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== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_139943" /> ==
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_139943" /> ==
<p> (n.) [[Long]] duration of life; length of life. </p>
<p> (n.) Long duration of life; length of life. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_5838" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_49103" /> ==
<p> ''''' lon ''''' - ''''' jev´i ''''' - ''''' ti ''''' : In the part of [[Genesis]] ascribed to the Priestly Code (P), the names and genealogies of the patriarchs are given ( Genesis 5; 11 ). In the three versions which are our chief sources, Massoretic Text, [[Septuagint]] and Sam, the age-numbers given for these patriarchs are hopelessly at variance. It is in accord with what we find in the earliest legend of most races that in these chapters a great length of life is ascribed to these; thus [[Berosus]] attributes to the first 10 kings of [[Babylonia]] a span of 430,000 years, and [[Hesiod]] ( <i> Works and Days </i> , 129) says that in the Silver [[Age]] childhood lasted 100 years, during which a boy was reared and grew up beside his mother. On the other hand the evidence of prehistoric archaeology shows that the rate of development of the individual in the early [[Stone]] Age differed very little from that of humanity at the present day. It is possible that, in the case of the [[Hebrew]] record, the names of certain pre-Abrahamic patriarchs were derived from an ancient tradition, and that in the desire to fill up the chronology of the period before the call of Abraham, these names were inserted and the time which was supposed to have elapsed was divided among them; on the basis of some such hypothesis as that which is said to have existed among the Jews, that the [[Messiah]] should come 4,000 years after Adam. </p> <p> We know from the archaeological evidence that the antiquity of primitive man extends to a date very much farther back than 4,000 years. Indeed, we can prove that before 4000 Bc there were settled nationalities both in the valley of the [[Nile]] and that of the Euphrates, and that among these the duration of individual life was much the same as at the present day. The first three dynasties in Egypt, starting at or about 4400 BC, consisted of 25 consecutive kings, the average length of whose several reigns was about 30 years. The biographic sketches of Biblical persons other than those in Genesis showed that their longevity did not exceed that of our contemporaries. [[Eli]] was blind and feeble at 98. At 70 [[David]] was bedridden and frail. Manasseh, the king of [[Judah]] whose reign was longest, died at 67; [[Uzziah]] died at 68. The statement in [[Psalm]] 90:10 attributed to [[Moses]] is a correct estimate of what has been the expectation of life at all time. </p> <p> At the present day among Palestinian fellahin very old men are uncommon. I have never seen anyone among them who could prove that he was 80 years of age; the rate of infant mortality is appallingly high. Maturity is earlier, and signs of senility appear among them sooner than among the same class in [[Great]] [[Britain.]] </p>
<p> The Biblical narrative plainly ascribes to many individuals in the earlier history of the race lives far longer than what is held to be the present extreme limit, and we must therefore carefully consider the evidence upon which the general correctness of the numbers rests, and any independent evidence as to the length of life at this time. The statements in the Bible regarding longevity may be separated into two classes those given in genealogical lists, and those interspersed with the relation of events. </p> <p> '''I.''' To the former class virtually belong all the statements relating to the longevity of the patriarchs before Abraham. These, as given by Moses in the [[Hebrew]] text, are as follows: </p> <p> [[Infidelity]] has not failed, in various ages, to attack revelation on the score of the supposed absurdity of assigning to any class of men this lengthened term of existence. In reference to this, [[Josephus]] (Ant. 1:3, 3) remarks: "Let no one, upon comparing the lives of the ancients with our lives, and with the few years which we now live, think that what we say of them is false, or make the shortness of our lives at present an argument that neither did they attain to so long a duration of life." When we consider the compensating process which is going on, the marvel is that the human frame should not last longer than it does. Some, however, have supposed that the years above named are lunar, consisting of about thirty days; but this supposition, with a view to reduce the lives of the antediluvians to our standard, is replete with difficulties. At this rate, the whole time from the creation of man to the flood would not be more than about 140 years; and [[Methuselah]] himself would not have attained to the age which many even now do, whilst many must have had children when mere infants! Moses must therefore have meant solar, not lunar years '''''''''' averaging as long as ours, although the ancients generally reckoned twelve months, of thirty days each, to the year. "Nor is there," observes St. [[Augustine]] (De Civ. Dei, 15:12), "any care to be given unto those who think that one of our ordinary years would make ten of the years of these times, being so short; and therefore, say they, 900 years of theirs are 90 of ours '''''''''' their 10 is our 1, and their 100 our 10. Thus think they that Adam was but 20 years old when he begat Seth, and he but 201 when he begat Enos, whom the [[Scriptures]] call (the Sept. ver.) 205 years. For, as these men hold, the [[Scripture]] divided one year into ten parts, calling each part a year; and each part had a sixfold quadrate, because in six days God made the world. Now 6 times 6 is 36, which, multiplied by 10, makes 360 '''''—''''' i.e., twelve lunar months." Abarbanel, in his Comment. on [[Genesis]] v, states that some, professing Christianity, had fallen into the same mistake, viz. that Moses meant lunar, and not solar years. [[Ecclesiastical]] history does not inform us of this fact, except it be to it that [[Lactantius]] refers (2:12) when he speaks of one Varro: "The life of man, though temporary, was yet extended to 1000 years; of this Varro is so ignorant that, though known to all from the sacred writings, he would argue that the 1000 years of Moses were, according to the [[Egyptian]] mode of calculation, only 1000 months!" </p> <p> That the ancients computed time differently we learn from Pliny (Hist. Nat. 7), and also from Scaliger (De Emend. Temporum, 1); still this does not alter the case as above stated (see Heidegger, De Anno Patriarcharum, in his Hist. Patr. Amst. 1688, Zir. 1729). </p> <p> But it is asked, if Moses meant solar years, how came it to pass that the patriarchs did not begin to beget children at an earlier period than they are reported to have done? [[Seth]] was 105 years old, on the lowest calculation, when he begat Enos, and Methuselah 187 when [[Lamech]] was born! St. Augustine (1:15) explains this difficulty in a twofold manner by supposing, </p> <p> '''1.''' [[Either]] that the age of puberty was later in proportion as the lives of the antediluvians were longer than ours, or, </p> <p> '''2.''' That Moses does not record the first-born sons but as the order of the genealogy required, his object being to trace the succession from Adam, through Seth, to Abraham. </p> <p> While the [[Jews]] have never questioned the longevity assigned by Moses to the patriarchs, they have yet disputed, in many instances, as to whether it was common to all men who lived up to the period when human life was contracted. [[Maimonides]] (More Nebochim, 2:47) takes this view. With this opinion Abarbanel, on Genesis v, agrees; Nachmanides, however, rejects it, and shows that the life of the descendants of [[Cain]] must have been quite as long as that of the Sethites, though not noticed by Moses; for only seven individuals of the former filled up the space which intervened between the death of [[Abel]] and the flood, whereas ten of the latter are enumerated. We have reason, then, to conclude that longevity was not confined to any peculiar tribe of the ante or post diluvian fathers, but was vouchsafed, in general, to all. [[Irenaeus]] (Adversvs Haeret. 5) informs us that some supposed that the fact of its being recorded that no one of the antediluvians named attained the age of 1000 years, was the fulfillment of the declaration (Genesis 3), "In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die;" grounding the opinion, or rather conceit upon &nbsp;Psalms 90:4, namely, that God's day is 1000 years. As to the probable reasons why God so prolonged the life of man in the earlier ages of the world, and as to the subordinate means by which this might have been accomplished, Josephus says (Ant. 1.c.): "For those ancients were beloved of God, and lately made by God himself; and because their food was then fitter for the prolongation of life, they might well live so great a number of years; and because God afforded them a longer time of life on account of their virtue and the good use they made of it in astronomical and geometrical discoveries, which would not have afforded the time for foretelling the periods of the stars unless they had lived 600 years; for the great year is completed in that interval." To this he adds the testimony of many celebrated profane historians, who affirm that the ancients lived 1000 years. In the above passage Josephus enumerates four causes of the longevity of the earlier patriarchs. </p> <p> '''1.''' As to the first, viz., their being dearer to God than other men, it is plain that it cannot be maintained; for the profligate descendants of Cain were equally longlived, as mentioned above, with others. </p> <p> '''2.''' Neither can we agree in the second reason he assigns; because we find that Noah and others, though born so long subsequently to the creation of Adam, yet lived to as great an age, some of them to a greater age than he did. </p> <p> '''3.''' If, again, it were right to attribute longevity to the superior quality of the food of the antediluvians, then the seasons, on which this depends, must, about Moses's time '''''—''''' for it was ''Then'' that the term of human existence was reduced to its present standard '''''—''''' have assumed a fixed character. But no change at that time took place in the revolution of the heavenly bodies, by which the seasons of heat, cold, etc., are regulated: hence we must not assume that it was the nature of the fruits they ate which caused longevity. </p> <p> '''4.''' How far the antediluvians had advanced in scientific research generally, and in astronomical discovery particularly, we are not informed; nor can we place any dependence upon what Josephus says about the two inscribed pillars which remained from the old world (see Ant. 1:2, 9). We are not, therefore, able to determine, with any confidence, that God permitted the earlier generations of man to live so long in order that they might arrive at a high degree of mental excellence. From the brief notices which the Scriptures afford of the character and habits of the antediluvians, we should rather infer that they had not advanced very far in discoveries in natural and experimental philosophy. (See [[Antediluvians]]). </p> <p> We must suppose that they did not reduce their language to alphabetical order; nor was it necessary to do so at a time when human life was so prolonged that the tradition of the creation passed through only two hands to Noah. It would seem that the book ascribed to [[Enoch]] is a work of postdiluvian origin (see Jurieu, Crit. Hist. 1:41). Possibly a want of mental employment, together with the labor they endured ere they were able to extract from the earth the necessaries of life, might have been some of the proximate causes of that degeneracy which led God in judgment to destroy the old world. If the antediluvians began to bear children at the age on an average of 100, and if they ceased to do so at 600 years (see Shuckford's Connect. 1:36), the world might then have been far more densely populated than it is now. Supposing, moreover, that the earth was no more productive antecedently than it was subsequently to the flood, and that the antediluvian fathers were ignorant of those mechanical arts which so much abridge human labor now, we can easily understand how difficult they must have found it to secure for themselves the common necessaries of life, and this the more so if animal food was not allowed them. The prolonged life, then, of the generations before the flood would seem to have been rather an evil than a blessing, leading as it did to the too rapid peopling of the earth. We can readily conceive how this might conduce to that awful state of things expressed in the words, "And the whole earth was filled with violence." In the absence of any well-regulated system of government, we can imagine what evils must have arisen: the unprincipled would oppress the weak, the crafty would outwit the unsuspecting, and, not having the fear of God before their eyes, destruction and misery would be in their ways. Still we must admire the providence of God in the longevity of man immediately after the creation and the flood. After the creation, when the world was to be peopled by one man and one woman, the age of the greatest part of those on record was 900 and upwards. But after the flood, when there were three couples to repeople the earth, none of the patriarchs except [[Shem]] reached the age of 500, and only the first three of his line, viz. Arphaxad, Salah, and Eber, came near that age, which was in the first century after the flood. In the second century we do not find that any attained the age of 240; and in the third century (about the latter end of which [[Abraham]] was born), none, except Terah, arrived at 200, by which time the world was so well peopled that they had built cities, and were formed into distinct nations under their respective kings (see Genesis 15; see also Usher and Petavius on the increase of mankind in the first three centuries after the flood). </p> <p> '''II.''' The statements as to the length of the lives of Abraham and his nearer descendants, and some of his later, are so closely interwoven with the historical narrative, not alone in form, but in sense, that their general truth and its cannot be separated. Abraham's age at the birth of Isaac is a great fact in his history, equally attested in the Old [[Testament]] and in the New. Again, the longevity ascribed to Jacob is confirmed by the question of [[Pharaoh]] and the patriarch's remarkable answer, in which he makes his then age of 130 years less than the years of his ancestors (&nbsp;Genesis 47:9), a minute point of agreement with the other chronological statements to be especially noted. At a later time, the age of Moses is attested by various statements in the Pentateuch, and in the New Test. on St. Stephen's authority, though it is to be observed that the mention of his having retained his strength to the end of his 120 years (&nbsp;Deuteronomy 34:7) is, perhaps, indicative of an unusual longevity. In the earlier part of the period following we notice similar instances in the case of Joshua, and, inferentially, in that of Othniel. Nothing in the Bible could be cited against this evidence, except it be the common explanation of Psalms 90 (esp. &nbsp;Psalms 90:10), combined with its ascription to Moses (see title). </p> <p> That the common age of man has been the same in all times since the world was generally repeopled is manifest from profane as well as sacred history. [[Plato]] lived to the age of 81, and was accounted an old man; and those whom Pliny reckons up (7:48) as rare examples of long life may for the most part be equaled in modern times. It must be observed, however, that all the supposed famous modern instances of very great longevity, as those of Parr, Jackson, and the old countess of Desmond, have utterly broken down on examination, and that the registers of countries where records of such statistics have been kept prove no greater extreme than about 110 years. We may fortunately appeal to at least one contemporary instance. There is an Egyptian hieratic papyrus in the Bibliotheque at [[Paris]] bearing a moral discourse by one Ptah-hotp, apparently eldest son of Assa (B.C. cir. 1910-1860), the fifth king of the fifteenth dynasty, which was of shepherds. (See [[Egypt]]). At the conclusion, Ptah-hotp thus speaks of himself: "I have become an elder on the earth (or in the land); I have traversed a hundred and tell years of life by the gift of the king and the approval of the elders, fulfilling my duty towards the king in the place of favor (or blessing)" ''(Facsimile D'Un [[Papyrus]] Egyptien,'' par E. Prisse d'Avennes, pl. 19, lines 7, 8). The natural inferences from this passage are, that Ptah-hotp wrote in the full possession of his mental faculties at the age of 110 years, and that his father was still reigning at the time, and therefore had attained the age of about 130 years, or more. The reigns assigned by Mahetho to the shepherd-kings of this dynasty seem indicative of a greater age than that of the Egyptian sovereigns (Cory, [[Ancient]] Fragments, 2d ed., pages 114, 136). (See [[Chronology]]). </p>
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_16091" /> ==
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_16091" /> ==
<p> The lengthened ages of some of the ante and post-diluvian fathers, as given by [[Moses]] in the [[Hebrew]] text, are as follows:— </p> <table> <tr> <td> <p> [[Adam]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 930 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Seth]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 912 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Enos]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 905 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Cainan]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 910 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> Mahallaleel </p> </td> <td> <p> 895 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Jared]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 962 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Enoch]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 365 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Methuselah]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 969 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Lamech]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 777 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Noah]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 950 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Shem]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 600 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Arphaxad]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 438 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Salah]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 433 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Eber]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 464 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Peleg]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 239 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Reu]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 239 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Serug]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 230 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Nahor]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 148 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Terah]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 205 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Abraham]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 175 </p> </td> </tr> </table> <p> [[Infidelity]] has not failed, in various ages, to attack revelation on the score of the supposed absurdity of assigning to any class of men this lengthened term of existence. In reference to this [[Josephus]] remarks:—'Let no one upon comparing the lives of the ancients with our lives, and with the few years which we now live, think that what we say of them is false; or make the shortness of our lives at present an argument that neither did they attain to so long a duration of life.' When we consider the compensating process which is going on, the marvel is that the human frame should not last longer than it does. Some, however, have supposed that the years above named are lunar, consisting of about thirty days; but this supposition, with a view to reduce the lives of the antediluvians to our standard, is replete with difficulties. At this rate the whole time, from the creation of man to the Flood, would not be more than about 140 years; and Methuselah himself would not have attained to the age which many even now do, while many must have had children when mere infants! Besides, if we compute the age of the post-diluvians by this mode of calculation—and why should we not?—we shall find that Abraham, who is said to have died in a good old age could not have been more than fifteen years old! Moses must therefore have meant solar, not lunar years—not, however, exactly so long as ours, for the ancients generally reckoned twelve months, of thirty days each, to the year. </p> <p> But it is asked, if Moses meant solar years, how came it to pass that the patriarchs did not begin to beget children at an earlier period than they are reported to have done? Seth was 105 years old, on the lowest calculation, when he begat Enos; and Methuselah 187 when Lamech was born! St. [[Augustine]] (i. 15) explains this difficulty in a two-fold manner, by supposing </p> <p> 1. [[Either]] that the age of puberty was later in proportion as the lives of the antediluvians were longer than ours; or </p> <p> 2. That Moses does not record the first-born sons, but as the order of the genealogy required, his object being to trace the succession from Adam, through Seth, to Abraham. </p> <p> As to the probable reasons why [[God]] so prolonged the life of man in the earlier ages of the world, and as to the subordinate means by which this might have been accomplished, Josephus says: 'For those ancients were beloved of God, and lately made by God himself; and because their food was then fitter for the prolongation of life, they might well live so great a number of years: and because God afforded them a longer time of life on account of their virtue and the good use they made of it in astronomical and geometrical discoveries, which would not have afforded the time for foretelling the periods of the stars unless they had lived 600 years; for the great year is completed in that interval.' </p> <p> In the above passage Josephus enumerates four causes of the longevity of the earlier patriarchs. As to the first, viz., their being dearer to God than other men, it is plain that it cannot be maintained; for the profligate descendants of [[Cain]] were equally long-lived, as mentioned above, with others. [[Neither]] can we agree in the second reason he assigns; because we find that Noah and others, though born so long subsequently to the creation of Adam, yet lived to as great an age, some of them to a greater age than he did. If, again, it were right to attribute longevity to the superior quality of the food of the antediluvians, then the seasons, on which this depends, must, about Moses' time—for it was then that the term of human existence was reduced to its present standard—have assumed a fixed character. But no change at that time took place in the revolution of the heavenly bodies, by which the seasons of heat, cold, etc., are regulated: hence we must not assume that it was the nature of the fruits they ate which caused longevity. How far the antediluvians had advanced in scientific research generally, and in astronomical discovery particularly, we are not informed; nor can we place any dependence upon what Josephus says about the two inscribed pillars which remained from the old world. We are not, therefore, able to determine, with any confidence, that God permitted the earlier generations of man to live so long, in order that they might arrive at a high degree of mental excellence. From the brief notices which the [[Scriptures]] afford of the character and habits of the antediluvians, we should rather infer that they had not advanced very far in discoveries in natural and experimental philosophy [see ANTEDILUVIANS]. We must suppose that they did not reduce their language to alphabetical order; nor was it necessary to do so at a time when human life was so prolonged, that the tradition of the creation passed through only two hands to Noah. It would seem that the book ascribed to Enoch is a work of postdiluvian origin. Possibly a want of mental employment, together with the labor they endured before they were able to extract from the earth the necessaries of life, might have been some of the proximate causes of that degeneracy which led God in judgment to destroy the old world. If the antediluvians began to bear children at the age on an average of 100, and if they ceased to do so at 600 years, the world might then have been far more densely populated than it is now. Supposing, moreover, that the earth was no more productive antecedently than it was subsequently to the flood; and that the ante-diluvian fathers were ignorant of those mechanical arts which so much abridge human labor now, we can easily understand how difficult they must have found it to secure for themselves the common necessaries of life, and this the more so if animal food was not allowed them. The prolonged life, then, of the generations before the flood, would seem to have been rather an evil than a blessing, leading as it did to the too rapid peopling of the earth. We can readily conceive how this might conduce to that awful state of things expressed in the words, 'And the whole earth was filled with violence.' In the absence of any well regulated system of government, we can imagine what evils must have arisen; the unprincipled would oppress the weak, the crafty would outwit the unsuspecting, and, not having the fear of God before their eyes, destruction and misery would be in their ways. Still we must admire the providence of God in the longevity of man immediately after the creation and the flood. After the creation, when the world was to be peopled by one man and one woman, the age of the greatest part of those on record was 900 and upwards. But after the flood, when there were three couples to re-people the earth, none of the patriarchs, except Shem, reached the age of 500; and only the three first of his line, viz., Arphaxad, Selah, and Eber, came near that age, which was in the first century after the flood. In the second century we do not find that any attained the age of 240 and in the third century (about the latter end of which Abraham was born) none, except Terah, arrived at 200; by which time the world was so well peopled, that they had built cities, and were formed into distinct nations under their respective kings. See [[Genesis]] 11. </p> <p> That the common age of man has been the same in all times since the world was peopled, is manifest from profane as well as sacred history. [[Plato]] lived to the age of 81, and was accounted an old man; and those whom Pliny reckons up (vii. 48) as rare examples of long life, may, for the most part, be equaled in modern times. We cannot, then, but see the hand of God in the proportion that there is between births and deaths; for by this means the population of the world is kept up. If the fixed standard of human life were that of Methuselah's age, or even that of Abraham's, the world would soon be overstocked; or if the age of man were limited to that of divers other animals, to 10, 20, or 30 years only, the decay of mankind would then be too fast. But on the present scale the balance is nearly even, and life and death keep an equal pace. In thus maintaining throughout all ages and places these proportions of mankind, and all other creatures, God declares himself to be indeed the ruler of the world. </p>
<p> The lengthened ages of some of the ante and post-diluvian fathers, as given by Moses in the Hebrew text, are as follows:— </p> <table> <tr> <td> <p> Adam </p> </td> <td> <p> 930 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> Seth </p> </td> <td> <p> 912 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Enos]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 905 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Cainan]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 910 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> Mahallaleel </p> </td> <td> <p> 895 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Jared]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 962 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> Enoch </p> </td> <td> <p> 365 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> Methuselah </p> </td> <td> <p> 969 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> Lamech </p> </td> <td> <p> 777 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> Noah </p> </td> <td> <p> 950 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> Shem </p> </td> <td> <p> 600 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Arphaxad]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 438 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Salah]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 433 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Eber]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 464 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Peleg]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 239 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Reu]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 239 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Serug]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 230 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Nahor]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 148 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> [[Terah]] </p> </td> <td> <p> 205 </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> Abraham </p> </td> <td> <p> 175 </p> </td> </tr> </table> <p> Infidelity has not failed, in various ages, to attack revelation on the score of the supposed absurdity of assigning to any class of men this lengthened term of existence. In reference to this Josephus remarks:—'Let no one upon comparing the lives of the ancients with our lives, and with the few years which we now live, think that what we say of them is false; or make the shortness of our lives at present an argument that neither did they attain to so long a duration of life.' When we consider the compensating process which is going on, the marvel is that the human frame should not last longer than it does. Some, however, have supposed that the years above named are lunar, consisting of about thirty days; but this supposition, with a view to reduce the lives of the antediluvians to our standard, is replete with difficulties. At this rate the whole time, from the creation of man to the Flood, would not be more than about 140 years; and Methuselah himself would not have attained to the age which many even now do, while many must have had children when mere infants! Besides, if we compute the age of the post-diluvians by this mode of calculation—and why should we not?—we shall find that Abraham, who is said to have died in a good old age could not have been more than fifteen years old! Moses must therefore have meant solar, not lunar years—not, however, exactly so long as ours, for the ancients generally reckoned twelve months, of thirty days each, to the year. </p> <p> But it is asked, if Moses meant solar years, how came it to pass that the patriarchs did not begin to beget children at an earlier period than they are reported to have done? Seth was 105 years old, on the lowest calculation, when he begat Enos; and Methuselah 187 when Lamech was born! St. Augustine (i. 15) explains this difficulty in a two-fold manner, by supposing </p> <p> 1. Either that the age of puberty was later in proportion as the lives of the antediluvians were longer than ours; or </p> <p> 2. That Moses does not record the first-born sons, but as the order of the genealogy required, his object being to trace the succession from Adam, through Seth, to Abraham. </p> <p> As to the probable reasons why God so prolonged the life of man in the earlier ages of the world, and as to the subordinate means by which this might have been accomplished, Josephus says: 'For those ancients were beloved of God, and lately made by God himself; and because their food was then fitter for the prolongation of life, they might well live so great a number of years: and because God afforded them a longer time of life on account of their virtue and the good use they made of it in astronomical and geometrical discoveries, which would not have afforded the time for foretelling the periods of the stars unless they had lived 600 years; for the great year is completed in that interval.' </p> <p> In the above passage Josephus enumerates four causes of the longevity of the earlier patriarchs. As to the first, viz., their being dearer to God than other men, it is plain that it cannot be maintained; for the profligate descendants of Cain were equally long-lived, as mentioned above, with others. Neither can we agree in the second reason he assigns; because we find that Noah and others, though born so long subsequently to the creation of Adam, yet lived to as great an age, some of them to a greater age than he did. If, again, it were right to attribute longevity to the superior quality of the food of the antediluvians, then the seasons, on which this depends, must, about Moses' time—for it was then that the term of human existence was reduced to its present standard—have assumed a fixed character. But no change at that time took place in the revolution of the heavenly bodies, by which the seasons of heat, cold, etc., are regulated: hence we must not assume that it was the nature of the fruits they ate which caused longevity. How far the antediluvians had advanced in scientific research generally, and in astronomical discovery particularly, we are not informed; nor can we place any dependence upon what Josephus says about the two inscribed pillars which remained from the old world. We are not, therefore, able to determine, with any confidence, that God permitted the earlier generations of man to live so long, in order that they might arrive at a high degree of mental excellence. From the brief notices which the Scriptures afford of the character and habits of the antediluvians, we should rather infer that they had not advanced very far in discoveries in natural and experimental philosophy [see ANTEDILUVIANS]. We must suppose that they did not reduce their language to alphabetical order; nor was it necessary to do so at a time when human life was so prolonged, that the tradition of the creation passed through only two hands to Noah. It would seem that the book ascribed to Enoch is a work of postdiluvian origin. Possibly a want of mental employment, together with the labor they endured before they were able to extract from the earth the necessaries of life, might have been some of the proximate causes of that degeneracy which led God in judgment to destroy the old world. If the antediluvians began to bear children at the age on an average of 100, and if they ceased to do so at 600 years, the world might then have been far more densely populated than it is now. Supposing, moreover, that the earth was no more productive antecedently than it was subsequently to the flood; and that the ante-diluvian fathers were ignorant of those mechanical arts which so much abridge human labor now, we can easily understand how difficult they must have found it to secure for themselves the common necessaries of life, and this the more so if animal food was not allowed them. The prolonged life, then, of the generations before the flood, would seem to have been rather an evil than a blessing, leading as it did to the too rapid peopling of the earth. We can readily conceive how this might conduce to that awful state of things expressed in the words, 'And the whole earth was filled with violence.' In the absence of any well regulated system of government, we can imagine what evils must have arisen; the unprincipled would oppress the weak, the crafty would outwit the unsuspecting, and, not having the fear of God before their eyes, destruction and misery would be in their ways. Still we must admire the providence of God in the longevity of man immediately after the creation and the flood. After the creation, when the world was to be peopled by one man and one woman, the age of the greatest part of those on record was 900 and upwards. But after the flood, when there were three couples to re-people the earth, none of the patriarchs, except Shem, reached the age of 500; and only the three first of his line, viz., Arphaxad, Selah, and Eber, came near that age, which was in the first century after the flood. In the second century we do not find that any attained the age of 240 and in the third century (about the latter end of which Abraham was born) none, except Terah, arrived at 200; by which time the world was so well peopled, that they had built cities, and were formed into distinct nations under their respective kings. See Genesis 11. </p> <p> That the common age of man has been the same in all times since the world was peopled, is manifest from profane as well as sacred history. Plato lived to the age of 81, and was accounted an old man; and those whom Pliny reckons up (vii. 48) as rare examples of long life, may, for the most part, be equaled in modern times. We cannot, then, but see the hand of God in the proportion that there is between births and deaths; for by this means the population of the world is kept up. If the fixed standard of human life were that of Methuselah's age, or even that of Abraham's, the world would soon be overstocked; or if the age of man were limited to that of divers other animals, to 10, 20, or 30 years only, the decay of mankind would then be too fast. But on the present scale the balance is nearly even, and life and death keep an equal pace. In thus maintaining throughout all ages and places these proportions of mankind, and all other creatures, God declares himself to be indeed the ruler of the world. </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_49103" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_5838" /> ==
<p> The Biblical narrative plainly ascribes to many individuals in the earlier history of the race lives far longer than what is held to be the present extreme limit, and we must therefore carefully consider the evidence upon which the general correctness of the numbers rests, and any independent evidence as to the length of life at this time. The statements in the [[Bible]] regarding longevity may be separated into two classes those given in genealogical lists, and those interspersed with the relation of events. </p> <p> I. To the former class virtually belong all the statements relating to the longevity of the patriarchs before Abraham. These, as given by [[Moses]] in the [[Hebrew]] text, are as follows: </p> <p> [[Infidelity]] has not failed, in various ages, to attack revelation on the score of the supposed absurdity of assigning to any class of men this lengthened term of existence. In reference to this, [[Josephus]] (Ant. 1:3, 3) remarks: "Let no one, upon comparing the lives of the ancients with our lives, and with the few years which we now live, think that what we say of them is false, or make the shortness of our lives at present an argument that neither did they attain to so long a duration of life." When we consider the compensating process which is going on, the marvel is that the human frame should not last longer than it does. Some, however, have supposed that the years above named are lunar, consisting of about thirty days; but this supposition, with a view to reduce the lives of the antediluvians to our standard, is replete with difficulties. At this rate, the whole time from the creation of man to the flood would not be more than about 140 years; and [[Methuselah]] himself would not have attained to the age which many even now do, whilst many must have had children when mere infants! Moses must therefore have meant solar, not lunar years — averaging as long as ours, although the ancients generally reckoned twelve months, of thirty days each, to the year. "Nor is there," observes St. [[Augustine]] (De Civ. Dei, 15:12), "any care to be given unto those who think that one of our ordinary years would make ten of the years of these times, being so short; and therefore, say they, 900 years of theirs are 90 of ours — their 10 is our 1, and their 100 our 10. [[Thus]] think they that [[Adam]] was but 20 years old when he begat Seth, and he but 201 when he begat Enos, whom the [[Scriptures]] call (the Sept. ver.) 205 years. For, as these men hold, the [[Scripture]] divided one year into ten parts, calling each part a year; and each part had a sixfold quadrate, because in six days [[God]] made the world. Now 6 times 6 is 36, which, multiplied by 10, makes 360 — i.e., twelve lunar months." Abarbanel, in his Comment. on [[Genesis]] v, states that some, professing Christianity, had fallen into the same mistake, viz. that Moses meant lunar, and not solar years. [[Ecclesiastical]] history does not inform us of this fact, except it be to it that [[Lactantius]] refers (2:12) when he speaks of one Varro: "The life of man, though temporary, was yet extended to 1000 years; of this Varro is so ignorant that, though known to all from the sacred writings, he would argue that the 1000 years of Moses were, according to the [[Egyptian]] mode of calculation, only 1000 months!" </p> <p> That the ancients computed time differently we learn from Pliny (Hist. Nat. 7), and also from Scaliger (De Emend. Temporum, 1); still this does not alter the case as above stated (see Heidegger, [[De]] Anno Patriarcharum, in his Hist. Patr. Amst. 1688, Zir. 1729). </p> <p> But it is asked, if Moses meant solar years, how came it to pass that the patriarchs did not begin to beget children at an earlier period than they are reported to have done? [[Seth]] was 105 years old, on the lowest calculation, when he begat Enos, and Methuselah 187 when [[Lamech]] was born! St. Augustine (1:15) explains this difficulty in a twofold manner by supposing, </p> <p> 1. [[Either]] that the age of puberty was later in proportion as the lives of the antediluvians were longer than ours, or, </p> <p> 2. That Moses does not record the first-born sons but as the order of the genealogy required, his object being to trace the succession from Adam, through Seth, to Abraham. </p> <p> While the [[Jews]] have never questioned the longevity assigned by Moses to the patriarchs, they have yet disputed, in many instances, as to whether it was common to all men who lived up to the period when human life was contracted. [[Maimonides]] (More Nebochim, 2:47) takes this view. With this opinion Abarbanel, on Genesis v, agrees; Nachmanides, however, rejects it, and shows that the life of the descendants of [[Cain]] must have been quite as long as that of the Sethites, though not noticed by Moses; for only seven individuals of the former filled up the space which intervened between the death of [[Abel]] and the flood, whereas ten of the latter are enumerated. We have reason, then, to conclude that longevity was not confined to any peculiar tribe of the ante or post diluvian fathers, but was vouchsafed, in general, to all. [[Irenaeus]] (Adversvs Haeret. 5) informs us that some supposed that the fact of its being recorded that no one of the antediluvians named attained the age of 1000 years, was the fulfillment of the declaration (Genesis 3), "In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die;" grounding the opinion, or rather conceit upon Psalms 90:4, namely, that God's day is 1000 years. As to the probable reasons why God so prolonged the life of man in the earlier ages of the world, and as to the subordinate means by which this might have been accomplished, Josephus says (Ant. 1.c.): "For those ancients were beloved of God, and lately made by God himself; and because their food was then fitter for the prolongation of life, they might well live so great a number of years; and because God afforded them a longer time of life on account of their virtue and the good use they made of it in astronomical and geometrical discoveries, which would not have afforded the time for foretelling the periods of the stars unless they had lived 600 years; for the great year is completed in that interval." To this he adds the testimony of many celebrated profane historians, who affirm that the ancients lived 1000 years. In the above passage Josephus enumerates four causes of the longevity of the earlier patriarchs. </p> <p> 1. As to the first, viz., their being dearer to God than other men, it is plain that it cannot be maintained; for the profligate descendants of Cain were equally longlived, as mentioned above, with others. </p> <p> 2. [[Neither]] can we agree in the second reason he assigns; because we find that [[Noah]] and others, though born so long subsequently to the creation of Adam, yet lived to as great an age, some of them to a greater age than he did. </p> <p> 3. If, again, it were right to attribute longevity to the superior quality of the food of the antediluvians, then the seasons, on which this depends, must, about Moses's time — for it was then that the term of human existence was reduced to its present standard — have assumed a fixed character. But no change at that time took place in the revolution of the heavenly bodies, by which the seasons of heat, cold, etc., are regulated: hence we must not assume that it was the nature of the fruits they ate which caused longevity. </p> <p> 4. How far the antediluvians had advanced in scientific research generally, and in astronomical discovery particularly, we are not informed; nor can we place any dependence upon what Josephus says about the two inscribed pillars which remained from the old world (see Ant. 1:2, 9). We are not, therefore, able to determine, with any confidence, that God permitted the earlier generations of man to live so long in order that they might arrive at a high degree of mental excellence. From the brief notices which the Scriptures afford of the character and habits of the antediluvians, we should rather infer that they had not advanced very far in discoveries in natural and experimental philosophy. (See [[Antediluvians]]). </p> <p> We must suppose that they did not reduce their language to alphabetical order; nor was it necessary to do so at a time when human life was so prolonged that the tradition of the creation passed through only two hands to Noah. It would seem that the book ascribed to [[Enoch]] is a work of postdiluvian origin (see Jurieu, Crit. Hist. 1:41). Possibly a want of mental employment, together with the labor they endured ere they were able to extract from the earth the necessaries of life, might have been some of the proximate causes of that degeneracy which led God in judgment to destroy the old world. If the antediluvians began to bear children at the age on an average of 100, and if they ceased to do so at 600 years (see Shuckford's Connect. 1:36), the world might then have been far more densely populated than it is now. Supposing, moreover, that the earth was no more productive antecedently than it was subsequently to the flood, and that the antediluvian fathers were ignorant of those mechanical arts which so much abridge human labor now, we can easily understand how difficult they must have found it to secure for themselves the common necessaries of life, and this the more so if animal food was not allowed them. The prolonged life, then, of the generations before the flood would seem to have been rather an evil than a blessing, leading as it did to the too rapid peopling of the earth. We can readily conceive how this might conduce to that awful state of things expressed in the words, "And the whole earth was filled with violence." In the absence of any well-regulated system of government, we can imagine what evils must have arisen: the unprincipled would oppress the weak, the crafty would outwit the unsuspecting, and, not having the fear of God before their eyes, destruction and misery would be in their ways. Still we must admire the providence of God in the longevity of man immediately after the creation and the flood. After the creation, when the world was to be peopled by one man and one woman, the age of the greatest part of those on record was 900 and upwards. But after the flood, when there were three couples to repeople the earth, none of the patriarchs except [[Shem]] reached the age of 500, and only the first three of his line, viz. Arphaxad, Salah, and Eber, came near that age, which was in the first century after the flood. In the second century we do not find that any attained the age of 240; and in the third century (about the latter end of which [[Abraham]] was born), none, except Terah, arrived at 200, by which time the world was so well peopled that they had built cities, and were formed into distinct nations under their respective kings (see Genesis 15; see also Usher and Petavius on the increase of mankind in the first three centuries after the flood). </p> <p> II. The statements as to the length of the lives of Abraham and his nearer descendants, and some of his later, are so closely interwoven with the historical narrative, not alone in form, but in sense, that their general truth and its cannot be separated. Abraham's age at the birth of [[Isaac]] is a great fact in his history, equally attested in the Old [[Testament]] and in the New. Again, the longevity ascribed to [[Jacob]] is confirmed by the question of [[Pharaoh]] and the patriarch's remarkable answer, in which he makes his then age of 130 years less than the years of his ancestors (Genesis 47:9), a minute point of agreement with the other chronological statements to be especially noted. At a later time, the age of Moses is attested by various statements in the Pentateuch, and in the New Test. on St. Stephen's authority, though it is to be observed that the mention of his having retained his strength to the end of his 120 years (Deuteronomy 34:7) is, perhaps, indicative of an unusual longevity. In the earlier part of the period following we notice similar instances in the case of Joshua, and, inferentially, in that of Othniel. Nothing in the Bible could be cited against this evidence, except it be the common explanation of Psalms 90 (esp. Psalms 90:10), combined with its ascription to Moses (see title). </p> <p> That the common age of man has been the same in all times since the world was generally repeopled is manifest from profane as well as sacred history. [[Plato]] lived to the age of 81, and was accounted an old man; and those whom Pliny reckons up (7:48) as rare examples of long life may for the most part be equaled in modern times. It must be observed, however, that all the supposed famous modern instances of very great longevity, as those of Parr, Jackson, and the old countess of Desmond, have utterly broken down on examination, and that the registers of countries where records of such statistics have been kept prove no greater extreme than about 110 years. We may fortunately appeal to at least one contemporary instance. There is an Egyptian hieratic papyrus in the Bibliotheque at [[Paris]] bearing a moral discourse by one Ptah-hotp, apparently eldest son of Assa (B.C. cir. 1910-1860), the fifth king of the fifteenth dynasty, which was of shepherds. (See [[Egypt]]). At the conclusion, Ptah-hotp thus speaks of himself: "I have become an elder on the earth (or in the land); I have traversed a hundred and tell years of life by the gift of the king and the approval of the elders, fulfilling my duty towards the king in the place of favor (or blessing)" (Facsimile d'un [[Papyrus]] Egyptien, par E. Prisse d'Avennes, pl. 19, lines 7, 8). The natural inferences from this passage are, that Ptah-hotp wrote in the full possession of his mental faculties at the age of 110 years, and that his father was still reigning at the time, and therefore had attained the age of about 130 years, or more. The reigns assigned by Mahetho to the shepherd-kings of this dynasty seem indicative of a greater age than that of the Egyptian sovereigns (Cory, [[Ancient]] Fragments, 2d ed., pages 114, 136). (See [[Chronology]]). </p>
<p> ''''' lon ''''' - ''''' jev´i ''''' - ''''' ti ''''' : In the part of Genesis ascribed to the Priestly Code (P), the names and genealogies of the patriarchs are given (&nbsp; Genesis 5; &nbsp;11 ). In the three versions which are our chief sources, Massoretic Text, [[Septuagint]] and Sam, the age-numbers given for these patriarchs are hopelessly at variance. It is in accord with what we find in the earliest legend of most races that in these chapters a great length of life is ascribed to these; thus [[Berosus]] attributes to the first 10 kings of [[Babylonia]] a span of 430,000 years, and [[Hesiod]] ( <i> Works and Days </i> , 129) says that in the Silver Age childhood lasted 100 years, during which a boy was reared and grew up beside his mother. On the other hand the evidence of prehistoric archaeology shows that the rate of development of the individual in the early Stone Age differed very little from that of humanity at the present day. It is possible that, in the case of the Hebrew record, the names of certain pre-Abrahamic patriarchs were derived from an ancient tradition, and that in the desire to fill up the chronology of the period before the call of Abraham, these names were inserted and the time which was supposed to have elapsed was divided among them; on the basis of some such hypothesis as that which is said to have existed among the Jews, that the [[Messiah]] should come 4,000 years after Adam. </p> <p> We know from the archaeological evidence that the antiquity of primitive man extends to a date very much farther back than 4,000 years. Indeed, we can prove that before 4000 Bc there were settled nationalities both in the valley of the Nile and that of the Euphrates, and that among these the duration of individual life was much the same as at the present day. The first three dynasties in Egypt, starting at or about 4400 BC, consisted of 25 consecutive kings, the average length of whose several reigns was about 30 years. The biographic sketches of Biblical persons other than those in Genesis showed that their longevity did not exceed that of our contemporaries. [[Eli]] was blind and feeble at 98. At 70 David was bedridden and frail. Manasseh, the king of Judah whose reign was longest, died at 67; [[Uzziah]] died at 68. The statement in &nbsp;Psalm 90:10 attributed to Moses is a correct estimate of what has been the expectation of life at all time. </p> <p> At the present day among Palestinian fellahin very old men are uncommon. I have never seen anyone among them who could prove that he was 80 years of age; the rate of infant mortality is appallingly high. Maturity is earlier, and signs of senility appear among them sooner than among the same class in Great Britain. </p>
==References ==
==References ==
Line 16: Line 16:
<ref name="term_139943"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/longevity Longevity from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_139943"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/longevity Longevity from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_5838"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/longevity Longevity from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_49103"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/longevity Longevity from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_16091"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/kitto-s-popular-cyclopedia-of-biblial-literature/longevity Longevity from Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_16091"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/kitto-s-popular-cyclopedia-of-biblial-literature/longevity Longevity from Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_49103"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/longevity Longevity from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_5838"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/longevity Longevity from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>

Latest revision as of 08:03, 15 October 2021

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(n.) Long duration of life; length of life.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [2]

The Biblical narrative plainly ascribes to many individuals in the earlier history of the race lives far longer than what is held to be the present extreme limit, and we must therefore carefully consider the evidence upon which the general correctness of the numbers rests, and any independent evidence as to the length of life at this time. The statements in the Bible regarding longevity may be separated into two classes those given in genealogical lists, and those interspersed with the relation of events.

I. To the former class virtually belong all the statements relating to the longevity of the patriarchs before Abraham. These, as given by Moses in the Hebrew text, are as follows:

Infidelity has not failed, in various ages, to attack revelation on the score of the supposed absurdity of assigning to any class of men this lengthened term of existence. In reference to this, Josephus (Ant. 1:3, 3) remarks: "Let no one, upon comparing the lives of the ancients with our lives, and with the few years which we now live, think that what we say of them is false, or make the shortness of our lives at present an argument that neither did they attain to so long a duration of life." When we consider the compensating process which is going on, the marvel is that the human frame should not last longer than it does. Some, however, have supposed that the years above named are lunar, consisting of about thirty days; but this supposition, with a view to reduce the lives of the antediluvians to our standard, is replete with difficulties. At this rate, the whole time from the creation of man to the flood would not be more than about 140 years; and Methuselah himself would not have attained to the age which many even now do, whilst many must have had children when mere infants! Moses must therefore have meant solar, not lunar years averaging as long as ours, although the ancients generally reckoned twelve months, of thirty days each, to the year. "Nor is there," observes St. Augustine (De Civ. Dei, 15:12), "any care to be given unto those who think that one of our ordinary years would make ten of the years of these times, being so short; and therefore, say they, 900 years of theirs are 90 of ours their 10 is our 1, and their 100 our 10. Thus think they that Adam was but 20 years old when he begat Seth, and he but 201 when he begat Enos, whom the Scriptures call (the Sept. ver.) 205 years. For, as these men hold, the Scripture divided one year into ten parts, calling each part a year; and each part had a sixfold quadrate, because in six days God made the world. Now 6 times 6 is 36, which, multiplied by 10, makes 360 i.e., twelve lunar months." Abarbanel, in his Comment. on Genesis v, states that some, professing Christianity, had fallen into the same mistake, viz. that Moses meant lunar, and not solar years. Ecclesiastical history does not inform us of this fact, except it be to it that Lactantius refers (2:12) when he speaks of one Varro: "The life of man, though temporary, was yet extended to 1000 years; of this Varro is so ignorant that, though known to all from the sacred writings, he would argue that the 1000 years of Moses were, according to the Egyptian mode of calculation, only 1000 months!"

That the ancients computed time differently we learn from Pliny (Hist. Nat. 7), and also from Scaliger (De Emend. Temporum, 1); still this does not alter the case as above stated (see Heidegger, De Anno Patriarcharum, in his Hist. Patr. Amst. 1688, Zir. 1729).

But it is asked, if Moses meant solar years, how came it to pass that the patriarchs did not begin to beget children at an earlier period than they are reported to have done? Seth was 105 years old, on the lowest calculation, when he begat Enos, and Methuselah 187 when Lamech was born! St. Augustine (1:15) explains this difficulty in a twofold manner by supposing,

1. Either that the age of puberty was later in proportion as the lives of the antediluvians were longer than ours, or,

2. That Moses does not record the first-born sons but as the order of the genealogy required, his object being to trace the succession from Adam, through Seth, to Abraham.

While the Jews have never questioned the longevity assigned by Moses to the patriarchs, they have yet disputed, in many instances, as to whether it was common to all men who lived up to the period when human life was contracted. Maimonides (More Nebochim, 2:47) takes this view. With this opinion Abarbanel, on Genesis v, agrees; Nachmanides, however, rejects it, and shows that the life of the descendants of Cain must have been quite as long as that of the Sethites, though not noticed by Moses; for only seven individuals of the former filled up the space which intervened between the death of Abel and the flood, whereas ten of the latter are enumerated. We have reason, then, to conclude that longevity was not confined to any peculiar tribe of the ante or post diluvian fathers, but was vouchsafed, in general, to all. Irenaeus (Adversvs Haeret. 5) informs us that some supposed that the fact of its being recorded that no one of the antediluvians named attained the age of 1000 years, was the fulfillment of the declaration (Genesis 3), "In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die;" grounding the opinion, or rather conceit upon  Psalms 90:4, namely, that God's day is 1000 years. As to the probable reasons why God so prolonged the life of man in the earlier ages of the world, and as to the subordinate means by which this might have been accomplished, Josephus says (Ant. 1.c.): "For those ancients were beloved of God, and lately made by God himself; and because their food was then fitter for the prolongation of life, they might well live so great a number of years; and because God afforded them a longer time of life on account of their virtue and the good use they made of it in astronomical and geometrical discoveries, which would not have afforded the time for foretelling the periods of the stars unless they had lived 600 years; for the great year is completed in that interval." To this he adds the testimony of many celebrated profane historians, who affirm that the ancients lived 1000 years. In the above passage Josephus enumerates four causes of the longevity of the earlier patriarchs.

1. As to the first, viz., their being dearer to God than other men, it is plain that it cannot be maintained; for the profligate descendants of Cain were equally longlived, as mentioned above, with others.

2. Neither can we agree in the second reason he assigns; because we find that Noah and others, though born so long subsequently to the creation of Adam, yet lived to as great an age, some of them to a greater age than he did.

3. If, again, it were right to attribute longevity to the superior quality of the food of the antediluvians, then the seasons, on which this depends, must, about Moses's time for it was Then that the term of human existence was reduced to its present standard have assumed a fixed character. But no change at that time took place in the revolution of the heavenly bodies, by which the seasons of heat, cold, etc., are regulated: hence we must not assume that it was the nature of the fruits they ate which caused longevity.

4. How far the antediluvians had advanced in scientific research generally, and in astronomical discovery particularly, we are not informed; nor can we place any dependence upon what Josephus says about the two inscribed pillars which remained from the old world (see Ant. 1:2, 9). We are not, therefore, able to determine, with any confidence, that God permitted the earlier generations of man to live so long in order that they might arrive at a high degree of mental excellence. From the brief notices which the Scriptures afford of the character and habits of the antediluvians, we should rather infer that they had not advanced very far in discoveries in natural and experimental philosophy. (See Antediluvians).

We must suppose that they did not reduce their language to alphabetical order; nor was it necessary to do so at a time when human life was so prolonged that the tradition of the creation passed through only two hands to Noah. It would seem that the book ascribed to Enoch is a work of postdiluvian origin (see Jurieu, Crit. Hist. 1:41). Possibly a want of mental employment, together with the labor they endured ere they were able to extract from the earth the necessaries of life, might have been some of the proximate causes of that degeneracy which led God in judgment to destroy the old world. If the antediluvians began to bear children at the age on an average of 100, and if they ceased to do so at 600 years (see Shuckford's Connect. 1:36), the world might then have been far more densely populated than it is now. Supposing, moreover, that the earth was no more productive antecedently than it was subsequently to the flood, and that the antediluvian fathers were ignorant of those mechanical arts which so much abridge human labor now, we can easily understand how difficult they must have found it to secure for themselves the common necessaries of life, and this the more so if animal food was not allowed them. The prolonged life, then, of the generations before the flood would seem to have been rather an evil than a blessing, leading as it did to the too rapid peopling of the earth. We can readily conceive how this might conduce to that awful state of things expressed in the words, "And the whole earth was filled with violence." In the absence of any well-regulated system of government, we can imagine what evils must have arisen: the unprincipled would oppress the weak, the crafty would outwit the unsuspecting, and, not having the fear of God before their eyes, destruction and misery would be in their ways. Still we must admire the providence of God in the longevity of man immediately after the creation and the flood. After the creation, when the world was to be peopled by one man and one woman, the age of the greatest part of those on record was 900 and upwards. But after the flood, when there were three couples to repeople the earth, none of the patriarchs except Shem reached the age of 500, and only the first three of his line, viz. Arphaxad, Salah, and Eber, came near that age, which was in the first century after the flood. In the second century we do not find that any attained the age of 240; and in the third century (about the latter end of which Abraham was born), none, except Terah, arrived at 200, by which time the world was so well peopled that they had built cities, and were formed into distinct nations under their respective kings (see Genesis 15; see also Usher and Petavius on the increase of mankind in the first three centuries after the flood).

II. The statements as to the length of the lives of Abraham and his nearer descendants, and some of his later, are so closely interwoven with the historical narrative, not alone in form, but in sense, that their general truth and its cannot be separated. Abraham's age at the birth of Isaac is a great fact in his history, equally attested in the Old Testament and in the New. Again, the longevity ascribed to Jacob is confirmed by the question of Pharaoh and the patriarch's remarkable answer, in which he makes his then age of 130 years less than the years of his ancestors ( Genesis 47:9), a minute point of agreement with the other chronological statements to be especially noted. At a later time, the age of Moses is attested by various statements in the Pentateuch, and in the New Test. on St. Stephen's authority, though it is to be observed that the mention of his having retained his strength to the end of his 120 years ( Deuteronomy 34:7) is, perhaps, indicative of an unusual longevity. In the earlier part of the period following we notice similar instances in the case of Joshua, and, inferentially, in that of Othniel. Nothing in the Bible could be cited against this evidence, except it be the common explanation of Psalms 90 (esp.  Psalms 90:10), combined with its ascription to Moses (see title).

That the common age of man has been the same in all times since the world was generally repeopled is manifest from profane as well as sacred history. Plato lived to the age of 81, and was accounted an old man; and those whom Pliny reckons up (7:48) as rare examples of long life may for the most part be equaled in modern times. It must be observed, however, that all the supposed famous modern instances of very great longevity, as those of Parr, Jackson, and the old countess of Desmond, have utterly broken down on examination, and that the registers of countries where records of such statistics have been kept prove no greater extreme than about 110 years. We may fortunately appeal to at least one contemporary instance. There is an Egyptian hieratic papyrus in the Bibliotheque at Paris bearing a moral discourse by one Ptah-hotp, apparently eldest son of Assa (B.C. cir. 1910-1860), the fifth king of the fifteenth dynasty, which was of shepherds. (See Egypt). At the conclusion, Ptah-hotp thus speaks of himself: "I have become an elder on the earth (or in the land); I have traversed a hundred and tell years of life by the gift of the king and the approval of the elders, fulfilling my duty towards the king in the place of favor (or blessing)" (Facsimile D'Un Papyrus Egyptien, par E. Prisse d'Avennes, pl. 19, lines 7, 8). The natural inferences from this passage are, that Ptah-hotp wrote in the full possession of his mental faculties at the age of 110 years, and that his father was still reigning at the time, and therefore had attained the age of about 130 years, or more. The reigns assigned by Mahetho to the shepherd-kings of this dynasty seem indicative of a greater age than that of the Egyptian sovereigns (Cory, Ancient Fragments, 2d ed., pages 114, 136). (See Chronology).

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [3]

The lengthened ages of some of the ante and post-diluvian fathers, as given by Moses in the Hebrew text, are as follows:—









































Infidelity has not failed, in various ages, to attack revelation on the score of the supposed absurdity of assigning to any class of men this lengthened term of existence. In reference to this Josephus remarks:—'Let no one upon comparing the lives of the ancients with our lives, and with the few years which we now live, think that what we say of them is false; or make the shortness of our lives at present an argument that neither did they attain to so long a duration of life.' When we consider the compensating process which is going on, the marvel is that the human frame should not last longer than it does. Some, however, have supposed that the years above named are lunar, consisting of about thirty days; but this supposition, with a view to reduce the lives of the antediluvians to our standard, is replete with difficulties. At this rate the whole time, from the creation of man to the Flood, would not be more than about 140 years; and Methuselah himself would not have attained to the age which many even now do, while many must have had children when mere infants! Besides, if we compute the age of the post-diluvians by this mode of calculation—and why should we not?—we shall find that Abraham, who is said to have died in a good old age could not have been more than fifteen years old! Moses must therefore have meant solar, not lunar years—not, however, exactly so long as ours, for the ancients generally reckoned twelve months, of thirty days each, to the year.

But it is asked, if Moses meant solar years, how came it to pass that the patriarchs did not begin to beget children at an earlier period than they are reported to have done? Seth was 105 years old, on the lowest calculation, when he begat Enos; and Methuselah 187 when Lamech was born! St. Augustine (i. 15) explains this difficulty in a two-fold manner, by supposing

1. Either that the age of puberty was later in proportion as the lives of the antediluvians were longer than ours; or

2. That Moses does not record the first-born sons, but as the order of the genealogy required, his object being to trace the succession from Adam, through Seth, to Abraham.

As to the probable reasons why God so prolonged the life of man in the earlier ages of the world, and as to the subordinate means by which this might have been accomplished, Josephus says: 'For those ancients were beloved of God, and lately made by God himself; and because their food was then fitter for the prolongation of life, they might well live so great a number of years: and because God afforded them a longer time of life on account of their virtue and the good use they made of it in astronomical and geometrical discoveries, which would not have afforded the time for foretelling the periods of the stars unless they had lived 600 years; for the great year is completed in that interval.'

In the above passage Josephus enumerates four causes of the longevity of the earlier patriarchs. As to the first, viz., their being dearer to God than other men, it is plain that it cannot be maintained; for the profligate descendants of Cain were equally long-lived, as mentioned above, with others. Neither can we agree in the second reason he assigns; because we find that Noah and others, though born so long subsequently to the creation of Adam, yet lived to as great an age, some of them to a greater age than he did. If, again, it were right to attribute longevity to the superior quality of the food of the antediluvians, then the seasons, on which this depends, must, about Moses' time—for it was then that the term of human existence was reduced to its present standard—have assumed a fixed character. But no change at that time took place in the revolution of the heavenly bodies, by which the seasons of heat, cold, etc., are regulated: hence we must not assume that it was the nature of the fruits they ate which caused longevity. How far the antediluvians had advanced in scientific research generally, and in astronomical discovery particularly, we are not informed; nor can we place any dependence upon what Josephus says about the two inscribed pillars which remained from the old world. We are not, therefore, able to determine, with any confidence, that God permitted the earlier generations of man to live so long, in order that they might arrive at a high degree of mental excellence. From the brief notices which the Scriptures afford of the character and habits of the antediluvians, we should rather infer that they had not advanced very far in discoveries in natural and experimental philosophy [see ANTEDILUVIANS]. We must suppose that they did not reduce their language to alphabetical order; nor was it necessary to do so at a time when human life was so prolonged, that the tradition of the creation passed through only two hands to Noah. It would seem that the book ascribed to Enoch is a work of postdiluvian origin. Possibly a want of mental employment, together with the labor they endured before they were able to extract from the earth the necessaries of life, might have been some of the proximate causes of that degeneracy which led God in judgment to destroy the old world. If the antediluvians began to bear children at the age on an average of 100, and if they ceased to do so at 600 years, the world might then have been far more densely populated than it is now. Supposing, moreover, that the earth was no more productive antecedently than it was subsequently to the flood; and that the ante-diluvian fathers were ignorant of those mechanical arts which so much abridge human labor now, we can easily understand how difficult they must have found it to secure for themselves the common necessaries of life, and this the more so if animal food was not allowed them. The prolonged life, then, of the generations before the flood, would seem to have been rather an evil than a blessing, leading as it did to the too rapid peopling of the earth. We can readily conceive how this might conduce to that awful state of things expressed in the words, 'And the whole earth was filled with violence.' In the absence of any well regulated system of government, we can imagine what evils must have arisen; the unprincipled would oppress the weak, the crafty would outwit the unsuspecting, and, not having the fear of God before their eyes, destruction and misery would be in their ways. Still we must admire the providence of God in the longevity of man immediately after the creation and the flood. After the creation, when the world was to be peopled by one man and one woman, the age of the greatest part of those on record was 900 and upwards. But after the flood, when there were three couples to re-people the earth, none of the patriarchs, except Shem, reached the age of 500; and only the three first of his line, viz., Arphaxad, Selah, and Eber, came near that age, which was in the first century after the flood. In the second century we do not find that any attained the age of 240 and in the third century (about the latter end of which Abraham was born) none, except Terah, arrived at 200; by which time the world was so well peopled, that they had built cities, and were formed into distinct nations under their respective kings. See Genesis 11.

That the common age of man has been the same in all times since the world was peopled, is manifest from profane as well as sacred history. Plato lived to the age of 81, and was accounted an old man; and those whom Pliny reckons up (vii. 48) as rare examples of long life, may, for the most part, be equaled in modern times. We cannot, then, but see the hand of God in the proportion that there is between births and deaths; for by this means the population of the world is kept up. If the fixed standard of human life were that of Methuselah's age, or even that of Abraham's, the world would soon be overstocked; or if the age of man were limited to that of divers other animals, to 10, 20, or 30 years only, the decay of mankind would then be too fast. But on the present scale the balance is nearly even, and life and death keep an equal pace. In thus maintaining throughout all ages and places these proportions of mankind, and all other creatures, God declares himself to be indeed the ruler of the world.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]

lon - jev´i - ti  : In the part of Genesis ascribed to the Priestly Code (P), the names and genealogies of the patriarchs are given (  Genesis 5;  11 ). In the three versions which are our chief sources, Massoretic Text, Septuagint and Sam, the age-numbers given for these patriarchs are hopelessly at variance. It is in accord with what we find in the earliest legend of most races that in these chapters a great length of life is ascribed to these; thus Berosus attributes to the first 10 kings of Babylonia a span of 430,000 years, and Hesiod ( Works and Days , 129) says that in the Silver Age childhood lasted 100 years, during which a boy was reared and grew up beside his mother. On the other hand the evidence of prehistoric archaeology shows that the rate of development of the individual in the early Stone Age differed very little from that of humanity at the present day. It is possible that, in the case of the Hebrew record, the names of certain pre-Abrahamic patriarchs were derived from an ancient tradition, and that in the desire to fill up the chronology of the period before the call of Abraham, these names were inserted and the time which was supposed to have elapsed was divided among them; on the basis of some such hypothesis as that which is said to have existed among the Jews, that the Messiah should come 4,000 years after Adam.

We know from the archaeological evidence that the antiquity of primitive man extends to a date very much farther back than 4,000 years. Indeed, we can prove that before 4000 Bc there were settled nationalities both in the valley of the Nile and that of the Euphrates, and that among these the duration of individual life was much the same as at the present day. The first three dynasties in Egypt, starting at or about 4400 BC, consisted of 25 consecutive kings, the average length of whose several reigns was about 30 years. The biographic sketches of Biblical persons other than those in Genesis showed that their longevity did not exceed that of our contemporaries. Eli was blind and feeble at 98. At 70 David was bedridden and frail. Manasseh, the king of Judah whose reign was longest, died at 67; Uzziah died at 68. The statement in  Psalm 90:10 attributed to Moses is a correct estimate of what has been the expectation of life at all time.

At the present day among Palestinian fellahin very old men are uncommon. I have never seen anyone among them who could prove that he was 80 years of age; the rate of infant mortality is appallingly high. Maturity is earlier, and signs of senility appear among them sooner than among the same class in Great Britain.
