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<p> '''''ak''''' -'''''rab´im''''' (once in the King James Version, [[Acrabbim]] ( Joshua 15:3 ); עקרבּים , <i> '''''‛aḳrabbı̄m''''' </i> , "scorpions"): three times found ( Numbers 34:4; Joshua 15:3; Judges 1:36 ), and always with מעלה , <i> '''''ma‛ăleh''''' </i> , "ascent" or "pass"; and so "Ascent of the Scorpions," an ascent at the Southwest point of the Dead Sea and a part of the boundary line between [[Judah]] and Edom. At this pass [[Judas]] Maccabeus won a victory over the [[Edomites]] (1 Macc 5:3), called in the King James Version, Arabattine. </p>
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_15386" /> ==
        <p> Scorpions, A point in the frontier line of the promised land, Judges 1:36 , and in a region infested with serpents and scorpions, Deuteronomy 8:15 . It is to be found probably in the mountains near the Dead Sea, on its southwest side. In Joshua 15:3 , it is translated Maalehakrabbim, the ascent of Akrabbim. </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_30234" /> ==
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_34252" /> ==
        <p> Also, the going up to, or ascent of, Akrabbim. MAALEH-AKRABBIM; "the scorpion pass", between the S. of the Dead Sea and Zin: Judah's and Palestine's boundary on the S. ( Numbers 34:4; Joshua 15:3). The boundary of the [[Amorites]] ( Judges 1:36). The scene of [[Judas]] Maccabens' victory over Edom. Perhaps now the pass Es-Sufah, the last step from the desert to the level of Palestine. [[Wilton]] makes it Sufah. </p>
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_38162" /> ==
        Numbers 34:4 Joshua 15:3 Judges 1:36 <p> </p>
== Hitchcock's Bible Names <ref name="term_44792" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_49000" /> ==
        <p> <strong> AKRABBIM </strong> (less correctly <strong> [[Acrabbim]] </strong> Joshua 15:3 AV [Note: Authorized Version.] , ‘Scorpion Pass’). The name given to an ascent on the south side of the Dead Sea, a very barren region. </p>
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_64788" /> ==
        <p> [[Ascent]] or mountain pass at the south of the Dead Sea, which formed the border of Palestine, and was also the 'coast' of the Amorites. Numbers 34:4; Judges 1:36 . Also called MAALEH-ACRABBIMM in Joshua 15:3 . Supposed to be some miles south of the Dead Sea, but the spot has not been identified. </p>
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_69541" /> ==
        <p> [[Akrabbim]] ( a-krăb'bim), scorpions. A range of hills on the south border of [[Judah]] towards the southern extremity of the Dead Sea; which seems to have been infested with scorpions and serpents. Deuteronomy 8:15; Numbers 34:4; Judges 1:36. Instead of "the ascent of Akrabbim," we have in the [[Hebrew]] the name "Maaleh-Acrabbim," scorpion heights, in Joshua 15:3. </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_71031" /> ==
        <p> Akrab'bim. (the ascent of or the going up to); Also Maaleh-Acrabbim. (the scorpion pass). A pass between the south end of the Dead Sea and Zin, forming one of the landmarks on the south boundary at once of Judah, Joshua 15:3, and of the Holy Land. Numbers 34:4. </p> <p> Also the boundary of the Amorites. Judges 1:36. As to the name, scorpions abound in the whole of this district. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_692" /> ==
        <p> '''''ak''''' -'''''rab´im''''' (once in the King James Version, [[Acrabbim]] ( Joshua 15:3 ); עקרבּים , <i> '''''‛aḳrabbı̄m''''' </i> , "scorpions"): three times found ( Numbers 34:4; Joshua 15:3; Judges 1:36 ), and always with מעלה , <i> '''''ma‛ăleh''''' </i> , "ascent" or "pass"; and so "Ascent of the Scorpions," an ascent at the Southwest point of the Dead Sea and a part of the boundary line between [[Judah]] and Edom. At this pass [[Judas]] Maccabeus won a victory over the [[Edomites]] (1 Macc 5:3), called in the King James Version, Arabattine. </p>
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15051" /> ==
        <p> Akrab´bim (Scorpion-height), an ascent, hill, or chain of hills, which, from the name, would appear to have been much infested by scorpions and serpents, as some districts in that quarter certainly were ( Deuteronomy 8:15). It was one of the points which are only mentioned in describing the frontier-line of the Promised Land southward ( Judges 1:36), and has been conjectured to be the same with the mountains of Akabah, which bound the great valley of [[Arabah]] on the east. </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_18534" /> ==
        <p> (Hebrew Akrabbim', עִקְרִבּים , scorpions, as in Ezekiel 2:6; Sept. Ἀκραβίν, Ἀκραβείν), only in the connection MAALEH-ACRABBIM (See [[Maaleh-Acrabbim]]) (q.v.), i.e. Scorpion-Height ( Joshua 15:3; "ascent of Akrabhim" Numbers 34:4; "going up to Akrabbim," </p> <p> Judges 1:36), an ascent, hill, or chain of hills, which, from the name, would appear to have been much infested by scorpions and serpents, as some districts in that quarter certainly were ( Deuteronomy 8:15; comp. Volney, 2:256). It is only mentioned in describing the frontier-line of the promised land southward in the region of the [[Amorites]] ( Numbers 34:4; Joshua 15:3; Judges 1:36). Shaw conjectures that [[Akrabbim]] may be the same with the mountains of Akabah, by which he understands the easternmost range of the "black mountains" of Ptolemy, extending from [[Paran]] to Judaea. This range has lately become well known as the mountains of Edom, being those which bound the great valley of [[Arabah]] on the east (Travels, 2, 120). More specifically, he seems to refer Akrabbim to the southernmost portion of this range, near the fortress of Akabah, and the extremity of the eastern gulf of the Red Sea; where, as he observes, "from the badness of the roads, and many rocky passes that are to be surmounted, the Mohammedan pilgrims lose a number of camels, and are no less fatigued than the Israelites were formerly in getting over them." [[Burckhardt]] (Syria, p. 509) reaches nearly the same conclusion, except that he rather refers "the ascent of Akrabbim" to the acclivity of the western mountains from the plain of Akabah. This ascent is very steep, and has probably given to the place its name of Akabah, which means a cliff or steep declivity." But the south-eastern frontier of [[Judah]] could not have been laid down so far to the south in the time of [[Moses]] and Joshua. The signification of the names in the two languages is altogether different. M. De Saulcy finds this "Scorpion-steep" in the Wady es-Zuweirah, running into the S.W. end of the Dead Sea; a precipitous, zigzag ascent, up which a path marked with ancient ruins is cut in the flanks of the hard rock, and which is peculiarly infested with scorpions (Narrative, 1, 361, 418, 421). Schwarz, on the other hand, locates it at the Wady el-Kurahy, running into the south-eastern extremity of the Dead Sea (Palest. p. 22). Both these latter positions, however, seem as much too far north as the preceding are too far south, since the place in question appears to have been situated just beyond the point where the southern boundary of [[Palestine]] turned northward; and we know from the localities of several towns in Judah and [[Simeon]] (e.g. Kadesh, Beersheba, etc.) that the territory of the promised land extended as far southward as the ridge bounding the depressed level of the desert et-Tih. The conclusion of Dr. Robinson is, that in the absence of more positive evidence the line of cliffs separating the Ghor from the valley of the Akabah may be regarded as the Maaleh-Akrabbim of [[Scripture]] (Researches, 2, 501). This, however, would be a descent and not an ascent to those who were entering the Holy Land from the south. Perhaps the most feasible supposition is that Akrabbim is the general name of the ridge containing the steep pass es-Sufah, by which the final step is made from the desert to the level of the actual land of Palestine. As to the name, scorpions abound in the whole of this district. The same spot may be that alluded to in the [[Mishna]] (Maaser Sheni, 5, 2), as "Akrabah ( עִקְרָבָה ) on the south." </p> <p> The district of Acrabattine mentioned in 1 [[Maccabees]] 5:3, and Josephus, Ant. 12, 8, 1, as lying on the frontier of Idumaea, toward the southern extremity of the Dead Sea, may have derived its name from this ridge. But Dr. Robinson thinks that the toparchy referred to took its name from Akrabeh, now a large and flourishing village a little east of Nablous, the ancient [[Shechem]] (Bibliotheca Sacra, 1853, p. 132; and see the authorities in his Researches, 3, 103). This "Acrabattine" of the Apocrypha, however, was probably a different place. (See Acrabattine). </p>
==References ==
        <ref name="term_15386"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/american-tract-society-bible-dictionary/akrabbim Akrabbim from American Tract Society Bible Dictionary]</ref>
        <ref name="term_30234"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/easton-s-bible-dictionary/akrabbim Akrabbim from Easton's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
        <ref name="term_34252"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/fausset-s-bible-dictionary/akrabbim Akrabbim from Fausset's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
        <ref name="term_38162"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/holman-bible-dictionary/akrabbim Akrabbim from Holman Bible Dictionary]</ref>
        <ref name="term_44792"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hitchcock-s-bible-names/akrabbim Akrabbim from Hitchcock's Bible Names]</ref>
        <ref name="term_49000"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-bible/akrabbim Akrabbim from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
        <ref name="term_64788"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/morrish-bible-dictionary/akrabbim Akrabbim from Morrish Bible Dictionary]</ref>
        <ref name="term_69541"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/people-s-dictionary-of-the-bible/akrabbim Akrabbim from People's Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
        <ref name="term_71031"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/smith-s-bible-dictionary/akrabbim Akrabbim from Smith's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
        <ref name="term_692"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/akrabbim Akrabbim from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
        <ref name="term_15051"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/kitto-s-popular-cyclopedia-of-biblial-literature/akrabbim Akrabbim from Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature]</ref>
        <ref name="term_18534"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/akrabbim Akrabbim from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>

Revision as of 17:41, 8 October 2021

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [1]

Scorpions, A point in the frontier line of the promised land, Judges 1:36 , and in a region infested with serpents and scorpions, Deuteronomy 8:15 . It is to be found probably in the mountains near the Dead Sea, on its southwest side. In Joshua 15:3 , it is translated Maalehakrabbim, the ascent of Akrabbim.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [2]

Numbers 34:4 Joshua 15:3 Numbers 34:4

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [3]

Also, the going up to, or ascent of, Akrabbim. MAALEH-AKRABBIM; "the scorpion pass", between the S. of the Dead Sea and Zin: Judah's and Palestine's boundary on the S. ( Numbers 34:4; Joshua 15:3). The boundary of the Amorites ( Judges 1:36). The scene of Judas Maccabens' victory over Edom. Perhaps now the pass Es-Sufah, the last step from the desert to the level of Palestine. Wilton makes it Sufah.

Holman Bible Dictionary [4]

Numbers 34:4 Joshua 15:3 Judges 1:36

Hitchcock's Bible Names [5]

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [6]

AKRABBIM (less correctly Acrabbim Joshua 15:3 AV [Note: Authorized Version.] , ‘Scorpion Pass’). The name given to an ascent on the south side of the Dead Sea, a very barren region.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [7]

Ascent or mountain pass at the south of the Dead Sea, which formed the border of Palestine, and was also the 'coast' of the Amorites. Numbers 34:4; Judges 1:36 . Also called MAALEH-ACRABBIMM in Joshua 15:3 . Supposed to be some miles south of the Dead Sea, but the spot has not been identified.

People's Dictionary of the Bible [8]

Akrabbim ( a-krăb'bim), scorpions. A range of hills on the south border of Judah towards the southern extremity of the Dead Sea; which seems to have been infested with scorpions and serpents. Deuteronomy 8:15; Numbers 34:4; Judges 1:36. Instead of "the ascent of Akrabbim," we have in the Hebrew the name "Maaleh-Acrabbim," scorpion heights, in Joshua 15:3.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [9]

Akrab'bim. (the ascent of or the going up to); Also Maaleh-Acrabbim. (the scorpion pass). A pass between the south end of the Dead Sea and Zin, forming one of the landmarks on the south boundary at once of Judah, Joshua 15:3, and of the Holy Land. Numbers 34:4.

Also the boundary of the Amorites. Judges 1:36. As to the name, scorpions abound in the whole of this district.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [10]

ak -rab´im (once in the King James Version, Acrabbim ( Joshua 15:3 ); עקרבּים , ‛aḳrabbı̄m , "scorpions"): three times found ( Numbers 34:4; Joshua 15:3; Judges 1:36 ), and always with מעלה , ma‛ăleh , "ascent" or "pass"; and so "Ascent of the Scorpions," an ascent at the Southwest point of the Dead Sea and a part of the boundary line between Judah and Edom. At this pass Judas Maccabeus won a victory over the Edomites (1 Macc 5:3), called in the King James Version, Arabattine.

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [11]

Akrab´bim (Scorpion-height), an ascent, hill, or chain of hills, which, from the name, would appear to have been much infested by scorpions and serpents, as some districts in that quarter certainly were ( Deuteronomy 8:15). It was one of the points which are only mentioned in describing the frontier-line of the Promised Land southward ( Judges 1:36), and has been conjectured to be the same with the mountains of Akabah, which bound the great valley of Arabah on the east.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [12]

(Hebrew Akrabbim', עִקְרִבּים , scorpions, as in Ezekiel 2:6; Sept. Ἀκραβίν, Ἀκραβείν), only in the connection MAALEH-ACRABBIM (See Maaleh-Acrabbim) (q.v.), i.e. Scorpion-Height ( Joshua 15:3; "ascent of Akrabhim" Numbers 34:4; "going up to Akrabbim,"

Judges 1:36), an ascent, hill, or chain of hills, which, from the name, would appear to have been much infested by scorpions and serpents, as some districts in that quarter certainly were ( Deuteronomy 8:15; comp. Volney, 2:256). It is only mentioned in describing the frontier-line of the promised land southward in the region of the Amorites ( Numbers 34:4; Joshua 15:3; Judges 1:36). Shaw conjectures that Akrabbim may be the same with the mountains of Akabah, by which he understands the easternmost range of the "black mountains" of Ptolemy, extending from Paran to Judaea. This range has lately become well known as the mountains of Edom, being those which bound the great valley of Arabah on the east (Travels, 2, 120). More specifically, he seems to refer Akrabbim to the southernmost portion of this range, near the fortress of Akabah, and the extremity of the eastern gulf of the Red Sea; where, as he observes, "from the badness of the roads, and many rocky passes that are to be surmounted, the Mohammedan pilgrims lose a number of camels, and are no less fatigued than the Israelites were formerly in getting over them." Burckhardt (Syria, p. 509) reaches nearly the same conclusion, except that he rather refers "the ascent of Akrabbim" to the acclivity of the western mountains from the plain of Akabah. This ascent is very steep, and has probably given to the place its name of Akabah, which means a cliff or steep declivity." But the south-eastern frontier of Judah could not have been laid down so far to the south in the time of Moses and Joshua. The signification of the names in the two languages is altogether different. M. De Saulcy finds this "Scorpion-steep" in the Wady es-Zuweirah, running into the S.W. end of the Dead Sea; a precipitous, zigzag ascent, up which a path marked with ancient ruins is cut in the flanks of the hard rock, and which is peculiarly infested with scorpions (Narrative, 1, 361, 418, 421). Schwarz, on the other hand, locates it at the Wady el-Kurahy, running into the south-eastern extremity of the Dead Sea (Palest. p. 22). Both these latter positions, however, seem as much too far north as the preceding are too far south, since the place in question appears to have been situated just beyond the point where the southern boundary of Palestine turned northward; and we know from the localities of several towns in Judah and Simeon (e.g. Kadesh, Beersheba, etc.) that the territory of the promised land extended as far southward as the ridge bounding the depressed level of the desert et-Tih. The conclusion of Dr. Robinson is, that in the absence of more positive evidence the line of cliffs separating the Ghor from the valley of the Akabah may be regarded as the Maaleh-Akrabbim of Scripture (Researches, 2, 501). This, however, would be a descent and not an ascent to those who were entering the Holy Land from the south. Perhaps the most feasible supposition is that Akrabbim is the general name of the ridge containing the steep pass es-Sufah, by which the final step is made from the desert to the level of the actual land of Palestine. As to the name, scorpions abound in the whole of this district. The same spot may be that alluded to in the Mishna (Maaser Sheni, 5, 2), as "Akrabah ( עִקְרָבָה ) on the south."

The district of Acrabattine mentioned in 1 Maccabees 5:3, and Josephus, Ant. 12, 8, 1, as lying on the frontier of Idumaea, toward the southern extremity of the Dead Sea, may have derived its name from this ridge. But Dr. Robinson thinks that the toparchy referred to took its name from Akrabeh, now a large and flourishing village a little east of Nablous, the ancient Shechem (Bibliotheca Sacra, 1853, p. 132; and see the authorities in his Researches, 3, 103). This "Acrabattine" of the Apocrypha, however, was probably a different place. (See Acrabattine).
