Stefano Di Amico

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Stefano Di Amico [1]

a monk of the brotherhood of Monte-Casino, was born at Palermo in 1562. He was prior, priest, and vicar-general of his order. Being prior of the Abbey of St. Martin, he considerably increased the library at his own expense, and also constructed superb buildings for the monastery. He died in 1662. Mongitore, who bestowed upon him very high eulogies, informs us, in his Bibliotheca Sicula, that he published, under the name of "Fanesto Musica," a collection of Latin poems, entitled, Sacra Lyra, Variorum Auctorum Cantionibus Contexta, in Latina Epigrammata Conversis (Palermo, 1650). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
