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== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_56459" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_56459" /> ==
<p> <b> [[Leprosy]] </b> <b> ( </b> λέπρα, &nbsp;Mark 1:42, &nbsp;Luke 5:12; and λεπρός, [leper] &nbsp;Matthew 8:2; &nbsp;Matthew 10:8; &nbsp;Matthew 11:5; &nbsp;Matthew 26:6, &nbsp;Mark 1:40; &nbsp;Mark 14:3, &nbsp;Luke 4:27; &nbsp;Luke 7:22; &nbsp;Luke 17:12).—The name of a disease common in [[Palestine]] in the time of Christ, for the cleansing of which many mighty works were performed. The great difficulty in knowing the exact nature of the disease from which the leper suffered lies in the fact that the word ‘leprosy’ is used as the English equivalent of three different foreign words—the Heb. צרַעַח ( <i> ẓãráath </i> ), the Gr. λέπρα, and the Gr. ἐλέφας and ἐλεφαντίασις. And the subject is further complicated by the fact that the term last mentioned, <i> elephantiasis </i> , is used to-day for a disease of quite another nature from that described under that name by the early Greek medical writers. </p> <p> (1) צרַעַח ( <i> ẓâra‘ath </i> ) is the word translation in Authorized and Revised [[Versions]] ‘leprosy’; the root meaning is <i> to smite </i> . The symptoms of <i> ẓâra‘ath </i> are fully described in Leviticus 13, and we have other scattered references to the disease in the [[Ot.]] To enter into a full examination of [[Ot]] leprosy would be out of place here, but it may be said that neither true leprosy (in the modern sense) nor any other known disease answers to all the signs described. We must either suppose, as is conceivable but not highly probable, that the disease described in Leviticus 13 has disappeared or greatly changed its character from new environment, or that the term <i> ẓâra‘ath </i> included a great variety of skin diseases, some infectious in the modern sense, but all of them regarded in ancient times as rendering their victims ceremonially impure. Of these diseases, to take a few examples, we seem to be able to recognize <i> psoriasis </i> in the expression ‘a leper white as snow’; <i> favus </i> (a common disease among Eastern [[Jews]] to-day) and perhaps ‘ringworm’ in the description of the ‘plague of the head and the beard’ (&nbsp;Leviticus 13:29-30); and the disease <i> vitiligo </i> in the symptom termed ‘freckled spot’ (בֹּהַק, &nbsp;Leviticus 13:39), the exactly equivalent word بهق ( <i> bohak </i> ) being used for this condition in Palestine and [[Arabia]] to-day. On the other hand, there are in the references to <i> ẓâra‘ath </i> an extraordinary absence of the symptoms of true leprosy which will be mentioned lower down; the extremely slow process of this latter disease, and its practically hopeless outlook, ill tallies with either the frequent examinations—at intervals of seven days—or the elaborate directions, evidently meant for use, for restoration of a cured person to the community. </p> <p> The history of medicine shows that in the undeveloped state of medical science many diseases which a later age learns to differentiate are classed as one disease; of no department has this been truer than of diseases affecting the skin. In the Middle Ages many persons affected with syphilis were put in the lazar hospitals of Northern Europe through the mistaken idea that they were lepers. </p> <p> (2) λέπρα (meaning ‘rough’ or ‘scaly’) was the name given by the Greek physicians to a disease known to-day as <i> psoriasis </i> . It is a non-contagious, irritating, but by no means fatal disease, in which white scales form on various parts of, and occasionally all over, the body. In such cases the expression ‘a leper white as snow’ might be not inappropriate. The disease is not hereditary nor in any marked degree repulsive, unless, as is unusual, the face is attacked; in this respect it is the very opposite of true leprosy, with which, moreover, it cannot be confused. </p> <p> In the [[Lxx]] [[Septuagint]] λέπρα is used as the equivalent of <i> ẓâra‘ath </i> ; and as the former was well known, the translators apparently regarded this disease as the nearest equivalent to that described in the [[Ot.]] In the same way the Synoptists, and among them Luke, the ‘beloved physician,’ in using λέπρα and λεπρος, were using words which had a definite meaning to the outside world. </p> <p> (3) True leprosy—the ἐλεφαντίασις of the Greeks—is certainly no new disease, and references to it are found in [[Egyptian]] inscriptions many centuries before the [[Israelites]] left Egypt. It is also said that it was known in India at an equally primitive period. [[Hippocrates]] appears to refer to it under the name of the ‘Phœnician disease,’ and [[Galen]] under the name ‘elephantiasis.’ It is stated by Pliny that it was brought to Europe from Syria by the army of [[Ptolemy]] (61 b.c.). From this time references to it are common, but always under the name <i> elephantiasis </i> . </p> <p> It is evident, therefore, that at the time of the Gospels, λέπα—in the classical medical sense—was primarily the well-known skin disease <i> psoriasis </i> . At the same time it is highly probable that the disease <i> elephantiasis </i> —true leprosy—together with other skin affections, <i> e.g. vitiligo, favus </i> , etc., were, from the point of view of ceremonial uncleanness, included in the term <i> lepra </i> , the word having, as is usual with medical terms, a much wider signification among the lay public than among the medical authors. The fact that tradition has from the earliest period pointed to true leprosy as the disease of the Bible, certainly makes it probable that it at least was one of the diseases recognized by the Rabbis as <i> ẓâra‘ath </i> ; and doubtless its specially horrible and fatal character has caused it to gradually displace all others in the popular mind. </p> <p> It might be thought that Rabbinical commentaries or existing [[Jewish]] custom might help to throw a light on the subject, but neither of these is any real help. The [[Talmud]] teaches that ẓâra‘ath refers to any disease with cutaneous eruptions or sores, and indeed some references appear to demonstrate that the writers considered the disease non-contagious; as, for example, the rule that a bridegroom, suspecting himself affected, might wait till seven days after his marriage before reporting his condition. The Rabbinical comments, instead of correlating the [[Levitical]] description with known medical facts, are rather engaged in impressing the importance of a literal adherence to the text of the [[Mosaic]] law. </p> <p> Modern custom among the Jews in the East does not seem to view true leprosy with the aversion of even [[Moslems]] and Christians. Of six cases of well-marked leprosy among the Jews of [[Jerusalem]] which the present writer can recall, only one of them, a stranger from India, was in any way isolated, and he only after he had been in the English Hospital for some days among all the other patients; when he could no longer be kept he was sent to the [[Leper]] Hospital, where he died. The other cases, a Russian Jewess, three Spanish Jewesses, and a Spanish Jewish boy, all lived at home and mixed freely with their friends; the boy, indeed, long after he had marked symptoms of anaesthetic leprosy, continued to attend a large Jewish boys’ school without any sign of opposition or trouble. The Eastern Jews, on the other hand, manifest at times great fear of the contagiousness of tuberculous, or as they would popularly be called, ‘scrofulous’ affections of the skin and of the lymphatic glands. These seem by tradition to be recognized as contagious. </p> <p> When it is remembered that it is only in very recent years, in the life of the present generation of medical men, that the true nature both of leprosy ( <i> elephantiasis </i> ) and of ‘scrofula’ has been discovered, it is difficult to believe that the Jews of Palestine, even in [[Nt]] times, recognized the sharply-defined varieties of disease we do to-day. It is therefore probable that, while the leprosy of the [[Nt]] certainly included some developments of the disease we now know as <i> psoriasis </i> and allied affections with a scaly eruption, and almost certainly a proportion of cases of ‘true leprosy,’ it may also have included cases of ‘lupus,’ ‘scrofulous’ ( <i> i.e. </i> tuberculous) glands, and varieties of parasitic skin affections, such as ‘ringworm’ and <i> favus </i> , both of which are very common among the Jews of the East to-day. </p> <p> True leprosy ( <i> elephantiasis </i> ) has for so many centuries been identified with the disease now called by that name, and, indeed, is likely to be for so many generations, that some description of this disease, especially as it occurs to-day in the [[Holy]] Land, is here not out of place. It is a disease of world-wide distribution, though apparently dying out of most European lands, where, as in [[England]] and France, it was once rampant. India, China, South Africa, and the [[Sandwich]] Islands are to-day the great habitats of leprosy. Climate appears to have no real effect on it. It is not hereditary; the children of lepers, if removed to healthy surroundings at an early age, seldom take the disease, while advance of the disease usually produces sterility. There is no doubt that it is contagious, but only by close personal contact; attendants on lepers run very little risk if they are careful; and they cannot, as was once supposed, carry the contagion to others. Although the almost world-wide custom of isolating lepers is founded upon the doubtful tradition of this being the special and peculiar disease described in the Mosaic law, yet from every point of view this is desirable both for the poor victims themselves, who are always to some degree incapacitated and suffering, and for the sake of their healthy neighbours. Although a leper in the street is no danger to the passer-by, he must in his home be a danger to his family, and no other disease reduces a human being for so many years to such a hideous wreck. </p> <p> With respect to the ultimate cause of leprosy, Hansen has demonstrated (1871) that it is due to a special micro-organism, the <i> bacillus leprœ </i> , similar in appearance, and to some extent in the action on the human tissues, to the tubercle <i> bacillus </i> . How the poison enters the body is not known. The disease occurs so sporadically that there must be some cause other than contagion; but what this may be has never been proved. The theory recently revived by Mr. [[Jonathan]] Hutchinson, [[F.R.C.S.,]] that the disease is due to a diet of fish, is not borne out by the facts. In Palestine, in particular, the great majority of the lepers have never eaten fish at all, as they come from inland villages: fish is very seldom eaten by the Moslems in Palestine, and the only people who eat it—the Jews regularly, and the [[Christians]] at their fasts when living in the cities—suffer least from this disease. </p> <p> Leprosy manifests itself in three forms: (1) the tubercular or nodular, (2) the anaesthetic, and (3) the mixed. Chronic cases, however they begin, tend to assume in the later stages the third or mixed type. </p> <p> (1) In the <i> tubereular </i> form, after a prodromal period of indefinite duration during which there is a gradual loss of power and vivacity, obscure pains in the limbs and joints, feverish attacks and loss of appetite, the first definite signs to appear are symmetrical discoloured blotches, especially over the back. These blotches are at the first most marked during feverish attacks. Soon afterwards, definite tubercles, at first pink but later brownish, arise; the skin in these places is thickened and found to be infiltrated. The tubercles have a special tendency to form on the folds of the cheek, the nose, the lips, and the forehead. At this time some amount of ulceration about the soft palate often assists the diagnosis. The nodules enlarge and from time to time ulcerate and become encrusted with discharge. In cases where the face is particularly attacked the expression is entirely altered, and a most characteristic ‘lion-like’ or ‘satyr-like’ expression is developed. The <i> leontiasis </i> of Aretaeus and the <i> satyrias </i> (= <i> satyriasis </i> ) of [[Aristotle]] ( <i> de Gen. </i> [Note: [[Geneva]] [[Nt]] 1557, Bible 1560.] <i> Animal. </i> iv. iii. 22) are both supposed on these grounds to have been true leprosy. As a rule the eyebrows fall out, and the eyes, in addition to suffering from <i> keratitis </i> , become staring in appearance through scarring about the eyelids. The voice is often hoarse, and the breathing loud and wheezing through ulceration of the vocal chords. The hands and feet, sometimes the first to suffer, always in time become ulcerated, though the most severe changes in them are probably secondary to nerve lesions. The disease from first to last has an average duration of nine years; if it runs its full course and is not terminated, as is usual, by the onset of tuberculosis, it leads to gradual mental decay, coma, and death. </p> <p> (2) The <i> anœsthetic </i> variety, if not complicated, is not nearly so horrible nor so fatal. Here the incidence of the disease falls on the nerve trunks, which may quite early in the disease be felt thickened from inflammation due to bacterial infection. The prodromal symptoms are similar to those described, but the onset of the disease is often not remarked until the patient finds that certain parts of the body are without sensation. Thus it is narrated of Father Damien that, although he had vague symptoms which made him suspicious, he was not convinced that he was a leper until be found he had placed his feet in scalding water without feeling the heat. As the disease progresses, the nerve lesions cause various discoloured patches and blisters on the skin, wasting of muscles and contraction of the tendons, a peculiar claw-like appearance of the hands,—the result of partial paralysis,—disfigurement of the nails, deep chronic ulceration of the foot, and finally progressive loss of various fingers and toes, and even of the feet and occasionally of the hands. Many of these later changes also occur in the tubercular form as the nerves become affected. An anaesthetic case which keeps to this type may last 20, 30, or even more years, and some such cases become ‘cured,’ that is, the disease actually ceases to progress, though the results of its work can never be remedied. </p> <p> (3) In Palestine, as has been already suggested, the great majority of cases are of the <i> mixed </i> form; cases of pure anaesthetic type are exceptional. </p> <p> Leprosy in modern Palestine is not a common disease, but is prominently to the front from three causes: firstly, because of the interest excited in Christians of all Churches, and the special appeal made to their charitable feelings from the traditional view that these sufferers are the veritable lepers of the [[Ot]] and [[Nt;]] secondly, because its results are so manifest and repulsive, and its progress so slow, that a comparatively small number of cases are very much in evidence; and, lastly, because practically all the lepers in the land are segregated together by order of the [[Government]] in a few chief towns, all resorted to by travellers. There the lepers, being unable to work for a living, sit in groups in prominent places, and endeavour by an exhibition of the miseries of their condition to touch the sympathy of the passer-by. In Jerusalem, at any rate, they collect in this way large sums for their community. They live in huts provided by the Government at Silwân (near Jerusalem), Ramleh, and Nâblus. At [[Damascus]] also there is a community, some members of which are also drawn from Palestine, but the majority from Syria and around Damascus; the traditional ‘House of Naaman’ is their home. In addition to these, there is the voluntary community—now numbering nearly 60—at the excellent Moravian Hospital in Jerusalem; the patients there are not allowed to go begging, and are employed in various ways on the premises. Including these last, there must be between 100 and 120 lepers in Jerusalem, some 25 at Ramleh, about 40 at Nâblus; altogether, allowing for some Palestine lepers in the Damascus community, there are not more than 200 known victims of this disease in the country. It is quite possible that sometimes cases may be hidden away, as with the Jewish cases above mentioned, by their relatives; but this cannot often happen in the villages, as the village sheikhs are very prompt in detecting early signs of the disease, and a suspected case is soon expelled from the community. Sometimes the heads of the village make mistakes; cases of this sort have come to the medical officer of the Leper Hospital in Jerusalem, and their friends learning that they have been mistaken, they have been restored to their rights. </p> <p> It has been mentioned that one of the striking things about leprosy is that it occurs so sporadically. It is not the rule in Palestine, at any rate, that whole villages or families become leprous, but a case arises here and there. To illustrate this, we give a list of villages from which came some 60 cases that were in the Moravian Hospital during 1903. They are as follows:—From Ramallah and ‘Ain Arîk, 3 cases each; from Zeta, Bait Ammar, Nahalîn, Saidna Ali, ed-Dîr, Deir Diwân, and Nazareth, 2 cases each; from [[Abu]] Dîs,’ [[Ain]] Kairem, Bîr Zait, Bait Ummar, Bait Jebrîn, Bettîr, Beita, Biddu, Bait Hanîna, Bait Jala, Bait Safafa, ‘Asîreh, Dûra, Jerusalem, Feddar, Yasîneh, ‘Allâr, Mesar‘a, Fara‘un, Marassa, Kefrenji, Kefr Akâb, Kefr Hâris, Shafât, es-Salt, and Jummain, 1 each. In addition there were 3 Bedawîn from scattered tribes, one gipsy, one case from Mosul, and two from Greece. Any one who will consult a map of modern Palestine will appreciate from how wide an area, both [[W.]] and [[E.]] of the Jordan, these cases come. Probably there is no district that does not furnish cases at some time. </p> <p> The only kind of treatment that can alleviate the disease is a well-managed Leper Home. In the Jerusalem Leper Hospital (founded in 1867 and formally taken over by the Moravian [[Brethren]] in 1881) all that medical science and [[Christian]] kindness can accomplish is done. </p> <p> <i> Leprosy in the [[Gospels]] </i> .—It has been often pointed out that, whereas the cure of disease in general is called ‘healing’, (ἰᾶσθαι), that of the lepers is called ‘cleansing’ (καθαρίζειν). This was, no doubt, appropriate on account of the very evident restoration of cleanness of skin, but primarily because the miracle enabled the leper to become ceremonially clean. [[Doubtless]] the lepers drifting about the land had intractable skin diseases, and as they were shut out from the temple, the synagogues, certainly in all the towns, and to a large extent from the social life of their fellow-beings, their lot was truly pitiable. Their ‘cleansing’ meant much more than getting rid of a disagreeable and often, doubtless, painful disease, repulsive to all their fellow-men; it meant restoration to the worship and service of God. </p> <p> Of lepers mentioned in the [[Nt]] we have but one named, Simon of [[Bethany]] (&nbsp;Matthew 26:6, &nbsp;Mark 14:3), probably a grateful recipient of the Saviour’s mercy. Tradition has made the [[Lazarus]] of the parable a leper, and the terms <i> lazzaro </i> for leper and <i> lazar-house </i> for leper hospital were a result of this. Also the order of the Knights of Lazarus, founded during the Crusades, made the care of lepers one of their special duties, and they had always a leper as their Grand Master. But though Lazarus was ‘full of sores,’ the very account in the parable that he lay in such intimate contact with passers-by would, apart from the express omission of the statement in the parable, make his being a leper highly improbable. </p> <p> In spite of the great prominence given to the cleansing of lepers both in Jesus’ account of His own works (&nbsp;Matthew 11:5, &nbsp;Luke 7:22) and in His directions to His disciples (&nbsp;Matthew 10:8), we have only two actual incidents described. (1) The incident of the man whom Jesus touched, with the words, [[‘I]] will, be thou clean,’ and whose grateful excess of zeal prevented Jesus from entering that ‘certain city,’ and drove Him to seek seclusion in the wilderness (&nbsp;Matthew 8:2 || &nbsp;Mark 1:42 || &nbsp;Luke 5:12). (2) The story of the nine thankless lepers and the grateful tenth, who was a [[Samaritan]] (&nbsp;Luke 17:11 ff.). It is noticeable that he turned back because he was healed (ἰᾶσθαι); but he was not yet finally cleansed (καθαρίζειν), because he had not yet been to the priest; unless, indeed, it is because he was a Samaritan that he is spoken of as healed rather than cleansed. </p> <p> Literature.—This is enormous. Here only a selection of modern articles in English is given, which will furnish all necessary information and references for following up the subject:—P. [[S.]] Abraham, art. ‘Leprosy’ in Allbutt’s <i> System of [[Medicine]] </i> , ii. 41; [[J.]] [[R.]] Bennett, <i> [[Diseases]] of the Bible </i> , [[R.T.S.]] 1887; [[T.]] Chaplin, ‘Diseases of the Bible,’ <i> Proceedings of [[Victoria]] Institute </i> , vol. xxxiv.; [[C.]] [[V.]] Carter, <i> Leprosy and [[Elephantiasis]] </i> , 1874; Hansen and Looft, <i> Leprosy in its Clinical and Pathological Aspects </i> , 1895; [[A.]] Macalister, art. ‘Leprosy’ in Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible; do. by [[C.]] Creighton in <i> EBi </i> [Note: Bi Encyclopaedia Biblica.] ; [[Report]] of the Leprosy [[Commission]] to India, 1893; [[A.]] [[S.]] Waldstein, art. ‘Leprosy’ in <i> Jewish Encyclopedia </i> . On the moral aspects of leprosy in [[Nt,]] see Edersheim, <i> Life and Times </i> , i. 491 ff.; <i> Expositor </i> , iv. vi. [1892] 443 ff. </p> <p> [[E.]] [[W.]] [[G.]] Masterman. </p>
<p> <b> [[Leprosy]] </b> <b> ( </b> λέπρα, &nbsp;Mark 1:42, &nbsp;Luke 5:12; and λεπρός, [leper] &nbsp;Matthew 8:2; &nbsp;Matthew 10:8; &nbsp;Matthew 11:5; &nbsp;Matthew 26:6, &nbsp;Mark 1:40; &nbsp;Mark 14:3, &nbsp;Luke 4:27; &nbsp;Luke 7:22; &nbsp;Luke 17:12).—The name of a disease common in [[Palestine]] in the time of Christ, for the cleansing of which many mighty works were performed. The great difficulty in knowing the exact nature of the disease from which the leper suffered lies in the fact that the word ‘leprosy’ is used as the English equivalent of three different foreign words—the Heb. צרַעַח ( <i> ẓãráath </i> ), the Gr. λέπρα, and the Gr. ἐλέφας and ἐλεφαντίασις. And the subject is further complicated by the fact that the term last mentioned, <i> elephantiasis </i> , is used to-day for a disease of quite another nature from that described under that name by the early Greek medical writers. </p> <p> (1) צרַעַח ( <i> ẓâra‘ath </i> ) is the word translation in Authorized and Revised [[Versions]] ‘leprosy’; the root meaning is <i> to smite </i> . The symptoms of <i> ẓâra‘ath </i> are fully described in Leviticus 13, and we have other scattered references to the disease in the OT. To enter into a full examination of OT leprosy would be out of place here, but it may be said that neither true leprosy (in the modern sense) nor any other known disease answers to all the signs described. We must either suppose, as is conceivable but not highly probable, that the disease described in Leviticus 13 has disappeared or greatly changed its character from new environment, or that the term <i> ẓâra‘ath </i> included a great variety of skin diseases, some infectious in the modern sense, but all of them regarded in ancient times as rendering their victims ceremonially impure. Of these diseases, to take a few examples, we seem to be able to recognize <i> psoriasis </i> in the expression ‘a leper white as snow’; <i> favus </i> (a common disease among Eastern [[Jews]] to-day) and perhaps ‘ringworm’ in the description of the ‘plague of the head and the beard’ (&nbsp;Leviticus 13:29-30); and the disease <i> vitiligo </i> in the symptom termed ‘freckled spot’ (בֹּהַק, &nbsp;Leviticus 13:39), the exactly equivalent word بهق ( <i> bohak </i> ) being used for this condition in Palestine and [[Arabia]] to-day. On the other hand, there are in the references to <i> ẓâra‘ath </i> an extraordinary absence of the symptoms of true leprosy which will be mentioned lower down; the extremely slow process of this latter disease, and its practically hopeless outlook, ill tallies with either the frequent examinations—at intervals of seven days—or the elaborate directions, evidently meant for use, for restoration of a cured person to the community. </p> <p> The history of medicine shows that in the undeveloped state of medical science many diseases which a later age learns to differentiate are classed as one disease; of no department has this been truer than of diseases affecting the skin. In the Middle Ages many persons affected with syphilis were put in the lazar hospitals of Northern Europe through the mistaken idea that they were lepers. </p> <p> (2) λέπρα (meaning ‘rough’ or ‘scaly’) was the name given by the Greek physicians to a disease known to-day as <i> psoriasis </i> . It is a non-contagious, irritating, but by no means fatal disease, in which white scales form on various parts of, and occasionally all over, the body. In such cases the expression ‘a leper white as snow’ might be not inappropriate. The disease is not hereditary nor in any marked degree repulsive, unless, as is unusual, the face is attacked; in this respect it is the very opposite of true leprosy, with which, moreover, it cannot be confused. </p> <p> In the LXX [[Septuagint]] λέπρα is used as the equivalent of <i> ẓâra‘ath </i> ; and as the former was well known, the translators apparently regarded this disease as the nearest equivalent to that described in the OT. In the same way the Synoptists, and among them Luke, the ‘beloved physician,’ in using λέπρα and λεπρος, were using words which had a definite meaning to the outside world. </p> <p> (3) True leprosy—the ἐλεφαντίασις of the Greeks—is certainly no new disease, and references to it are found in [[Egyptian]] inscriptions many centuries before the [[Israelites]] left Egypt. It is also said that it was known in India at an equally primitive period. [[Hippocrates]] appears to refer to it under the name of the ‘Phœnician disease,’ and [[Galen]] under the name ‘elephantiasis.’ It is stated by Pliny that it was brought to Europe from Syria by the army of [[Ptolemy]] (61 b.c.). From this time references to it are common, but always under the name <i> elephantiasis </i> . </p> <p> It is evident, therefore, that at the time of the Gospels, λέπα—in the classical medical sense—was primarily the well-known skin disease <i> psoriasis </i> . At the same time it is highly probable that the disease <i> elephantiasis </i> —true leprosy—together with other skin affections, <i> e.g. vitiligo, favus </i> , etc., were, from the point of view of ceremonial uncleanness, included in the term <i> lepra </i> , the word having, as is usual with medical terms, a much wider signification among the lay public than among the medical authors. The fact that tradition has from the earliest period pointed to true leprosy as the disease of the Bible, certainly makes it probable that it at least was one of the diseases recognized by the Rabbis as <i> ẓâra‘ath </i> ; and doubtless its specially horrible and fatal character has caused it to gradually displace all others in the popular mind. </p> <p> It might be thought that Rabbinical commentaries or existing [[Jewish]] custom might help to throw a light on the subject, but neither of these is any real help. The [[Talmud]] teaches that ẓâra‘ath refers to any disease with cutaneous eruptions or sores, and indeed some references appear to demonstrate that the writers considered the disease non-contagious; as, for example, the rule that a bridegroom, suspecting himself affected, might wait till seven days after his marriage before reporting his condition. The Rabbinical comments, instead of correlating the [[Levitical]] description with known medical facts, are rather engaged in impressing the importance of a literal adherence to the text of the [[Mosaic]] law. </p> <p> Modern custom among the Jews in the East does not seem to view true leprosy with the aversion of even [[Moslems]] and Christians. Of six cases of well-marked leprosy among the Jews of [[Jerusalem]] which the present writer can recall, only one of them, a stranger from India, was in any way isolated, and he only after he had been in the English Hospital for some days among all the other patients; when he could no longer be kept he was sent to the [[Leper]] Hospital, where he died. The other cases, a Russian Jewess, three Spanish Jewesses, and a Spanish Jewish boy, all lived at home and mixed freely with their friends; the boy, indeed, long after he had marked symptoms of anaesthetic leprosy, continued to attend a large Jewish boys’ school without any sign of opposition or trouble. The Eastern Jews, on the other hand, manifest at times great fear of the contagiousness of tuberculous, or as they would popularly be called, ‘scrofulous’ affections of the skin and of the lymphatic glands. These seem by tradition to be recognized as contagious. </p> <p> When it is remembered that it is only in very recent years, in the life of the present generation of medical men, that the true nature both of leprosy ( <i> elephantiasis </i> ) and of ‘scrofula’ has been discovered, it is difficult to believe that the Jews of Palestine, even in NT times, recognized the sharply-defined varieties of disease we do to-day. It is therefore probable that, while the leprosy of the NT certainly included some developments of the disease we now know as <i> psoriasis </i> and allied affections with a scaly eruption, and almost certainly a proportion of cases of ‘true leprosy,’ it may also have included cases of ‘lupus,’ ‘scrofulous’ ( <i> i.e. </i> tuberculous) glands, and varieties of parasitic skin affections, such as ‘ringworm’ and <i> favus </i> , both of which are very common among the Jews of the East to-day. </p> <p> True leprosy ( <i> elephantiasis </i> ) has for so many centuries been identified with the disease now called by that name, and, indeed, is likely to be for so many generations, that some description of this disease, especially as it occurs to-day in the [[Holy]] Land, is here not out of place. It is a disease of world-wide distribution, though apparently dying out of most European lands, where, as in [[England]] and France, it was once rampant. India, China, South Africa, and the [[Sandwich]] Islands are to-day the great habitats of leprosy. Climate appears to have no real effect on it. It is not hereditary; the children of lepers, if removed to healthy surroundings at an early age, seldom take the disease, while advance of the disease usually produces sterility. There is no doubt that it is contagious, but only by close personal contact; attendants on lepers run very little risk if they are careful; and they cannot, as was once supposed, carry the contagion to others. Although the almost world-wide custom of isolating lepers is founded upon the doubtful tradition of this being the special and peculiar disease described in the Mosaic law, yet from every point of view this is desirable both for the poor victims themselves, who are always to some degree incapacitated and suffering, and for the sake of their healthy neighbours. Although a leper in the street is no danger to the passer-by, he must in his home be a danger to his family, and no other disease reduces a human being for so many years to such a hideous wreck. </p> <p> With respect to the ultimate cause of leprosy, Hansen has demonstrated (1871) that it is due to a special micro-organism, the <i> bacillus leprœ </i> , similar in appearance, and to some extent in the action on the human tissues, to the tubercle <i> bacillus </i> . How the poison enters the body is not known. The disease occurs so sporadically that there must be some cause other than contagion; but what this may be has never been proved. The theory recently revived by Mr. [[Jonathan]] Hutchinson, F.R.C.S., that the disease is due to a diet of fish, is not borne out by the facts. In Palestine, in particular, the great majority of the lepers have never eaten fish at all, as they come from inland villages: fish is very seldom eaten by the Moslems in Palestine, and the only people who eat it—the Jews regularly, and the [[Christians]] at their fasts when living in the cities—suffer least from this disease. </p> <p> Leprosy manifests itself in three forms: (1) the tubercular or nodular, (2) the anaesthetic, and (3) the mixed. Chronic cases, however they begin, tend to assume in the later stages the third or mixed type. </p> <p> (1) In the <i> tubereular </i> form, after a prodromal period of indefinite duration during which there is a gradual loss of power and vivacity, obscure pains in the limbs and joints, feverish attacks and loss of appetite, the first definite signs to appear are symmetrical discoloured blotches, especially over the back. These blotches are at the first most marked during feverish attacks. Soon afterwards, definite tubercles, at first pink but later brownish, arise; the skin in these places is thickened and found to be infiltrated. The tubercles have a special tendency to form on the folds of the cheek, the nose, the lips, and the forehead. At this time some amount of ulceration about the soft palate often assists the diagnosis. The nodules enlarge and from time to time ulcerate and become encrusted with discharge. In cases where the face is particularly attacked the expression is entirely altered, and a most characteristic ‘lion-like’ or ‘satyr-like’ expression is developed. The <i> leontiasis </i> of Aretaeus and the <i> satyrias </i> (= <i> satyriasis </i> ) of [[Aristotle]] ( <i> de Gen. </i> [Note: [[Geneva]] NT 1557, Bible 1560.] <i> Animal. </i> iv. iii. 22) are both supposed on these grounds to have been true leprosy. As a rule the eyebrows fall out, and the eyes, in addition to suffering from <i> keratitis </i> , become staring in appearance through scarring about the eyelids. The voice is often hoarse, and the breathing loud and wheezing through ulceration of the vocal chords. The hands and feet, sometimes the first to suffer, always in time become ulcerated, though the most severe changes in them are probably secondary to nerve lesions. The disease from first to last has an average duration of nine years; if it runs its full course and is not terminated, as is usual, by the onset of tuberculosis, it leads to gradual mental decay, coma, and death. </p> <p> (2) The <i> anœsthetic </i> variety, if not complicated, is not nearly so horrible nor so fatal. Here the incidence of the disease falls on the nerve trunks, which may quite early in the disease be felt thickened from inflammation due to bacterial infection. The prodromal symptoms are similar to those described, but the onset of the disease is often not remarked until the patient finds that certain parts of the body are without sensation. Thus it is narrated of Father Damien that, although he had vague symptoms which made him suspicious, he was not convinced that he was a leper until be found he had placed his feet in scalding water without feeling the heat. As the disease progresses, the nerve lesions cause various discoloured patches and blisters on the skin, wasting of muscles and contraction of the tendons, a peculiar claw-like appearance of the hands,—the result of partial paralysis,—disfigurement of the nails, deep chronic ulceration of the foot, and finally progressive loss of various fingers and toes, and even of the feet and occasionally of the hands. Many of these later changes also occur in the tubercular form as the nerves become affected. An anaesthetic case which keeps to this type may last 20, 30, or even more years, and some such cases become ‘cured,’ that is, the disease actually ceases to progress, though the results of its work can never be remedied. </p> <p> (3) In Palestine, as has been already suggested, the great majority of cases are of the <i> mixed </i> form; cases of pure anaesthetic type are exceptional. </p> <p> Leprosy in modern Palestine is not a common disease, but is prominently to the front from three causes: firstly, because of the interest excited in Christians of all Churches, and the special appeal made to their charitable feelings from the traditional view that these sufferers are the veritable lepers of the OT and NT; secondly, because its results are so manifest and repulsive, and its progress so slow, that a comparatively small number of cases are very much in evidence; and, lastly, because practically all the lepers in the land are segregated together by order of the [[Government]] in a few chief towns, all resorted to by travellers. There the lepers, being unable to work for a living, sit in groups in prominent places, and endeavour by an exhibition of the miseries of their condition to touch the sympathy of the passer-by. In Jerusalem, at any rate, they collect in this way large sums for their community. They live in huts provided by the Government at Silwân (near Jerusalem), Ramleh, and Nâblus. At [[Damascus]] also there is a community, some members of which are also drawn from Palestine, but the majority from Syria and around Damascus; the traditional ‘House of Naaman’ is their home. In addition to these, there is the voluntary community—now numbering nearly 60—at the excellent Moravian Hospital in Jerusalem; the patients there are not allowed to go begging, and are employed in various ways on the premises. Including these last, there must be between 100 and 120 lepers in Jerusalem, some 25 at Ramleh, about 40 at Nâblus; altogether, allowing for some Palestine lepers in the Damascus community, there are not more than 200 known victims of this disease in the country. It is quite possible that sometimes cases may be hidden away, as with the Jewish cases above mentioned, by their relatives; but this cannot often happen in the villages, as the village sheikhs are very prompt in detecting early signs of the disease, and a suspected case is soon expelled from the community. Sometimes the heads of the village make mistakes; cases of this sort have come to the medical officer of the Leper Hospital in Jerusalem, and their friends learning that they have been mistaken, they have been restored to their rights. </p> <p> It has been mentioned that one of the striking things about leprosy is that it occurs so sporadically. It is not the rule in Palestine, at any rate, that whole villages or families become leprous, but a case arises here and there. To illustrate this, we give a list of villages from which came some 60 cases that were in the Moravian Hospital during 1903. They are as follows:—From Ramallah and ‘Ain Arîk, 3 cases each; from Zeta, Bait Ammar, Nahalîn, Saidna Ali, ed-Dîr, Deir Diwân, and Nazareth, 2 cases each; from [[Abu]] Dîs,’ [[Ain]] Kairem, Bîr Zait, Bait Ummar, Bait Jebrîn, Bettîr, Beita, Biddu, Bait Hanîna, Bait Jala, Bait Safafa, ‘Asîreh, Dûra, Jerusalem, Feddar, Yasîneh, ‘Allâr, Mesar‘a, Fara‘un, Marassa, Kefrenji, Kefr Akâb, Kefr Hâris, Shafât, es-Salt, and Jummain, 1 each. In addition there were 3 Bedawîn from scattered tribes, one gipsy, one case from Mosul, and two from Greece. Any one who will consult a map of modern Palestine will appreciate from how wide an area, both W. and E. of the Jordan, these cases come. Probably there is no district that does not furnish cases at some time. </p> <p> The only kind of treatment that can alleviate the disease is a well-managed Leper Home. In the Jerusalem Leper Hospital (founded in 1867 and formally taken over by the Moravian [[Brethren]] in 1881) all that medical science and [[Christian]] kindness can accomplish is done. </p> <p> <i> Leprosy in the [[Gospels]] </i> .—It has been often pointed out that, whereas the cure of disease in general is called ‘healing’, (ἰᾶσθαι), that of the lepers is called ‘cleansing’ (καθαρίζειν). This was, no doubt, appropriate on account of the very evident restoration of cleanness of skin, but primarily because the miracle enabled the leper to become ceremonially clean. [[Doubtless]] the lepers drifting about the land had intractable skin diseases, and as they were shut out from the temple, the synagogues, certainly in all the towns, and to a large extent from the social life of their fellow-beings, their lot was truly pitiable. Their ‘cleansing’ meant much more than getting rid of a disagreeable and often, doubtless, painful disease, repulsive to all their fellow-men; it meant restoration to the worship and service of God. </p> <p> Of lepers mentioned in the NT we have but one named, Simon of [[Bethany]] (&nbsp;Matthew 26:6, &nbsp;Mark 14:3), probably a grateful recipient of the Saviour’s mercy. Tradition has made the [[Lazarus]] of the parable a leper, and the terms <i> lazzaro </i> for leper and <i> lazar-house </i> for leper hospital were a result of this. Also the order of the Knights of Lazarus, founded during the Crusades, made the care of lepers one of their special duties, and they had always a leper as their Grand Master. But though Lazarus was ‘full of sores,’ the very account in the parable that he lay in such intimate contact with passers-by would, apart from the express omission of the statement in the parable, make his being a leper highly improbable. </p> <p> In spite of the great prominence given to the cleansing of lepers both in Jesus’ account of His own works (&nbsp;Matthew 11:5, &nbsp;Luke 7:22) and in His directions to His disciples (&nbsp;Matthew 10:8), we have only two actual incidents described. (1) The incident of the man whom Jesus touched, with the words, ‘I will, be thou clean,’ and whose grateful excess of zeal prevented Jesus from entering that ‘certain city,’ and drove Him to seek seclusion in the wilderness (&nbsp;Matthew 8:2 || &nbsp;Mark 1:42 || &nbsp;Luke 5:12). (2) The story of the nine thankless lepers and the grateful tenth, who was a [[Samaritan]] (&nbsp;Luke 17:11 ff.). It is noticeable that he turned back because he was healed (ἰᾶσθαι); but he was not yet finally cleansed (καθαρίζειν), because he had not yet been to the priest; unless, indeed, it is because he was a Samaritan that he is spoken of as healed rather than cleansed. </p> <p> Literature.—This is enormous. Here only a selection of modern articles in English is given, which will furnish all necessary information and references for following up the subject:—P. S. Abraham, art. ‘Leprosy’ in Allbutt’s <i> System of [[Medicine]] </i> , ii. 41; J. R. Bennett, <i> [[Diseases]] of the Bible </i> , R.T.S. 1887; T. Chaplin, ‘Diseases of the Bible,’ <i> Proceedings of [[Victoria]] Institute </i> , vol. xxxiv.; C. V. Carter, <i> Leprosy and [[Elephantiasis]] </i> , 1874; Hansen and Looft, <i> Leprosy in its Clinical and Pathological Aspects </i> , 1895; A. Macalister, art. ‘Leprosy’ in Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible; do. by C. Creighton in <i> EBi </i> [Note: Bi Encyclopaedia Biblica.] ; [[Report]] of the Leprosy [[Commission]] to India, 1893; A. S. Waldstein, art. ‘Leprosy’ in <i> Jewish Encyclopedia </i> . On the moral aspects of leprosy in NT, see Edersheim, <i> Life and Times </i> , i. 491 ff.; <i> Expositor </i> , iv. vi. [1892] 443 ff. </p> <p> E. W. G. Masterman. </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_73682" /> ==
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_73682" /> ==
<p> '''Leprosy.''' The predominant and characteristic form of leprosy in the Old [[Testament]] is a white variety, covering either the entire body or a large tract of its surface, which has obtained the name of '''Lepra mosaica''' . Such were the cases of Moses, Miriam, [[Naaman]] and Gehazi. &nbsp;Exodus 4:6; &nbsp;Numbers 12:10; &nbsp;2 Kings 5:1; &nbsp;2 Kings 5:27. Compare &nbsp;Leviticus 13:13. But, remarkably enough, in the Mosaic ritual diagnosis of the disease, &nbsp;Leviticus 13:1; &nbsp;Leviticus 14:1, this kind, when overspreading the whole surface, appears to be regarded as "clean." &nbsp;Leviticus 13:12-13; &nbsp;Leviticus 13:16-17. </p> <p> The Egyptian bondage, with its studied degradations and privations, and especially the work of the kiln under an Egyptian sun, must have had a frightful tendency to generate this class of disorders. The sudden and total change of food, air, dwelling and mode of life, caused by the Exodus, to this nation of newly-emancipated slaves, may possibly have had a further tendency to produce skin disorders, and severe repressive measures may have been required in the desert-moving camp to secure the public health or to allay the panic of infection. </p> <p> Hence, it is possible that many, perhaps most, of this repertory of symptoms may have disappeared with the period of the Exodus, and the snow-white form, which had pre-existed, may alone have ordinarily continued in a later age. </p> <p> The principal morbid features are a rising or swelling, a scab or baldness, and a bright or white spot. &nbsp;Leviticus 13:2. But especially a white swelling in the skin, with a change of the hair of the part from the natural black to white or yellow, &nbsp;Leviticus 13:3-4: &nbsp;Leviticus 13:10; &nbsp;Leviticus 13:20; &nbsp;Leviticus 13:25; &nbsp;Leviticus 13:30, or an appearance of a taint going "deeper than the skin," or, again, "raw flesh" appearing in the swelling, &nbsp;Leviticus 13:10; &nbsp;Leviticus 13:14-15, was a critical sign of pollution. </p> <p> The tendency to spread seems especially to have been relied on. [[A]] spot most innocent in other respects, if it "spread much abroad," was unclean; whereas, as before remarked, the man so wholly overspread with the evil that it could find no further range was on the contrary "clean." &nbsp;Leviticus 13:12-13. These two opposite criteria seem to show tha, whilst the disease manifested activity, the Mosaic law imputed pollution to and imposed segregation on the suffered, but that the point at which it might be viewed as having run its course, was the signal for his readmission to communion. </p> <p> It is clear that the leprosy of Leviticus 13-14 means any severe disease spreading on the surface of the body in the way described, and so shocking of aspect, or so generally suspected of infection, that public feeling called for separation. </p> <p> It is now undoubted that the "leprosy" of modern Syria, and which has a wide range in Spain, [[Greece]] and Norway, is the '''Elephantiasis graecorum''' . It is said to have been brought home by the crusaders into the various countries of western and northern Europe. It certainly was not the distinctive white leprosy, nor do any of the described symptoms in Leviticus 13 point to [[Elephantiasis]] . "White as snow," &nbsp;2 Kings 5:27, would be inapplicable to [[Elephantiasis]] as to small-pox. </p> <p> There remains a curious question as regards the leprosy of garments and houses. Some have thought that the garments worn by leprous patients was intended. This classing of garments and house-walls with the human epidermis, as leprous, has moved the mirth of some and the wonder of others. Yet modern science has established what goes far to vindicate the Mosaic classification as more philosophical than such cavils. It is now known that there are some skin diseases which originate in an acarus, and others which proceed from a fungus. In these, we may probably find the solution of the paradox. </p> <p> The analogy between the insect which frets the human skin and that which frets the garment that covers it - between the fungous growth that lines the crevices of the epidermis and that which creeps in the interstices of masonry - is close enough for the purposes of a ceremonial law. It is manifest also that a disease in the human subject caused by an acarus or by a fungus would be certainly contagious, since the propagative cause could be transferred from person to person. </p> <p> (Geikie in his "Life of [[Christ]] " says: "Leprosy signifies ''smiting'' , because it was supposed to be a direct visitation of Heaven. It began with little specks on the eyelids and on the palms of the hands, and gradually spread over different parts of the body, bleaching the hair white wherever it showed itself, crusting the affected parts with shining scales, and causing swellings and sores. </p> <p> From the skin, it slowly ate its way through the tissues, to the bones and joints, and even to the marrow, rotting the whole body piecemeal. The lungs, the organs of speech and hearing, and the eyes, were attacked in turn, till at last, consumption or dropsy brought welcome death. The dread of infection kept men aloof from the sufferer; and the law proscribed him as above all men unclean. The disease was hereditary to the fourth generation.") </p> <p> '''Leprosy in the United States.''' - The Medical Record, February, 1881, states that, from the statistics collected by the Dermatological Society, it appears that there are between fifty and one hundred lepers in the United States at present. </p> <p> '''Is modern leprosy contagious?''' - Dr. [[H.S.]] Piffard of New York, in the Medical Record, February, 1881, decides that it is in a modified degree contagious. [["A]] review of the evidence led to the conclusion that this disease was not contagious by ordinary contact; but it may be transmitted by the blood and secretions. </p> <p> [[A]] recent writer, Dr. Bross, a [[Jesuit]] missionary attached to the '''lazaretto''' at Trinidad, takes the ground that the disease, in some way or other, is transmissible. It is a well-established fact that, when leprosy has once gained for itself a foothold in any locality, it is apt to remain there and spread. The case of the Sandwich Islands illustrates the danger. Forty years ago, the disease did not exits there; now one-tenth of the inhabitants are lepers." </p> <p> This is further confirmed by the fact, stated by Dr. [[J.]] Hutchinson, [[F.R.S.,]] that "We find that nearly everywhere the disease is most common on the seashore, and that, when it spreads inland, it generally occurs on the shores of lakes or along the course of large rivers." </p> <p> '''Leprosy as a type of sin.''' - "Being the worst form of disease, leprosy was fixed upon by God to be the especial type of sin, and the injunctions regarding it had reference to its typical character." It was </p> <p> (1) hereditary; </p> <p> (2) contagious; </p> <p> (3) ever tending to increase; </p> <p> (4) incurable except by the power of God; </p> <p> (5) a shame and disgrace; </p> <p> (6) rendering one alone in the world; </p> <p> (7) deforming, unclean; </p> <p> (8) "separating the soul from God, producing spiritual death; unfitting it forever for heaven and the company of they holy, and insuring its eternal banishment, as polluted and abominable." </p> <p> (9) Another point is referred to by Thompson (in "The Land and the Book"): "Some, as they look on infancy, reject, with horror, the thought that sin exists within. But so might any one say, who looked upon the beautiful babe in the arms of a leprous mother. But time brings forth the fearful malady. New-born babes of leprous parents are often as pretty and as healthy in appearance as any; but by and by, its presence and workings become visible, in some of the signs described in the thirteenth chapter of Leviticus." - Editor). </p>
<p> '''Leprosy.''' The predominant and characteristic form of leprosy in the Old [[Testament]] is a white variety, covering either the entire body or a large tract of its surface, which has obtained the name of '''Lepra mosaica''' . Such were the cases of Moses, Miriam, [[Naaman]] and Gehazi. &nbsp;Exodus 4:6; &nbsp;Numbers 12:10; &nbsp;2 Kings 5:1; &nbsp;2 Kings 5:27. Compare &nbsp;Leviticus 13:13. But, remarkably enough, in the Mosaic ritual diagnosis of the disease, &nbsp;Leviticus 13:1; &nbsp;Leviticus 14:1, this kind, when overspreading the whole surface, appears to be regarded as "clean." &nbsp;Leviticus 13:12-13; &nbsp;Leviticus 13:16-17. </p> <p> The Egyptian bondage, with its studied degradations and privations, and especially the work of the kiln under an Egyptian sun, must have had a frightful tendency to generate this class of disorders. The sudden and total change of food, air, dwelling and mode of life, caused by the Exodus, to this nation of newly-emancipated slaves, may possibly have had a further tendency to produce skin disorders, and severe repressive measures may have been required in the desert-moving camp to secure the public health or to allay the panic of infection. </p> <p> Hence, it is possible that many, perhaps most, of this repertory of symptoms may have disappeared with the period of the Exodus, and the snow-white form, which had pre-existed, may alone have ordinarily continued in a later age. </p> <p> The principal morbid features are a rising or swelling, a scab or baldness, and a bright or white spot. &nbsp;Leviticus 13:2. But especially a white swelling in the skin, with a change of the hair of the part from the natural black to white or yellow, &nbsp;Leviticus 13:3-4: &nbsp;Leviticus 13:10; &nbsp;Leviticus 13:20; &nbsp;Leviticus 13:25; &nbsp;Leviticus 13:30, or an appearance of a taint going "deeper than the skin," or, again, "raw flesh" appearing in the swelling, &nbsp;Leviticus 13:10; &nbsp;Leviticus 13:14-15, was a critical sign of pollution. </p> <p> The tendency to spread seems especially to have been relied on. A spot most innocent in other respects, if it "spread much abroad," was unclean; whereas, as before remarked, the man so wholly overspread with the evil that it could find no further range was on the contrary "clean." &nbsp;Leviticus 13:12-13. These two opposite criteria seem to show tha, whilst the disease manifested activity, the Mosaic law imputed pollution to and imposed segregation on the suffered, but that the point at which it might be viewed as having run its course, was the signal for his readmission to communion. </p> <p> It is clear that the leprosy of Leviticus 13-14 means any severe disease spreading on the surface of the body in the way described, and so shocking of aspect, or so generally suspected of infection, that public feeling called for separation. </p> <p> It is now undoubted that the "leprosy" of modern Syria, and which has a wide range in Spain, [[Greece]] and Norway, is the '''Elephantiasis graecorum''' . It is said to have been brought home by the crusaders into the various countries of western and northern Europe. It certainly was not the distinctive white leprosy, nor do any of the described symptoms in Leviticus 13 point to [[Elephantiasis]] . "White as snow," &nbsp;2 Kings 5:27, would be inapplicable to [[Elephantiasis]] as to small-pox. </p> <p> There remains a curious question as regards the leprosy of garments and houses. Some have thought that the garments worn by leprous patients was intended. This classing of garments and house-walls with the human epidermis, as leprous, has moved the mirth of some and the wonder of others. Yet modern science has established what goes far to vindicate the Mosaic classification as more philosophical than such cavils. It is now known that there are some skin diseases which originate in an acarus, and others which proceed from a fungus. In these, we may probably find the solution of the paradox. </p> <p> The analogy between the insect which frets the human skin and that which frets the garment that covers it - between the fungous growth that lines the crevices of the epidermis and that which creeps in the interstices of masonry - is close enough for the purposes of a ceremonial law. It is manifest also that a disease in the human subject caused by an acarus or by a fungus would be certainly contagious, since the propagative cause could be transferred from person to person. </p> <p> (Geikie in his "Life of [[Christ]] " says: "Leprosy signifies ''Smiting'' , because it was supposed to be a direct visitation of Heaven. It began with little specks on the eyelids and on the palms of the hands, and gradually spread over different parts of the body, bleaching the hair white wherever it showed itself, crusting the affected parts with shining scales, and causing swellings and sores. </p> <p> From the skin, it slowly ate its way through the tissues, to the bones and joints, and even to the marrow, rotting the whole body piecemeal. The lungs, the organs of speech and hearing, and the eyes, were attacked in turn, till at last, consumption or dropsy brought welcome death. The dread of infection kept men aloof from the sufferer; and the law proscribed him as above all men unclean. The disease was hereditary to the fourth generation.") </p> <p> '''Leprosy in the United States.''' - The Medical Record, February, 1881, states that, from the statistics collected by the Dermatological Society, it appears that there are between fifty and one hundred lepers in the United States at present. </p> <p> '''Is modern leprosy contagious?''' - Dr. H.S. Piffard of New York, in the Medical Record, February, 1881, decides that it is in a modified degree contagious. "A review of the evidence led to the conclusion that this disease was not contagious by ordinary contact; but it may be transmitted by the blood and secretions. </p> <p> A recent writer, Dr. Bross, a [[Jesuit]] missionary attached to the '''lazaretto''' at Trinidad, takes the ground that the disease, in some way or other, is transmissible. It is a well-established fact that, when leprosy has once gained for itself a foothold in any locality, it is apt to remain there and spread. The case of the Sandwich Islands illustrates the danger. Forty years ago, the disease did not exits there; now one-tenth of the inhabitants are lepers." </p> <p> This is further confirmed by the fact, stated by Dr. J. Hutchinson, F.R.S., that "We find that nearly everywhere the disease is most common on the seashore, and that, when it spreads inland, it generally occurs on the shores of lakes or along the course of large rivers." </p> <p> '''Leprosy as a type of sin.''' - "Being the worst form of disease, leprosy was fixed upon by God to be the especial type of sin, and the injunctions regarding it had reference to its typical character." It was </p> <p> (1) hereditary; </p> <p> (2) contagious; </p> <p> (3) ever tending to increase; </p> <p> (4) incurable except by the power of God; </p> <p> (5) a shame and disgrace; </p> <p> (6) rendering one alone in the world; </p> <p> (7) deforming, unclean; </p> <p> (8) "separating the soul from God, producing spiritual death; unfitting it forever for heaven and the company of they holy, and insuring its eternal banishment, as polluted and abominable." </p> <p> (9) Another point is referred to by Thompson (in "The Land and the Book"): "Some, as they look on infancy, reject, with horror, the thought that sin exists within. But so might any one say, who looked upon the beautiful babe in the arms of a leprous mother. But time brings forth the fearful malady. New-born babes of leprous parents are often as pretty and as healthy in appearance as any; but by and by, its presence and workings become visible, in some of the signs described in the thirteenth chapter of Leviticus." - Editor). </p>
== Bridgeway Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_18808" /> ==
== Bridgeway Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_18808" /> ==
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== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_32468" /> ==
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_32468" /> ==
&nbsp;Leviticus 13&nbsp;14&nbsp;Numbers 12:10-15&nbsp;Leviticus 13:2-8 <p> Lepers were required to live outside the camp or city (&nbsp;Numbers 5:1-4; &nbsp;12:10-15 , etc.). This disease was regarded as an awful punishment from the Lord (&nbsp;2 Kings 5:7; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 26:20 ). (See [[Miriam;]] [[Gehazi;]] [[Uzziah]] .) </p> <p> This disease "begins with specks on the eyelids and on the palms, gradually spreading over the body, bleaching the hair white wherever they appear, crusting the affected parts with white scales, and causing terrible sores and swellings. From the skin the disease eats inward to the bones, rotting the whole body piecemeal." "In Christ's day no leper could live in a walled town, though he might in an open village. But wherever he was he was required to have his outer garment rent as a sign of deep grief, to go bareheaded, and to cover his beard with his mantle, as if in lamentation at his own virtual death. He had further to warn passers-by to keep away from him, by calling out, 'Unclean! unclean!' nor could he speak to any one, or receive or return a salutation, since in the East this involves an embrace." </p> <p> That the disease was not contagious is evident from the regulations regarding it (&nbsp;Leviticus 13:12,13,36; &nbsp;2 Kings 5:1 ). Leprosy was "the outward and visible sign of the innermost spiritual corruption; a meet emblem in its small beginnings, its gradual spread, its internal disfigurement, its dissolution little by little of the whole body, of that which corrupts, degrades, and defiles man's inner nature, and renders him unmeet to enter the presence of a pure and holy God" (Maclear's Handbook [[O.T).]] Our Lord cured lepers (&nbsp;Matthew 8:2,3; &nbsp;Mark 1:40-42 ). This divine power so manifested illustrates his gracious dealings with men in curing the leprosy of the soul, the fatal taint of sin. </p>
&nbsp;Leviticus 13&nbsp;14&nbsp;Numbers 12:10-15&nbsp;Leviticus 13:2-8 <p> Lepers were required to live outside the camp or city (&nbsp;Numbers 5:1-4; &nbsp;12:10-15 , etc.). This disease was regarded as an awful punishment from the Lord (&nbsp;2 Kings 5:7; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 26:20 ). (See MIRIAM; GEHAZI; [[Uzziah]] .) </p> <p> This disease "begins with specks on the eyelids and on the palms, gradually spreading over the body, bleaching the hair white wherever they appear, crusting the affected parts with white scales, and causing terrible sores and swellings. From the skin the disease eats inward to the bones, rotting the whole body piecemeal." "In Christ's day no leper could live in a walled town, though he might in an open village. But wherever he was he was required to have his outer garment rent as a sign of deep grief, to go bareheaded, and to cover his beard with his mantle, as if in lamentation at his own virtual death. He had further to warn passers-by to keep away from him, by calling out, 'Unclean! unclean!' nor could he speak to any one, or receive or return a salutation, since in the East this involves an embrace." </p> <p> That the disease was not contagious is evident from the regulations regarding it (&nbsp;Leviticus 13:12,13,36; &nbsp;2 Kings 5:1 ). Leprosy was "the outward and visible sign of the innermost spiritual corruption; a meet emblem in its small beginnings, its gradual spread, its internal disfigurement, its dissolution little by little of the whole body, of that which corrupts, degrades, and defiles man's inner nature, and renders him unmeet to enter the presence of a pure and holy God" (Maclear's Handbook O.T). Our Lord cured lepers (&nbsp;Matthew 8:2,3; &nbsp;Mark 1:40-42 ). This divine power so manifested illustrates his gracious dealings with men in curing the leprosy of the soul, the fatal taint of sin. </p>
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_67415" /> ==
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_67415" /> ==
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== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_78327" /> ==
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_78327" /> ==
<div> '''1: λέπρα ''' (Strong'S #3014 — Noun [[Feminine]] — lepra — lep'-rah ) </div> <p> akin to lepros (above), is mentioned in &nbsp;Matthew 8:3; &nbsp;Mark 1:42; &nbsp;Luke 5:12,13 . In the removal of other maladies the verb "to heal" (iaomai) is used, but in the removal of "leprosy," the verb "to cleanse" (katharizo), save in the statement concerning the Samaritan, &nbsp;Luke 17:15 , "when he saw that he was healed." &nbsp;Matthew 10:8; &nbsp;Luke 4:27 indicate that the disease was common in the nation. Only twelve cases are recorded in the [[Nt,]] but these are especially selected. For the Lord's commands to the leper mentioned in &nbsp; Matthew 8 and to the ten in &nbsp; Luke 17 , see &nbsp;Leviticus 14:2-32 . </p>
<div> '''1: λέπρα ''' (Strong'S #3014 — Noun [[Feminine]] — lepra — lep'-rah ) </div> <p> akin to lepros (above), is mentioned in &nbsp;Matthew 8:3; &nbsp;Mark 1:42; &nbsp;Luke 5:12,13 . In the removal of other maladies the verb "to heal" (iaomai) is used, but in the removal of "leprosy," the verb "to cleanse" (katharizo), save in the statement concerning the Samaritan, &nbsp;Luke 17:15 , "when he saw that he was healed." &nbsp;Matthew 10:8; &nbsp;Luke 4:27 indicate that the disease was common in the nation. Only twelve cases are recorded in the NT, but these are especially selected. For the Lord's commands to the leper mentioned in &nbsp; Matthew 8 and to the ten in &nbsp; Luke 17 , see &nbsp;Leviticus 14:2-32 . </p>
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_41974" /> ==
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_41974" /> ==
<p> For the Hebrews it was a dreaded malady which rendered its victims ceremonially unclean—that is, unfit to worship God (&nbsp;Leviticus 13:3 ). Anyone who came in contact with a leper was also considered unclean. Therefore, lepers were isolated from the rest of the community so that the members of the community could maintain their status as worshipers. Other physical disorders or the flow of certain bodily fluids also rendered one unclean (see &nbsp;Leviticus 12:1-14:32; &nbsp;Leviticus 15:1-33 ). Even houses and garments could have “leprosy” and, thus, be unclean (&nbsp;Leviticus 14:33-57 ). </p> <p> Jesus did not consider this distinction between clean and unclean valid. [[A]] person's outward condition did not make one unclean; rather that which proceeds from the heart determines one's standing before God (&nbsp;Mark 7:1-23; compare &nbsp;Acts 10:9-16 ). Therefore, Jesus did not hesitate about touching lepers (&nbsp;Mark 1:40-45 ) and even commanded His disciples to cleanse lepers (&nbsp;Matthew 10:8 ). Jesus even made a leper the hero of one of His parables (&nbsp;Luke 16:19-31 ). See Diseases, Treatment of. </p>
<p> For the Hebrews it was a dreaded malady which rendered its victims ceremonially unclean—that is, unfit to worship God (&nbsp;Leviticus 13:3 ). Anyone who came in contact with a leper was also considered unclean. Therefore, lepers were isolated from the rest of the community so that the members of the community could maintain their status as worshipers. Other physical disorders or the flow of certain bodily fluids also rendered one unclean (see &nbsp;Leviticus 12:1-14:32; &nbsp;Leviticus 15:1-33 ). Even houses and garments could have “leprosy” and, thus, be unclean (&nbsp;Leviticus 14:33-57 ). </p> <p> Jesus did not consider this distinction between clean and unclean valid. A person's outward condition did not make one unclean; rather that which proceeds from the heart determines one's standing before God (&nbsp;Mark 7:1-23; compare &nbsp;Acts 10:9-16 ). Therefore, Jesus did not hesitate about touching lepers (&nbsp;Mark 1:40-45 ) and even commanded His disciples to cleanse lepers (&nbsp;Matthew 10:8 ). Jesus even made a leper the hero of one of His parables (&nbsp;Luke 16:19-31 ). See Diseases, Treatment of. </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_52314" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_52314" /> ==
<p> <strong> [[Leprosy.]] </strong> This term, as used in Scripture, seems to include not only true leprosy ( <em> elephantiasis </em> ) probably the disease of Job but also such skin diseases as <em> psoriasis </em> , ring-worm, and <em> vitiligo </em> . For the priestly regulations as to the diagnosis of the disease and the treatment of lepers, see art. Clean and Unclean, [[§]] 5. The ‘leprosy’ in garments (&nbsp; Leviticus 13:47 ff.) seems to be an effect of fungus or mildew, while that in houses (&nbsp; Leviticus 14:34 ff.) is probably dry-rot. </p>
<p> <strong> LEPROSY. </strong> This term, as used in Scripture, seems to include not only true leprosy ( <em> elephantiasis </em> ) probably the disease of Job but also such skin diseases as <em> psoriasis </em> , ring-worm, and <em> vitiligo </em> . For the priestly regulations as to the diagnosis of the disease and the treatment of lepers, see art. Clean and Unclean, § 5. The ‘leprosy’ in garments (&nbsp; Leviticus 13:47 ff.) seems to be an effect of fungus or mildew, while that in houses (&nbsp; Leviticus 14:34 ff.) is probably dry-rot. </p>
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_61213" /> ==
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_61213" /> ==
<p> [[Lep'Rosy,]] n. See Leper. [[A]] foul cutaneous disease, appearing in dry, white, thin, scurfy scabs, attended with violent itching. It sometimes covers the whole body, rarely the face. One species of it is called elephantiasis. </p> <p> The term leprosy is applied to two very distinct diseases, the scaly and the tuberculated, or the proper leprosy and the elephantiasis. The former is characterized by smooth laminated scales, sometimes livid, but usually whitish in the latter, the skin is thickened, livid and tuberculated. It is called the black leprosy, but this term is also applied to the livid variety of the scaly leprosy. </p>
<p> LEP'ROSY, n. See Leper. A foul cutaneous disease, appearing in dry, white, thin, scurfy scabs, attended with violent itching. It sometimes covers the whole body, rarely the face. One species of it is called elephantiasis. </p> <p> The term leprosy is applied to two very distinct diseases, the scaly and the tuberculated, or the proper leprosy and the elephantiasis. The former is characterized by smooth laminated scales, sometimes livid, but usually whitish in the latter, the skin is thickened, livid and tuberculated. It is called the black leprosy, but this term is also applied to the livid variety of the scaly leprosy. </p>
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_138267" /> ==
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_138267" /> ==
<p> (n.) [[A]] cutaneous disease which first appears as blebs or as reddish, shining, slightly prominent spots, with spreading edges. These are often followed by an eruption of dark or yellowish prominent nodules, frequently producing great deformity. In one variety of the disease, anaesthesia of the skin is a prominent symptom. In addition there may be wasting of the muscles, falling out of the hair and nails, and distortion of the hands and feet with destruction of the bones and joints. It is incurable, and is probably contagious. </p>
<p> (n.) A cutaneous disease which first appears as blebs or as reddish, shining, slightly prominent spots, with spreading edges. These are often followed by an eruption of dark or yellowish prominent nodules, frequently producing great deformity. In one variety of the disease, anaesthesia of the skin is a prominent symptom. In addition there may be wasting of the muscles, falling out of the hair and nails, and distortion of the hands and feet with destruction of the bones and joints. It is incurable, and is probably contagious. </p>
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_81017" /> ==
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_81017" /> ==
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== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_36422" /> ==
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_36422" /> ==
<p> (See [[Leper.)]] </p>
<p> (See [[Leper]] .) </p>
== Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary <ref name="term_48087" /> ==
== Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary <ref name="term_48087" /> ==
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== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_48551" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_48551" /> ==
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_16068" /> ==
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_16068" /> ==