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== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_60306" /> ==
<p> [[Fine,]] a. </p> 1. Small thin slender minute of very small diameter as a fine thread fine silk a fine hair. We say also, fine sand, fine particles. 2. [[Subtil]] thin tenuous as, fine spirits evaporate a finer medium opposed to a grosser. 3. [[Thin]] keep smoothly sharp as the fine edge of a razor. 4. Made of fine threads not coarse as fine linen or cambric. 5. [[Clear]] pure free from feculence or foreign matter as fine gold or silver wine is not good till fine. 6. Refined. <p> Those things were too fine to be fortunate, and succeed in all parts. </p> 7. Nice delicate perceiving or discerning minute beauties or deformities as a fine taste a fine sense. 8. Subtil artful dextrous. See Finess. 9. Subtil sly fraudulent. 10. Elegant beautiful in thought. <p> To call the trumpet by the name of the metal was fine. </p> 11. Very handsome beautiful with dignity. <p> The lady has a fine person, or a fine face. </p> 12. [[Accomplished]] elegant in manners. He was one of the finest gentlemen of his age. 13. Accomplished in learning excellent as a fine scholar. 14. [[Excellent]] superior brilliant or acute as a man of fine genius. 15. [[Amiable]] noble ingenuous excellent as a man of a fine mind. 16. Showy splendid elegant as a range of fine buildings a fine house or garden a fine view. 17. Ironically, worthy of contemptuous notice eminent for bad qualities. <p> That same knave, Ford, her husband, has the finest mad devil of jealousy in him, [[Master]] Brook, that ever governed frenzy. </p> <p> [[Fine]] Arts or polite arts, are the arts which depend chiefly on the labors of the mind or imagination, and whose object is pleasure as poetry, music, painting and sculpture. </p> <p> The uses of this word are so numerous and indefinite, as to preclude a particular definition of each. In general, fine, in popular language, expresses whatever is excellent, showy or magnificent. </p> <p> [[Fine,]] n. This word is the basis of finance, but [[I]] have not found it, in its simple form, in any modern language, except the English. The word seems to be the [[L.]] finis, and the application of it to pecuniary compensation seems to have proceeded from its feudal use, in the transfer of lands, in which a final agreement or concord was made between the lord and his vassal. </p> 1. In a feudal sense, a final agreement between persons concerning lands or rents, or between the lord and his vassal, prescribing the conditions on which the latter should hold his lands. 2. [[A]] sum of money paid to the lord by his tenant, for permission to alienate or transfer his lands to another. This in [[England]] was exacted only from the king's tenants in capite. 3. [[A]] sum of money paid to the king or state by way of penalty for an offense a mulet a pecuniary punishment. [[Fines]] are usually prescribed by statute, for the several violations of law or the limit is prescribed, beyond which the judge cannot impose a fine for a particular offense. <p> In fine. [[L.]] in and finis. In the end or conclusion to conclude to sum up all. </p> <p> [[Fine,]] See Fine, the adjective. </p> 1. To clarify to refine to purify to defecate to free from feculence or foreign matter as, to fine wine. <p> This is the most general use of this word. </p> 2. To purify, as a metal as, to fine gold or silver. In this sense, we now generally use refine but fine is proper. <p> &nbsp;Job 28 . &nbsp;Proverbs 17 . </p> 3. To make less coarse as, to fine grass. Not used. 4. To decorate to adorn. Not in use. <p> [[Fine,]] See Fine, the noun. </p> 1. To impose on one a pecuniary penalty, payable to the government, for a crime or breach of law to set a fine on by judgment of a court to punish by fine. The trespassers were fined ten dollars and imprisoned a month. 2. To pay a fine. Not used.
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_121660" /> ==
<p> '''(1):''' ''' (''' superl.) Not coarse; comminuted; in small particles; as, fine sand or flour. </p> <p> '''(2):''' ''' (''' superl.) Not gross; subtile; thin; tenous. </p> <p> '''(3):''' ''' (''' superl.) Not coarse, gross, or heavy </p> <p> '''(4):''' ''' (''' superl.) Not thick or heavy; slender; filmy; as, a fine thread. </p> <p> '''(5):''' ''' (''' superl.) Made of fine materials; light; delicate; as, fine linen or silk. </p> <p> '''(6):''' ''' (''' superl.) Having (such) a proportion of pure metal in its composition; as, coins nine tenths fine. </p> <p> '''(7):''' ''' (''' superl.) (Used ironically.) </p> <p> '''(8):''' ''' (''' v. i.) To become fine (in any one of various senses); as, the ale will fine; the weather fined. </p> <p> '''(9):''' ''' (''' superl.) [[Aiming]] at show or effect; loaded with ornament; overdressed or overdecorated; showy. </p> <p> '''(10):''' ''' (''' superl.) Nice; delicate; subtle; exquisite; artful; skillful; dexterous. </p> <p> '''(11):''' ''' (''' a.) To make finer, or less coarse, as in bulk, texture, etc.; as. to fine the soil. </p> <p> '''(12):''' ''' (''' a.) To change by fine gradations; as (Naut.), to fine down a ship's lines, to diminish her lines gradually. </p> <p> '''(13):''' ''' (''' n.) End; conclusion; termination; extinction. </p> <p> '''(14):''' ''' (''' n.) [[A]] sum of money paid as the settlement of a claim, or by way of terminating a matter in dispute; especially, a payment of money imposed upon a party as a punishment for an offense; a mulct. </p> <p> '''(15):''' ''' (''' n.) [[A]] final agreement concerning lands or rents between persons, as the lord and his vassal. </p> <p> '''(16):''' ''' (''' n.) [[A]] sum of money or price paid for obtaining a benefit, favor, or privilege, as for admission to a copyhold, or for obtaining or renewing a lease. </p> <p> '''(17):''' ''' (''' n.) To impose a pecuniary penalty upon for an offense or breach of law; to set a fine on by judgment of a court; to punish by fine; to mulct; as, the trespassers were fined ten dollars. </p> <p> '''(18):''' ''' (''' v. i.) To pay a fine. See Fine, n., 3 (b). </p> <p> '''(19):''' ''' (''' v. t.) To finish; to cease; or to cause to cease. </p> <p> '''(20):''' ''' (''' adv.) In a manner so that the driven ball strikes the object ball so far to one side as to be deflected but little, the object ball being driven to one side. </p> <p> '''(21):''' ''' (''' superl.) Finished; brought to perfection; refined; hence, free from impurity; excellent; superior; elegant; worthy of admiration; accomplished; beautiful. </p> <p> '''(22):''' ''' (''' adv.) Finely; well; elegantly; fully; delicately; mincingly. </p> <p> '''(23):''' ''' (''' a.) To make fine; to refine; to purify, to clarify; as, to fine gold. </p> <p> '''(24):''' ''' (''' superl.) Thin; attenuate; keen; as, a fine edge. </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_51066" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_51066" /> ==
<p> <strong> FINE </strong> . The verb ‘to fine’ (mod. ‘refine’) is used in Job 28:1 ‘Surely there is a vein for silver, and a place for gold where they fine it’ (RV [Note: Revised Version.] ‘which they refine’). ‘Fining’ occurs in Proverbs 17:3; Proverbs 27:21; and ‘finer’ in Proverbs 25:4 ‘a vessel for the finer’ (Amer. RV [Note: Revised Version.] ‘refiner’). See Refiner. </p>
<p> <strong> [[Fine]] </strong> . The verb ‘to fine’ (mod. ‘refine’) is used in &nbsp; Job 28:1 ‘Surely there is a vein for silver, and a place for gold where they fine it’ [[(Rv]] [Note: Revised Version.] ‘which they refine’). ‘Fining’ occurs in &nbsp; Proverbs 17:3; &nbsp; Proverbs 27:21; and ‘finer’ in &nbsp; Proverbs 25:4 ‘a vessel for the finer’ (Amer. [[Rv]] [Note: Revised Version.] ‘refiner’). See Refiner. </p>
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_60306" /> ==
<p> FINE, a. </p> 1. [[Small]] thin slender minute of very small diameter as a fine thread fine silk a fine hair. We say also, fine sand, fine particles. 2. [[Subtil]] thin tenuous as, fine spirits evaporate a finer medium opposed to a grosser. 3. [[Thin]] keep smoothly sharp as the fine edge of a razor. 4. [[Made]] of fine threads not coarse as fine linen or cambric. 5. [[Clear]] pure free from feculence or foreign matter as fine gold or silver wine is not good till fine. 6. Refined. <p> Those things were too fine to be fortunate, and succeed in all parts. </p> 7. [[Nice]] delicate perceiving or discerning minute beauties or deformities as a fine taste a fine sense. 8. Subtil artful dextrous. See Finess. 9. Subtil sly fraudulent. 10. Elegant beautiful in thought. <p> To call the trumpet by the name of the metal was fine. </p> 11. Very handsome beautiful with dignity. <p> The lady has a fine person, or a fine face. </p> 12. [[Accomplished]] elegant in manners. He was one of the finest gentlemen of his age. 13. Accomplished in learning excellent as a fine scholar. 14. [[Excellent]] superior brilliant or acute as a man of fine genius. 15. [[Amiable]] noble ingenuous excellent as a man of a fine mind. 16. Showy splendid elegant as a range of fine buildings a fine house or garden a fine view. 17. Ironically, worthy of contemptuous notice eminent for bad qualities. <p> That same knave, Ford, her husband, has the finest mad devil of jealousy in him, [[Master]] Brook, that ever governed frenzy. </p> <p> [[Fine]] [[Arts]] or polite arts, are the arts which depend chiefly on the labors of the mind or imagination, and whose object is pleasure as poetry, music, painting and sculpture. </p> <p> The uses of this word are so numerous and indefinite, as to preclude a particular definition of each. In general, fine, in popular language, expresses whatever is excellent, showy or magnificent. </p> <p> FINE, n. This word is the basis of finance, but I have not found it, in its simple form, in any modern language, except the English. The word seems to be the L. finis, and the application of it to pecuniary compensation seems to have proceeded from its feudal use, in the transfer of lands, in which a final agreement or concord was made between the lord and his vassal. </p> 1. In a feudal sense, a final agreement between persons concerning lands or rents, or between the lord and his vassal, prescribing the conditions on which the latter should hold his lands. 2. A sum of money paid to the lord by his tenant, for permission to alienate or transfer his lands to another. This in [[England]] was exacted only from the king's tenants in capite. 3. A sum of money paid to the king or state by way of penalty for an offense a mulet a pecuniary punishment. [[Fines]] are usually prescribed by statute, for the several violations of law or the limit is prescribed, beyond which the judge cannot impose a fine for a particular offense. <p> In fine. L. in and finis. In the end or conclusion to conclude to sum up all. </p> <p> FINE, See Fine, the adjective. </p> 1. To clarify to refine to purify to defecate to free from feculence or foreign matter as, to fine wine. <p> This is the most general use of this word. </p> 2. To purify, as a metal as, to fine gold or silver. In this sense, we now generally use refine but fine is proper. <p> Job 28 . Proverbs 17 . </p> 3. To make less coarse as, to fine grass. Not used. 4. To decorate to adorn. Not in use. <p> FINE, See Fine, the noun. </p> 1. To impose on one a pecuniary penalty, payable to the government, for a crime or breach of law to set a fine on by judgment of a court to punish by fine. The trespassers were fined ten dollars and imprisoned a month. 2. To pay a fine. Not used.
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_77781" /> ==
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_77781" /> ==
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_121660" /> ==
<p> (1): </p> <p> (superl.) Not coarse; comminuted; in small particles; as, fine sand or flour. </p> <p> (2): </p> <p> (superl.) Not gross; subtile; thin; tenous. </p> <p> (3): </p> <p> (superl.) Not coarse, gross, or heavy </p> <p> (4): </p> <p> (superl.) Not thick or heavy; slender; filmy; as, a fine thread. </p> <p> (5): </p> <p> (superl.) [[Made]] of fine materials; light; delicate; as, fine linen or silk. </p> <p> (6): </p> <p> (superl.) Having (such) a proportion of pure metal in its composition; as, coins nine tenths fine. </p> <p> (7): </p> <p> (superl.) (Used ironically.) </p> <p> (8): </p> <p> (v. i.) To become fine (in any one of various senses); as, the ale will fine; the weather fined. </p> <p> (9): </p> <p> (superl.) [[Aiming]] at show or effect; loaded with ornament; overdressed or overdecorated; showy. </p> <p> (10): </p> <p> (superl.) Nice; delicate; subtle; exquisite; artful; skillful; dexterous. </p> <p> (11): </p> <p> (a.) To make finer, or less coarse, as in bulk, texture, etc.; as. to fine the soil. </p> <p> (12): </p> <p> (a.) To change by fine gradations; as (Naut.), to fine down a ship's lines, to diminish her lines gradually. </p> <p> (13): </p> <p> (n.) End; conclusion; termination; extinction. </p> <p> (14): </p> <p> (n.) A sum of money paid as the settlement of a claim, or by way of terminating a matter in dispute; especially, a payment of money imposed upon a party as a punishment for an offense; a mulct. </p> <p> (15): </p> <p> (n.) A final agreement concerning lands or rents between persons, as the lord and his vassal. </p> <p> (16): </p> <p> (n.) A sum of money or price paid for obtaining a benefit, favor, or privilege, as for admission to a copyhold, or for obtaining or renewing a lease. </p> <p> (17): </p> <p> (n.) To impose a pecuniary penalty upon for an offense or breach of law; to set a fine on by judgment of a court; to punish by fine; to mulct; as, the trespassers were fined ten dollars. </p> <p> (18): </p> <p> (v. i.) To pay a fine. See Fine, n., 3 (b). </p> <p> (19): </p> <p> (v. t.) To finish; to cease; or to cause to cease. </p> <p> (20): </p> <p> (adv.) In a manner so that the driven ball strikes the object ball so far to one side as to be deflected but little, the object ball being driven to one side. </p> <p> (21): </p> <p> (superl.) Finished; brought to perfection; refined; hence, free from impurity; excellent; superior; elegant; worthy of admiration; accomplished; beautiful. </p> <p> (22): </p> <p> (adv.) Finely; well; elegantly; fully; delicately; mincingly. </p> <p> (23): </p> <p> (a.) To make fine; to refine; to purify, to clarify; as, to fine gold. </p> <p> (24): </p> <p> (superl.) Thin; attenuate; keen; as, a fine edge. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_3731" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_3731" /> ==
<p> '''''fı̄n''''' (adj., from [[Latin]] <i> finire </i> , "to finish"): Indicates superior quality. Only in a few instances does "fine" represent a separate word: (1) <i> '''''ṭōbh''''' </i> , "good," qualifies gold (2 Chronicles 3:5 , 2 Chronicles 3:8 , "fine gold"; compare [[Genesis]] 2:12 , "good"); fine gold (Lamentations 4:1 , the King James Version "most fine gold," the Revised Version (British and American) "most pure gold," literally, "good fine gold"), copper (Ezra 8:27 , the Revised Version (British and American) "fine bright brass"); <i> '''''ṭabh''''' </i> , [[Aramaic]] (Daniel 2:32 , "fine gold"). (2) <i> '''''pāz''''' </i> , "refined" (Song of [[Solomon]] 5:11 , "the most fine gold"). (3) <i> '''''ḥēlebh''''' </i> , "fatness," "the best of any kind"; compare Genesis 45:18; Deuteronomy 32:14 , etc. (Psalm 81:16 , "the finest of the wheat," the Revised Version, margin [[Hebrew]] "fat of wheat"). (4) <i> '''''sārı̄ḳ''''' </i> , "fine combed" (Isaiah 19:9 , "fine flax," the Revised Version (British and American) "combed flax"). </p> <p> In other places it expresses a quality of the substantive: <i> '''''kethem''''' </i> , "fine gold" (Job 31:24; Daniel 10:5 , the Revised Version (British and American) "pure gold"); <i> '''''pāz''''' </i> , used as a noun for refined gold (Job 28:17; [[Psalm]] 19:10; Proverbs 8:19; Isaiah 13:12; Lamentations 4:2 ); <i> '''''ḥārūc''''' </i> , "fine gold" (Proverbs 3:14; compare Psalm 68:13 , "yellow gold"); <i> '''''ṣōleth''''' </i> , "flour," rendered "fine flour," rolled or crushed small (Leviticus 2:1 , Leviticus 2:4 , Leviticus 2:5 , Leviticus 2:7 , etc.); <i> '''''semı́dalis''''' </i> , "the finest wheaten flour" (Revelation 18:13 ); <i> '''''ḳemaḥ ṣōleth''''' </i> , "fine meal" (Genesis 18:6 ); <i> '''''ṣādhı̄n''''' </i> , "linen garment" (Septuagint σινδον , <i> '''''sindō̇n''''' </i> , Proverbs 31:24 the King James Version; Isaiah 3:23 ); <i> '''''shēsh''''' </i> , "white," "fine linen" (Genesis 41:42; Exodus 25:4 , etc.); in Proverbs 31:22 the King James Version has "silk"; <i> '''''shēshı̄''''' </i> (Ezekiel 16:13 , "fine flour"); <i> ''''''ēṭūn''''' </i> , "what is twisted or spun," "yarn" (Proverbs 7:16 the King James Version, "fine linen of Egypt" the Revised Version (British and American) "yarn of Egypt"); <i> '''''būc''''' </i> , "fine white cloth," "cotton or linen," "fine linen" (1 Chronicles 4:21; Ezekiel 27:16 , etc.; 2 Chronicles 5:12 , King James Version "white," the Revised Version (British and American) "fine"); <i> '''''bússos''''' </i> , "byssus," "linen" from <i> '''''būc''''' </i> [[Septuagint]] for which, 2 Chronicles 2:14; 2 Chronicles 3:14 ), deemed very fine and precious, worn only by the rich (Luke 16:19; Revelation 18:12 ); <i> '''''bússinos''''' </i> , "byssine" made of fine linen, Septuagint for <i> '''''būc''''' </i> (1 Ch 5:27) (Revelation 18:16 , "clothed in fine linen," the Revised Version (British and American) "arrayed," Revelation 19:8 , Revelation 19:14 ); <i> '''''sindōn''''' </i> , "fine linen" (Mk 5:46, "He bought fine linen," the Revised Version (British and American) "a linen cloth"; compare Mark 14:51 , Mark 14:52; Matthew 27:59; Luke 23:53 ); it was used for wrapping the body at night, also for wrapping round dead bodies; <i> '''''sindōn''''' </i> is Septuagint for <i> '''''ṣādhı̄n''''' </i> (Judges 14:12 , Judges 14:13; Proverbs 31:24 ); <i> '''''chalkolı́banon''''' </i> (Revelation 1:15; Revelation 2:18 , the King James Version "fine brass"). </p> <p> The meaning of this word has been much discussed; <i> '''''chálkos''''' </i> is "brass" in [[Greek]] (with many compounds), and <i> '''''libanos''''' </i> is the Septuagint for <i> '''''lebhōnāh''''' </i> , "frankincense," which word was probably derived from the root <i> '''''lābhan''''' </i> , "to burn"; this would give <i> glowing brass </i> , "as if they burned in a furnace"; in Daniel 10:6 it is <i> '''''nehōsheth ḳālāl''''' </i> , the King James Version "polished brass," the Revised Version (British and American) "burnished" ( <i> '''''ḳālal''''' </i> is "to glow"). Plumptre deemed it a hybrid word composed of the Greek <i> '''''chalkos''''' </i> , "brass," and the Hebrew <i> '''''lābhān''''' </i> , "white," a technical word, such as might be familiar to the Ephesians; the Revised Version (British and American) has "burnished brass"; Weymouth, "silver-bronze when it is white-hot in a furnace"; the whiteness being expressed by the second half of the Greek word. See Thayer's <i> Lexicon </i> (s.v.). </p> <p> In [[Apocrypha]] we have "fine linen," <i> '''''bussinos''''' </i> (1 [[Esdras]] 3:6), "fine bread"; the adjective <i> '''''katharós''''' </i> , separate (Judith 10:5, the Revised Version, margin "pure bread"); "fine flour" (Ecclesiasticus 35:2; 38:11); <i> '''''semı́dalis''''' </i> (Bel and the [[Dragon]] verse 3; 2 Macc 1:8, the Revised Version (British and American) "meal offering"). </p>
<p> '''''fı̄n''''' (adj., from Latin <i> finire </i> , "to finish"): Indicates superior quality. Only in a few instances does "fine" represent a separate word: (1) <i> '''''ṭōbh''''' </i> , "good," qualifies gold (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 3:5 , &nbsp;2 Chronicles 3:8 , "fine gold"; compare &nbsp;Genesis 2:12 , "good"); fine gold (&nbsp;Lamentations 4:1 , the King James Version "most fine gold," the Revised Version (British and American) "most pure gold," literally, "good fine gold"), copper (&nbsp;Ezra 8:27 , the Revised Version (British and American) "fine bright brass"); <i> '''''ṭabh''''' </i> , [[Aramaic]] (&nbsp;Daniel 2:32 , "fine gold"). (2) <i> '''''pāz''''' </i> , "refined" (&nbsp;Song of [[Solomon]] 5:11 , "the most fine gold"). (3) <i> '''''ḥēlebh''''' </i> , "fatness," "the best of any kind"; compare &nbsp;Genesis 45:18; &nbsp;Deuteronomy 32:14 , etc. (&nbsp;Psalm 81:16 , "the finest of the wheat," the Revised Version, margin [[Hebrew]] "fat of wheat"). (4) <i> '''''sārı̄ḳ''''' </i> , "fine combed" (&nbsp;Isaiah 19:9 , "fine flax," the Revised Version (British and American) "combed flax"). </p> <p> In other places it expresses a quality of the substantive: <i> '''''kethem''''' </i> , "fine gold" (&nbsp;Job 31:24; &nbsp;Daniel 10:5 , the Revised Version (British and American) "pure gold"); <i> '''''pāz''''' </i> , used as a noun for refined gold (&nbsp;Job 28:17; &nbsp;Psalm 19:10; &nbsp;Proverbs 8:19; &nbsp;Isaiah 13:12; &nbsp;Lamentations 4:2 ); <i> '''''ḥārūc''''' </i> , "fine gold" (&nbsp;Proverbs 3:14; compare &nbsp;Psalm 68:13 , "yellow gold"); <i> '''''ṣōleth''''' </i> , "flour," rendered "fine flour," rolled or crushed small (&nbsp;Leviticus 2:1 , &nbsp;Leviticus 2:4 , &nbsp;Leviticus 2:5 , &nbsp;Leviticus 2:7 , etc.); <i> '''''semı́dalis''''' </i> , "the finest wheaten flour" (&nbsp;Revelation 18:13 ); <i> '''''ḳemaḥ ṣōleth''''' </i> , "fine meal" (&nbsp;Genesis 18:6 ); <i> '''''ṣādhı̄n''''' </i> , "linen garment" (Septuagint σινδον , <i> '''''sindō̇n''''' </i> , &nbsp;Proverbs 31:24 the King James Version; &nbsp; Isaiah 3:23 ); <i> '''''shēsh''''' </i> , "white," "fine linen" (&nbsp;Genesis 41:42; &nbsp;Exodus 25:4 , etc.); in &nbsp;Proverbs 31:22 the King James Version has "silk"; <i> '''''shēshı̄''''' </i> (&nbsp;Ezekiel 16:13 , "fine flour"); <i> ''''''ēṭūn''''' </i> , "what is twisted or spun," "yarn" (&nbsp;Proverbs 7:16 the King James Version, "fine linen of Egypt" the Revised Version (British and American) "yarn of Egypt"); <i> '''''būc''''' </i> , "fine white cloth," "cotton or linen," "fine linen" (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 4:21; &nbsp;Ezekiel 27:16 , etc.; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 5:12 , King James Version "white," the Revised Version (British and American) "fine"); <i> '''''bússos''''' </i> , "byssus," "linen" from <i> '''''būc''''' </i> [[Septuagint]] for which, &nbsp;2 Chronicles 2:14; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 3:14 ), deemed very fine and precious, worn only by the rich (&nbsp;Luke 16:19; &nbsp;Revelation 18:12 ); <i> '''''bússinos''''' </i> , "byssine" made of fine linen, Septuagint for <i> '''''būc''''' </i> (1 Ch 5:27) (&nbsp;Revelation 18:16 , "clothed in fine linen," the Revised Version (British and American) "arrayed," &nbsp;Revelation 19:8 , &nbsp;Revelation 19:14 ); <i> '''''sindōn''''' </i> , "fine linen" (Mk 5:46, "He bought fine linen," the Revised Version (British and American) "a linen cloth"; compare &nbsp;Mark 14:51 , &nbsp;Mark 14:52; &nbsp;Matthew 27:59; &nbsp;Luke 23:53 ); it was used for wrapping the body at night, also for wrapping round dead bodies; <i> '''''sindōn''''' </i> is Septuagint for <i> '''''ṣādhı̄n''''' </i> (&nbsp;Judges 14:12 , &nbsp;Judges 14:13; &nbsp;Proverbs 31:24 ); <i> '''''chalkolı́banon''''' </i> (&nbsp;Revelation 1:15; &nbsp;Revelation 2:18 , the King James Version "fine brass"). </p> <p> The meaning of this word has been much discussed; <i> '''''chálkos''''' </i> is "brass" in Greek (with many compounds), and <i> '''''libanos''''' </i> is the Septuagint for <i> '''''lebhōnāh''''' </i> , "frankincense," which word was probably derived from the root <i> '''''lābhan''''' </i> , "to burn"; this would give <i> glowing brass </i> , "as if they burned in a furnace"; in &nbsp;Daniel 10:6 it is <i> '''''nehōsheth ḳālāl''''' </i> , the King James Version "polished brass," the Revised Version (British and American) "burnished" ( <i> '''''ḳālal''''' </i> is "to glow"). Plumptre deemed it a hybrid word composed of the Greek <i> '''''chalkos''''' </i> , "brass," and the Hebrew <i> '''''lābhān''''' </i> , "white," a technical word, such as might be familiar to the Ephesians; the Revised Version (British and American) has "burnished brass"; Weymouth, "silver-bronze when it is white-hot in a furnace"; the whiteness being expressed by the second half of the Greek word. See Thayer's <i> Lexicon </i> (s.v.). </p> <p> In [[Apocrypha]] we have "fine linen," <i> '''''bussinos''''' </i> (1 [[Esdras]] 3:6), "fine bread"; the adjective <i> '''''katharós''''' </i> , separate (Judith 10:5, the Revised Version, margin "pure bread"); "fine flour" (Ecclesiasticus 35:2; 38:11); <i> '''''semı́dalis''''' </i> (Bel and the [[Dragon]] verse 3; 2 Macc 1:8, the Revised Version (British and American) "meal offering"). </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_40129" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_40129" /> ==
<p> or mulct for damages (q.v.). In some instances, by the [[Mosaic]] law, the amount of a fine, or of an indemnification that was to be made, was determined by the person who had been injured; in other instances it was fixed by the judge, and in others was defined by the, law (Exodus 21:19-36; Deuteronomy 22:19; Deuteronomy 22:29). Twofold, fourfold, and even fivefold restitution of things stolen, and restitution of property unjustly retained, with twenty percent over and above, was required. Thus, if a man killed a beast, he was to make it good, beast for beast. This ordinance, observes Michaelis (Laws of Moses, art. 160), appears only incidentally in Leviticus 24:18, among criminal laws. If an ox pushed or gored another man's servant to death, his owner was bound to pay for the servant thirty shekels of silver (Exodus 21:32). In the case of one man's ox pushing or goring another's to death, it would have been a very intricate point to ascertain which of the two had been to blame for the quarrel, and therefore both owners were obliged to bear the loss. The living ox was sold, and the price, together with the dead one, equally divided between them (Exodus 21:35). If, however, the ox had previously been notorious for pushing, and the owner had not taken care to confine him, this made a difference; for then, to the man whose ox had been pushed, he was obliged to give another, and the dead ox he got himself (Exodus 21:36). If a- man dug a pit and did not cover it, or let an old pit belonging to him remain open, and another man's beast fell into it, the owner of the pit was obliged to pay for the beast, and had it for the payment (Exodus 21:33-34). When a fire was kindled in the fields, and did any damage, he who kindled it was obliged to make the damage good (Exodus 22:6). (See [[Punishment]]). </p>
<p> or mulct for damages (q.v.). In some instances, by the [[Mosaic]] law, the amount of a fine, or of an indemnification that was to be made, was determined by the person who had been injured; in other instances it was fixed by the judge, and in others was defined by the, law (&nbsp;Exodus 21:19-36; &nbsp;Deuteronomy 22:19; &nbsp;Deuteronomy 22:29). Twofold, fourfold, and even fivefold restitution of things stolen, and restitution of property unjustly retained, with twenty percent over and above, was required. Thus, if a man killed a beast, he was to make it good, beast for beast. This ordinance, observes Michaelis ''(Laws of Moses,'' art. 160), appears only incidentally in &nbsp;Leviticus 24:18, among criminal laws. If an ox pushed or gored another man's servant to death, his owner was bound to pay for the servant thirty shekels of silver (&nbsp;Exodus 21:32). In the case of one man's ox pushing or goring another's to death, it would have been a very intricate point to ascertain which of the two had been to blame for the quarrel, and therefore both owners were obliged to bear the loss. The living ox was sold, and the price, together with the dead one, equally divided between them (&nbsp;Exodus 21:35). If, however, the ox had previously been notorious for pushing, and the owner had not taken care to confine him, this made a difference; for then, to the man whose ox had been pushed, he was obliged to give another, and the dead ox he got himself (&nbsp;Exodus 21:36). If a- man dug a pit and did not cover it, or let an old pit belonging to him remain open, and another man's beast fell into it, the owner of the pit was obliged to pay for the beast, and had it for the payment (&nbsp;Exodus 21:33-34). When a fire was kindled in the fields, and did any damage, he who kindled it was obliged to make the damage good (&nbsp;Exodus 22:6). (See [[Punishment]]). </p>
==References ==
==References ==

<ref name="term_60306"> [ Fine from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_121660"> [ Fine from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_51066"> [ Fine from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_51066"> [ Fine from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_60306"> [ Fine from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_77781"> [ Fine from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words]</ref>
<ref name="term_77781"> [ Fine from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words]</ref>
<ref name="term_121660"> [ Fine from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_3731"> [ Fine from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_3731"> [ Fine from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>