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== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_79524" /> ==
<div> '''1: '''''Βυρσεύς''''' ''' (Strong'S #1038 Noun Masculine — burseus — boorce-yooce' ) </div> <p> "a tanner" (from bursa, "a hide"), occurs in &nbsp;Acts 9:43; &nbsp;10:6,32 . </p>
Tanner <ref name="term_63040" />
<p> the name of several theological scholars and writers. </p> <p> '''1.''' ADAM, born at [[Innsbruck]] in 1572, a Jesuit, lectured on theology at [[Ingolstadt]] and Vienna, was made chancellor of the University of Prague, and died March 25, 1632, at Unken. He wrote, ''Bericht Uber Die [[Disputation]] Zu Regensburg,'' 1601 (Munich, ''1602): '''''—''''' Theologia Scholastica'' (4 vols.): '''''—''''' ''Anatomia Confessionis Augustance: '''''''''' Apologia'' ''Pro Societate Jesu'' (Vienna, 1618):Disputationes Theologie in Summam Thomae : '''''''''' Astrologia [[Sacra]] (Ingolstadt, 1621). </p> <p> '''2.''' [[Conrad]] born at [[Schwyz]] Dec. 28,1752, was made abbot of [[Einsiedeln]] in 1808, and died April 7, 1825. He wrote. ''Die Bildung Des Geistlichen Durch Geistes '''''Ü''''' Bunqen'' (Augsburg, 1807, 2 vols.; 6th ed. 1847): '''''—''''' ''Berachtungen [[Zur]] Sittlichen Aufkl '''''Ä''''' Rung Im 19Ten Jahrhundert'' (ibid. 1804): '''''''''' Betrachtungen uaf die Feste des Herrn und der Heiligen (ibid. 1829 sq.). </p> <p> '''3.''' [[Matthias]] born at [[Pilsen]] in 1630, a Jesuit, was professor of philosophy and theology, and was sent to Rome in 1675 as procurator of his order. He died about 1705. He wrote, ''Cruentum [[Christi]] Sacriticium Incruenio Missae Sacrificio Explicatum'' (Prague, 1669): '''''''''' ''Contra Omnes'' impie Agentes in Locis Sacris [Latin and Bohemian] : '''''''''' Societas Jesusque ad Sanguinis et Vitae Profusionem Militans [a glorification of the Jesuitic mission] (ibid. 1675; in Gernman, 1683); similar. is Sociefas [[Jesu]] Apostolorum Imitatrix sive Gesta Praeclara et Virtutes, etc. [Latin and German] (ibid. 1694 and 1701): Historia Montis Oliveti in [[Moravia]] ad Strambergam Siti [Bohemian] (ibid. 1666). (B. P.) </p> <p> '''4.''' [[Thomas]] an English divine and antiquary, was born at [[Market]] Lavington, Wiltshire, in 1674. He entered Queens College, Oxford in 1689; was admitted clerk in 1690; graduated in 1693; entered holy orders at Christmas, 1694; became chaplain of All-Souls' College in January following; fellow of the same in 1697; and chancellor of [[Norfolk]] and rector of Thorpe, near Norwich, in 1706, He was installed prebendary of- [[Ely]] Sept. 10, 1713; archdeacon of Norfolk Dec. 7, 1721; canon of Christ Church Feb. 3, 1723; prolocutor of the House of [[Convocation]] in 1727; and was consecrated bishop of St. [[Asaph]] Jan. 23,1732. He died at Christ. Church, Oxford, Dec. 14, 1735. After his death appeared, ''Notitia Monastica, Or An Account Of All The Abbeys, Priories, Etc., Formerly In [[England]] And Wales,'' etc., with additions by the Rev. John [[Tanner]] (Lond. 1744, fol.; Camb. 1787, fol.) : Bibliotheca Britannico Hiberaica, sive de Scriptoribus, qui in Anglia, etc. (Lond. 1748, fol.; 250 copies). </p> <p> See Theologisches Universal-Lexikon, s.v.; Wetzer u. Welte, Kirchen- Lexikon, s.v.; Regensburger Conversations-Lexikon, s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theolog. Litt '''''É''''' rateur, 1, 124; 2, 46, 797; Chalmers, Biog. Dict. s.v.; Hook, Eccles. Biog. s.v.; Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. ''Authors,'' s.v. On Adam Tanner, see also Werner, Gesch. der kathol. Theol. seit demn trident. Concil. (Munich, 1866), p. 7,17, 25. </p>
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_183417" /> ==
<p> '''(1):''' ''' (''' n.) One whose occupation is to tan hides, or convert them into leather by the use of tan. </p> <p> '''(2):''' ''' (''' n.) A sixpence. </p>
== References ==
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_63669" /> ==
<p> TAN'NER, n. One whose occupation is to tan hides, or convert them into leather by the use of tan. </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_54506" /> ==
<p> <strong> [[Tanner]] </strong> . See Arts and Crafts, <strong> 5 </strong> . </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_57572" /> ==
<p> See Simon (the Tanner). </p>
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_69074" /> ==
<p> See [[Leather]] </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_9108" /> ==
<p> ''''' tan´ẽr ''''' ( βυρσεύς , <i> ''''' burseús ''''' </i> , from βύρσα , <i> ''''' búrsa ''''' </i> "a hide"): The only references to a tanner are in &nbsp; Acts 9:43; &nbsp;Acts 10:6 , &nbsp;Acts 10:32 . The [[Jews]] looked upon tanning as an undesirable occupation and well they might, for at best it was accompanied with unpleasant odors and unattractive sights, if not even ceremonially unclean. We can imagine that Simon the tanner found among the disciples of Jesus a fellowship which had been denied him before. Peter made the way still easier for Simon by choosing his house as his abode while staying in Joppa. Simon's house was by the seashore, as is true of the tanneries along the [[Syrian]] coast today, so that the foul-smelling liquors from the vats can be drawn off with the least nuisance, and so that the salt water may be easily accessible for washing the skins during the tanning process. These tanneries are very unpretentious affairs, usually consisting of one or two small rooms and a courtyard. Within are the vats made either of stone masonry, plastered within and without, or cut out of the solid rock. The sheep or goat skins are smeared on the flesh side with a paste of slaked lime and then folded up and allowed to stand until the hair loosens. The hair and fleshy matter are removed, the skins are plumped in lime, bated in a concoction first of dog dung and afterward in one of fermenting bran, in much the same way as in a modern tannery. The bated skins are tanned in sumach (Arabic <i> ''''' summāḳ ''''' </i> ), which is the common tanning material in Syria and Palestine. After drying, the leather is blackened on one side by rubbing on a solution made by boiling vinegar with old nails or pieces of copper, and the skin is finally given a dressing of olive oil. In the more modern tanneries degras is being imported for the currying processes. For dyeing the rams' skins red (Ex 25 ff) they rub on a solution of <i> ''''' ḳermes ''''' </i> (similar to cochineal; see [[Dyeing]] ), dry, oil, and polish with a smooth stone. </p> <p> [[Pine]] bark is sometimes used for tanning in Lebanon. According to Wilkinson ( <i> [[Ancient]] Egypt </i> , II, 186), the Arabs use the juice of a desert plant for dehairing and tanning skins. The skins for pouches are either tawed, i.e. tanned with a mineral salt like alum, or treated like parchment (see [[Parchment]] ). About [[Hebron]] oak branches, chopped into small chips, are used for tanning the leather bottles or water skins. In this case the hair is not removed. The tanning is accomplished, after removing the fleshy matter, by filling the skin with oak chips and water, tying up all openings in the skins, and allowing them to lie in the open on their "backs," with "legs" upright, for weeks. The field near Hebron where they arrange the bulging skins in orderly rows during the tanning process presents a weird sight. These are the bottles referred to in the King James Version (the Revised Version (British and American) "skins") (&nbsp;Joshua 9:4 , &nbsp;Joshua 9:13; &nbsp;Hosea 7:5; &nbsp;Matthew 9:17; &nbsp;Mark 2:22; &nbsp;Luke 5:37 ). </p> <p> Leather was probably used more extensively than any records show. We know that the [[Egyptians]] used leather for ornamental work. They understood the art of making stamped leather. The sculptures give us an idea of the methods used for making the leather into sandals, trimmings for chariots, coverings of chairs, decorations for harps, sarcophagi, etc. There are two Biblical references to leather, where leather girdles are mentioned (&nbsp;2 Kings 1:8; &nbsp;Matthew 3:4 ). See also [[Crafts]] , II, 17. </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_63041" /> ==
<p> ( '''''Βυρσεύς''''' , Hebraized in the [[Talmud]] as '''''בורסי''''' , also '''''בורסקי''''' ), the occupation of Simon of [[Joppa]] (&nbsp;Acts 9:43; &nbsp;Acts 10:6; &nbsp;Acts 10:32). This trade, on account of the bad smell connected with it (comp. Schol. on Aristoph. ''Eq.'' 44; Petron. Sat. 11), was despised among the Jews (Kethuboth, 7:10; Megillah, 3, 2; see Sch '''''Ö''''' ttgen, Hor. Heb. i, 447; Wettstein, N.T. 2, 516). Those who followed it were called by the [[Greeks]] '''''Βυρσοδρέψαι''''' , in Latin ''Coriarii, Subo7Tarii'' (Guter, ''Inscript.'' p. 1548, No. 8). They usually had their work-place outside the cities (Artemid. 1, 51; Mishna, ''Baba Batihra,'' 2, 9), or on streams or the sea (&nbsp;Acts 10:6). See Walch, ''Dissert. In Act. Apost.'' 2, 101 sq. '''''—''''' Winer. (See [[Mechanic]]). The ancient Egyptians used the bark of various trees for tanning (Wilkinson, 2. 106). (See Leather). The tanneries of Joppa are now on the shore south of the cit(Thomson, ''Land And Book,'' 2, 281). Several circumstances, however, confirm the tradition of the present "house of Simon" there (Stanley, ''Palest.'' p. 269). (See [[Simon]]). </p>
==References ==
<ref name="term_63040"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/tanner+(2) Tanner from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_79524"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/vine-s-expository-dictionary-of-nt-words/tanner Tanner from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words]</ref>
<ref name="term_183417"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/tanner Tanner from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_63669"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/king-james-dictionary/tanner Tanner from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_54506"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-bible/tanner Tanner from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_57572"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-new-testament/tanner Tanner from Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament]</ref>
<ref name="term_69074"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/morrish-bible-dictionary/tanner Tanner from Morrish Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_9108"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/tanner Tanner from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_63041"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/tanner Tanner from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>

Revision as of 17:20, 15 October 2021

Tanner [1]

the name of several theological scholars and writers.

1. ADAM, born at Innsbruck in 1572, a Jesuit, lectured on theology at Ingolstadt and Vienna, was made chancellor of the University of Prague, and died March 25, 1632, at Unken. He wrote, Bericht Uber Die Disputation Zu Regensburg, 1601 (Munich, 1602): Theologia Scholastica (4 vols.): Anatomia Confessionis Augustance: Apologia Pro Societate Jesu (Vienna, 1618):Disputationes Theologie in Summam Thomae : Astrologia Sacra (Ingolstadt, 1621).

2. Conrad born at Schwyz Dec. 28,1752, was made abbot of Einsiedeln in 1808, and died April 7, 1825. He wrote. Die Bildung Des Geistlichen Durch Geistes Ü Bunqen (Augsburg, 1807, 2 vols.; 6th ed. 1847): Berachtungen Zur Sittlichen Aufkl Ä Rung Im 19Ten Jahrhundert (ibid. 1804): Betrachtungen uaf die Feste des Herrn und der Heiligen (ibid. 1829 sq.).

3. Matthias born at Pilsen in 1630, a Jesuit, was professor of philosophy and theology, and was sent to Rome in 1675 as procurator of his order. He died about 1705. He wrote, Cruentum Christi Sacriticium Incruenio Missae Sacrificio Explicatum (Prague, 1669): Contra Omnes impie Agentes in Locis Sacris [Latin and Bohemian] : Societas Jesusque ad Sanguinis et Vitae Profusionem Militans [a glorification of the Jesuitic mission] (ibid. 1675; in Gernman, 1683); similar. is Sociefas Jesu Apostolorum Imitatrix sive Gesta Praeclara et Virtutes, etc. [Latin and German] (ibid. 1694 and 1701): Historia Montis Oliveti in Moravia ad Strambergam Siti [Bohemian] (ibid. 1666). (B. P.)

4. Thomas an English divine and antiquary, was born at Market Lavington, Wiltshire, in 1674. He entered Queens College, Oxford in 1689; was admitted clerk in 1690; graduated in 1693; entered holy orders at Christmas, 1694; became chaplain of All-Souls' College in January following; fellow of the same in 1697; and chancellor of Norfolk and rector of Thorpe, near Norwich, in 1706, He was installed prebendary of- Ely Sept. 10, 1713; archdeacon of Norfolk Dec. 7, 1721; canon of Christ Church Feb. 3, 1723; prolocutor of the House of Convocation in 1727; and was consecrated bishop of St. Asaph Jan. 23,1732. He died at Christ. Church, Oxford, Dec. 14, 1735. After his death appeared, Notitia Monastica, Or An Account Of All The Abbeys, Priories, Etc., Formerly In England And Wales, etc., with additions by the Rev. John Tanner (Lond. 1744, fol.; Camb. 1787, fol.) : Bibliotheca Britannico Hiberaica, sive de Scriptoribus, qui in Anglia, etc. (Lond. 1748, fol.; 250 copies).

See Theologisches Universal-Lexikon, s.v.; Wetzer u. Welte, Kirchen- Lexikon, s.v.; Regensburger Conversations-Lexikon, s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theolog. Litt É rateur, 1, 124; 2, 46, 797; Chalmers, Biog. Dict. s.v.; Hook, Eccles. Biog. s.v.; Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v. On Adam Tanner, see also Werner, Gesch. der kathol. Theol. seit demn trident. Concil. (Munich, 1866), p. 7,17, 25.
