Teramo Or Erasmo Piaggia

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Teramo Or Erasmo Piaggia [1]

(also called Teramo di Zoagli), an Italian painter, was born at Zoagli, in; the (Genoese state, near the beginning of the 16th century. He was a pulpil of Lodovico Brea, and painted at Genoa in 1547. In conjunction with Anltonio Semini he painted several pictures for the churches at Genoa, the most esteemed of which is an altar-piece of the Martyrdom of Attendet, in the church of that saint. Lanzli highly commends this work, and says, "None can witness this very beauitiful altar-piece without seeing traces of Brae's style, already enlarged and changed into one more modern." He also painted several pieces by himself, at Genoa and at Chiavari.
