Victorious Victory

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Victorious Victory [1]

'''A — 1: νίκη (Strong'S #3529 — Noun Feminine — nike — nee'-kay )

"victory," is used in  1 John 5:4 .

'''A — 2: νῖκος (Strong'S #3534 — Noun Neuter — nikos — nee'-kos )

a later form of No. 1, is used in  Matthew 12:20;  1 Corinthians 15:54,55,57 .

'''B — 1: νικάω (Strong'S #3528 — Verb — nikao — nik-ah'-o )

"to conquer, overcome," is translated "(them) that come victorious (from)" in  Revelation 15:2 , Rv (Av, "that had gotten the victory"). See Conquer , Overcome , Prevail.
