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Fair <ref name="term_3706" />  
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_60084" /> ==
<p> '''''fâr''''' : The word translated in the King James Version from 9 [[Hebrew]] and 4 [[Greek]] expressions has nowhere in the [[Bible]] the modern sense of "blond," "fair-skinned." The translation of Isaiah 54:11 , "fair colors," refers to the cosmetic use of פוּך , <i> '''''pūkh''''' </i> , stibium, antimony powder, with which black margins were painted around the eyelids, so as to make the eyes appear large and dark. The stones of rebuilt Jerusalem, beautifully laid in their black mortar, are compared with such eyes. We can distinguish the following varieties of meaning: (1) Beautiful, attractive, טוב , <i> '''''ṭōbh''''' </i> , יפה , <i> '''''yāphāh''''' </i> , יפה , <i> '''''yāpheh''''' </i> ; Aramaic שׁפיר , <i> '''''shappı̄r''''' </i> ; [[Septuagint]] καλός , <i> '''''kalós''''' </i> ; in the New [[Testament]] ἀστεῖος , <i> '''''asteı́os''''' </i> ̌ . This latter word is in both places where it is found used of [[Moses]] ( Acts 7:20; Hebrews 11:23 , the Revised Version (British and American) "goodly"), and means literally, town bred (as opposed to boorish), polite, polished in manners, urbane, then nice, pretty. (2) Pure, free of defilement, the Revised Version (British and American) "clean," טהור , <i> '''''ṭāhōr''''' </i> ( Zechariah 3:5 ). (3) "Fair speech," plausible, persuasive ( לקח , <i> '''''leḳah''''' </i> , Proverbs 7:21; εὔλαλος , <i> '''''eúlalos''''' </i> , [[Sirach]] 6:5; compare εὐλογία , <i> '''''eulogı́a''''' </i> , Romans 16:18 ). (4) Making a fine display ( εὐπροσωπεῖν , <i> '''''euprosōpeı́n''''' </i> , Galatians 6:12 , "to make a fair show"). (5) Good (of weather) ( זהב , <i> '''''zāhābh''''' </i> , "golden," "clear," Job 37:2 , Job 37:2 , the Revised Version (British and American) "golden splendor"); εὐδία , <i> '''''eudı́a''''' </i> ( Matthew 16:2 ). </p>
<p> FAIR, a. </p> 1. [[Clear]] free from spots free from a dark hue white as a fair skin a fair complexion. hence, 2. [[Beautiful]] handsome properly, having a handsome face. <p> Thou art a fair woman to look upon. &nbsp;Genesis 12 . Hence, </p> 3. [[Pleasing]] to the eye handsome or beautiful in general. <p> Thus was be fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches. &nbsp;Ezekiel 31 . </p> 4. Clear pure free from feculence or extraneous matter as fair water. 5. Clear not cloudy or overcast as fair weather a fair sky. 6. Favorable prosperous blowing in a direction towards the place of destination as a fair wind at sea. 7. Open direct, as a way or passage. You are in a fair way to promotion. hence, likely to succeed. he stands as fair to succeed as any man. 8. Open to attack or access unobstructed as a fair mark a fair butt fair in sight in fair sight a fair view. 9. Open frank hones hence, equal just equitable. My friend is a fair man his offer is fair his propositions are fair and honorable. 10. Not effected by insidious or unlawful methods not foul. <p> He died a fair and natural death. </p> 11. Frank candid not sophistical or insidious as a fair disputant. 12. [[Honest]] honorable mild opposed to insidious and compulsory as, to accomplish a thing by fair means. 13. Frank : pleasing not harsh. <p> When fair words and good counsel will not prevail on us, we must be frighted into our duty. </p> 14. Equitable just erited. <p> His doom is fair, </p> <p> That dust I am, and shall to dust return. </p> 15. [[Liberal]] not narrow as a fair livelihood. 16. Plain legible as, the letter is written in a fair hand. 17. Free from stain or blemish unspotted untarnished as a fair character or fame. <p> FAIR, adv. </p> 1. [[Openly]] frankly civilly complaisantly. <p> One of the company spoke him fair. </p> 2. Candidly honestly equitably He promised fair. 3. Happily successfully. <p> Now fair befall thee. </p> 4. On good terms as, to keep fair with the world to stand fair with one's companions. <p> To bid fair, is to be likely, or to have a fair prospect. </p> <p> [[Fair]] and square, just dealing honesty. </p> <p> FAIR, n. </p> 1. Elliptically, a fair woman a handsome female. The fair, the female sex. 2. Fairness applied to things or persons. Not used. <p> FAIR, n. L. forum, or feriae, a holiday, a day exempt from labor Gr. to trade, whence, emporium, the primary sense of which is to pass. </p> <p> A stated market in a particular town or city a stated meeting of buyers and sellers for trade. A fair is annual or more frequent. The privilege of holding fairs is granted by the king or supreme power. Among the most celebrated fairs in Europe are those of Frankfort and Leipsic in [[Germany]] of Novi in the Milanese of [[Riga]] and [[Archangel]] in [[Russia]] of [[Lyons]] and St. Germain in France. In Great Britain many towns enjoy this privilege. </p>
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_77611" /> ==
<div> '''1: '''''Ἀστεῖος''''' ''' (Strong'S #791 — Adjective — asteios — as-ti'-os ) </div> <p> lit., "of the city" (from astu, "a city;" like Lat. urbanus, from urbs, "a city;" Eng., "urbane;" similarly, "polite," from polis, "a town"), hence, "fair, elegant" (used in the papyri writings of clothing), is said of the external form of a child, &nbsp;Acts 7:20 , of Moses "(exceeding) fair," lit., "fair to God;" &nbsp;Hebrews 11:23 (RV, "goodly," AV, "proper"). See Beautiful , [[Goodly]] , Note. </p> <div> '''2: '''''Εὐδία''''' ''' (Strong'S #2105 — Noun [[Feminine]] — eudia — yoo-dee'-ah ) </div> <p> denotes "fair weather," &nbsp;Matthew 16:2 , from eudios, "calm;" from eu, "good," and dios, "divine," among the pagan Greeks, akin to the name for the god Zeus, or Jupiter. Some would derive [[Dios]] and the Latin deus (god) and dies (day) from a root meaning "bright." Cp. the Latin sub divo, "under a bright, open sky." </p> <div> '''3: '''''Καλός''''' ''' (Strong'S #2570 — Adjective — kalos — kal-os' ) </div> <p> "beautiful, fair, in appearance," is used as part of the proper name, Fair Havens, &nbsp;Acts 27:8 . See [[Better]] , Good. </p> &nbsp;Romans 16:18&nbsp;Galatians 6:12
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_120707" /> ==
<p> '''(1):''' ''' (''' superl.) Not overcast; cloudless; clear; pleasant; propitious; favorable; - said of the sky, weather, or wind, etc.; as, a fair sky; a fair day. </p> <p> '''(2):''' ''' (''' superl.) Pleasing to the eye; handsome; beautiful. </p> <p> '''(3):''' ''' (''' superl.) Free from spots, specks, dirt, or imperfection; unblemished; clean; pure. </p> <p> '''(4):''' ''' (''' superl.) Characterized by frankness, honesty, impartiality, or candor; open; upright; free from suspicion or bias; equitable; just; - said of persons, character, or conduct; as, a fair man; fair dealing; a fair statement. </p> <p> '''(5):''' ''' (''' superl.) Pleasing; favorable; inspiring hope and confidence; - said of words, promises, etc. </p> <p> '''(6):''' ''' (''' superl.) Distinct; legible; as, fair handwriting. </p> <p> '''(7):''' ''' (''' superl.) Without a dark hue; light; clear; as, a fair skin. </p> <p> '''(8):''' ''' (''' superl.) Free from obstacles or hindrances; unobstructed; unincumbered; open; direct; - said of a road, passage, etc.; as, a fair mark; in fair sight; a fair view. </p> <p> '''(9):''' ''' (''' adv.) Clearly; openly; frankly; civilly; honestly; favorably; auspiciously; agreeably. </p> <p> '''(10):''' ''' (''' n.) Fairness, beauty. </p> <p> '''(11):''' ''' (''' n.) A fair woman; a sweetheart. </p> <p> '''(12):''' ''' (''' n.) Good fortune; good luck. </p> <p> '''(13):''' ''' (''' v. t.) To make fair or beautiful. </p> <p> '''(14):''' ''' (''' v. t.) To make smooth and flowing, as a vessel's lines. </p> <p> '''(15):''' ''' (''' n.) A gathering of buyers and sellers, assembled at a particular place with their merchandise at a stated or regular season, or by special appointment, for trade. </p> <p> '''(16):''' ''' (''' n.) A festival, and sale of fancy articles. erc., usually for some charitable object; as, a Grand Army fair. </p> <p> '''(17):''' ''' (''' n.) A competitive exhibition of wares, farm products, etc., not primarily for purposes of sale; as, the Mechanics' fair; an agricultural fair. </p> <p> '''(18):''' ''' (''' superl.) Without sudden change of direction or curvature; smooth; fowing; - said of the figure of a vessel, and of surfaces, water lines, and other lines. </p> <p> '''(19):''' ''' (''' superl.) Free from any marked characteristic; average; middling; as, a fair specimen. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_3706" /> ==
<p> ''''' fâr ''''' : The word translated in the King James Version from 9 [[Hebrew]] and 4 Greek expressions has nowhere in the Bible the modern sense of "blond," "fair-skinned." The translation of &nbsp;Isaiah 54:11 , "fair colors," refers to the cosmetic use of פוּך , <i> ''''' pūkh ''''' </i> , stibium, antimony powder, with which black margins were painted around the eyelids, so as to make the eyes appear large and dark. The stones of rebuilt Jerusalem, beautifully laid in their black mortar, are compared with such eyes. We can distinguish the following varieties of meaning: (1) Beautiful, attractive, טוב , <i> ''''' ṭōbh ''''' </i> , יפה , <i> ''''' yāphāh ''''' </i> , יפה , <i> ''''' yāpheh ''''' </i> ; [[Aramaic]] שׁפיר , <i> ''''' shappı̄r ''''' </i> ; [[Septuagint]] καλός , <i> ''''' kalós ''''' </i> ; in the New [[Testament]] ἀστεῖος , <i> ''''' asteı́os ''''' </i> ̌ . This latter word is in both places where it is found used of Moses (&nbsp;Acts 7:20; &nbsp;Hebrews 11:23 , the Revised Version (British and American) "goodly"), and means literally, town bred (as opposed to boorish), polite, polished in manners, urbane, then nice, pretty. (2) Pure, free of defilement, the Revised Version (British and American) "clean," טהור , <i> ''''' ṭāhōr ''''' </i> (&nbsp;Zechariah 3:5 ). (3) "Fair speech," plausible, persuasive (לקח , <i> ''''' leḳah ''''' </i> , &nbsp;Proverbs 7:21; εὔλαλος , <i> ''''' eúlalos ''''' </i> , [[Sirach]] 6:5; compare εὐλογία , <i> ''''' eulogı́a ''''' </i> , &nbsp;Romans 16:18 ). (4) Making a fine display (εὐπροσωπεῖν , <i> ''''' euprosōpeı́n ''''' </i> , &nbsp;Galatians 6:12 , "to make a fair show"). (5) Good (of weather) (זהב , <i> ''''' zāhābh ''''' </i> , "golden," "clear," &nbsp;Job 37:2 , &nbsp;Job 37:2 , the Revised Version (British and American) "golden splendor"); εὐδία , <i> ''''' eudı́a ''''' </i> (&nbsp;Matthew 16:2 ). </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_39966" /> ==
<p> (properly '''''יָפֶה''''' , ''Yapheh', '''''Καλός''''' ).'' Travellers inform us that in hot countries the greatest difference imaginable subsists between the complexions of the women. Those of high condition seldom go abroad, and are ever accustomed to be shaded from the sun with the greatest attention, and their skin is consequently fair and beautiful. But women in the lower ranks of life, especially in the country, being, from the nature of their employments, more exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, are in their complexion remarkably tawny and swarthy. Under such circumstances, a high value would of course be set by the Eastern ladies upon the fairness of their complexions, as a distinguishing mark of their superior quality, no less than as an enhancement of their beauty. This notion appears to have obtained as early as the time of [[Abraham]] (&nbsp;Genesis 12:11-13). Thus, also, how natural is the bride's self-abasing reflection in &nbsp;Song of [[Solomon]] 1:5-6, respecting her tawny complexion among the fair daughters of Jerusalem, who, as attendants on a royal marriage, were of the highest rank. Roberts observes, in reference to the daughters of Job being very fair (&nbsp;Job 42:15), "The word fair may sometimes refer to the form of the features as well as the color of the skin; but great value is attached to a woman of a light complexion. Hence our English females are greatly admired in the East, and instances have occurred where great exertions have been made to gain the hand of a fair daughter of Britain. The acme of perfection in a Hindu lady is to be of the color of gold." (See Beau'Ty). </p>
==References ==
==References ==
<ref name="term_60084"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/king-james-dictionary/fair Fair from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_77611"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/vine-s-expository-dictionary-of-nt-words/fair Fair from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words]</ref>
<ref name="term_120707"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/fair Fair from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_3706"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/fair Fair from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_3706"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/fair Fair from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_39966"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/fair Fair from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>

Latest revision as of 13:49, 14 October 2021

King James Dictionary [1]

FAIR, a.

1. Clear free from spots free from a dark hue white as a fair skin a fair complexion. hence, 2. Beautiful handsome properly, having a handsome face.

Thou art a fair woman to look upon.  Genesis 12 . Hence,

3. Pleasing to the eye handsome or beautiful in general.

Thus was be fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches.  Ezekiel 31 .

4. Clear pure free from feculence or extraneous matter as fair water. 5. Clear not cloudy or overcast as fair weather a fair sky. 6. Favorable prosperous blowing in a direction towards the place of destination as a fair wind at sea. 7. Open direct, as a way or passage. You are in a fair way to promotion. hence, likely to succeed. he stands as fair to succeed as any man. 8. Open to attack or access unobstructed as a fair mark a fair butt fair in sight in fair sight a fair view. 9. Open frank hones hence, equal just equitable. My friend is a fair man his offer is fair his propositions are fair and honorable. 10. Not effected by insidious or unlawful methods not foul.

He died a fair and natural death.

11. Frank candid not sophistical or insidious as a fair disputant. 12. Honest honorable mild opposed to insidious and compulsory as, to accomplish a thing by fair means. 13. Frank : pleasing not harsh.

When fair words and good counsel will not prevail on us, we must be frighted into our duty.

14. Equitable just erited.

His doom is fair,

That dust I am, and shall to dust return.

15. Liberal not narrow as a fair livelihood. 16. Plain legible as, the letter is written in a fair hand. 17. Free from stain or blemish unspotted untarnished as a fair character or fame.

FAIR, adv.

1. Openly frankly civilly complaisantly.

One of the company spoke him fair.

2. Candidly honestly equitably He promised fair. 3. Happily successfully.

Now fair befall thee.

4. On good terms as, to keep fair with the world to stand fair with one's companions.

To bid fair, is to be likely, or to have a fair prospect.

Fair and square, just dealing honesty.

FAIR, n.

1. Elliptically, a fair woman a handsome female. The fair, the female sex. 2. Fairness applied to things or persons. Not used.

FAIR, n. L. forum, or feriae, a holiday, a day exempt from labor Gr. to trade, whence, emporium, the primary sense of which is to pass.

A stated market in a particular town or city a stated meeting of buyers and sellers for trade. A fair is annual or more frequent. The privilege of holding fairs is granted by the king or supreme power. Among the most celebrated fairs in Europe are those of Frankfort and Leipsic in Germany of Novi in the Milanese of Riga and Archangel in Russia of Lyons and St. Germain in France. In Great Britain many towns enjoy this privilege.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [2]

1: Ἀστεῖος (Strong'S #791 — Adjective — asteios — as-ti'-os )

lit., "of the city" (from astu, "a city;" like Lat. urbanus, from urbs, "a city;" Eng., "urbane;" similarly, "polite," from polis, "a town"), hence, "fair, elegant" (used in the papyri writings of clothing), is said of the external form of a child,  Acts 7:20 , of Moses "(exceeding) fair," lit., "fair to God;"  Hebrews 11:23 (RV, "goodly," AV, "proper"). See Beautiful , Goodly , Note.

2: Εὐδία (Strong'S #2105 — Noun Feminine — eudia — yoo-dee'-ah )

denotes "fair weather,"  Matthew 16:2 , from eudios, "calm;" from eu, "good," and dios, "divine," among the pagan Greeks, akin to the name for the god Zeus, or Jupiter. Some would derive Dios and the Latin deus (god) and dies (day) from a root meaning "bright." Cp. the Latin sub divo, "under a bright, open sky."

3: Καλός (Strong'S #2570 — Adjective — kalos — kal-os' )

"beautiful, fair, in appearance," is used as part of the proper name, Fair Havens,  Acts 27:8 . See Better , Good.

 Romans 16:18 Galatians 6:12

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): ( superl.) Not overcast; cloudless; clear; pleasant; propitious; favorable; - said of the sky, weather, or wind, etc.; as, a fair sky; a fair day.

(2): ( superl.) Pleasing to the eye; handsome; beautiful.

(3): ( superl.) Free from spots, specks, dirt, or imperfection; unblemished; clean; pure.

(4): ( superl.) Characterized by frankness, honesty, impartiality, or candor; open; upright; free from suspicion or bias; equitable; just; - said of persons, character, or conduct; as, a fair man; fair dealing; a fair statement.

(5): ( superl.) Pleasing; favorable; inspiring hope and confidence; - said of words, promises, etc.

(6): ( superl.) Distinct; legible; as, fair handwriting.

(7): ( superl.) Without a dark hue; light; clear; as, a fair skin.

(8): ( superl.) Free from obstacles or hindrances; unobstructed; unincumbered; open; direct; - said of a road, passage, etc.; as, a fair mark; in fair sight; a fair view.

(9): ( adv.) Clearly; openly; frankly; civilly; honestly; favorably; auspiciously; agreeably.

(10): ( n.) Fairness, beauty.

(11): ( n.) A fair woman; a sweetheart.

(12): ( n.) Good fortune; good luck.

(13): ( v. t.) To make fair or beautiful.

(14): ( v. t.) To make smooth and flowing, as a vessel's lines.

(15): ( n.) A gathering of buyers and sellers, assembled at a particular place with their merchandise at a stated or regular season, or by special appointment, for trade.

(16): ( n.) A festival, and sale of fancy articles. erc., usually for some charitable object; as, a Grand Army fair.

(17): ( n.) A competitive exhibition of wares, farm products, etc., not primarily for purposes of sale; as, the Mechanics' fair; an agricultural fair.

(18): ( superl.) Without sudden change of direction or curvature; smooth; fowing; - said of the figure of a vessel, and of surfaces, water lines, and other lines.

(19): ( superl.) Free from any marked characteristic; average; middling; as, a fair specimen.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]

fâr  : The word translated in the King James Version from 9 Hebrew and 4 Greek expressions has nowhere in the Bible the modern sense of "blond," "fair-skinned." The translation of  Isaiah 54:11 , "fair colors," refers to the cosmetic use of פוּך , pūkh , stibium, antimony powder, with which black margins were painted around the eyelids, so as to make the eyes appear large and dark. The stones of rebuilt Jerusalem, beautifully laid in their black mortar, are compared with such eyes. We can distinguish the following varieties of meaning: (1) Beautiful, attractive, טוב , ṭōbh , יפה , yāphāh , יפה , yāpheh  ; Aramaic שׁפיר , shappı̄r  ; Septuagint καλός , kalós  ; in the New Testament ἀστεῖος , asteı́os ̌ . This latter word is in both places where it is found used of Moses ( Acts 7:20;  Hebrews 11:23 , the Revised Version (British and American) "goodly"), and means literally, town bred (as opposed to boorish), polite, polished in manners, urbane, then nice, pretty. (2) Pure, free of defilement, the Revised Version (British and American) "clean," טהור , ṭāhōr ( Zechariah 3:5 ). (3) "Fair speech," plausible, persuasive (לקח , leḳah ,  Proverbs 7:21; εὔλαλος , eúlalos , Sirach 6:5; compare εὐλογία , eulogı́a ,  Romans 16:18 ). (4) Making a fine display (εὐπροσωπεῖν , euprosōpeı́n ,  Galatians 6:12 , "to make a fair show"). (5) Good (of weather) (זהב , zāhābh , "golden," "clear,"  Job 37:2 ,  Job 37:2 , the Revised Version (British and American) "golden splendor"); εὐδία , eudı́a ( Matthew 16:2 ).

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [5]

(properly יָפֶה , Yapheh', Καλός ). Travellers inform us that in hot countries the greatest difference imaginable subsists between the complexions of the women. Those of high condition seldom go abroad, and are ever accustomed to be shaded from the sun with the greatest attention, and their skin is consequently fair and beautiful. But women in the lower ranks of life, especially in the country, being, from the nature of their employments, more exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, are in their complexion remarkably tawny and swarthy. Under such circumstances, a high value would of course be set by the Eastern ladies upon the fairness of their complexions, as a distinguishing mark of their superior quality, no less than as an enhancement of their beauty. This notion appears to have obtained as early as the time of Abraham ( Genesis 12:11-13). Thus, also, how natural is the bride's self-abasing reflection in  Song of Solomon 1:5-6, respecting her tawny complexion among the fair daughters of Jerusalem, who, as attendants on a royal marriage, were of the highest rank. Roberts observes, in reference to the daughters of Job being very fair ( Job 42:15), "The word fair may sometimes refer to the form of the features as well as the color of the skin; but great value is attached to a woman of a light complexion. Hence our English females are greatly admired in the East, and instances have occurred where great exertions have been made to gain the hand of a fair daughter of Britain. The acme of perfection in a Hindu lady is to be of the color of gold." (See Beau'Ty).
