary [2]

Plant n. L. planta splendeo, splendor.

1. A vegetable an organic body, destitute of sense and spontaneous motion, adhering to another body in such a manner as to draw from it its nourishment, and having the power of propagating itself by seeds "whose seed is in itself."  Genesis 1 This definition may not be perfectly correct, as it respects all plants, for some marine plants grow without being attached to any fixed body.

The woody or dicotyledonous plants consist of three parts the bark or exterior coat, which covers the wood the wood which is hard and constitutes the principal part and the pith or center of the stem. In monocotyledonous plants, the ligneous or fibrous parts, and the pithy or parenchymatous, are equally distributed through the whole internal substance and in the lower plants, funguses, sea weed, &c. the substance is altogether parenchymatous. By means of proper vessels, the nourishing juices are distributed to every part of the plant. In its most general sense, plant comprehends all vegetables, trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, &c. In popular language,the word is generally applied to the smaller species of vegetables.

2. A sapling. 3. In Scripture, a child a descendant the inhabitant of a country.  Psalms 144;  Jeremiah 48 4. The sole of the foot. Little used.

Sea-plant, a plant that grows in the sea or in salt water sea weed.

Sensitive plant, a plant that shrinks on being touched,the mimosa.

PLANT, To put in the ground and cover, as seed for growth as, to plant maiz.

1. To set in the ground for growth, as a young tree or a vegetable with roots. 2. To engender to set the germ of any thing that may increase.

It engenders choler, planteth anger.

3. To set to fix.

His standard planted on Laurentum's towers.

4. To settle to fix the first inhabitants to establish as, to plant a colony. 5. To furnish with plants to lay out and prepare with plants as, to plant a garden or an orchard. 6. To set and direct or point as, to plant cannon against a fort. 7. To introduce and establish as, to plant christianity among the heathen.

I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.  1 Corinthians 3

8. To unite to Christ and fix in a state of fellowship with him.  Psalms 92

PLANT, To perform the act of planting.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): ( n.) To furnish with a fixed and organized population; to settle; to establish; as, to plant a colony.

(2): ( n.) To furnish, or fit out, with plants; as, to plant a garden, an orchard, or a forest.

(3): ( n.) To set in the ground for growth, as a young tree, or a vegetable with roots.

(4): ( n.) A young oyster suitable for transplanting.

(5): ( v. i.) To perform the act of planting.

(6): ( n.) To set up; to install; to instate.

(7): ( n.) To set firmly; to fix; to set and direct, or point; as, to plant cannon against a fort; to plant a standard in any place; to plant one's feet on solid ground; to plant one's fist in another's face.

(8): ( n.) To introduce and establish the principles or seeds of; as, to plant Christianity among the heathen.

(9): ( n.) To engender; to generate; to set the germ of.

(10): ( n.) A plan; an artifice; a swindle; a trick.

(11): ( n.) An oyster which has been bedded, in distinction from one of natural growth.

(12): ( n.) To put in the ground and cover, as seed for growth; as, to plant maize.

(13): ( n.) A vegetable; an organized living being, generally without feeling and voluntary motion, and having, when complete, a root, stem, and leaves, though consisting sometimes only of a single leafy expansion, or a series of cellules, or even a single cellule.

(14): ( n.) A bush, or young tree; a sapling; hence, a stick or staff.

(15): ( n.) The sole of the foot.

(16): ( n.) The whole machinery and apparatus employed in carrying on a trade or mechanical business; also, sometimes including real estate, and whatever represents investment of capital in the means of carrying on a business, but not including material worked upon or finished products; as, the plant of a foundry, a mill, or a railroad.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of OT Words [4]

Nâṭa‛ ( נָטַע , Strong'S #5193), “to plant.” Common in both ancient and modern Hebrew, this word is also found in ancient Ugaritic. It occurs approximately 60 times in the Hebrew Old Testament. The word is used for the first time in the text in Gen. 2:8: “And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden.…” The regular word for planting trees and vineyards, nâṭa‛ is used figuratively of planting people: “Yet I had planted thee [Judah] a noble vine …” (Jer. 2:21). This use is a close parallel to the famous “Song of the Vineyard” (Isa. 5:1-10) where Israel and Judah are called God’s “pleasant planting” (Isa. 5:7, RSV). Nâṭa‛ is used in Isa. 17:10 in an unusual description of idolatry: “… Therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set it with strange slips.” The NEB (much like the JB) translates more specifically: “Plant them, if you will, your gardens in honor of Adonis” (Adonis was the god of vegetation). “To plant” sometimes has the meaning of “to establish.” Thus, God promises in the latter days, “I will plant them upon their land” (Amos 9:15).

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [5]

Under this general term we classify and explain the several plants mentioned in Scripture, as edible, flowering, or medicinal, in order.

I. Edible Plants. Among these, with which we number also aromas and spices, may be noticed:

1. Anise, Gr. Ἄνηθον , which means rather Dill; an aromatic herb mentioned by Christ ( Matthew 23:23). (See Anise).

2. Barley, the frequent rendering of the Hebrew Seorah', שְׂעֹרָה , and of the Greek Κριθή , as in  Revelation 6:6;  John 6:9;  John 6:13. (See Barley).

3. Bean, Heb. Po, פּוֹל , as in  2 Samuel 17:28;  Ezekiel 4:9. (See Bean).

4. Caper-Berry, Heb. Abiyonah', אֲבַיּוֹנָה , Desire ( Ecclesiastes 12:5). (See Caper-Plant).

5. Cinnamon is the rendering of the Hebrew Kinnamon', קַנָּמוֹן ( Exodus 30:23), and of the Greek Κινάμωμον ( Revelation 18:13). (See Cinnamon).

6. Coriander represents the Hebrew Gad , גִּד , in most ancient versions, as the Sept. and Vulg., in  Exodus 16:31;  Numbers 11:7; but the Chaldee and Samaritan vary. (See Coriander).

7. Cucumber translates the Hebrew Kisshu, קַשֻּׁא ( Numbers 11:5); and Wild Cucumbers appear to be meant in  2 Kings 4:39bypakkuoth', פִּקֻעוֹת, where our version has Wild Gourds. (See Cucumber); (See Gourd).

8. Cummin stands for the Hebrew Kammon, כִּמּן ( Isaiah 28:25;  Isaiah 28:27); and in the New Test. for the Greek Κύμινον , which is simply an adoption of the Hebrew. (See Cummin).

9. Doves' Dung our version gives for Charey Yonim, חֲרֵי יוֹנַים , which is probably some kind of vegetable food, perhaps Kali, though the rendering given is the literal translation ( 2 Kings 6:25). (See Doves Dung).

10. Fitches is given by the A. V. in  Isaiah 28:25;  Isaiah 28:27 for the Hebrew Ketsach, קֶצִח , which, according to the Sept., Vulg., and rabbins, is a kind of fennel flower, as black cummin. In  Ezekiel 4:9 the word Kusse'Meth, כֻּסֶמֶת , is rendered fitchles, but it seems to mean properly Snelt. (See Fitches); (See Rye).

11. Garlic is the Hebrew שׁוּם , Shuim ( Numbers 11:5). (See Garlic).

12. Gourd. (See Cucumber); (See Gourd).

13. Grape is the rendering of several Hebrew words; some of them distinguishing particular kinds or qualities:

(a) Beiishtm. בְּאֻשַׁים ( Isaiah 5:2;  Isaiah 5:4), Wild Grapes, i.e. Bad Grapes. Aquila has Σαπρίαι , Symm. Ἀτελῆ .

(b) Bo'Ser, בֹּסֶר ( Isaiah 18:5;  Jeremiah 31:24;  Jeremiah 31:30;  Ezekiel 18:2), sour or unripe grapes; Sept. Ὄμφαξ .

(c) Chartsdn, חִרְצִן , sour grapes, kernels ( Numbers 6:4), and of the Greek Σταφυλή , Bunch Of Grapes ( Matthew 7:16;  Luke 6:44;  Revelation 14:18). (See Grape).

14. Leek (in  Numbers 11:5) renders חָצַיר , chatsir', which elsewhere is translated Grass, i.e. Greens. (See Grass); (See Leeks).

15. Lentil renders Heb. Adash', עָדָשׁ ( Genesis 25:34;  2 Samuel 17:28;  2 Samuel 23:11;  Ezekiel 4:9). (See Lentil).

16. Mallows is for the Heb. Malluach, מִלּוּחִ , properly Sea Pu R Slain ( Job 30:4). (See Mallows).

17. Mandrake is the Heb. Dudaim, דּוּדָאַים , love-apples ( Genesis 30:14 :  Song of Solomon 7:13). (See Mandrake).

18. Manna, Heb. Man, מָן , a sweet resin distilling from the leaves of tamarisk trees, of several species, especially the Tamarix Gallica Mannifera, from punctures made by an insect, the Coccus Manniparus. (See Manna).

19. Melon is found in  Numbers 11:5 as the rendering of the Hebrew abattichim', אֲבִטַּיחַים . (See Melon).

20. Millet (in  Ezekiel 4:9) represents the Hebrew Dochan, דֹחָן ; it is the holchuis dochna (Linn.). (See Millet).

21. Mint (in  Matthew 23:23;  Luke 11:42) is the Greek Ἡδύοσμον , i.e. sweet-scented; the mentha virides of Linn. (See Mint).

22. Mustard (in  Matthew 13:31;  Matthew 17:20;  Mark 4:31;  Luke 13:19;  Luke 17:6) is the Greek Σίναπι ; the Sinapis Orientalis. (See Mustard).

23. Olive universally is given in the A.V. where the Hebrew Za'Yith , זִיַת , is used. In  1 Kings 6:23 the word Olive-Tree renders the Heb. Ets-Shemen,

עֵצ שֶמֶן , lit. The Tree Of Fatness. The same expression is rendered Oiltree (Isaiah 4:19) and Pine ( Nehemiah 8:15). (See Olive).

24. Onion is in Heb. Be'Tsel, בֶּצֶל , as  Numbers 11:5. (See Onion).

25. Parched-Corn is the Heb. Kali, קִלַי or קָלַיא ; it is wheat or barley roasted in the ear and then rubbed out; perhaps occasionally some kind of pulse ( 1 Samuel 17:17). (See Parched-Corn).

26. Pistachio-Nuts, in Heb. Botnim', בָּטְנַם ( Genesis 43:11), a kind of nut of oblong shape, and taking this name from Beten, בֶּטֶן , The Belly, in allusion to their form. (See Nuts).

27. Pomegranate renders the Heb. Rimmon, רַמּוֹן , in many passages. (See Pomegranate).

28. Purslain is the Heb. Challamuth', חִלָּמוּת , according to the Syriac. Our version has Egg ( Job 6:6), "White Of An Egg," which is certainly wrong. See Gesen. Thesaur. s.v., and (See Purslain).

29. Raisins, Bunches Of ( 1 Samuel 25:18;  1 Samuel 30:12;  2 Samuel 16:1;  1 Chronicles 12:40), translates the Heb. Tsimmtik, צַמּוּק . (See Raisins).

30. Rye (in  Exodus 9:32;  Isaiah 28:25) translates the Heb. Kussemeth, כֻּסֶמֶת , which means a smooth grain, Spelt. See No. 10, above, and (See Rye).

31. Vine, Heb. Sorek, שׂרֶק , or Sorekdh, שׂרֶקָה , is a peculiar kind of grapevine. Thus, Choice Vine ( Genesis 49:11); Choicest Vine ( Isaiah 5:2); noble vine ( Jeremiah 2:21. (See Vine).

32. Wheat in general is the Heb. Chittah, חַטָּה , of which the plural in Chaldee is Chintim', חַנְטַים , as  Ezra 6:9;  Ezra 7:22; and in the New Test. is Σῖτος , a general name for grain, which is also rendered "corn" ( Mark 4:28;  Acts 7:12).

II. Among Flowering Plants we notice the following:

1. Lily is the Heb. Shushan', שׁוֹשִׁן ( 1 Kings 7:19), and Shoshan, שׁוֹשִׁן ( Song of Solomon 2:16;  Song of Solomon 4:5;  Song of Solomon 5:13;  Song of Solomon 6:2-3;  Song of Solomon 7:3;  1 Kings 7:22;  1 Kings 7:26). The word means a musical instrument shaped like a lily, as  Psalms 60:1;  Psalms 69:1. Also Heb. shoshannah, שׁוֹשִׁנָּה , but only in the first sense, as  2 Chronicles 4:5;  Song of Solomon 2:1-2;  Hosea 14:6. (See Lily); (See Musical Instruments).

2. Myrtle (in  Nehemiah 8:15;  Isaiah 41:19;  Zechariah 1:8;  Zechariah 1:10-11) represents the Heb. hadds, הֲדִס . (See Myrtle).

3. Rose, Heb. Chabatstseleth, חֲבִצֶּלֶת , is properly The Meadow Saffron (Colchicum Autumale, Linn.) ( Song of Solomon 2:1;  Isaiah 35:1). (See Rose).

4. Saffron, Heb. Karknm, כִּרְכֹּם ; Sept. Κρόκος ( Song of Solomon 4:14), may refer to both kinds of saffron, the common and the Indian. (See Saffron).

5. Sedge, Heb. אָחוּ , csm, rendered Meadow in  Genesis 41:2;  Genesis 41:18, Flag in  Job 8:11, is an Egyptian word, applied to all kinds of grassy growth in marshes. (See Reed).

6. Tare is the Greek Ζιζάνιον , properly Darnel ( Matthew 13:25 sq.). (See Tare).

7. Thorn is the translation of many Hebrew words, for the meanings of which (See Thorn).

III. Of Medicinal Plants we name the following:

1. Balm, "Balm Of Gilead," Heb. Tsori', צַרַי , opobalsamum ( Genesis 43:11;  Genesis 37:25;  Jeremiah 8:22;  Jeremiah 46:11;  Jeremiah 51:8;  Ezekiel 27:17). (See Balm).

2. Camphire, Heb. Kopher, כֹּפֶר , rendered Pitch ( Genesis 6:14); in  Song of Solomon 1:14;  Song of Solomon 4:13, refers to the El-Henna of the Arabs, a shrub with fragrant white flowers. (See Camphire); (See Pitch).

3. Hyssop, Heb. Ezob, אֵזוֹב , and Greek Ὕσωπος . (See Hyssop).

4. Myrrh, Heb. Lot, לֹט , a fragrant resinous gum from the leaves of a shrub, the Cistus Ladanifera. Sept. and Vulg. Stacte, Myrrh ( Genesis 37:25;  Genesis 43:11). Also Heb. mor, מֹר or מוֹר , a bitter aromatic resin distilling in tears from a tree, the Balsamodendron Myrrha. (See Myrrh).

5. Rue, Greek Πήγανον , the Ruta Graveolens of Linn. (See Rue). See, for the plants of Palestine in general, (See Botany).
