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== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_38753" /> ==
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_38753" /> ==
&nbsp;Genesis 21:1&nbsp;Genesis 22:1&nbsp;Genesis 26:1&nbsp;Nehemiah 11:27&nbsp;11:30 <p> [[Abraham]] and a nearby king, Abimelech, swore to protect Abraham's right to the water of this region (&nbsp;Genesis 21:22-33 ). Abraham then named the place “Beer-sheba,” meaning “well of the oath” or preferably “well of the seven,” referring to seven lambs involved in the agreement. Here he called on the Lord (&nbsp;Genesis 21:33 ) and lived for some time (&nbsp;Genesis 22:19 ). The Lord confirmed His promises with Isaac at Beer-sheba (&nbsp;Genesis 26:23-25 ), where Isaac renamed his father's well “Shibah.” [[A]] well is found today outside the ruins of biblical Beer-sheba (Tell es-Sabaspgr), however, it cannot be the patriarchal well since it is dated much later, around the twelfth century. Isaac also lived in the area of Beer-sheba, and his son Jacob left there for [[Haran]] to seek a wife (&nbsp;Genesis 28:10 ). [[A]] crossroad to Egypt, Beer-sheba was a stopping place for Jacob many years later when he was encouraged by the Lord to continue on to Egypt where [[Joseph]] was awaiting him (&nbsp;Genesis 46:1-5 ). Because of these patriarchal events at Beer-sheba, it is thought that the city eventually and unfortunately became a pilgrimage destination for idolatry later during the monarchy (&nbsp;Amos 5:5; &nbsp;Amos 8:14 ). </p> <p> Joshua gave Beer-sheba to the tribe of Judah (&nbsp;Joshua 15:28 ), and then to the tribe of [[Simeon]] whose territory lay within Judah's boundaries (&nbsp;Joshua 19:1-2 ,Joshua 19:1-2,&nbsp;19:9 ). Samuel's sons Joel and [[Abiah]] were unfair judges in Beer-sheba right before the monarchy began with Saul (&nbsp;1 Samuel 8:1-3 ). </p> <p> Beer-sheba is mentioned idiomatically twelve times to indicate the northern and southern extremes of Israel, “Dan to Beersheba” (&nbsp;2 Samuel 24:2 , &nbsp;1 Kings 4:25 ). This type of phrase served to speak of [[Israel]] in its entirety and its unity; for instance, in its resolve to punish the tribe of [[Benjamin]] (&nbsp;Judges 20:1 ) and its recognition of Samuel as a true prophet (&nbsp;1 Samuel 3:20 ). This idiom also served to show the extent of the reforms of three southern kings: [[Jehoshaphat]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 19:4 , “Beer-sheba to mount Ephraim”), [[Hezekiah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 30:5 , “Beer-sheba even to Dan”), and [[Josiah]] (&nbsp;2 Kings 23:8 , “from [[Geba]] to Beer-sheba”). </p> <p> [[Archaeology]] has shown Beer-sheba to be the administrative center of the [[Negeb]] by uncovering its large commercial storerooms and fortifications which were superior to the lesser cities in the area. The fortifications were inadequate, however, against the [[Assyrians]] who sacked the city and left in ruins until the [[Persian]] period. After the punitive [[Exile]] of Judah, the people returned to Beer-sheba and its surrounding satellite towns with Nehemiah in the fifth century (&nbsp;Nehemiah 11:27 ,Nehemiah 11:27,&nbsp;11:30 ). </p> <p> As the “gateway to the desert,” Beer-sheba was in a precarious place climatically, which is the backdrop of two person's prayers concerning death. [[Hagar]] pleads at a distance not to see her son die (&nbsp;Genesis 21:14-16 ), and [[Elijah]] prays for death in the desert rather than at the order of [[Queen]] [[Jezebel]] (&nbsp;1 Kings 19:3-4 ). </p> <p> Daniel [[C.]] Fredericks </p>
&nbsp;Genesis 21:1&nbsp;Genesis 22:1&nbsp;Genesis 26:1&nbsp;Nehemiah 11:27&nbsp;11:30 <p> [[Abraham]] and a nearby king, Abimelech, swore to protect Abraham's right to the water of this region (&nbsp;Genesis 21:22-33 ). Abraham then named the place “Beer-sheba,” meaning “well of the oath” or preferably “well of the seven,” referring to seven lambs involved in the agreement. Here he called on the Lord (&nbsp;Genesis 21:33 ) and lived for some time (&nbsp;Genesis 22:19 ). The Lord confirmed His promises with Isaac at Beer-sheba (&nbsp;Genesis 26:23-25 ), where Isaac renamed his father's well “Shibah.” A well is found today outside the ruins of biblical Beer-sheba (Tell es-Sabaspgr), however, it cannot be the patriarchal well since it is dated much later, around the twelfth century. Isaac also lived in the area of Beer-sheba, and his son Jacob left there for [[Haran]] to seek a wife (&nbsp;Genesis 28:10 ). A crossroad to Egypt, Beer-sheba was a stopping place for Jacob many years later when he was encouraged by the Lord to continue on to Egypt where [[Joseph]] was awaiting him (&nbsp;Genesis 46:1-5 ). Because of these patriarchal events at Beer-sheba, it is thought that the city eventually and unfortunately became a pilgrimage destination for idolatry later during the monarchy (&nbsp;Amos 5:5; &nbsp;Amos 8:14 ). </p> <p> Joshua gave Beer-sheba to the tribe of Judah (&nbsp;Joshua 15:28 ), and then to the tribe of [[Simeon]] whose territory lay within Judah's boundaries (&nbsp;Joshua 19:1-2 ,Joshua 19:1-2,&nbsp;19:9 ). Samuel's sons Joel and [[Abiah]] were unfair judges in Beer-sheba right before the monarchy began with Saul (&nbsp;1 Samuel 8:1-3 ). </p> <p> Beer-sheba is mentioned idiomatically twelve times to indicate the northern and southern extremes of Israel, “Dan to Beersheba” (&nbsp;2 Samuel 24:2 , &nbsp;1 Kings 4:25 ). This type of phrase served to speak of [[Israel]] in its entirety and its unity; for instance, in its resolve to punish the tribe of [[Benjamin]] (&nbsp;Judges 20:1 ) and its recognition of Samuel as a true prophet (&nbsp;1 Samuel 3:20 ). This idiom also served to show the extent of the reforms of three southern kings: [[Jehoshaphat]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 19:4 , “Beer-sheba to mount Ephraim”), [[Hezekiah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 30:5 , “Beer-sheba even to Dan”), and [[Josiah]] (&nbsp;2 Kings 23:8 , “from [[Geba]] to Beer-sheba”). </p> <p> [[Archaeology]] has shown Beer-sheba to be the administrative center of the [[Negeb]] by uncovering its large commercial storerooms and fortifications which were superior to the lesser cities in the area. The fortifications were inadequate, however, against the [[Assyrians]] who sacked the city and left in ruins until the [[Persian]] period. After the punitive [[Exile]] of Judah, the people returned to Beer-sheba and its surrounding satellite towns with Nehemiah in the fifth century (&nbsp;Nehemiah 11:27 ,Nehemiah 11:27,&nbsp;11:30 ). </p> <p> As the “gateway to the desert,” Beer-sheba was in a precarious place climatically, which is the backdrop of two person's prayers concerning death. [[Hagar]] pleads at a distance not to see her son die (&nbsp;Genesis 21:14-16 ), and [[Elijah]] prays for death in the desert rather than at the order of [[Queen]] [[Jezebel]] (&nbsp;1 Kings 19:3-4 ). </p> <p> Daniel C. Fredericks </p>
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_15665" /> ==
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_15665" /> ==
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== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_69759" /> ==
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_69759" /> ==
<p> '''Beer-sheba''' ('''er-shç'bah,'' or ''be-er'she-bah'' ) ''well of the oath.'' An old place in [[Palestine]] which formed the southern limit of the country. There are two accounts of the origin of the name. According to the first, the well was dug by Abraham, and the name given, &nbsp;Genesis 21:31; the other narrative ascribes the origin of the name to Isaac instead of Abraham. &nbsp;Genesis 25:31-33. [[Beersheba]] was given to Judah, &nbsp;Joshua 15:28, and then to Simeon, &nbsp;Joshua 19:2; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 4:28. In the often-quoted "from Dan even to Beersheba," &nbsp;Judges 2:1, it represents the southern boundary of Canaan, as San the northern. In the time of [[Jerome]] it was still a considerable place. There are at present on the spot two principal wells and five smaller ones. One well is twelve feet in diameter and 44 feet deep to the water; the other well is five feet in diameter, and was 42 feet to the water. The curbstones around the mouths of both wells are worn into deep grooves by the action of the ropes used in drawing the water for many centuries. These wells are in constant use today. </p>
<p> '''Beer-sheba''' ( '''Er-Shç'Bah,'' or ''Be-Er'She-Bah'' ) ''Well Of The Oath.'' An old place in [[Palestine]] which formed the southern limit of the country. There are two accounts of the origin of the name. According to the first, the well was dug by Abraham, and the name given, &nbsp;Genesis 21:31; the other narrative ascribes the origin of the name to Isaac instead of Abraham. &nbsp;Genesis 25:31-33. [[Beersheba]] was given to Judah, &nbsp;Joshua 15:28, and then to Simeon, &nbsp;Joshua 19:2; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 4:28. In the often-quoted "from Dan even to Beersheba," &nbsp;Judges 2:1, it represents the southern boundary of Canaan, as San the northern. In the time of [[Jerome]] it was still a considerable place. There are at present on the spot two principal wells and five smaller ones. One well is twelve feet in diameter and 44 feet deep to the water; the other well is five feet in diameter, and was 42 feet to the water. The curbstones around the mouths of both wells are worn into deep grooves by the action of the ropes used in drawing the water for many centuries. These wells are in constant use today. </p>
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_197532" /> ==
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_197532" /> ==
<p> &nbsp;Genesis 21:31 (b) The meaning of this name is "the well of the oath." It is a type of the refreshing certainty of GOD's loving care and sufficient promises. (See also &nbsp;Genesis 22:19; &nbsp;Genesis 26:33; &nbsp;Genesis 46:1). </p> <p> &nbsp;Amos 8:14 (b) Israel is represented as committing the sin of presumption in believing that [[God]] will not punish them for their idolatry because of the oath that he made at the well of Beer- Sheba. </p>
<p> &nbsp;Genesis 21:31 (b) The meaning of this name is "the well of the oath." It is a type of the refreshing certainty of GOD's loving care and sufficient promises. (See also &nbsp;Genesis 22:19; &nbsp;Genesis 26:33; &nbsp;Genesis 46:1). </p> <p> &nbsp;Amos 8:14 (b) Israel is represented as committing the sin of presumption in believing that GOD will not punish them for their idolatry because of the oath that he made at the well of Beer- Sheba. </p>
== Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary <ref name="term_47555" /> ==
== Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary <ref name="term_47555" /> ==
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== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_24120" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_24120" /> ==
<p> (Heb. Beer' She'ba, בְּאֵר שֶׁבִע, in pause ''Beer'' ' ''Sha'' '''ba, בְּאֵר'' שֶׁבִע, ''well of swearing,'' or ''well of seven;'' Sept. in [[Genesis]] Φρέαρ τοῦ ὁρκισμοῦ or τοῦ ὅρκου; in Joshua and later books, Βηρσαβέε; Josephus, ''Ant.'' 1, 12, 1, Βηρσουβαί, which he immediately interprets by ὅρκιον φρέαρ ), the name of one of the oldest places in Palestine, and which formed the southern limit of the country. There are two accounts of the origin of the name. According to the first, the well was dug by Abraham, and the name given, because there he and Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, "sware" (נִשְׁבְּעוּ ) both of them (&nbsp;Genesis 21:31). But the compact was ratified by the setting apart of "seven ewe lambs;" and as the [[Hebrew]] word for "seven" is שֶׁבִע, ''Sheba,'' it is equally possible that this is the meaning of the name. The other narrative ascribes the origin of the name to an occurrence almost precisely similar, in which both Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, and Phichol, his chief captain, are again concerned, with the difference that the person on the Hebrew side of the transaction is Isaac instead of Abraham (&nbsp;Genesis 26:31-33). Here there is no reference to the ‘ seven" lambs, and we are left to infer the derivation of ''Shibeah'' (שִׁבְעָה, Shibah''','' not "Shebah," as in the Auth. Vers.) from the mention of the "swearing" (יִשָּׁבְעוּ ) in &nbsp;Genesis 26:31. These. two accounts, however, appear to be adjusted by the statement in &nbsp;Genesis 26:18 that this was one of the wells originally dug by Abraham, to which Isaac, on reopening them, assigned the same names given them by his father. </p> <p> Beersheba appears to have been a favorite abode of both these patriarchs. After the digging of the well Abraham planted a "grove" (אֵשֶׁל ) as a place for the worship of Jehovah, such as constituted the temples of those early times; and here he lived until the sacrifice of Isaac, and for a long time afterward (&nbsp;Genesis 21:33 to &nbsp;Genesis 22:1; &nbsp;Genesis 22:19). This seems to imply the growth of the place into a considerable town. Here also Isaac was dwelling at the time of the transference of the birthright from [[Esau]] to Jacob (&nbsp;Genesis 26:33; &nbsp;Genesis 28:10), and from the patriarchal encampment round the wells of his grandfather Jacob set forth on the journey to [[Mesopotamia]] which changed the course of his whole life. Jacob does not appear to have revisited the place until he made it one of the stages of his journey down to Egypt. He then halted there to offer sacrifice to "the God of his father," doubtless under the ‘ sacred grove of Abraham. From this time till the conquest of the country we only catch a momentary glimpse of Beersheba in the lists of the "cities" in the extreme south of Judah (Genesis 15:28) given to the tribe of Simeon (&nbsp;Genesis 19:2; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 4:28). Samuel's sons were appointed deputy judges for the southernmost districts in Beersheba (&nbsp;1 Samuel 8:2), its distance no doubt precluding its being among the number of the "holy cities" (Sept.), to which he himself went in circuit every year (&nbsp;1 Samuel 7:16). By the times of the monarchy it had become recognised as the most southerly place of the country. Its position, as the place of arrival and departure for the caravans trading between Palestine and the countries lying in that direction, would naturally lead to the formation of a town round the wells of the patriarchs, and the great [[Egyptian]] trade begun by [[Solomon]] must have increased its importance. [[Hither]] Joab's census extended (&nbsp;2 Samuel 24:7; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 21:2), and here Elijah bade farewell to his confidential servant (מְשָׁרֵת ) before taking his journey across the desert to [[Sinai]] (&nbsp;1 Kings 19:3). From Dan to Beersheba (&nbsp;Judges 20:1, etc.), or from Beersheba to Dan (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 21:2; comp. &nbsp;2 Samuel 24:2), now became the established formula for the whole of the [[Promised]] Land; just as "from Geba to Beersheba" (&nbsp;2 Kings 23:8), or "from Beersheba to Mount Ephraim" (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 19:4), was that for the southern kingdom after the disruption. After the return from,the captivity the formula is narrowed still more, and becomes "from Beersheba to the Valley of Hinnom" (&nbsp;Nehemiah 11:30). One of the wives of Ahaziah, king of Judah, Zibiah, mother of Joash, was a native of Beersheba (&nbsp;2 Kings 12:1; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 24:1). From the incidental references of Amos, we find that, like [[Bethel]] and Gilgal, the place was, in the time of Uzziah, the seat of an idolatrous worship, apparently connected in some intimate manner with the northern kingdom (&nbsp;Amos 5:5; &nbsp;Amos 8:14). But the allusions are so slight that nothing can be gathered from them, except that, in the latter of the two passages quoted above, we have perhaps preserved a form of words or an adjuration used by the worshippers, "Live the ‘ way' of Beersheba!" After this, with the mere mention that Beersheba and the villages round it ("daughters") were reinhabited after the captivity (&nbsp;Nehemiah 11:30), the name dies entirely out of the Bible records. In the New [[Testament]] it is not once mentioned; nor is it referred to as then existing by any writer earlier than [[Eusebius]] and Jerome, in the fourth century, who describe it as a large village (''Onomast. κώμη μεγίστη, vicus grandis'' )'','' and the seat of a Roman garrison. </p> <p> The latter else. where (''Quaest. ad Genesis 17, 30'' ) calls it a "town" (oppidum). In the centuries before and after the Moslem conquest it is mentioned among the episcopal cities of Palestine (Reland, ''Palaest.'' p. 620), but none of its bishops are anywhere named. The site seems to have been almost forgotten (see De Vitriaco, ''Gesta Dei per Francos,'' p. 1070) till the fourteenth century, when Sir John Maundeville, Rudolf de Suchem, and [[William]] de Baldensel recognised the name at a place which they passed on their route from Sinai to Hebron. It was then uninhabited, but some of the churches were still standing. From that time till the recent visit of Dr. Robinson the place remained unvisited and unknown, except for the slight notice obtained by Seetzen from the Arabs (Zach's ''Monatl. Corresp. 1'' 7, 143). Dr. Robinson gives a clear idea of the southernmost district of Palestine, in which is Beersheba, and with which the book of Genesis has connected so many interesting associations. Coming from the south, he emerged from the desert by a long and gradual ascent over swelling hills scantily covered with grass. The summit of this ascent afforded a view over a broad barren tract, bounded on the horizon by the mountains of Judah south of Hebron: "We now felt that the desert was at an end. Descending gradually, we came out upon an open undulating country; the shrubs ceased, or nearly so; green grass was seen along the lesser water-courses, and almost greensward; while the gentle hills, covered in ordinary seasons with grass and rich pasture, were now burnt over with drought. In three quarters of an hour we reached [[Wady]] es-Seba, a wide water-course or bed of a torrent, running here [[W.S.W.,]] upon whose northern side, close upon the bank, are two deep wells, still called Bir es-Seba, the ancient Beersheba. We had entered the borders of Palestine!" (Researches, 1, 301). There are at present on the spot two principal wells, and five smaller ones. </p> <p> The former, apparently the only, ones seen by Robinson, lie just a hundred yards apart, and are so placed as to be visible from a considerable distance (Bonar, Land of Prom. p. 1). The larger of the two, which lies to the east, is, according to the careful measurements of Dr. Robinson, 12½ feet diam., and at the time of his visit (Apr. 12) was 44a feet to the surface of the water; the masonry which encloses the well reaches downward for 28.5 feet. The other well is 5 feet diam., and was 42 feet to the water. The curb-stones round the mouth of both wells are worn into deep grooves by the action of the ropes of so many centuries, and "look as if frilled or fluted all round." Round the larger well there are nine, and round the smaller five large stone troughs, some much worn and broken, others nearly entire, lying at a distance of 10 or 12 feet from the edge of the well. There were formerly ten of these troughs at the larger well. The circle around is carpeted with a sward of fine short grass, with crocuses and lilies (Bonar, p. 5, 6, 7). The water is excellent, the best, as Dr. Robinson emphatically records, which he had tasted since leaving Sinai. The five lesser wells, apparently the only ones seen by [[Van]] de Velde, are, according to his account and the casual notice of Bonar, in a group in the bed of the wady, not on its north bank, and at a great distance from the other two. No ruins are at first visible; but, on examination, foundations of former dwellings have been traced, dispersed loosely over the low hills, to the north of the wells, and in the hollows between. They seem to have been built chiefly of round stones, although some of the stones are squared and some hewn, suggesting the idea of a small straggling city. There are no trees or shrubs near the spot. The site of the wells is nearly midway between the southern end of the [[Dead]] Sea and the [[Mediterranean]] at Raphaea, or twenty-seven miles south-east from Gaza, and about the same distance south by west from [[Hebron]] (20 Roman miles in the Onomast.; comp. Josephus, Ant. 8, 13, 7). Its present Arabic name, Bir es-Seba, means ‘ well of the seven," which some take to be the signification also of Beersheba, in allusion to the seven ewe-lambs which Abraham gave to [[Abimelech]] in token of the oath between them. There is no ground for rendering it by "seven wells," as some have done. (See [[Shebah]]). </p>
<p> (Heb. Beer' She'ba, '''''בְּאֵר''''' '''''שֶׁבִע''''' , in pause [[Beer]] ' ''Sha'' ' ''Ba, '''''בְּאֵר''''' '' '''''שֶׁבִע''''' , ''Well Of Swearing,'' or ''Well Of Seven;'' Sept. in [[Genesis]] '''''Φρέαρ''''' '''''Τοῦ''''' '''''Ὁρκισμοῦ''''' or '''''Τοῦ''''' '''''Ὅρκου''''' ; in Joshua and later books, '''''Βηρσαβέε''''' ; Josephus, ''Ant.'' 1, 12, 1, '''''Βηρσουβαί''''' , which he immediately interprets by '''''Ὅρκιον''''' '''''Φρέαρ''''' ), the name of one of the oldest places in Palestine, and which formed the southern limit of the country. There are two accounts of the origin of the name. According to the first, the well was dug by Abraham, and the name given, because there he and Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, "sware" ( '''''נִשְׁבְּעוּ''''' ) both of them (&nbsp;Genesis 21:31). But the compact was ratified by the setting apart of "seven ewe lambs;" and as the [[Hebrew]] word for "seven" is '''''שֶׁבִע''''' , ''Sheba,'' it is equally possible that this is the meaning of the name. The other narrative ascribes the origin of the name to an occurrence almost precisely similar, in which both Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, and Phichol, his chief captain, are again concerned, with the difference that the person on the Hebrew side of the transaction is Isaac instead of Abraham (&nbsp;Genesis 26:31-33). Here there is no reference to the '''''‘''''' seven" lambs, and we are left to infer the derivation of ''Shibeah'' ( '''''שִׁבְעָה''''' , Shibah' '','' not "Shebah," as in the Auth. Vers.) from the mention of the "swearing" ( '''''יִשָּׁבְעוּ''''' ) in &nbsp;Genesis 26:31. These. two accounts, however, appear to be adjusted by the statement in &nbsp;Genesis 26:18 that this was one of the wells originally dug by Abraham, to which Isaac, on reopening them, assigned the same names given them by his father. </p> <p> Beersheba appears to have been a favorite abode of both these patriarchs. After the digging of the well Abraham planted a "grove" ( '''''אֵשֶׁל''''' ) as a place for the worship of Jehovah, such as constituted the temples of those early times; and here he lived until the sacrifice of Isaac, and for a long time afterward (&nbsp;Genesis 21:33 to &nbsp;Genesis 22:1; &nbsp;Genesis 22:19). This seems to imply the growth of the place into a considerable town. Here also Isaac was dwelling at the time of the transference of the birthright from [[Esau]] to Jacob (&nbsp;Genesis 26:33; &nbsp;Genesis 28:10), and from the patriarchal encampment round the wells of his grandfather Jacob set forth on the journey to [[Mesopotamia]] which changed the course of his whole life. Jacob does not appear to have revisited the place until he made it one of the stages of his journey down to Egypt. He then halted there to offer sacrifice to "the God of his father," doubtless under the '''''‘''''' sacred grove of Abraham. From this time till the conquest of the country we only catch a momentary glimpse of Beersheba in the lists of the "cities" in the extreme south of Judah (Genesis 15:28) given to the tribe of Simeon (&nbsp;Genesis 19:2; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 4:28). Samuel's sons were appointed deputy judges for the southernmost districts in Beersheba (&nbsp;1 Samuel 8:2), its distance no doubt precluding its being among the number of the "holy cities" (Sept.), to which he himself went in circuit every year (&nbsp;1 Samuel 7:16). By the times of the monarchy it had become recognised as the most southerly place of the country. Its position, as the place of arrival and departure for the caravans trading between Palestine and the countries lying in that direction, would naturally lead to the formation of a town round the wells of the patriarchs, and the great [[Egyptian]] trade begun by [[Solomon]] must have increased its importance. [[Hither]] Joab's census extended (&nbsp;2 Samuel 24:7; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 21:2), and here Elijah bade farewell to his confidential servant ( '''''מְשָׁרֵת''''' ) before taking his journey across the desert to [[Sinai]] (&nbsp;1 Kings 19:3). From Dan to Beersheba (&nbsp;Judges 20:1, etc.), or from Beersheba to Dan (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 21:2; comp. &nbsp;2 Samuel 24:2), now became the established formula for the whole of the [[Promised]] Land; just as "from Geba to Beersheba" (&nbsp;2 Kings 23:8), or "from Beersheba to Mount Ephraim" (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 19:4), was that for the southern kingdom after the disruption. After the return from,the captivity the formula is narrowed still more, and becomes "from Beersheba to the Valley of Hinnom" (&nbsp;Nehemiah 11:30). One of the wives of Ahaziah, king of Judah, Zibiah, mother of Joash, was a native of Beersheba (&nbsp;2 Kings 12:1; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 24:1). From the incidental references of Amos, we find that, like [[Bethel]] and Gilgal, the place was, in the time of Uzziah, the seat of an idolatrous worship, apparently connected in some intimate manner with the northern kingdom (&nbsp;Amos 5:5; &nbsp;Amos 8:14). But the allusions are so slight that nothing can be gathered from them, except that, in the latter of the two passages quoted above, we have perhaps preserved a form of words or an adjuration used by the worshippers, "Live the '''''‘''''' way' of Beersheba!" After this, with the mere mention that Beersheba and the villages round it ("daughters") were reinhabited after the captivity (&nbsp;Nehemiah 11:30), the name dies entirely out of the Bible records. In the New [[Testament]] it is not once mentioned; nor is it referred to as then existing by any writer earlier than [[Eusebius]] and Jerome, in the fourth century, who describe it as a large village ( ''Onomast. '''''Κώμη''''' '''''Μεγίστη''''' , Vicus Grandis'' ) '','' and the seat of a Roman garrison. </p> <p> The latter else. where ( ''Quaest. [[Ad]] Genesis 17, 30'' ) calls it a "town" (oppidum). In the centuries before and after the Moslem conquest it is mentioned among the episcopal cities of Palestine (Reland, ''Palaest.'' p. 620), but none of its bishops are anywhere named. The site seems to have been almost forgotten (see De Vitriaco, ''Gesta Dei Per Francos,'' p. 1070) till the fourteenth century, when Sir John Maundeville, Rudolf de Suchem, and [[William]] de Baldensel recognised the name at a place which they passed on their route from Sinai to Hebron. It was then uninhabited, but some of the churches were still standing. From that time till the recent visit of Dr. Robinson the place remained unvisited and unknown, except for the slight notice obtained by Seetzen from the Arabs (Zach's ''Monatl. Corresp. 1'' 7, 143). Dr. Robinson gives a clear idea of the southernmost district of Palestine, in which is Beersheba, and with which the book of Genesis has connected so many interesting associations. Coming from the south, he emerged from the desert by a long and gradual ascent over swelling hills scantily covered with grass. The summit of this ascent afforded a view over a broad barren tract, bounded on the horizon by the mountains of Judah south of Hebron: "We now felt that the desert was at an end. Descending gradually, we came out upon an open undulating country; the shrubs ceased, or nearly so; green grass was seen along the lesser water-courses, and almost greensward; while the gentle hills, covered in ordinary seasons with grass and rich pasture, were now burnt over with drought. In three quarters of an hour we reached [[Wady]] es-Seba, a wide water-course or bed of a torrent, running here W.S.W., upon whose northern side, close upon the bank, are two deep wells, still called Bir es-Seba, the ancient Beersheba. We had entered the borders of Palestine!" (Researches, 1, 301). There are at present on the spot two principal wells, and five smaller ones. </p> <p> The former, apparently the only, ones seen by Robinson, lie just a hundred yards apart, and are so placed as to be visible from a considerable distance (Bonar, Land of Prom. p. 1). The larger of the two, which lies to the east, is, according to the careful measurements of Dr. Robinson, 12 '''''½''''' feet diam., and at the time of his visit (Apr. 12) was 44a feet to the surface of the water; the masonry which encloses the well reaches downward for 28.5 feet. The other well is 5 feet diam., and was 42 feet to the water. The curb-stones round the mouth of both wells are worn into deep grooves by the action of the ropes of so many centuries, and "look as if frilled or fluted all round." Round the larger well there are nine, and round the smaller five large stone troughs, some much worn and broken, others nearly entire, lying at a distance of 10 or 12 feet from the edge of the well. There were formerly ten of these troughs at the larger well. The circle around is carpeted with a sward of fine short grass, with crocuses and lilies (Bonar, p. 5, 6, 7). The water is excellent, the best, as Dr. Robinson emphatically records, which he had tasted since leaving Sinai. The five lesser wells, apparently the only ones seen by [[Van]] de Velde, are, according to his account and the casual notice of Bonar, in a group in the bed of the wady, not on its north bank, and at a great distance from the other two. No ruins are at first visible; but, on examination, foundations of former dwellings have been traced, dispersed loosely over the low hills, to the north of the wells, and in the hollows between. They seem to have been built chiefly of round stones, although some of the stones are squared and some hewn, suggesting the idea of a small straggling city. There are no trees or shrubs near the spot. The site of the wells is nearly midway between the southern end of the [[Dead]] Sea and the [[Mediterranean]] at Raphaea, or twenty-seven miles south-east from Gaza, and about the same distance south by west from [[Hebron]] (20 Roman miles in the Onomast.; comp. Josephus, Ant. 8, 13, 7). Its present Arabic name, Bir es-Seba, means '''''''''' well of the seven," which some take to be the signification also of Beersheba, in allusion to the seven ewe-lambs which Abraham gave to [[Abimelech]] in token of the oath between them. There is no ground for rendering it by "seven wells," as some have done. (See [[Shebah]]). </p>
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15256" /> ==
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15256" /> ==
<p> Be´er-She´ba, well of the oath; a place in the southernmost part of Canaan, celebrated for the sojourn of the patriarchs. It took its name from the well which was dug there by Abraham, and the oath which confirmed his treaty with Abimelech (&nbsp;Genesis 21:31). It seems to have been a favorite station of that patriarch, and here he planted one of those 'groves' which formed the temples of those remote times (&nbsp;Genesis 21:33). [[A]] town of some consequence afterwards arose on the spot, and retained the same name. It was first assigned to the tribe of Judah (&nbsp;Joshua 15:28), and afterwards transferred to Simeon (&nbsp;Joshua 19:2), but was still popularly ascribed to Judah (&nbsp;2 Samuel 24:7). Being the southernmost city of the land, its name is of frequent occurrence as being proverbially used in describing the extent of the land, in the phrase 'from Dan (in the north) to Beersheba' (in the south), and reversely, 'from Beersheba unto Dan' (&nbsp;Judges 20:1; &nbsp;2 Samuel 17:11; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 21:2; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 30:5). It was at Beersheba that Samuel established his sons as judges for the southernmost districts (&nbsp;1 Samuel 8:2): it was from thence that Elijah wandered out into the southern desert (&nbsp;1 Kings 19:3): here was one of the chief seats of idolatrous worship in the time of [[Uzziah]] (&nbsp;Amos 5:5; &nbsp;Amos 8:14); and to this place, among others, the [[Jews]] returned after the [[Captivity]] (&nbsp;Nehemiah 11:27; &nbsp;Nehemiah 11:30). This is the last time its name occurs in the Old Testament. In the New Testament it is not once mentioned; and for many centuries it seems to have been in a great measure forgotten. Its site was recently visited by Dr. Robinson, who, on converging from the desert and entering the borders of Palestine, came upon two deep wells still called Bir-es-Leba, situate on the northern side of a wide watercourse called Wady ir-Leba. These wells are 55 rods apart. They are circular, and stoned up very neatly with masonry, apparently very ancient. The water in both was pure and sweet, and in great abundance; the finest, indeed, the travelers had found since leaving Sinai. Both wells were surrounded with drinking-troughs of stone for camels and flocks, such as were doubtless used of old by the flocks which were fed on the adjacent hills. No ruins were at first visible; but, on examination, foundations of former dwellings were traced, dispersed loosely over the low hills to the north of the wells, and in the hollows between. They seem to have been built chiefly of round stones, although some of the stones are squared and some hewn; suggesting the idea of a small straggling city. The site of the wells is nearly midway between the southern end of the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean at Raphaea, or twenty-seven miles south-east from Gaza, and about the same distance south-by-west from Hebron. </p>
<p> Be´er-She´ba, well of the oath; a place in the southernmost part of Canaan, celebrated for the sojourn of the patriarchs. It took its name from the well which was dug there by Abraham, and the oath which confirmed his treaty with Abimelech (&nbsp;Genesis 21:31). It seems to have been a favorite station of that patriarch, and here he planted one of those 'groves' which formed the temples of those remote times (&nbsp;Genesis 21:33). A town of some consequence afterwards arose on the spot, and retained the same name. It was first assigned to the tribe of Judah (&nbsp;Joshua 15:28), and afterwards transferred to Simeon (&nbsp;Joshua 19:2), but was still popularly ascribed to Judah (&nbsp;2 Samuel 24:7). Being the southernmost city of the land, its name is of frequent occurrence as being proverbially used in describing the extent of the land, in the phrase 'from Dan (in the north) to Beersheba' (in the south), and reversely, 'from Beersheba unto Dan' (&nbsp;Judges 20:1; &nbsp;2 Samuel 17:11; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 21:2; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 30:5). It was at Beersheba that Samuel established his sons as judges for the southernmost districts (&nbsp;1 Samuel 8:2): it was from thence that Elijah wandered out into the southern desert (&nbsp;1 Kings 19:3): here was one of the chief seats of idolatrous worship in the time of [[Uzziah]] (&nbsp;Amos 5:5; &nbsp;Amos 8:14); and to this place, among others, the [[Jews]] returned after the [[Captivity]] (&nbsp;Nehemiah 11:27; &nbsp;Nehemiah 11:30). This is the last time its name occurs in the Old Testament. In the New Testament it is not once mentioned; and for many centuries it seems to have been in a great measure forgotten. Its site was recently visited by Dr. Robinson, who, on converging from the desert and entering the borders of Palestine, came upon two deep wells still called Bir-es-Leba, situate on the northern side of a wide watercourse called Wady ir-Leba. These wells are 55 rods apart. They are circular, and stoned up very neatly with masonry, apparently very ancient. The water in both was pure and sweet, and in great abundance; the finest, indeed, the travelers had found since leaving Sinai. Both wells were surrounded with drinking-troughs of stone for camels and flocks, such as were doubtless used of old by the flocks which were fed on the adjacent hills. No ruins were at first visible; but, on examination, foundations of former dwellings were traced, dispersed loosely over the low hills to the north of the wells, and in the hollows between. They seem to have been built chiefly of round stones, although some of the stones are squared and some hewn; suggesting the idea of a small straggling city. The site of the wells is nearly midway between the southern end of the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean at Raphaea, or twenty-seven miles south-east from Gaza, and about the same distance south-by-west from Hebron. </p>
==References ==
==References ==

Latest revision as of 12:41, 13 October 2021

Holman Bible Dictionary [1]

 Genesis 21:1 Genesis 22:1 Genesis 26:1 Nehemiah 11:27 11:30

Abraham and a nearby king, Abimelech, swore to protect Abraham's right to the water of this region ( Genesis 21:22-33 ). Abraham then named the place “Beer-sheba,” meaning “well of the oath” or preferably “well of the seven,” referring to seven lambs involved in the agreement. Here he called on the Lord ( Genesis 21:33 ) and lived for some time ( Genesis 22:19 ). The Lord confirmed His promises with Isaac at Beer-sheba ( Genesis 26:23-25 ), where Isaac renamed his father's well “Shibah.” A well is found today outside the ruins of biblical Beer-sheba (Tell es-Sabaspgr), however, it cannot be the patriarchal well since it is dated much later, around the twelfth century. Isaac also lived in the area of Beer-sheba, and his son Jacob left there for Haran to seek a wife ( Genesis 28:10 ). A crossroad to Egypt, Beer-sheba was a stopping place for Jacob many years later when he was encouraged by the Lord to continue on to Egypt where Joseph was awaiting him ( Genesis 46:1-5 ). Because of these patriarchal events at Beer-sheba, it is thought that the city eventually and unfortunately became a pilgrimage destination for idolatry later during the monarchy ( Amos 5:5;  Amos 8:14 ).

Joshua gave Beer-sheba to the tribe of Judah ( Joshua 15:28 ), and then to the tribe of Simeon whose territory lay within Judah's boundaries ( Joshua 19:1-2 ,Joshua 19:1-2, 19:9 ). Samuel's sons Joel and Abiah were unfair judges in Beer-sheba right before the monarchy began with Saul ( 1 Samuel 8:1-3 ).

Beer-sheba is mentioned idiomatically twelve times to indicate the northern and southern extremes of Israel, “Dan to Beersheba” ( 2 Samuel 24:2 ,  1 Kings 4:25 ). This type of phrase served to speak of Israel in its entirety and its unity; for instance, in its resolve to punish the tribe of Benjamin ( Judges 20:1 ) and its recognition of Samuel as a true prophet ( 1 Samuel 3:20 ). This idiom also served to show the extent of the reforms of three southern kings: Jehoshaphat ( 2 Chronicles 19:4 , “Beer-sheba to mount Ephraim”), Hezekiah ( 2 Chronicles 30:5 , “Beer-sheba even to Dan”), and Josiah ( 2 Kings 23:8 , “from Geba to Beer-sheba”).

Archaeology has shown Beer-sheba to be the administrative center of the Negeb by uncovering its large commercial storerooms and fortifications which were superior to the lesser cities in the area. The fortifications were inadequate, however, against the Assyrians who sacked the city and left in ruins until the Persian period. After the punitive Exile of Judah, the people returned to Beer-sheba and its surrounding satellite towns with Nehemiah in the fifth century ( Nehemiah 11:27 ,Nehemiah 11:27, 11:30 ).

As the “gateway to the desert,” Beer-sheba was in a precarious place climatically, which is the backdrop of two person's prayers concerning death. Hagar pleads at a distance not to see her son die ( Genesis 21:14-16 ), and Elijah prays for death in the desert rather than at the order of Queen Jezebel ( 1 Kings 19:3-4 ).

Daniel C. Fredericks

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [2]

The well of the oath,  Genesis 21:31;  26:31,33 , a city twenty-eight miles southwest of Hebron, at the southern extremity of the Holy Land. Dan lay at the northern extremity; so that the phrase, "from Dan to Beersheba," means, the whole length of the land,  Judges 20:1 . At Beersheba, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob often dwelt,  Genesis 21:31;  22:19;  26:33;  28:10;  46:1 . The town that afterwards rose here was first assigned to Judah, and then to Simeon,  Joshua 15:28;  19:2 . Here Samuel established his sons as judges,  1 Samuel 8:2 . Elijah rested here on his way to Horeb,  1 Kings 19:3 . It was a seat of idolatry in the time of Uzziah,  Amos 5:5;  8:14 . After the captivity, it was repeopled by the Jews,  Nehemiah 11:27,30 , and continued a large village many centuries after the coming of Christ. Dr. Robinson found its site at Bir-es-Seba, on the border of the great desert south of Canaan-the ruins of a small straggling city, and two deep stone wells of excellent water, surrounded by stone troughs, and bearing the marks of great antiquity.

People's Dictionary of the Bible [3]

Beer-sheba ( Bç'Er-Shç'Bah, or Be-Er'She-Bah ) Well Of The Oath. An old place in Palestine which formed the southern limit of the country. There are two accounts of the origin of the name. According to the first, the well was dug by Abraham, and the name given,  Genesis 21:31; the other narrative ascribes the origin of the name to Isaac instead of Abraham.  Genesis 25:31-33. Beersheba was given to Judah,  Joshua 15:28, and then to Simeon,  Joshua 19:2;  1 Chronicles 4:28. In the often-quoted "from Dan even to Beersheba,"  Judges 2:1, it represents the southern boundary of Canaan, as San the northern. In the time of Jerome it was still a considerable place. There are at present on the spot two principal wells and five smaller ones. One well is twelve feet in diameter and 44 feet deep to the water; the other well is five feet in diameter, and was 42 feet to the water. The curbstones around the mouths of both wells are worn into deep grooves by the action of the ropes used in drawing the water for many centuries. These wells are in constant use today.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [4]

 Genesis 21:31 (b) The meaning of this name is "the well of the oath." It is a type of the refreshing certainty of GOD's loving care and sufficient promises. (See also  Genesis 22:19;  Genesis 26:33;  Genesis 46:1).

 Amos 8:14 (b) Israel is represented as committing the sin of presumption in believing that GOD will not punish them for their idolatry because of the oath that he made at the well of Beer- Sheba.

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [5]

The well of an oath; So called, because here it was that Abraham made a covenant with Abimelech. ( Genesis 26:33) The word is a compound of Beer, well; and Shabah, swearing.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [6]

(Heb. Beer' She'ba, בְּאֵר שֶׁבִע , in pause Beer ' Sha ' Ba, בְּאֵר שֶׁבִע , Well Of Swearing, or Well Of Seven; Sept. in Genesis Φρέαρ Τοῦ Ὁρκισμοῦ or Τοῦ Ὅρκου ; in Joshua and later books, Βηρσαβέε ; Josephus, Ant. 1, 12, 1, Βηρσουβαί , which he immediately interprets by Ὅρκιον Φρέαρ ), the name of one of the oldest places in Palestine, and which formed the southern limit of the country. There are two accounts of the origin of the name. According to the first, the well was dug by Abraham, and the name given, because there he and Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, "sware" ( נִשְׁבְּעוּ ) both of them ( Genesis 21:31). But the compact was ratified by the setting apart of "seven ewe lambs;" and as the Hebrew word for "seven" is שֶׁבִע , Sheba, it is equally possible that this is the meaning of the name. The other narrative ascribes the origin of the name to an occurrence almost precisely similar, in which both Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, and Phichol, his chief captain, are again concerned, with the difference that the person on the Hebrew side of the transaction is Isaac instead of Abraham ( Genesis 26:31-33). Here there is no reference to the seven" lambs, and we are left to infer the derivation of Shibeah ( שִׁבְעָה , Shibah' , not "Shebah," as in the Auth. Vers.) from the mention of the "swearing" ( יִשָּׁבְעוּ ) in  Genesis 26:31. These. two accounts, however, appear to be adjusted by the statement in  Genesis 26:18 that this was one of the wells originally dug by Abraham, to which Isaac, on reopening them, assigned the same names given them by his father.

Beersheba appears to have been a favorite abode of both these patriarchs. After the digging of the well Abraham planted a "grove" ( אֵשֶׁל ) as a place for the worship of Jehovah, such as constituted the temples of those early times; and here he lived until the sacrifice of Isaac, and for a long time afterward ( Genesis 21:33 to  Genesis 22:1;  Genesis 22:19). This seems to imply the growth of the place into a considerable town. Here also Isaac was dwelling at the time of the transference of the birthright from Esau to Jacob ( Genesis 26:33;  Genesis 28:10), and from the patriarchal encampment round the wells of his grandfather Jacob set forth on the journey to Mesopotamia which changed the course of his whole life. Jacob does not appear to have revisited the place until he made it one of the stages of his journey down to Egypt. He then halted there to offer sacrifice to "the God of his father," doubtless under the sacred grove of Abraham. From this time till the conquest of the country we only catch a momentary glimpse of Beersheba in the lists of the "cities" in the extreme south of Judah (Genesis 15:28) given to the tribe of Simeon ( Genesis 19:2;  1 Chronicles 4:28). Samuel's sons were appointed deputy judges for the southernmost districts in Beersheba ( 1 Samuel 8:2), its distance no doubt precluding its being among the number of the "holy cities" (Sept.), to which he himself went in circuit every year ( 1 Samuel 7:16). By the times of the monarchy it had become recognised as the most southerly place of the country. Its position, as the place of arrival and departure for the caravans trading between Palestine and the countries lying in that direction, would naturally lead to the formation of a town round the wells of the patriarchs, and the great Egyptian trade begun by Solomon must have increased its importance. Hither Joab's census extended ( 2 Samuel 24:7;  1 Chronicles 21:2), and here Elijah bade farewell to his confidential servant ( מְשָׁרֵת ) before taking his journey across the desert to Sinai ( 1 Kings 19:3). From Dan to Beersheba ( Judges 20:1, etc.), or from Beersheba to Dan ( 1 Chronicles 21:2; comp.  2 Samuel 24:2), now became the established formula for the whole of the Promised Land; just as "from Geba to Beersheba" ( 2 Kings 23:8), or "from Beersheba to Mount Ephraim" ( 2 Chronicles 19:4), was that for the southern kingdom after the disruption. After the return from,the captivity the formula is narrowed still more, and becomes "from Beersheba to the Valley of Hinnom" ( Nehemiah 11:30). One of the wives of Ahaziah, king of Judah, Zibiah, mother of Joash, was a native of Beersheba ( 2 Kings 12:1;  2 Chronicles 24:1). From the incidental references of Amos, we find that, like Bethel and Gilgal, the place was, in the time of Uzziah, the seat of an idolatrous worship, apparently connected in some intimate manner with the northern kingdom ( Amos 5:5;  Amos 8:14). But the allusions are so slight that nothing can be gathered from them, except that, in the latter of the two passages quoted above, we have perhaps preserved a form of words or an adjuration used by the worshippers, "Live the way' of Beersheba!" After this, with the mere mention that Beersheba and the villages round it ("daughters") were reinhabited after the captivity ( Nehemiah 11:30), the name dies entirely out of the Bible records. In the New Testament it is not once mentioned; nor is it referred to as then existing by any writer earlier than Eusebius and Jerome, in the fourth century, who describe it as a large village ( Onomast. Κώμη Μεγίστη , Vicus Grandis ) , and the seat of a Roman garrison.

The latter else. where ( Quaest. Ad Genesis 17, 30 ) calls it a "town" (oppidum). In the centuries before and after the Moslem conquest it is mentioned among the episcopal cities of Palestine (Reland, Palaest. p. 620), but none of its bishops are anywhere named. The site seems to have been almost forgotten (see De Vitriaco, Gesta Dei Per Francos, p. 1070) till the fourteenth century, when Sir John Maundeville, Rudolf de Suchem, and William de Baldensel recognised the name at a place which they passed on their route from Sinai to Hebron. It was then uninhabited, but some of the churches were still standing. From that time till the recent visit of Dr. Robinson the place remained unvisited and unknown, except for the slight notice obtained by Seetzen from the Arabs (Zach's Monatl. Corresp. 1 7, 143). Dr. Robinson gives a clear idea of the southernmost district of Palestine, in which is Beersheba, and with which the book of Genesis has connected so many interesting associations. Coming from the south, he emerged from the desert by a long and gradual ascent over swelling hills scantily covered with grass. The summit of this ascent afforded a view over a broad barren tract, bounded on the horizon by the mountains of Judah south of Hebron: "We now felt that the desert was at an end. Descending gradually, we came out upon an open undulating country; the shrubs ceased, or nearly so; green grass was seen along the lesser water-courses, and almost greensward; while the gentle hills, covered in ordinary seasons with grass and rich pasture, were now burnt over with drought. In three quarters of an hour we reached Wady es-Seba, a wide water-course or bed of a torrent, running here W.S.W., upon whose northern side, close upon the bank, are two deep wells, still called Bir es-Seba, the ancient Beersheba. We had entered the borders of Palestine!" (Researches, 1, 301). There are at present on the spot two principal wells, and five smaller ones.

The former, apparently the only, ones seen by Robinson, lie just a hundred yards apart, and are so placed as to be visible from a considerable distance (Bonar, Land of Prom. p. 1). The larger of the two, which lies to the east, is, according to the careful measurements of Dr. Robinson, 12 ½ feet diam., and at the time of his visit (Apr. 12) was 44a feet to the surface of the water; the masonry which encloses the well reaches downward for 28.5 feet. The other well is 5 feet diam., and was 42 feet to the water. The curb-stones round the mouth of both wells are worn into deep grooves by the action of the ropes of so many centuries, and "look as if frilled or fluted all round." Round the larger well there are nine, and round the smaller five large stone troughs, some much worn and broken, others nearly entire, lying at a distance of 10 or 12 feet from the edge of the well. There were formerly ten of these troughs at the larger well. The circle around is carpeted with a sward of fine short grass, with crocuses and lilies (Bonar, p. 5, 6, 7). The water is excellent, the best, as Dr. Robinson emphatically records, which he had tasted since leaving Sinai. The five lesser wells, apparently the only ones seen by Van de Velde, are, according to his account and the casual notice of Bonar, in a group in the bed of the wady, not on its north bank, and at a great distance from the other two. No ruins are at first visible; but, on examination, foundations of former dwellings have been traced, dispersed loosely over the low hills, to the north of the wells, and in the hollows between. They seem to have been built chiefly of round stones, although some of the stones are squared and some hewn, suggesting the idea of a small straggling city. There are no trees or shrubs near the spot. The site of the wells is nearly midway between the southern end of the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean at Raphaea, or twenty-seven miles south-east from Gaza, and about the same distance south by west from Hebron (20 Roman miles in the Onomast.; comp. Josephus, Ant. 8, 13, 7). Its present Arabic name, Bir es-Seba, means well of the seven," which some take to be the signification also of Beersheba, in allusion to the seven ewe-lambs which Abraham gave to Abimelech in token of the oath between them. There is no ground for rendering it by "seven wells," as some have done. (See Shebah).

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [7]

Be´er-She´ba, well of the oath; a place in the southernmost part of Canaan, celebrated for the sojourn of the patriarchs. It took its name from the well which was dug there by Abraham, and the oath which confirmed his treaty with Abimelech ( Genesis 21:31). It seems to have been a favorite station of that patriarch, and here he planted one of those 'groves' which formed the temples of those remote times ( Genesis 21:33). A town of some consequence afterwards arose on the spot, and retained the same name. It was first assigned to the tribe of Judah ( Joshua 15:28), and afterwards transferred to Simeon ( Joshua 19:2), but was still popularly ascribed to Judah ( 2 Samuel 24:7). Being the southernmost city of the land, its name is of frequent occurrence as being proverbially used in describing the extent of the land, in the phrase 'from Dan (in the north) to Beersheba' (in the south), and reversely, 'from Beersheba unto Dan' ( Judges 20:1;  2 Samuel 17:11;  1 Chronicles 21:2;  2 Chronicles 30:5). It was at Beersheba that Samuel established his sons as judges for the southernmost districts ( 1 Samuel 8:2): it was from thence that Elijah wandered out into the southern desert ( 1 Kings 19:3): here was one of the chief seats of idolatrous worship in the time of Uzziah ( Amos 5:5;  Amos 8:14); and to this place, among others, the Jews returned after the Captivity ( Nehemiah 11:27;  Nehemiah 11:30). This is the last time its name occurs in the Old Testament. In the New Testament it is not once mentioned; and for many centuries it seems to have been in a great measure forgotten. Its site was recently visited by Dr. Robinson, who, on converging from the desert and entering the borders of Palestine, came upon two deep wells still called Bir-es-Leba, situate on the northern side of a wide watercourse called Wady ir-Leba. These wells are 55 rods apart. They are circular, and stoned up very neatly with masonry, apparently very ancient. The water in both was pure and sweet, and in great abundance; the finest, indeed, the travelers had found since leaving Sinai. Both wells were surrounded with drinking-troughs of stone for camels and flocks, such as were doubtless used of old by the flocks which were fed on the adjacent hills. No ruins were at first visible; but, on examination, foundations of former dwellings were traced, dispersed loosely over the low hills to the north of the wells, and in the hollows between. They seem to have been built chiefly of round stones, although some of the stones are squared and some hewn; suggesting the idea of a small straggling city. The site of the wells is nearly midway between the southern end of the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean at Raphaea, or twenty-seven miles south-east from Gaza, and about the same distance south-by-west from Hebron.
