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Tamburini [1]

a name common to several Roman ecclesiastics, of whom we mention the following:

1. Michael Angelus of Modena, was made general of the Jesuits Jan. 31, 1706, and died Feb. 28, 1730.

2. PIETRO, born in 1737 at Brescia, received his theological and philosophical training at the seminary of his native place, where he afterwards acted as the head of the lyceum founded by him. He was also head of the Collegium Germanicum at Rome, and was promoted by Maria Theresa to a professorship of theology, and in 1779 to the chair of natural law and moral philosophy at Pavia. He resigned his professorship in 1795, but was compelled by the French authorities in Lombardy to fill the chair of ethics and international law in 1797. For three years, 1798-1801, this chair was suppressed, but, being restored in the latter year, was filled by Tamburini till 1818, when he was appointed dean of the faculty of law. He died at Pavia, March 14,1827. He was made a chevalier of the Iron Crown by the emperor of Austria, and received other distinctions. . He wrote, Idea delta Santa Sede (Pavia, 1784): Introduzione allo Studio della Filosofia (Milan, 1797): Lezioni di Filosofia Morale, etc. (Pavia, 1806-12, 4 vols.): Elementa Juris Naturae (Milan, 1815): Cenni sulla Perafettibilita del' Umana Famiglia (ibid. 1823): Praelectiones de Ecclesia Christi et Universa Jurisprudentia Ecclesiastica, quae habuit in Academia Ficbnensi (Lipsie, 1845, 4 pts.): Praelectione; 'de Justitia Christ. et de Sacramentis, de Ultino Hominis Fine deque Virtutibus Theol. et Cardinalibus (Ficino, 1783-85, 3 vols.): Analisi delle Apologie di S. Justino Mart., con alcune Rifessioni (Pavia, 1792): Ragionamenti sul 1'Libro di Orig. contra Cello (ibid. 1786): on Tertullian, Analisi del Libro delle Prescrizioni, con alcune Osservazioni (ibid. 1782).

3. TOMMRASO, a Jesuit, was born in 1591 at Caltanisetta, in Sicily, was professor of theology, afterwards censor and counselor of the Holy Office, and died at Palermo in 1675. His moral and theological writings were published at Lyons in 1659, and Venice in 1755.

See Theologisches Universal Lexikon, s.v.; Wetzer u. Welte, Kirch. Lexikon, 12:1818; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 2, 1305; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Literatur, 1, 316, 897, 900, 913; 2, 797. (B. P.)
