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== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_15746" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_55413" /> ==
<p> The [[Greek]] word translated church signifies generally an assembly, either common or religious; and it is sometimes so translated, as in Acts 19:32,39 . In the New [[Testament]] it usually means a congregation of religious worshippers, either Jewish, as Acts 7:38 , or Christians, as Matthew 16:18 1 Corinthians 6:4 . The latter sense is the more common one; and it is thus used in a twofold manner, denoting, </p> <p> 1. The universal [[Christian]] church: either the invisible church, consisting of those whose names are written in heaven, whom [[God]] knows, but whom we cannot infallibly know, Hebrews 12:23; or the visible church, made up of the professed followers of [[Christ]] on earth, Colossians 1:24 1 Timothy 3:5,15 </p> <p> 2. A particular church or body of professing believers, who meet and worship together in one place; as the churches of Rome, Corinth, Ephesus, Philippi, etc., to which [[Paul]] addressed epistles. </p>
<p> <b> CHURCH. </b> —It is proposed in this article to deal with the references to the [[Church]] in the Gospels, particularly as they bear upon Christ’s relation to the Church. The other books of the NT, and the beliefs and practices of the early ages of Christianity, will be referred to only as far as they appear to throw light upon the teaching and actions of [[Christ]] as recorded in the Gospels. It will be assumed that the accounts of the life and teaching of Christ contained in the four [[Gospels]] as well as the narrative of the Acts are substantially historical, and that the thirteen [[Epistles]] usually ascribed to St. [[Paul]] are genuine. [[Without]] this limitation the inquiry would be of quite a different character. </p> <p> The historical society known as the Church has never claimed to have come into complete existence until the day of Pentecost, and its growth and organization were a gradual process. We shall not, therefore, on any theory, expect to find in the Gospels a complete and explicit account of the foundation and characteristics of the Church, and it will be a convenient method of procedure to take the chief elements of the conception of the Church which was generally accepted at a later date, when the community was fully constituted, and to inquire how far these can be traced back to the teaching of Christ Himself, and how far they may be regarded as later accretions, or the natural but not necessary development of ideas which existed before, if at all, only in germ. Now our knowledge of the first days of [[Christianity]] derived from the NT is but fragmentary, and the period immediately following is one of great obscurity; but from the middle of the 2nd cent. there is no doubt about the prevalent and almost universal belief of [[Christians]] with regard to the Church. It was believed that the Church, as it then existed, was a society founded by Christ as an integral part of His work for mankind. It was further believed that the Church possessed characteristics which were summed up under the words, One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. And while it was believed that the Church stood in the most intimate spiritual relation to Christ, it was also held that its outward unity and continuity were secured by a definite organization and form of government, the essential features of which had been imposed upon the Church by the Apostles, acting under a commission given them by Christ Himself. The Church was further regarded as the instrument appointed by Christ for the completion of His work for mankind. The fact that these beliefs were generally held, at all events from the middle of the 2nd cent. onwards, suggests the following division of the subject. First, it will be asked whether the belief that it was Christ’s intention to found a visible society is borne out (1) by what we know of His own actions and teaching, and (2) by the records of the earliest days of [[Christian]] life. Secondly, the characteristics ascribed to the Church in the Christian creeds will be examined in the light of the NT writings. </p> <p> i. Indications of a visible Church. </p> <p> 1. In the teaching and actions of Christ: ( <i> a </i> ) the [[Messianic]] claim and the [[Kingdom]] of God; ( <i> b </i> ) the body of disciples; ( <i> c </i> ) the institution of sacraments. </p> <p> 2. In the earliest period of Christian history. </p> <p> ii. Characteristics of the Church. </p> <p> 1. Unity: ( <i> a </i> ) essential and transcendental; ( <i> b </i> ) taking outward expression; ( <i> c </i> ) imperfect. </p> <p> 2. Holiness. </p> <p> 3. Catholicity. </p> <p> 4. Apostolicity: ( <i> a </i> ) doctrine; ( <i> b </i> ) worship; ( <i> c </i> ) discipline. </p> <p> Note.—The words ‘Church’ and ‘Ecclesia.’ </p> <p> Literature. </p> <p> i. Indications of a visible Church. </p> <p> <b> 1. In the Teaching and Actions of Christ. </b> </p> <p> ( <i> a </i> ) <i> [[Relation]] of Christ to the Messianic [[Hope]] and the Kingdom of [[God]] </i> .—The idea of a covenant relation between God and man is found in the earliest records of the [[Hebrew]] race. [[Covenants]] were at first made with individuals and families; but with the beginning of [[Jewish]] nationality there is a consciousness of a peculiar relation between the nation and Jehovah. The idea of a national God was, of course, shared by the [[Jews]] with all the nations with which they came into contact; but as their conception of the [[Deity]] advanced, and their religion developed through monolatry into a pure monotheism, the idea of [[Jehovah]] as a national God passed into the idea of the selection of [[Israel]] by the one God of all the earth for a special destiny and special privileges. [[Thus]] the Jewish religion was a religion of hope, and its [[Golden]] [[Age]] was in the future. This national hope became closely associated in thought with the kingdom,—at first the actual kingdom, and then the kingdom to be restored in the future. After the fall of the actual kingdom, the idea of the future kingdom became, to a great extent, idealized, and in close connexion with it there grew up the expectation of a personal Messiah. It is not necessary for the present purpose to inquire when this expectation first becomes apparent, or to trace the growth of the Messianic hope in detail. The important fact is that at the time of Christ’s birth Israel as a nation was looking for a kingdom of God and a Messianic King. With many, perhaps with most, the expectation may have been mainly that of an independent and powerful earthly kingdom; but the remains of Jewish literature in the last century before Christ show that the more spiritually minded Jews undoubtedly looked for a kingdom which would indeed have [[Jerusalem]] for its centre, and of which the faithful Jews would be the nucleus, but which would also be world-wide and spiritual in character. It must also be noticed that the doctrine of a Remnant, which had taken strong hold of the Jewish mind since the time of Isaiah, had accustomed them to think of a community of the faithful, within and growing out of the existing nation, who should in a special sense be the heirs of the promises. </p> <p> The most conspicuous feature in the teaching of Christ, as recorded in the [[Synoptic]] Gospels, is undoubtedly His claim to be the Messiah, and His announcement of the coming of the Kingdom of God. In using these terms, He must have intended to appeal to, and to a great extent to sanction, the ideas and hopes of those whom He addressed. And yet it very soon became plain that the kingdom which He preached was something very different from anything that the most spiritual of the Jews had conceived. The old Jewish kings had led the people in war, they had judged them in peace, they had levied tribute; but these functions Christ expressly disclaimed. He would not allow His followers to think of appealing to force (Matthew 26:52), He repudiated the idea of being a ruler or a judge of ordinary contentions (Luke 12:14), He accepted the payment of tribute to an alien potentate as a thing indifferent (Mark 12:17). But, on the other hand, the great acts which Jehovah Himself had performed for the Jewish nation, in virtue of which He Himself had been regarded as their King, Christ performed for a new nation. Jehovah had called [[Abraham]] and the patriarchs, and had attached them to Himself by intimate ties and covenants, and out of their seed had formed a nation which He ruled; and, in the second place, He had given this nation His own law. So Christ called from among the Jews His own disciples, from whom He required an absolute personal devotion, and to them He delivered a new law to fulfil or supersede the old (Matthew 5:17). See, further, art. Kingdom of God. </p> <p> <i> What is the relation of the Kingdom of God to the Church? </i> —The two things are not simply identical, and the predominant sense of the Kingdom in the NT appears to be rather that of a reign than of a realm. But these two ideas are complementary, and the one implies the other. [[Sometimes]] it is hardly possible to distinguish between them. It may be true that ‘by the words the Kingdom of God our Lord denotes not so much His disciples, whether individually or even as forming a collective body, as something which they receive—a state upon which they enter’ (Robertson, <i> [[Regnum]] Dei </i> ); but at the same time the whole history of the growth of the idea of the Kingdom led, naturally, to the belief that the Kingdom of God about which Christ taught would be expressed and realized in a society. The teaching of Christ about the Kingdom of [[Heaven]] does not perhaps, taken by itself, prove that He was the [[Founder]] of the church; but if this is established by other evidence, it may at least be said that His Kingdom is visibly represented in His Church, and that ‘the Church is the Kingdom of Heaven in so far as it has already come, and it prepares for the Kingdom as it is to come in glory.’ </p> <p> ( <i> b </i> ) <i> How far the line of action adopted by Christ during His ministry tended to the formation of a society </i> .—Christ began from the first to attach to Himself a number of disciples. Their numbers varied, and they did not all stand in equally close relations to Him; they were indeed still a vague and indeterminate body at the time of His death, but they tended to define themselves more and more. There was a process of sifting (John 6:66), and immediately after the [[Ascension]] an expression is used which suggests some sort of list (Acts 1:15). As much as this, indeed, might be said of most religious and philosophical leaders, but Christ did more than create an unorganized mass of disciples. From an early period He formed an inner circle ‘that they might be with him, and that he might send them forth’ (Mark 3:14). The name ‘Apostles’ may have been given to the Twelve in the first instance with reference to a temporary mission, but subsequent events showed that this temporary mission was itself only part of a system of training to which Christ devoted more and more of His time. The Twelve became in a special sense ‘the disciples,’ and this is what they are usually called in the [[Fourth]] Gospel. The larger body are also disciples, but the Twelve are their leaders and representatives. Their representative character culminates at the [[Last]] Supper, where the [[Eucharist]] is given to them alone, but, as the event showed, in trust for the whole body. </p> <p> [[Certain]] sayings recorded of Christ in connexion with the [[Apostles]] and their functions will be noticed later. For the present it is enough to call attention to the fact that, apart from any special saying or commission, the general course of Christ’s actions not only tended to produce a society, but provided what is a necessary condition of the effectiveness and permanence of a society—the nucleus of an organization; and that the greater part of His labours was directed towards the training of this inner circle for carrying on a work which He would not complete Himself. </p> <p> ( <i> c </i> ) <i> The significance of the institution of the sacraments </i> .—A society, to be plainly visible and unmistakable, requires some outward act or sign of distinction by which all its members can be recognized. [[Circumcision]] had been such to the Jews. And in order to be both effective and permanent, a society further requires some definite corporate action, binding upon all its members, and relating to the object for which the society exists. The observance of the Law has been the corporate action of the Jews. No society has, as a matter of fact, succeeded in maintaining itself in existence for an indefinite period without such signs of distinction and corporate actions. Both requirements were supplied by Christ, if the [[Gospel]] narrative may be trusted, in the sacraments which He instituted. In [[Baptism]] He provided a definite means of incorporation, and in the Eucharist a corporate act and a visible bond of union. This is indeed only part of the significance of the sacraments, but when they are regarded from another point of view it becomes all the more striking that the means appointed to convey the grace of God to the individual should be necessarily social in their character. The general tendency of the teaching of Christ, in the [[Sermon]] on the Mount and elsewhere, with regard to the Jewish Law and to the relation of the inward and outward, gives great significance to the fact that He should have ordered any external acts of the nature of sacraments, and makes it still more remarkable that He should have laid emphasis on their necessity as a condition of entrance into the Kingdom and to the possession of life (John 3:5; John 6:54). And he fact that these are necessarily social is of primary importance in considering the relation of the Church to Christ. </p> <p> It thus appears from a general view of Christ’s ministry as recorded in the Gospels, without taking into consideration particular sayings ascribed to Him, that before the Ascension He had provided everything that was necessary for the existence of a society, for the development of an organization, and for its permanence and corporate action. The only thing wanting to the complete constitution of the Church was the fulfilment of the promise of the gift of the indwelling spirit, for which the disciples were bidden to wait (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4). </p> <p> <b> 2. In the earliest period of Church history. </b> —The conclusions to which the Gospels appear to point will be corroborated if there is evidence that a society actually did exist immediately after the events recorded in the Gospels. Of this early period the only existing record is that which is contained in the Acts. There is also contemporary evidence of the ideas of a somewhat later period in St. Paul’s Epistles. If the evidence of the Acts is accepted, there is no doubt of its general tendency. [[Immediately]] after the Ascension there appears a well defined body disciples, led by the Apostles (Acts 1:13-15). At the day of [[Pentecost]] this body is fully constituted for its mission, and receives a large accession of numbers. The mention of definite numbers (Acts 1:15; Acts 2:41; Acts Act_4:4) shows that there was no doubt who the persons were who belonged to the society. Nor is there any doubt, from the constant mention of baptism throughout the book, that this was the invariable means of acquiring membership. It is expressly mentioned even in the exceptional case recorded in Acts 10:47 f. [[Throughout]] the whole narrative the Apostles appear as the leaders and teachers of the whole community. [[Membership]] implies adherence to their teaching and fellowship, with ‘the breaking of bread’ and common prayer as a bond of union (Acts 2:42). The practice of community of goods is an evidence of the closeness of the bond, while the fact that this was voluntary shows that ‘neither the community was lost in the individuals, nor the individuals in the community’ (Hort, <i> Christian [[Ecclesia]] </i> , p. 48). The meetings of the Church must have been in houses, and none in Jerusalem can possibly have contained all the disciples; but no importance is attached to the place of meeting, nor are house congregations ever spoken of or alluded to as separate units of Church life. A theory has been formed that the Church as a society arose out of a federation of house assemblies, but there is absolutely no trace whatever of such a possibility in the Acts: the whole body of disciples is the only unit. The word <i> ecclesia </i> occurs for the first time in Acts 5:11, and there it is the whole body which is spoken of. In the course of time the increase in the number of adherents led to an advance in organization, the Apostles delegating some of their functions to a lower order of ministers, and soon afterwards persecution caused an extension of the Church to other parts of Palestine. But there is as yet no subdivision; questions which arise in [[Samaria]] and [[Joppa]] are dealt, with at Jerusalem (Acts 8:14; Acts 11:1 f.). This state of things, however, could not last. When the process of extension had gone further, it became impossible to administer all the affairs of the community from a single centre. And so when a body of Christians established themselves in Antioch, a new use of the word <i> ecclesia </i> appears (Acts 11:26). [[Hitherto]] it has meant the whole body of the brethren; now it is applied also to parts of the whole. Each centre is capable of separate action, and deals with local affairs, while remaining in close union with the whole. And so the step which was perhaps the most momentous of any that have been taken in Church history—the mission of Paul and Barnabas—was apparently the work of the Church in [[Antioch]] alone, without any reference to Jerusalem (Acts 13:1 ff.). This mission led to the foundation of a large number of local <i> ecclesiœ </i> , each of which was provided by the [[Apostle]] with a local ministry (Acts 14:23), while he exercised a continual supervision over them, and visited them as often as circumstances would allow. The difficult questions which arise out of this great extension of the Church are referred to the ‘Apostles and presbyters’ at Jerusalem. The precise relations between the authority of the whole body and the legitimate independence of the local communities are undefined, but the recognition of the unity of the whole Church and of the [[Apostolic]] authority is unmistakable. In the Epistles of St. Paul the term <i> ecclesia </i> is constantly used of the local communities, of which he had frequent occasion to speak; the church in a city (1 Corinthians 1:2) or even in a house (Romans 16:5, Colossians 4:15) is a familiar expression, and the churches of a region are spoken of (1 Corinthians 16:1; 1 Corinthians 16:19) in a way that possibly suggests the beginnings of a provincial organization. But ‘the Church’ is the one undivided Church of which these several churches are only local divisions. It is in the [[Epistle]] to the Ephesians that his doctrine of ‘the Church’ culminates. It is particularly with reference to this teaching that a distinction has been drawn between the <i> actual </i> and the <i> ideal </i> Church. This distinction is a real one, if it means that the ideal of the Church has never yet been realized in fact. But neither St. Paul nor any other NT writer draws any distinction, or appears to be conscious of the need of any. The Church, like the individual Christian, is regarded as being that which it is becoming. As the individual Christian, in spite of his imperfections, is a saint, so the existing body of Christians whom he is addressing is the [[Body]] of Christ, which is to be presented a glorious Church, holy and without blemish (1 Corinthians 12:27, Ephesians 5:27). See Organization. </p> <p> ii. The Characteristics of the Church.—Assuming now that the Church is a society founded by Christ to carry on His work for the redemption of mankind, the characteristic notes of the Church, as they have been embodied in the Creeds, may be considered with reference to the teaching contained in the Gospels. It is convenient to state at the outset what the principal passages in the Gospels are which bear upon the subject. In the first place, all the teaching relative to the Kingdom of God bears more or less directly on the Church. Some points with regard to this have already been noticed. Then there are the two passages in which the word <i> ecclesia </i> is used, Matthew 16:13-20; Matthew 18:15-20. In connexion with the former, the other two ‘Petrine’ texts, Luke 22:28-32 and John 21:15-17, may be considered. There are also the charges given to the Apostles in general, Matthew 10, Mark 3:13-15; Mark 6:7-13, Matthew 28:16-20, John 20:21-23, and the accounts of the institution of the Eucharist. And there is the long passage John 14-17, which specially bears upon the relations of Christ to the Church. The authenticity or credibility of some of these passages has been disputed on various grounds, but it will be assumed for the present purpose that they contain a credible record of the teaching of Christ. It will be convenient to consider this teaching under the heads of those notes of the Church which have been commonly ascribed to it from early times, and have been embodied in the Creeds. </p> <p> <b> 1. Unity. </b> —If the conclusion already reached about the origin of the Church is true, it is clear that it must be one society. The teaching of Christ on this point, as recorded in the Fourth Gospel, is very emphatic (John 17:21-23), and He bases the unity of the Church on the unity of God (cf. Ephesians 4:4-6). It is also to be a visible unity, for it is to be a sign to the world: ‘that the world may believe.’ It is, however, implied that it will be a progressive unity, not at once perfectly realized (John 17:23; John 10:10). This is illustrated by St. Paul, who speaks of unity as a thing to be gradually attained to (Ephesians 4:13). These three points may be taken in order. </p> <p> ( <i> a </i> ) If the unity of the Church is based upon the unity of God, it follows that it is an <i> essential and transcendental </i> , and not an accidental unity; <i> i.e. </i> it is not a merely political or voluntary association of men combining together with a view to effect certain ends, nor is it merely occasioned by the social instincts of human nature. These lower kinds of unity are not, indeed, excluded by the higher, but they are by themselves an insufficient explanation. It has been maintained that the idea of the unity of the Church is an afterthought, caused by the strong tendency to religious associations which prevailed in the [[Empire]] in the early ages of Christianity. [[Abundant]] evidence already exists, and more is being accumulated, of the existence of this tendency; but even if it should be shown that non-Christian associations influenced the manner in which the Christian community framed its external life and that they assisted its growth, this would not in the least disprove the essential unity of the Church. As far, however, as investigation has gone at present, it seems that the Church owed remarkably little to heathen precedents. The fact that from the earliest times there were some who more or less separated themselves and stood aloof, has been alleged as a proof that unity was not regarded as essential. But imperfection, as has already been noted, is a condition of the earthly state of the Church; and the strong condemnation with which separation is invariably spoken of in the NT and by all early writers, is very strong evidence of the belief of the Church that unity is one of its essential marks. The existence from the first of the power of excommunication (1 Corinthians 5, etc.), is further evidence to the same effect. </p> <p> The unity of the Church is, then, a theological unity, arising from the unity of God, from the fact that all members of the Church are members of Christ and abide in Him as the branches abide in the vine, and from the indwelling of the [[Holy]] Spirit. From this flows a moral unity of thought and action among the members of the Church, who are bound together by the invisible bonds of faith, hope, and love. </p> <p> ( <i> b </i> ) But this invisible unity will express itself, as far as regards that part of the Church which is on earth, in an <i> outward </i> form. There has not unnaturally been a good deal of conflict of opinion throughout the greater part of Church history as to the precise nature of the outward form which is necessary. [[Confining]] ourselves to the teaching of Christ upon the subject, the first thing to be noticed is that institution of the visible actions called sacraments which has been already spoken of. The necessity for performing certain outward actions at once distinguishes those persons who perform them, and these particular actions are social in their nature, and cannot be performed except in connexion with a visible society. In the next place, the administration of sacraments implies discipline, for a certain amount of organization is necessary in order to enable a society to act, and social actions cannot be performed in isolation. For this Christ provided by the institution of a ministry in the persons of the Apostles, to whom [[Ho]] expressly committed the sacraments. It follows that among the things which are necessary to their valid administration, the preservation of the order instituted by the Church under the direction of the Apostles must be reckoned. And while the Church has recognized all its members as valid ministers of Baptism in case of necessity, the administration of the Eucharist has been confined amongst most Christians to those who have received special Apostolic authority for the purpose. </p> <p> It is further held by a very large number of Christians, that in addition to the external bonds of union formed by the sacraments and the Apostolic ministry, the Church on earth, being visible, must have a visible head, and that this headship was given by Christ to St. Peter, and by implication to his successors. [[Union]] with the earthly head of the Church is therefore necessary to avoid the guilt of schism. It is alleged that this is the natural sense of the passages which record the special charges given by Christ to St. Peter (Matthew 16:13-20, Luke 22:28-32, and John 20:21-23), and that this interpretation of His words is borne out by the claims made from the earliest times by the bishops of Rome, and allowed or acquiesced in by the Church at large. It is argued, on the other side, that the passages in question were not interpreted in this sense by early Church writers, and that the testimony of the Acts and Epistles and of early Church history shows that such a position was not actually held by St. Peter. The controversy is of such enormous proportions that it can only be alluded to here, but a few of the innumerable books that deal with the subject are mentioned in the list of Literature at the end. </p> <p> ( <i> c </i> ) These inward and outward bonds of union give a real numerical unity to the Church, so that it will be one in any one place, one throughout the world, and one in all time. Nothing less than this can satisfy the conception of unity put before us in the NT. But it must be noted, in the third place, that unity may be real while it is still <i> imperfect </i> . The perfection of the Church, in respect of unity as well as of all other characteristics, is possible only when all its members are perfect, and therefore it cannot be fully realized in this life. Any loosening of those bonds which have been mentioned, whether inward or outward, must necessarily impair unity. It is not necessary that there should be an outward breach. A lack of charity, leading to party spirit, such as existed at Corinth, was regarded by St. Paul as impairing the unity of the Church although no visible severance had taken place. A want of faith, or errors concerning the faith, must have the same effect. A departure from the faith of the Church on fundamental matters is called ‘heresy,’ and any great want of either charity or faith on the part of a section of the Church commonly leads to a breach of the external conditions of union, which is called ‘schism.’ This again admits of different degrees, and is of two principal kinds. A suspension or refusal of communion between two parts of the Church undoubtedly amounts to a schism, even though both parts retain the due administration of the sacraments and the Apostolic ministry. Such a schism has arisen between the Churches of the East and the West, and it was the work of centuries of gradual estrangement, so that it is impossible to say at what precise moment the want of intercommunion became such as to amount to a formal schism. There is a breach of a very similar character between the [[Anglican]] Churches and those which adhere to the [[Roman]] obedience. There is also another kind of schism, which is caused when bodies of baptized persons form new associations which do not claim to be connected with the Apostolic Church, or which reject the sacraments. There is no other cause for such breaches of outward communion than the imperfection of the faith and charity of the members of the Church. But if such imperfection does not in itself destroy the unity of the Church, the external consequences which naturally result from it do not necessarily do so. [[Heresy]] and schism impair unity, but do not altogether destroy it, just as the spiritual life of the individual is not altogether destroyed even by grievous sins. </p> <p> <i> 1. The [[Invisible]] Church </i> .—So far only the unity of that part of the Church which is on earth has been spoken of. But members of the Body of Christ do not cease to be united to Him, and therefore to each other after death. That part of the Church which has passed away from earth is called the Invisible Church, in contrast to the [[Visible]] Church upon earth, but they are essentially one. With regard to the state of the departed, very little direct teaching is recorded to have been given by Christ Himself, and we must not presume to speculate too much where knowledge has been withheld. [[Perhaps]] little more can be said than that in the parable of [[Dives]] and [[Lazarus]] (Luke 16:19-31) Christ gave a general sanction to current Jewish beliefs as to the state of the departed, and that His words to the penitent thief (Luke 23:43) assure us that union with Himself is not impaired by death. If this is so, it is sufficient justification for the universal belief of early Christians, that the Invisible Church is united to the Visible by common worship. </p> <p> <b> 2. Holiness. </b> —The Church may be called holy because it is a [[Divine]] institution, of which Christ is the head, and the special sphere of the working of the Holy Spirit, or because its members, being united to Christ as the branches are to a vine or the limbs to a body, are called to a life of holiness, and have a real though imperfect holiness infused into them. [[Something]] has already been said on these first points, and it is hardly necessary to show at length that Christ required holiness from His followers (John 17:16-19, Matthew 5:48). It is no less evident that the holiness spoken of here and elsewhere is a progressive holiness. </p> <p> One difficulty which has arisen with regard to this characteristic of the Church is that the want of holiness in many of those who have fulfilled the outward conditions of Church membership has often in Church history led to attempts to secure greater purity by a sacrifice of external unity. The Novatians, the Donatists, and many later bodies of separatists, have made such attempts. The persistency of this tendency in the face of such teaching of Christ as is contained in the parables of the [[Tares]] and the Draw-net is somewhat surprising, but at all events it testifies to a deep underlying conviction of the necessity of holiness. St. Paul emphasizes the holiness of any body of Christians which he addresses, by giving them the title of ‘saints,’ however imperfect many of the individuals might be (Romans 1:7, 1 Corinthians 1:2, 2 Corinthians 1:1, Ephesians 1:1, Philippians 1:1, Colossians 1:2; cf. Acts 9:32). They are both individually and collectively a holy temple, and the habitation of the Holy [[Spirit]] (1 Corinthians 3:10-11; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Corinthians 6:19, Ephesians 2:16-22). And, as has already been pointed out, he does not draw any sharp line of division between the imperfect society on earth and that which shall be perfected hereafter (Ephesians 5:25-27): he regards both the individual and the society as being already that which they are becoming. </p> <p> ‘As a whole the Church is holy in that it retains faithfully those means of sanctification which Christ gave her, holy Sacraments, holy laws, holy teaching, so that, amid whatever imperfections, her whole aim is that the tendency of her acts and her teaching shall be to promote holiness and the inward spiritual life.… An university is learned, or a city rich, which abounds in learning or riches, although there may be many unlearned or poor, and although the learned or rich may yet be short of the ideal of learning or wealth.’—Forbes, <i> Nic. [[Creed]] </i> , p. 278. </p> <p> <b> 3. Catholicity. </b> —The earliest extant use of the word ‘Catholic’ as applied to the Church is in [[Ignatius]] ( <i> ad Smyrn </i> . viii. 2): ‘Wherever the bishop appears, there must the multitude be; just as wherever Christ [[Jesus]] is, there is the [[Catholic]] Church.’ The natural sense of the word would appear to be that of the Church throughout all the world as opposed to that in one place; but this is not the sense in which the term has been commonly used. The Church has been called ‘Catholic’ not because it has actually extended throughout the world, for this it has never yet done, nor even simply because it is destined to be so extended, but rather as possessing characteristics which make it capable of being a universal religion, adapted to all classes of men in all parts of the world, and throughout all time. Even apart from particular words of Christ, such as those recorded in Matthew 28:19, nothing is more apparent in His teaching than that the religion which He taught was intended to be a universal religion, in special contrast to Judaism, which, like the religions of the ancient world generally, was a strictly national religion, and appealed only to a part of mankind. In spite of the many anticipations of universalism which are to be found in Jewish prophecy, the controversy which took place in the early Church about the observance of the Jewish law shows with what difficulty the idea was accepted by those who had been Jews. This quality, again, of universal applicability to all men at all times can belong only to a Divine revelation sufficient for the needs of all mankind. Such a revelation Christ professed to give, and the [[Catholicity]] of the Church must depend upon its faithfulness to the fulness of the truth revealed in Christ. And so, in addition to the idea of universal extension, the word Catholic has been used to convey the idea of orthodoxy in the communion of the Church. The well-known definition of [[Cyril]] of Jerusalem ( <i> [[Cat]] </i> . xviii. 23) co-ordinates these two ideas. ‘The Church is called Catholic because it extends throughout the whole world … because it teaches completely all doctrines which men ought to know … because it brings into subjection to godliness the whole race of men … and because it treats and heals every sort of sins … and has in it every form of virtue.’ In this sense the Church was called Catholic when it was very far from being extended even over a considerable part of the world, and the term can be applied even to the Church in a particular place, as being in communion with and possessing the characteristics of the whole. So in the <i> [[Martyrdom]] of [[Polycarp]] </i> he is spoken of as ‘Bishop of the Catholic Church that is in Smyrna.’ The Church or any part of it approaches the ideal of Catholicity in proportion as it possesses all the qualities which are necessary to make it literally universal; and, on the other hand, ‘everything which hinders or lessens the capacity of the Church to be universal, everything which deprives it of part of the full truth or inserts in its teaching anything which does not belong to the truth, everything which cramps its power of getting rid of sin and increasing godliness, has a tendency to draw the Church away from the ideal of its Catholic life. To become such that it could not appeal to the whole world or to all classes of men, to deny essential parts of the revealed faith, to become in its accepted principles a necessary instrument of some sins or a necessary opponent of some virtues, would be, in proportion as this was wilful and deliberate and fully carried out, a sinking below the minimum which the note of Catholicity requires’ (Stone, <i> The Church </i> , p. 59). </p> <p> <b> 4. Apostolicity. </b> —It has already been pointed out that Christ selected twelve of His followers to stand in a specially close relation to Himself, and to be charged with a special mission. In what is probably the earliest account of their appointment (Mark 3:14), it is said they were to ‘be with him,’ and that He would ‘send them forth.’ [[Hence]] they were called Apostles (Luke 6:13). The nature of this relation and this mission must now be examined in order to ascertain the sense in which the Church may be called Apostolic. It may first be noticed that a sharp distinction has sometimes been drawn between the position of the Twelve as representative disciples, that is, as standing in a specially close relationship to Christ, of the same kind, however, as that of other disciples, and their position as Apostles, that is, as men sent forth on a special mission. No such sharp distinction is drawn in the NT, nor does it appear to be necessary. The two things are spoken of in the passage of St. Mark just referred to as two sides of the same fact, not as two separable things. The close discipleship was necessary to fit the Apostles for their mission, and it therefore formed part of it. </p> <p> The nature of this Apostolic mission is stated in the most comprehensive terms in John 20:21. ‘As the Father hath sent me, even so send I you’; that is to say, it was the task of carrying on upon earth the work of Christ Himself. It seems to be of little or no consequence to our estimate of the nature of the Apostolic functions whether others besides the Twelve were present upon the occasion when these particular words were spoken. The Twelve are frequently called ‘the disciples,’ especially in the Fourth Gospel. And the mission of the Apostles is not a separate thing from the mission of the Church. If, as St. Paul so constantly teaches, the Church is one body with many members, the acts of the organs of the body are the acts of the body itself. St. Paul insists equally strongly upon the unity of the whole and the differentiation of function within the whole. And so the point to be considered is not whether a separate mission was given to the Apostles apart from that of the whole Church, but rather what special functions of the Church were committed to the Apostles to be performed, by themselves or under their direction, on the Church’s behalf. </p> <p> ( <i> a </i> ) One principal object with which the Apostles were sent out in the first instance was undoubtedly that they might <i> teach </i> (Mark 3:14). And it is equally clear that this was not merely a temporary, but a permanent function. Even the special directions given to them on their first sending out (Matthew 10) are not intelligible unless a continuance of the work of teaching be understood. And the Twelve were specially trained by close and continual intercourse with Christ for the work of being witnesses to Him (Acts 1:8), and it is clear that they considered this as one of their special functions (Acts 1:22, Acts 2:32, Acts 3:15, Acts 4:33 etc.). And although this personal witness to the actions and words of Christ was necessarily confined to those who had been with Him, the transmission of the witness and the function of teaching in general are permanent. The commission given by Christ to the Twelve to make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19-20) is one which was not, and could not be, accomplished by themselves in person, and it implies the continuance of the teaching office of the Church until this end is accomplished. So it is recognized as one of the special duties of those who were appointed by the Apostles to take part in their work (1 Timothy 3:12-13; 1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Timothy 6:20, 2 Timothy 1:14; 2 Timothy 2:2, Titus 2:15 etc.). It is this teaching work of the Church which corresponds to the prophetical office of Christ Himself. </p> <p> ( <i> b </i> ) <i> The worship of the Church </i> .—The Sacraments, which were especially committed to the Apostles, have been spoken of as social acts necessary to the existence and cohesion of the Church as a visible society. They are also means by which the relation of the Church to God is expressed, and channels by which the individual receives Divine grace. The worship of the Church centres and culminates in the Eucharist, the specially appointed action by which the Church takes part in the sacrifice offered by Christ. It makes a memorial of that part of His sacrificial work which has been accomplished in time (Luke 22:29, 1 Corinthians 11:26), and it unites itself with Him in His present mediatorial work of pleading that sacrifice in heaven (Hebrews 7:24-25). So the whole Church, as the Body of Christ, takes part in His priestly work (1 Peter 2:9, Revelation 5:9-10), and this has always been emphasized by the language of all the liturgies. See artt. Lord’s Supper, Sacraments. </p> <p> ( <i> c </i> ) <i> [[Discipline]] </i> .—A visible society could hardly exist, or at least continue to exist, without some form of discipline. Christ sanctioned for His followers (Matthew 18:15), not only individual remonstrance, which may be considered as the gentlest form in which discipline can be administered (cf. 1 Thessalonians 5:14), but also, in the case of the failure of this, the collective censure of the community (cf. 1 Timothy 5:20, Galatians 2:11), and in the last resort the exercise of the natural right of a society to expel one of its members (cf. 1 Corinthians 5:5, 2 Corinthians 2:5-10). These last passages alone would suffice to show, what is certain enough, that the power of excommunication was recognized and practised in the Church from the earliest times. </p> <p> A still more emphatic commission was given by Christ to St. Peter (Matthew 16:19), and to ‘the disciples’ (18:18). [[Whatever]] may be the exact meaning of these words, it is difficult to give them any interpretation which does not include the idea of jurisdiction. At all events the words in John 20:22-23 relate directly to discipline, and are of the most unqualified character. If the historical character of these passages is admitted, there can be no doubt that a disciplinary commission was given. There have been, however, differences of opinion as to the persons to whom it was given. The chief views held on this point may be roughly classed under four heads. </p> <p> (α) It has been held that the position of St. Peter was different in kind from that of the other Apostles, and that jurisdiction was given directly to him alone, and to the other Apostles through him, and that the same holds good of his successors. (β) That jurisdiction was given directly to all the Apostles, and is inherent in their office and in that of their successors, but that it can be legitimately exercised only by those who preserve the unity of the Church by being in union with St. Peter and his successors. (γ) That jurisdiction was given equally to all the Apostles and their successors as the [[Divinely]] appointed organs of the Church, and that only a primacy of honour belonged to St. Peter or is due to his successors. ‘All the Apostles were equal in mission, equal in commission, equal in power, equal in honour, equal in all things, except priority of order, without which no society can well subsist’ (Bramhall). (δ) That the Apostles received no gift of jurisdiction from Christ Himself, and that any powers which they or their successors exercised were gradually conferred upon them by the act of the Church or of parts of it. </p> <p> [[Closely]] connected with directly disciplinary functions are those general powers of direction and administration which must be exercised in a society by some persons appointed for the purpose. That they were used by the Apostles, even with regard to secular matters, is plain from the Acts and Epistles. The Apostolic background is everywhere present in the former book, and St. Paul assumes such powers throughout ( <i> e.g. </i> 1 Corinthians 11:34). It is by the exercise of such powers of discipline and government that the Church participates in the kingly office of Christ. </p> <p> We may therefore conclude that the Church may be sailed Apostolic in so far as it has held fast to the teaching, worship, and discipline of the Church as intrusted by Christ to the Apostles, and according to the order established by them. </p> <p> <i> [[Note]] </i> .— <i> The words ‘church’ and </i> ἐκκλησία.—The word ‘church’ is found in a great variety of forms in the [[Teutonic]] and [[Slavonic]] languages as the exact equivalent of ἐκκλησία, which has passed into [[Latin]] and all the [[Romanic]] and [[Celtic]] languages. There has been much dispute about its ultimate derivation. [[Suggested]] derivations from the Latin <i> circus </i> and from the Gothic are now set aside by philologists as impossible. The only derivation that will bear examination is from the [[Greek]] κυριακόν. This is used in the <i> Apost. Const </i> . ( <i> circa (about) </i> a.d. 300?) and in the canons of several councils early in the 4th cent., and was afterwards fairly common in the East. It means ‘of the Lord,’ and is used of ‘the house of the Lord, δῶμκ being understood. The derivation of ‘church’ from κυριακον is not free from philological difficulties, and there is no sufficient historical explanation of the curious fact that a less common Greek word should have been adopted by the Teutonic languages in place of the usual ἐκκλησία. But there is no other even plausible explanation of the derivation of the word ‘church.’ </p> <p> The word ἐκκλησία is common in classical Greek in the sense of an assembly of the people—literally, <i> the calling them out </i> (ἑκκαλέω) by the voice of a herald or otherwise. It is used in the LXX [[Septuagint]] as the translation of the Hebrew word <i> kâhâl </i> , which has a similar derivation and meaning. [[Another]] word, <i> ‘çdhâh </i> , is commonly translated by συναγωγῆ, and means properly the congregation itself, whereas <i> kâhâl </i> means rather the assembly of the congregation; but there is no sharp distinction between the words, and in the later books of the OT <i> ‘çdhâh </i> almost disappears, and <i> kâhâl </i> or ἐκκλησία combines both shades of meaning. There is little or no evidence as to the precise contemporary ideas which would have been conveyed to a [[Jew]] of our Lord’s time by the use of these words, but they could not fail to recall the thought of Israel as the congregation of God, and to suggest the idea of a Divine society. </p> <p> It has often been supposed that the word ἐκκλησία was intended to convey the idea of a people or a number of persons called out of the world for the special service of God. The idea of Israel as a chosen people and the idea of the special election and vocation of Christians occur constantly in the Scriptures, but they never appear to be connected with the words ἐκκλησία or <i> kâhâl </i> . In both these words the idea of the summons to the assembly, which is their original significance, practically disappears, and the words mean simply the assembly itself, or the people who meet in assembly. See artt. ‘Congregation’ and ‘Church’ in Hasting's [[Dictionary]] of the Bible. </p> <p> The fact that the word ἐκκλησία is found in the Gospels only in the two passages of St. Matthew already discussed, has led some to suppose that these passages are later insertions into the original narrative, made at a time when the idea of the Christian society had been developed, and when it was desired to add authority to the idea by a reference to the teaching of Christ. If, however, the view taken above of the general tendency of Christ’s work and teaching is correct, His connexion with the Church does not depend upon these two passages only, and there would be much difficulty in explaining the fact that this term and no other was universally applied to the Christian society from the time of the Apostles onwards, unless it were the natural equivalent of [[Aramaic]] terms used by Christ Himself. </p> <p> Literature.—The number of books which deal with the subject of the Church from exactly the point of view taken in this article may not be very large, but the literature which bears more or less upon the original constitution and characteristics of the Church is of stupendous extent; and the most that can he done here is to mention a very few specimens of different classes of books which relate to different parts of the subject. In the first place, most commentaries on the NT deal with the exegesis of the passages which bear upon the Church, but it is not worth while to attempt a selection here. The writings of most of the early [[Fathers]] contain either contributions to the history of the growth of the Church, or information as to the opinions of the writers on the subject. A few specially important works are mentioned below. During the [[Middle]] [[Ages]] there was a great mass of literature dealing with the [[Papal]] authority and the relations of the Church to the State. From the time of [[Hildebrand]] onwards this aspect of the question was especially prominent. The [[Reformation]] period naturally produced abundant discussions in which the presuppositions of the Middle Ages were to a great extent laid aside. In modern times, and especially during the last fifty years, the early institutions of the Church have been investigated with great minuteness, especially by German writers, and there has been a great abundance of general Church Histories, which often contain discussions on the doctrine of the Church. This is also dealt with in all treatises on Christian doctrine to a greater or less extent, and from all points of view. The books mentioned below must be regarded merely as examples of the different kinds of works in which the subject may he studied. </p> <p> <i> [[Early]] Writers: [[Patres]] [[Apostolici]] </i> (ed. Lightfoot); Irenaeus, <i> circa (about) </i> <i> Haeres </i> , iii. 1–9; Tertullian, <i> de Praescr. Haeret. </i> ; Cyprian, <i> de Unitate Eccles., de Lapsis </i> ; Augustine, <i> de Baptismo </i> , and <i> circa (about) </i> <i> Donatistas </i> . </p> <p> <i> General Church [[Histories]] </i> : Neander, <i> History of the [[Planting]] and [[Training]] of the Christian Church </i> (English translation (1851); Gieseler. <i> [[Compendium]] of Eccles. [[Hist]] </i> . (English translation 1846); Renan, <i> Origines du Christianisme </i> (1883); Schaff, <i> History of the Apostolic Age </i> (1886); Weizsäcker, <i> Apostolic Age </i> (English translation 1895); Ramsay, <i> The Church in the Romon Empire </i> (1893); Cheetham, <i> History of the Christian Church </i> (1894). </p> <p> <i> Church [[Organization]] </i> : Ritschl, <i> [[Die]] Entstehung der Alt. kath. Kirche </i> (1857); Lightfoot, <i> The Christian [[Ministry]] </i> (1868); Hatch, <i> Organization of the Early Christian Churches </i> (1880); Sohm, <i> Kirchenrecht </i> (1892); Gore, <i> The Ministry of the Christian Church </i> (1888); Lindsay, <i> The Church and the Ministry </i> (1902). </p> <p> <i> [[Doctrinal]] Books (General.) </i> : (Roman Catholic) Scheeben, <i> Handbuch der Kath. Dogmatik </i> (1878); Schouppe, <i> Elementa Theologiae Dogmaticae </i> (1861); Hunter, <i> Outlines of [[Dogmatic]] [[Theology]] </i> (1895); (Lutheran) Dorner, <i> [[System]] of Christian [[Doctrine]] </i> (English translation 1880); Martensen, <i> Christian [[Dogmatics]] </i> (English translation 1866); (non-Catholic) Harnack, <i> History of [[Dogma]] </i> (English translation 1894); Seeberg, <i> Dogmengesch </i> . (1886); (Anglican) Forbes, <i> [[Explanation]] of the Thirty-nine Articles </i> (1867), and <i> Explanation of the [[Nicene]] Creed </i> (1865); Mason, <i> The [[Faith]] of the Gospel </i> (1888); Gibson, <i> The Thirty-nine Articles </i> (1896); Stone, <i> Outlines of Christian Dogma </i> (1900). </p> <p> <i> Books bearing more exclusively on the subject of this article </i> : Lacordaire, <i> Conférences de l’Église </i> (1849); Seeley, <i> Ecce [[Homo]] </i> (1866); Gore, <i> Roman Catholic Claims </i> (1898); Hort, <i> The Christian Ecclesia </i> (1893); Moberly, <i> [[Ministerial]] [[Priesthood]] </i> (1897); Robertson, <i> Regnum Dei </i> (1902); Tyrrell Green, <i> The Church of Christ </i> (1902). </p> <p> J. H. Maude. </p>
== Bridgeway Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_18470" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_32208" /> ==
<p> After the repeated failures that characterized the early days of human history, [[God]] declared his purpose to choose for himself a people through whom he would work a plan of salvation for people everywhere. He began by choosing one man, Abraham, and promising to make from him a nation that would belong to God and be his channel of blessing to the world. The people of this nation, Israel, were therefore both the physical descendants of [[Abraham]] and the chosen people of God (Genesis 12:1-3; Exodus 6:7-8; Exodus 19:5-6; Psalms 105:6; John 8:33; John 8:37; Acts 13:26). </p> <p> This did not mean, however, that all those born into the [[Israelite]] race were, because of their nationality, forgiven their sins and blessed with God’s eternal salvation. The history of [[Israel]] shows that from the beginning most of the people were ungodly and unrepentant. [[Certainly]] there were those who, like Abraham, trusted God and desired to follow him obediently, but they were always only a minority within the nation (Isaiah 1:4; Isaiah 1:11-20; Amos 5:14-15; Romans 11:2-7; 1 Corinthians 10:1-5; Hebrews 3:16). These were God’s true people, the true Israel, the true children of Abraham (Romans 2:28-29; Romans 4:9-12; Romans 9:6-8). </p> <p> From this faithful minority (or remnant) there came one person, [[Jesus]] the Messiah, who was the one particular descendant of Abraham to whom all God’s promises to Abraham pointed. God’s ideals for Israel and his promised blessings for the human race were fulfilled in Jesus (Galatians 3:14; Galatians 3:16). Jesus then took the few remaining faithful [[Israelites]] of his day and made them the nucleus of the new people of God, the [[Christian]] church (Matthew 16:18). </p> <p> The church, then, was both old and new. It was old in that it was a continuation of that body of believers who in every age had remained faithful to God. It was new in that it would not formally come into existence till after Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension (Matthew 16:18; Matthew 16:21; Acts 1:4-5; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 2:9). It was ‘born’ a few days after Jesus’ ascension, on the day of [[Pentecost]] (Acts 2:1-4), and will reach its glorious destiny at Jesus’ return (Philippians 3:20-21; Hebrews 12:22-24; Revelation 19:7-9). </p> <p> God’s new community </p> <p> The word which Jesus used and which has been translated ‘church’ meant originally a collection of people – a meeting, gathering or community. It was the word used for the Old [[Testament]] community of Israel, and was particularly suitable for the new community, the Christian church, that came into being on the day of Pentecost (Exodus 12:3; Exodus 12:6; Exodus 35:1; Exodus 35:4; Deuteronomy 9:10; Deuteronomy 23:3; Matthew 16:18; Matthew 18:17; Acts 5:11; Acts 7:38; Acts 8:1; Acts 11:26). </p> <p> On that day Jesus, having returned to his heavenly Father, sent the [[Holy]] [[Spirit]] to indwell his disciples as he had promised (Luke 24:49; John 7:39; John 14:16-17; John 14:26; John 16:7). This was the baptism with the Holy Spirit of which Jesus had spoken and through which all who were already believers were bound together to form one united body, the church (Acts 1:4-5; Acts 2:33; see BAPTISM WITH THE SPIRIT). </p> <p> From that time on, all who repent and believe the gospel are, through that same baptism with the Spirit, immediately made part of that one body and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38; Acts 2:47; 1 Corinthians 12:13). This applies equally to all people, irrespective of sex, age, status or race, for all are one in [[Christ]] Jesus (Acts 2:17-18; Acts 2:39). The new people of God consists of Abraham’s spiritual descendants, those who have been saved through faith in Christ, regardless of their nationality or social standing (Galatians 3:14; Galatians 3:28-29). </p> <p> By his act of uniting in one body people who were once in conflict with each other, God has carried out part of a wider plan he has for his creation. That plan is for the ultimate removal of all conflict and all evil from the universe, and the establishment of perfect peace and unity through Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:9-10; Ephesians 2:13-16; Ephesians 3:8-11). </p> <p> The body of Christ </p> <p> Christ and the church, being inseparably united, make up one complete whole, just as the head and the body together make up one complete person. Through his resurrection and ascension, Jesus Christ became head over the church and the source of its life and growth (Ephesians 1:20-23; Ephesians 4:15-16; Colossians 1:18; Colossians 2:19; Colossians 3:1-4). </p> <p> As the head has absolute control over the body, so Christ has supreme authority over the church (Ephesians 1:22-23). On the other hand, as the body shares in the life of the head, so the church shares in the life of the risen Christ. It is united with him in his victory over death and all the evil spiritual forces of the universe (Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 1:21; Ephesians 2:5-7; Ephesians 3:10; Ephesians 3:21; Colossians 2:13-15). </p> <p> If the picture of the body emphasizes the life, unity and growth that Christ gives to the church, the picture of marriage emphasizes the love that Christ has for the church. That love was so great that, to gain the church as his bride, Christ laid down his life in sacrifice (Ephesians 5:25; cf. Acts 20:28). Both pictures illustrate Christ’s headship of the church (Ephesians 1:22-23; Ephesians 5:23), and both make it clear that God can accept the church as holy and faultless only because it shares the life and righteousness of Christ (Ephesians 5:26-27; Colossians 1:22). </p> <p> This view of the church in all its perfection as the body of Christ is one that only God sees. The view that people in general see is one of imperfection, because the church exists in a world where everything is spoiled by human sin and failure (cf. 1 Corinthians 1:2 with 1 Corinthians 3:1-3; cf. Ephesians 1:1-4 with Ephesians 4:25-32). God sees the church as the total number of all believers in all nations in all eras – a vast, ongoing, international community commonly referred to as the church universal. But people see it only in the form of those believers who are living in a particular place at a particular time. </p> <p> [[Within]] what people in general see as the church there are genuine believers and those who have no true faith in Christ at all. [[Often]] it is difficult to tell the difference between the two, and the only certain division will take place at the final judgment. Only God knows which people are really his (Matthew 13:47-50; Matthew 25:31-46; 1 Corinthians 4:3-5; 1 Corinthians 10:1-11; 2 Corinthians 13:5; 2 Timothy 2:19). </p> <p> The local church </p> <p> While the [[Bible]] sometimes speaks of the church as a timeless and universal community, more commonly it speaks of it as a group of [[Christians]] meeting together in a particular locality. This community is the church in that locality. It is the local expression, a sort of miniature, of the timeless universal church (Acts 13:1; Acts 15:41; Acts 20:17; 1 Corinthians 1:2). </p> <p> Each local church, though in fellowship with other local churches (Acts 11:27-30; 1 Corinthians 16:1-4; Colossians 4:15-16), is responsible directly to the head, Jesus Christ, in all things. The New Testament gives no guidelines for a central organization or head church to control all others. It lays down no set of laws either to hold the churches together in one body or to hold all the believers in one church together. [[Unity]] comes through a oneness of faith in the Spirit (Ephesians 4:4-6). </p> <p> It is therefore better to think of the church not as an organization or institution, but as a family. Christ is the head, and all the believers are brothers and sisters (Galatians 6:10; Ephesians 2:19; Romans 15:30; Romans 16:1; Romans 16:23). The strength of the church comes not from some organizational system, but from the spiritual life that each believer has and that all believers share in common (Acts 14:23; Philippians 1:7; Philippians 2:1-2; 1 John 1:3; see FELLOWSHIP). </p> <p> According to Christ’s command and the early church’s example, those who repent and believe the gospel should be baptized (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:38; Acts 2:41; Acts 10:48; see BAPTISM). By their faith they become members of Christ’s body, the church, and they show the truth of this union by joining with the Christians in their locality. In other words, having become part of the timeless universal church, they now become part of the local church (Acts 2:41; Acts 2:47). </p> <p> The Bible gives no instructions concerning where the church in any one locality should meet. (Churches in New Testament times seem to have met in private homes or any ready-made places they could find; see Acts 12:12; Acts 19:9; Acts 20:7-8; Romans 16:5; Romans 16:14-15; Colossians 4:15.) The meetings of the church are to be orderly and, what is more important, spiritually helpful (1 Corinthians 14:12; 1 Corinthians 14:26; 1 Corinthians 14:40). Christians must be built up through being taught the [[Scriptures]] and through having fellowship by worshipping, praying, singing praises and celebrating the Lord’s [[Supper]] together (Acts 2:42; Acts 20:7; Acts 20:27; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; 1 Corinthians 11:23-33; 1 Corinthians 14:15; see LORD’S SUPPER; WORSHIP). </p> <p> Christians must not look upon the church as a sort of private fellowship that exists solely for their own benefit. From the church they must go out to spread the gospel to others, baptizing those who believe, bringing them into the church, teaching them the Christian truths and making them true disciples of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:7-8; Acts 8:4; Romans 10:14-17). </p> <p> In addition, the church should be concerned with helping those who are the victims of sickness, hunger, conflict, injustice and other misfortunes (Matthew 25:34-40; Romans 12:8; Romans 12:13; Galatians 6:10; James 1:27). As with preaching the gospel, this ministry concerns both the church’s own locality and distant regions (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:45; Acts 11:27-30; Acts 13:2-4; Romans 15:25-26; see MISSION). </p> <p> [[Leadership]] in the churches </p> <p> [[Although]] the Bible gives clear guidelines concerning the responsibilities of the local church, it gives few organizational details. Christians grow in maturity as they exercise their judgment and carry out their responsibilities (Romans 12:6-8). </p> <p> This does not mean that people may do as they like. The Spirit of the living Christ dwells within the church (1 Corinthians 3:16), and he has appointed leaders in the church to guide and feed it (Acts 20:28). Their task is to work out how to apply the Bible’s timeless principles to the circumstances of their era and culture (1 Corinthians 14:26; 1 Corinthians 14:40; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; 1 Timothy 3:15; 1 Timothy 4:13-15; 2 Timothy 2:7). </p> <p> Those leaders who are chiefly responsible for the church’s well-being are commonly called elders. Deacons are those who assist the elders by relieving them of some of the more routine affairs (Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:1; 1 Timothy 3:8; see ELDER; DEACON). People who fill these leadership positions may be gifted in various ways. God has given certain sorts of people to the church to help build it up – apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4:11) – and such people can be expected to be in positions of leadership in the church. </p> <p> [[Apostles]] and prophets appear to have been given to the church mainly to instruct and direct it during the period of its infancy (Ephesians 2:20; see APOSTLE; PROPHET). [[Evangelists]] are people with special ability in making known the gospel and establishing churches in places where previously there were none (Acts 14:1; Acts 14:21; Acts 14:23; Acts 21:8; 2 Timothy 4:5; see EVANGELIST). [[Pastors]] and teachers care for the church as a shepherd cares for his flock, feeding it with spiritual food and protecting it from spiritual dangers (John 21:15-17; Acts 20:28; 1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Peter 5:2; see PASTOR; TEACHER). </p> <p> The Bible does not divide people too sharply into one or other of these categories, as there is clearly some overlapping within the functions. Also some people may combine within them several of these gifts; e.g. [[Paul]] (Romans 15:20; 1 Timothy 1:1; 1 Timothy 2:7), James (Galatians 1:19; Galatians 2:9-10), Timothy (1 Timothy 4:13-16; 2 Timothy 4:5), [[Barnabas]] (Acts 11:22-26; Acts 14:14), [[Silas]] (Acts 15:32; Acts 17:10-14) and others. </p> <p> Responsibilities of church members </p> <p> There is no suggestion in the Bible that people with these gifts are the only ones who do spiritual work in the church. On the contrary, the purpose of their work is to equip others to work. They build up the Christians and so prepare them for fuller Christian service (Ephesians 4:11-13). The gifted ones teach others who, in turn, pass on the teaching to others (2 Timothy 2:2). </p> <p> [[Every]] member of the church has some gift that the Holy Spirit has given for the service of God (1 Corinthians 12:11; 1 Corinthians 12:18). Just as the human body is made up of many parts, all with different functions, so is the church which is Christ’s body. [[Yet]] with the variety there is equality. The church, unlike ancient Israel, has no exclusive class of religious officials who have spiritual privileges that ordinary people do not have (Romans 12:4-8; 1 Corinthians 12:12; 1 Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians 2:18-20). There are many gifts, but Christians must use these gifts in dependence upon the Spirit’s power and in accordance with the Spirit’s teaching (1 Corinthians 12:4-11; 1 Corinthians 13:1-2; 1 Corinthians 14:37). </p> <p> If a local church is to operate properly, each person in that church must find out which gifts the Holy Spirit has given him or her and then develop them (Romans 12:6-8; 1 Timothy 4:14-16). When people act with such honesty and responsibility, they will not fall to the temptations of pride on one hand or jealousy on the other. Instead, through the care of the members one for another, the church will be built up (1 Corinthians 12:14-30; see GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT). </p> <p> [[Right]] attitudes and conduct </p> <p> [[Another]] picture of the church is that of a building (1 Corinthians 3:9-10); specifically, a temple in which God dwells (1 Peter 2:5). Apostles and prophets form the foundation, other believers form the main building, and all is built around and built into Christ. This emphasizes again the cooperation and harmony that there should be among all within the church (Ephesians 2:20-22). It also emphasizes that the church must be holy, for it is God’s dwelling place (1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 6:16-17). </p> <p> Since God’s church is holy, it must deal with those who are guilty of serious errors in wrong teaching or wrong behaviour (1 Corinthians 5:1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:1-5; Titus 1:10-13; Titus 3:10). Wrongdoers must at least be warned or rebuked (2 Thessalonians 3:14-15; 1 Timothy 1:3-7; 1 Timothy 5:19-20), both for their own benefit and for the benefit of others in the church who may be affected by their wrongdoing (1 Corinthians 5:6-7; 2 Timothy 2:14-18; Hebrews 12:15; 3 John 1:9-10). [[Whatever]] action the church takes against wrongdoers should be with a view to restoring them to healthy spiritual life. It should not drive them further away from God and his people (2 Corinthians 2:5-11; Galatians 6:1). </p> <p> Some, however, may be so hardened in their sinful ways that they refuse to acknowledge their wrongdoing, and the church may have to expel them from its fellowship. But there is still the hope that because of such severe punishment, the wrongdoers may see the seriousness of their errors and turn from them (Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 5:1-5; 1 Corinthians 5:11-13; 1 Timothy 1:19-20). </p> <p> The imperfections in the church can at times discourage people from full involvement in the church’s life. Some may even be tempted to try to live as Christians while keeping themselves apart from the church. But a person cannot reject the church and still live the Christian life properly. The church is not a club that a few like-minded people have formed, but a community that God himself has formed (Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 3:9-11; Colossians 3:15). It is the body of Christ, and all Christians are part of it. They must therefore learn to function as part of the body if they are to function properly as Christians. [[Participation]] in the life of the church is necessary for Christian growth and maturity (Ephesians 4:12-13). </p>
<p> We give some additional details respecting the church edifices: </p> <p> "The earliest [[Church]] property, so called, dates from the reign of [[Alexander]] Severns, 222-235. Oiptatuus of Milevi mentions forty churches at Rome. From the time of Gallieuus (260) to the edict of [[Diocletian]] for their destruction, in. 303, the [[Christians]] had their use; aid the Acts of St. [[Theodotus]] of Ancyra, martyred by that emperor, allude to. an apsidal church. The original [[Christian]] churches were oblong, looking eastward, with the chambers of the clergy on either side, and two western doors as separate entrances for men and women. [[Afterwards]] churches were built in various forms in the shape of a cross, square, or round; the former were vaulted, and the latter had wooden ceilings. All were apsidal, and their orientation is called by Paulinuis the more usual form; but Stephen, bishop of Tournay, speaks of it as a peculiarity of St. Benet's, Paris, in a letter to pope [[Lucius]] III, and in some [[Italian]] churches at his day, the celebrant at the altar faced the west. About the year 1000 — the fancied millennium of some ancient writers — architecture came nearly to a standstil. Churches were not repaired, much less rebuilt; for, as [[William]] of [[Tyre]] said, the evening of days seemed to have fallen upon the world, and the coming of the [[Son]] of Man to draw near; while charters of foundation, rare as they were, bore the ominous heading, forasmuch as the world's end approacheth. But about the beginning </p>
== Charles Buck Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_19416" /> ==
<p> 1. The [[Greek]] word denotes an assembly met about business, whether lawful or unlawful, Acts 19:32; Acts 19:39 . </p> <p> 2. It is understood of the collective body of Christians, or all those over the face of the earth who profess to believe in Christ, and acknowledge him to be the [[Saviour]] of mankind: this is called the visible church, Ephesians 3:21 . 1 Timothy 3:15 . Ephesians 4:11-12 . </p> <p> 3. By the word church, also, we are to understand the whole body of God's chosen people, in every period of time: this is the invisible church. Those on earth are also called the militant, and those in heaven the triumphant church, Hebrews 12:23 . Acts 20:28 . Ephesians 1:1-23 Matthew 16:28 . </p> <p> 4. By a particular church we understand an assembly of [[Christians]] united together, and meeting in one place for the solemn worship of God. To this agree the definition given by the compilers of the thirty-nine articles: </p> <p> "A congregation of faithful men, in which the true word of [[God]] is preached, and the sacraments duly administered according to Christ's ordinances, in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the same." Acts 9:31 . Galatians 1:2; Galatians 1:22 . 1 Corinthians 14:34 . Acts 20:17 . Colossians 4:15 . </p> <p> 5. The word is now used also to denote any particular denomination of Christians distinguished by particular doctrines, ceremonies, &c.: as the [[Romish]] church, Greek church. and [[English]] church, &c. [[Congregational]] church is so called from their maintaining that each congregation of Christians which meet in one place for religious worship is a complete church, and has sufficient power to act and perform every thing relative to religious government within itself, and is in no respect subject or accountable to any other church. It does not appear, say they, that the primitive churches were national; they were not even provincial; for, though there were many believers and professing Christians in Judea, in Galilee, and Samaria, in Macedonia, in Galatia, and other provinces, yet we never read of a provincial church in any of those places. The particular societies of Christians in these districts are mentioned in the plural number, 2 Corinthians 8:1 . Galatians 1:2 . Acts 9:31 . According to them, we find no mention made of diocesan churches in the New Testament. In the days of the apostles, bishops were so far from presiding over more churches than one, that sometimes a plurality of bishops presided over the same church. </p> <p> See Philippians 1:1 . Nor do we find any mention made of parochial churches. Some of the inhabitants of a parish may be Infidels, Mahometans, or Jews; but [[Gospel]] churches consist of such as make an open profession of their faith in Christ, and subjection to the Gospel, Rom.i.7. 1 Corinthians 14:33 . It seems plain, then, that the primitive churches of [[Christ]] were properly congregational. The first church at [[Jerusalem]] met together in one place at the same time, Acts 1:14-15 . The church of [[Antioch]] did the same, Acts 14:27 . The church of [[Corinth]] the same, 1 Corinthians 14:23 . The same did the church at Troas, Acts 20:7 . There was a church at Cenchrea, a port of Corinth, distinct from the church in that city, Romans 16:1-27 : He that was a member of one church was not a member of another. The apostle Paul, writing to the Colossian society, says </p> <p> "Epaphras, who is one of you, saluteth you, " Colossians 4:12 . Such a church is a body distinguished from the civil societies of the world by the spiritual nature and design of its government; for, though Christ would have order kept in his church, yet without any coercive force; a thing inconsistent with the very nature of such a society, whose end is instruction; and a practice suitable to it, which can never in the nature of things be accomplished by penal laws or external coersion, Isaiah 33:22 . Matthew 23:8; Matthew 23:10 . John 18:36 . Psalms 2:6 . 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 . Zechariah 4:6 , &c. 1. [[Church]] members are those who compose or belong to the church. As to the visible church, it may be observed that real saintship is not the distinguishing criterion of the members of it. None, indeed, can without it honestly offer themselves to church fellowship; but they cannot be refused admission for the mere want of it; for </p> <p> 1. God alone can judge the heart. Deceivers can counterfeit saintship, 1 Samuel 16:1; 1 Samuel 16:7 . </p> <p> 2. God himself admitted many members of the [[Jewish]] church whose hearts were unsanctified, Deuteronomy 29:3-4; Deuteronomy 29:13 . John 6:70 . </p> <p> 3. John the [[Baptist]] and the apostles required no more than outward appearance of faith and repentance in order to baptism, Matthew 3:5; Matthew 3:7 . Acts 2:28 .vii. 13, 23. </p> <p> 4. [[Many]] that were admitted members in the churches of Judea, Corinth, Philippi, Laodicea, Sardis, &c. were unregenerated, Acts 5:1; Acts 5:10; Acts 8:13; Acts 8:23 . 1 Corinthians 1:11; 1 Corinthians 5:11 . Philippians 3:18-19 . Revelation 3:5; Revelation 3:15; Revelation 17:1-18 : </p> <p> 5. Christ compares the Gospel church to a floor on which corn and chaff are mingled together: to a net in which good and bad are gathered, &c. </p> <p> See Matthew 13:1-58 : As to the real church, </p> <p> 1. The true members of it are such as are born again. </p> <p> 2. They come out from the world, 1 Corinthians 6:17 . </p> <p> 3. They openly profess love to Christ, James 2:14; James 2:26 . Mark 8:34 &c. </p> <p> 4. They walk in all the ordinances of the Lord blameless. [[None]] but such are proper members of the true church; nor should any be admitted to any particular church without some appearance of these, at least. 2. Church fellowship is the communion that the members enjoy one with another. The end of church fellowship is, </p> <p> 1. The maintenance and exhibition of a system of sound principles, 2 Timothy 1:13 . 1 Timothy 6:3-4 . 1 Corinthians 8:5-6 . Hebrews 2:1 . Ephesians 4:21 . </p> <p> 2. The support of the ordinances of Gospel worship in their purity and simplicity, Deuteronomy 12:31-32 . Romans 15:6 . </p> <p> 3. The impartial exercise of church government and discipline, Hebrews 12:15 . Galatians 6:1 . 2 Timothy 2:24; 2 Timothy 2:26 . Titus 3:10 . 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 : James 3:17 . </p> <p> 4. The promotion of holiness in all manner of conversation, Philippians 1:27; Philippians 2:15-16 . 2 Peter 3:11 . Philippians 4:8 . The more particular duties are. </p> <p> 1. [[Earnest]] study to keep peace and unity, Ephesians 4:3 . Philippians 2:2-3 . Philippians 3:15-16 . </p> <p> 2. [[Bearing]] of one another's burdens, Galatians 6:1; Galatians 2:1-21 : </p> <p> 3. Earnest endeavours to prevent each other's stumblings, 1 Corinthians 10:2-3 . Hebrews 10:24; Hebrews 10:27 . Romans 14:13 . </p> <p> 4. [[Stedfast]] continuance in the faith and worship of the Gospel, Acts 2:42 . </p> <p> 5. [[Praying]] for and sympathizing with each other, 1 Samuel 12:23 . Ephesians 6:18 . The advantages are, </p> <p> 1. [[Peculiar]] incitements to holiness, Ecclesiastes 4:11 . </p> <p> 2. There are some promises applicable to none but those who attend the ordinances of God, and hold communion with the saints, Psalms 92:13 . Isaiah 25:6 . Psa 122: 13, 16. Psalms 36:8 . Jeremiah 31:12 . </p> <p> 3. Such are under the watchful eye and care of their pastor, Hebrews 13:7 . </p> <p> 4. [[Subject]] to the friendly reproof or kind advice of the saints, 1 Corinthians 12:25 . </p> <p> 5. Their zeal and love are animated by reciprocal conversation, Malachi 3:16 . Proverbs 27:17 . </p> <p> 6. They may restore each other if they fall, Ecclesiastes 4:10 . Galatians 6:1 . </p> <p> 7. More easily promote the cause, and spread the Gospel elsewhere. 3. Church ordinances are, </p> <p> 1. [[Reading]] of the Scriptures, Nehemiah 9:3 . Acts 17:11 . Nehemiah 8:3-4 . Luke 4:16 . </p> <p> 2. [[Preaching]] and expounding, 1 Timothy 3:2 . 2 Timothy 2:24 . Ephesians 4:8 . Romans 10:15 . Hebrews 5:4 . </p> <p> 3. Hearing, Is. 4: 1. James 1:21 . 1 Peter 2:2 . 1 Timothy 4:13 . </p> <p> 4. Prayer, Psalms 5:1-2 . Psalms 95:6 . Psalms 121:1 . Psalms 28:2 . Acts 12:12; Acts 1:14 . </p> <p> 5. [[Singing]] of psalms, Ps. xivii. 1 to 6. Colossians 3:16 . 1 Corinthians 14:15 . Ephesians 5:1-33 . </p> <p> 6. Thanksgiving, Psalms 50:14 . Psalms 100:1-5 : James 5:13 . </p> <p> 7. The Lord's supper, 1 Corinthians 11:23 , &c. Acts 20:7 . [[Baptism]] is not properly a church ordinance, since it ought to be administered before a person be admitted into church fellowship. </p> <p> See BAPTISM. 4. church officers are those appointed by Christ for preaching the word, and the superintendence of church affairs: such are bishops and deacons, to which some add, elders. </p> <p> See these articles. 5. As to church order and discipline, it may be observed, that every [[Christian]] society formed on the congregational plan is strictly independent of all other religious societies. No other church however numerous or respectable; no person or persons, however eminent for authority, abilities, or influence, have any right to assume arbitrary jurisdiction over such a society. They have but one master, who is Christ. </p> <p> See Matthew 18:15; Matthew 18:19 . </p> <p> Even the officers which Christ has appointed in his church have no power to give new laws to it; but only, in conjunction with the other members of the society, to execute the commands of Christ. They have no dominion over any man's faith, nor any compulsive power over the consciences of any. [[Every]] particular church has a right to judge of the fitness of those who offer themselves as members, Acts 9:26 . If they are found to be proper persons, they must then be admitted; and this should always be followed with prayer, and with a solemn exhortation to the persons received. If any member walk disorderly, and continue to do so, the church is empowered to exclude him, 1 Corinthians 5:7 . 2 Thessalonians 3:6 . Romans 16:17 . which should be done with the greatest tenderness; but if evident signs of repentance should be discovered, such must be received again, Galatians 6:1 . This and other church business is generally done on some day preceding the sabbath on which the ordinance is administered. </p> <p> See art. EXCOMMUNICATION; Dr. [[Owen]] on the Nature of a Gospel Church and its Government; Watts's [[Rational]] [[Foundation]] of a Christian Church; Turner's [[Compendium]] of Soc. Rel; Fawcett's [[Constitution]] and [[Order]] of a Gospel Church; Watts's Works, ser. 53. vol. 1:; Goodwin's Works, vol. 4:; Fuller's Remarks on the [[Discipline]] of the [[Primitive]] Churches; and Bryson's [[Compendious]] View. </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_30856" /> ==
<li> Its perpetuity. It will continue through all ages to the end of the world. It can never be destroyed. It is an "everlasting kindgdom." <div> <p> [[Copyright]] StatementThese dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., [[Illustrated]] [[Bible]] Dictionary, [[Third]] Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> Bibliography InformationEaston, Matthew George. Entry for 'Church'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_34982" /> ==
<p> From the [[Greek]] kuriakee , "house of the Lord," a word which passed to the Gothic tongue; the [[Goths]] being the first of the northern hordes converted to Christianity, adopted the word from the Greek [[Christians]] of Constantinople, and so it came to us Anglo-Saxons (Trench, [[Study]] of Words). But Lipsius, from circus, from whence kirk, a circle, because the oldest temples, as the [[Druid]] ones, were circular in form. Εkkleesia in the New [[Testament]] never means the building or house of assembly, because church buildings were built long AFTER the apostolic age. It means an organized body, whose unity does not depend on its being met together in one place; not an assemblage of atoms, but members in their several places united to the One Head, Christ, and forming one organic living whole (1 Corinthians 12). The bride of [[Christ]] (Ephesians 5:25-32; Ephesians 1:22), the body of which He is the Head. </p> <p> The household of Christ and of [[God]] (Matthew 10:25; Ephesians 2:19). The temple of the [[Holy]] Spirit, made up of living stones (Ephesians 2:22; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Peter 2:5). Εkkleesia is used of one or more particular [[Christian]] associations, even one small enough to worship together in one house (Romans 16:5). Also of "the whole church" (Romans 16:23; 1 Corinthians 12:28). Εkkleesia occurs twice only in Matthew (Matthew 16:18; Matthew 18:17), elsewhere called "the kingdom of the heavens" by Matthew, "the kingdom of God" by Mark, Luke and John. Also called Christ's "flock," never to be plucked out of His hand (John 10:28), "branches" in Him "the true Vine." [[Founded]] on the Rock, "the Christ the [[Son]] of the living God," the only [[Foundation]] (Matthew 16:16; Matthew 16:18; 1 Corinthians 3:11). </p> <p> [[Constituted]] as Christ's mystical body on Pentecost; thenceforth expanding in the successive stages traced in ACTS . [[Described]] in a beautiful summary (Acts 2:41; Acts 2:47). (On its apostasy (See BABYLON.) [[Professing]] [[Christendom]] numbers now probably 80 million of Greek churches, 90 million of [[Teutonic]] or [[Protestant]] churches, and 170 million of [[Roman]] [[Catholic]] churches. The [[Church]] of England's definition of the church is truly scriptural (Article xix): "a congregation of faithful men in the which the pure word of God is preached, and the sacraments be duly ministered according to Christ's ordinance in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the same." The church that shall reign with Christ is made up of those written in heaven, in the Lamb's book of life, the spirits of just, men made perfect (Hebrews 12:22-23; Revelation 21:27). </p> <p> The faultless perfection and the glorious promises in [[Scripture]] assigned to the church (election, adoption, spiritual priesthood, sure guidance by the [[Spirit]] into all truth, eternal salvation) belong not to all of the visible church, but to those alone of it who are in living union with Christ (Ephesians 5:23-27; Hebrews 12:22-23). The claim for the visible church of what belongs to the invisible, in spite of Christ's warning parable of the tares and wheat (Matthew 13:24-30; Matthew 13:36-43), has led to some of Rome's deadliest errors. On the other hand, the attempt to sever the tares from the wheat prematurely has led to many schisms, which have invariably failed in the attempt and only generated fresh separations. We must wait until Christ's manifestation for the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19; Colossians 3:4). </p> <p> The true universal church is restricted to "them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of [[Jesus]] Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours" (1 Corinthians 1:2). They are visible in so far as their light of good works so shines before men that their Father in heaven is glorified (Matthew 5:16). They are invisible insofar that it is God alone who can infallibly see who among professors are animated by a living, loving faith, and who are not. A visible community, consisting of various members and aggregations of members, was founded by Christ Himself, as needed for the extension and continuation of [[Christianity]] to all lands and all ages. The ministry of the word and the two sacraments, baptism, and the supper of the Lord, (both in part derived from existing [[Jewish]] rites, Matthew 26:26-28; 1 Corinthians 5:7-8). </p> <p> Baptism, the Lord's [[Supper]] were appointed as the church's distinctive ordinances (Matthew 28:19-20, Greek text): "make disciples of all nations, baptizing them ... Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and (only on condition of your doing so) I am with you always," etc. (See BAPTISM; LORD'S SUPPER.) The professing church that neglects the precept forfeits the promise, which is fatal to Rome's claims. No detailed church government is explicitly commanded by Jesus in the New Testament. The Old Testament ministry of high priest, priests, and [[Levites]] necessarily ended with the destruction of the one and only temple appointed by God. That the Christian ministry is not sacerdotal, as the Old Testament ministry, is proved by the title hiereus , the Greek of the [[Latin]] sacerdos, never once being used of Christian ministers. </p> <p> When used at all as to the Christian church it is used of the whole body of Christians; since not merely ministers, as the [[Aaronic]] priests, but all equally, have near access to the heavenly holy place, through the torn veil of Christ's flesh (Hebrews 10:19-22; Hebrews 13:15-16; 1 Peter 2:19; Revelation 1:6). All alike offer "spiritual sacrifices." For a minister to pretend to offer a literal sacrifice in the Lord's supper, or to have the sacerdotal priesthood (which pertains to Christ alone), would be the sin which [[Moses]] charged on Korah: "Seemeth it but a small thing unto you that the God of [[Israel]] hath separated you from the congregation to bring you near to Himself, ... to stand before the congregation to minister to them; and seek ye the priesthood also?" The temple then not being the model to the Christian church, the synagogue alone remained to be copied. </p> <p> In the absence of the temple during the captivity the people assembled together on sabbaths and other days to be instructed by the prophet (Ezekiel 14:1; Ezekiel 20:1; Ezekiel 33:31). In Nehemiah 8:1-8 a specimen is given of such a service, which the synagogues afterward continued, and which consisted in Scripture reading, with explanation, prayers, and thanksgivings. The synagogue officers consisted of a "ruler of the synagogue," the "legate of the church" (sheliach tsibbur ), corresponding to the angel of the church (Revelation 1-3), a college of elders or presbyters, and subordinate ministers (chazzan ), answering to our deacons, to take care of the sacred books. [[Episcopacy]] was adopted in apostolic times as the most expedient government, most resembling Jewish usages, and so causing the least stumbling-block to Jewish prejudices (Acts 4:8; Acts 24:1). </p> <p> James, the brother of our Lord, after the martyrdom of James, the son of [[Zebedee]] and the flight of Peter (Acts 12:17), alone remained behind in Jerusalem, the recognized head there. His Jewish tendencies made him the least unpopular to the Jews, and so adapted him for the presidency there without the title (Acts 15:13-19; Acts 21:18; Galatians 2:2; Galatians 2:9; Galatians 2:12). This was the first specimen of apostolic local episcopacy without the name. The presbyters of the synagogue were called also (See BISHOPS, or overseers. "Those now called 'bishops' were originally 'apostles.' But those who ruled the church after the apostles' death had not the testimony of miracles, and were in many respects inferior, therefore they thought it unbecoming to assume the name of apostles; but dividing the names, they left to 'presbyters' that name, and themselves were called 'bishops'" (Ambrose, in Bingham Ecclesiastes Ant., 2:11; and Amularius, [[De]] Officiis, 2:13.) </p> <p> The steps were apostle; then vicar apostolic or apostolic delegate, as Timothy in [[Ephesus]] and Titus in Crete, temporarily (1 Timothy 1:3; 2 Timothy 4:21; Titus 3:12; Titus 1:5), then angel, then bishop in the present sense. Episcopacy gives more of centralized unity, but when made an absolute law it tends to spiritual despotism. The visible church, while avoiding needless alterations, has power under God to modify her polity as shall tend most to edification (Matthew 18:18; 1 Corinthians 12:28-30; 1 Corinthians 14:26; Ephesians 4:11-16). The Holy Spirit first unites souls individually to the Father in Christ, then with one another as "the communion of saints." Then followed the government and ministry, which are not specified in detail until the pastoral epistles, namely, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, the latest epistles. </p> <p> To be "in Christ" (John 15) presupposes repentance and faith, of which the sacraments are the seal. The church order is not imposed as a rigid unchangeable system from without, but is left to develop itself from within outwardly, according as the indwelling Spirit of life may suggest. The church is "holy" in respect to those alone of it who are sanctified, and "one" only in respect to those who "keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3-6; Ephesians 4:15-16), "growing up ... into the Head, Christ, in all things." The latest honorable and only Christian use of "synagogue" (KJV "assembly") occurs in James (James 2:2), the apostle who maintained to the latest the bonds between the Jewish synagogue and the Christian church. </p> <p> [[Soon]] the continued resistance of the truth by the [[Jews]] led Christians to leave the term to them exclusively (Revelation 2:9). [[Synagogue]] expresses a congregation not necessarily bound together; church, a people mutually bound together, even when not assembled, a body called out (ekkleesia , from ekkalein ) from the world in spirit, though not in locality (John 17:11; John 17:15). The [[Hebrew]] qahal , like, church," denotes a number of people united by definite laws and bonds, whether collected together or not; but 'eedah is an assembly independent of any bond of union, like "synagogue." </p> <p> Christian church buildings were built like synagogues, with the holy table placed where the chest containing the law had been. The desk and pulpit were the chief furniture in both, but no altar. When the ruler of the synagogue became a Christian, he naturally was made bishop, as tradition records that [[Crispus]] became at [[Corinth]] (Acts 18:8). Common to both church and synagogue were the discipline (Matthew 18:17), excommunication (1 Corinthians 5:4), and the collection of alms (1 Corinthians 16:2). </p>
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_39470" /> ==
<p> The meaning of the term “church” [[Church]] is the [[English]] translation of the [[Greek]] word <i> ekklesia </i> . The use of the Greek term prior to the emergence of the [[Christian]] church is important as two streams of meaning flow from the history of its usage into the New [[Testament]] understanding of church. First, the Greek term which basically means “called out” was commonly used to indicate an assembly of citizens of a Greek city and is so used in Acts 19:32 , Acts 19:39 . The citizens who were quite conscious of their privileged status over against slaves and noncitizens were called to the assembly by a herald and dealt in their meetings democratically with matters of common concern. When the early [[Christians]] understood themselves as constituting a church, no doubt exists that they perceived themselves as called out by [[God]] in [[Jesus]] [[Christ]] for a special purpose and that their status was a privileged one in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:19 ). </p> <p> Second, the Greek term was used more than one hundred times in the Greek translation of the Old Testament in common use in the time of Jesus. The [[Hebrew]] term ( <i> qahal </i> ) meant simply “assembly” and could be used in a variety of ways, referring for example to an assembling of prophets (1 Samuel 19:20 ), soldiers (Numbers 22:4 ), or the people of God (Deuteronomy 9:10 ). The use of the term in the Old Testament in referring to the people of God is important for understanding the term “church” in the New Testament. The first Christians were [[Jews]] who used the Greek translation of the Old Testament. For them to use a self-designation that was common in the Old Testament for the people of God reveals their understanding of the continuity that links the Old and New Testaments. The early Christians understood themselves as the people of the God who had revealed Himself in the Old Testament (Hebrews 1:1-2 ), as the true children of [[Israel]] (Romans 2:28-29 ) with [[Abraham]] as their father (Romans 4:1-25 ), and as the people of the New [[Covenant]] prophesied in the Old Testament (Hebrews 8:1-13 ). As a consequence of this broad background of meaning in the Greek and Old Testament worlds, the term “church” is used in the New Testament of a local congregation of called-out Christians, such as the “church of God which is at Corinth”(1 Corinthians 1:2 ), and also of the entire people of God, such as in the affirmation that Christ is “the head over all things to the church, Which is his body” (Ephesians 1:22-23 ). </p> <p> What church means in the New Testament is further defined by a host of over one hundred other descriptive expressions occurring in relationship to passages where the church is being addressed. Three basic perspectives embrace most of these other descriptions. First, the church is seen as the body of Christ; and a cluster of images exists in this context as emphasis falls on the head (Ephesians 4:15-16 ), the members (1 Corinthians 6:12-20 ), the body (1 Corinthians 12:12-27 ), or the bride (Ephesians 5:22-31 ). The church is also seen as God's new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17 ), the new persons (Ephesians 2:14-15 ), fighters against [[Satan]] (Ephesians 6:10-20 ), or bearers of light (Ephesians 5:7-9 ). Thirdly, the church is quite often described as a fellowship of faith with its members described as the saints (1 Corinthians 1:2 ), the faithful (Colossians 1:2 ), the witnesses (John 15:26-27 ), or the household of God (1 Peter 4:17 ). </p> <p> [[Major]] characteristics of the life of the church The preeminent characteristic of the church in the New Testament is devotion to Jesus Christ as Lord. He established the church under His authority (Matthew 16:13-20 ) and created the foundation for its existence in His redeeming death and demonstration of God's power in His resurrection. Christ's position as the Lord evoked, sustained, and governed the major characteristics of the life of the church in the way members were admitted, treated one another, witnessed to His power, worshiped, and lived in hope of His return. </p> <p> [[Persons]] were admitted to the local congregation only upon their placing their trust in Christ as [[Savior]] (Acts 3:37-42 ), openly confessing this (Romans 10:9-13 ), and being baptized (Acts 10:44-48 ). [[Baptism]] or immersion in water was performed because Christ had commanded it (Matthew 28:18-20 ) and was itself a dramatic symbolic picturing of the burial and resurrection of Christ (Romans 6:3-4 ). [[Joining]] the church made one a fully participating member in it, unlike many of the religious groups in the first century in which there was a substantial period of probation before full acceptance. When Christ accepted the person, the congregation did also, even though the members might be aware of weaknesses (Romans 14:1-4 ). </p> <p> The way in which members of the church were called on to treat one another was modeled by what God had done in Christ for the church. They were to forgive one another (Colossians 3:12-14 ) and to love one another (Ephesians 5:1-2; 1 John 3:16 ) because God had done this for all of them in Christ. This foundation for Christian fellowship gave an ultimacy to its requirements that reflected on each church member's relationship with God (1 John 2:7-11 ). </p> <p> [[Members]] of the church were called on to demonstrate the power of Christ's redemption in their own lives by exemplary conduct, embracing every area of life (Romans 12:1-13:7; Colossians 3:12-4:1 ). The overcoming of sins in the lives of Christians was a witness to the redeeming power of Christ in action in the community (Galatians 5:22-26 ), and the sins to which the communities were prone were clearly identified and challenged (Galatians 5:19-21 ). The Christians were expected to adopt a new life style that was appropriate to their commitment to Christ (Ephesians 4:17-24 ). </p> <p> The worship of the early church demonstrated the lordship of Christ, not only in the fact that He was extolled and praised but also in the fact that worship demonstrated the obligation of Christians to love and to nurture one another (1 Corinthians 11:17-22; 1 Corinthians 14:1-5 ). In distinction from worship as it was practiced in the pagan cults of [[Greece]] and Rome, Christian worship not only stressed the relation of a person to the [[Deity]] but went beyond this to stress that worship should edify and strengthen the Christians present (1 Corinthians 14:26 ) and should challenge pagans to accept Christ (1 Corinthians 14:20-25 ). Christian worship was often enthusiastic and usually involved all Christians present as participants (1 Corinthians 14:26 ). This openness both inspired creativity and opened the way for excesses which were curbed by specific suggestions (1 Corinthians 14:26-33; 1 Timothy 2:1-10 ) and by the rule that what was done should be appropriate to those committed to a God of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33 ). </p> <p> All of these characteristics of the life of the church existed in the context of an urgency created by the awareness that Christ was going to return (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10 ). Christ's return would bring judgment to the unbelievers (1 Thessalonians 5:1-10 ) and thus made witnessing to them an urgent concern. How central this belief was to the early church is illustrated by the fact that the Lord's Supper, which they observed at His command was seen as proclaiming “the Lord's death till he come (1 Corinthians 11:26 ). The return of Christ was to result in glorious joy and the transformation of the Christians—a hope that sustained them in difficult times (2 Thessalonians 1:5-12 ). </p> <p> [[Organization]] of the New Testament churches A striking feature of the organization of the early churches is that every member of the church was seen as having a gift for service which was to be used cooperatively for the benefit of all (Romans 12:1-8; 1 Peter 4:10 ). [[Paul]] used the imagery of the human body to illustrate this unique feature of the church's life, stressing that every Christian has a necessary function and a responsibility to function with an awareness of his or her share in the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-31 ). </p> <p> In the context of this strong belief that every member has a ministry, certain persons were designated to fulfill specific tasks in relation to the functioning of the church such as apostles, bishops, elders, and deacons. As these offices are examined, it is important to remember that the organization of the early churches was not necessarily the same in every locality. A large church would need more organizational structure than a small one, and the presence of an apostle or his designated representative would cause the other leaders in a given church to be seen in a different light. In addition to these variables, the church was in a period of rapid growth; and as it responded to the needs of ministry, roles or offices, such as the appointment of the seven in Acts 6:1-7 , were created to enable the church to fulfill its ministry in Christ. </p> <p> “Apostle” usually designated one appointed as the authorized representative of Jesus Christ, and the term in the New Testament is most frequently applied to one of the Twelve (Acts 1:15-26 ) or to Paul (Galatians 1:1-24 ). The term was occasionally used in a wider sense to indicate the validity and importance of one of the early church's leaders, such as James (Galatians 1:19 ) or [[Barnabas]] (Acts 14:4; compare Romans 16:7 ); but there is no hint in the New Testament that an apostle could appoint a person to succeed himself and establish a continuing line. The office is, in fact, seen as foundational in the church's history and not as continuing (Ephesians 2:20 ). </p> <p> Bishops and elders had quite similar responsibilities; and Paul, addressing the elders in Acts 20:17 , stated that they were bishops or overseers (Acts 20:28 ). Usually, however, the term “bishop” is in the singular (1 Timothy 3:1 ), and the term “elders” is plural (James 5:14 ) as a specific church is addressed. The responsibilities of a bishop are described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:7-9 . He is described as representing the church in a way which would suggest that each church had one designated leader who functioned much in the way a contemporary pastor does. </p> <p> Deacons were required to be exemplary Christians like bishops (1 Timothy 3:8-13 ). Since their duties are not specified and they are usually listed with the bishops, it is usually assumed that deacons devoted themselves to the larger work of the local church, assisting in whatever ways were most appropriate to the local congregation of Christians as the seven did in Acts (1 Timothy 6:1-7 ). </p> <p> The organization of the early churches was not governed by a rigid plan that each church had to follow. The guiding principle was that the church was the body of Christ with a mission to accomplish, and the church felt free to respond to the leading of the [[Holy]] [[Spirit]] in developing a structure that would contribute to its fulfilling its responsibilities (Romans 12:1-8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; Ephesians 4:11-16 ). </p> <p> The growth and expansion of the early church Jesus taught His disciples that by following Him they were to be involved in a movement that would continue (Matthew 16:13-20; John 14:12-14 ), but it was after the resurrection of Jesus that the mission of the church really began (Matthew 28:16-20; John 20:19-23; Acts 1:6-11 ). The earliest Christians were [[Palestinian]] [[Jewish]] followers of Jesus and found it difficult to witness to non-Jews (Acts 10:1-48 ). The bridge to the [[Gentiles]] was the [[Hellenistic]] Jewish Christianity, which sprang into existence with the conversion of Jews from the dispersion who were visiting in [[Jerusalem]] and converted at [[Pentecost]] (Acts 2:5-47 ). These Jews whose residence had been in the cities of the [[Roman]] [[Empire]] were called Hellenistic because they were generally more open to the Greco-Roman culture than their Palestinian colleagues. They spoke and wrote Greek as their primary language, gave their children Greek names (such as [[Stephen]] which means “crown” in Greek), and were more willing to relate to Gentiles. It was this group of the early Christians that was the major channel in spreading the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 19:11-26 ). </p> <p> Paul was a Hellenistic [[Jew]] (Acts 21:39 ); and when he became a Christian, he was called to and accepted a ministry to the Gentiles (Acts 22:21; Ephesians 3:1-13 ). Significantly, he inaugurated his ministry of founding new churches from the base of a church composed of both Gentiles and Hellenistic Jewish Christians (Acts 11:19-26; Acts 13:1-3 ). Paul's strategy was to visit synagogues in the cities of the Roman Empire and to proclaim Jesus as the Christ (Acts 18:5 ). The usual result was that some Jews and some Gentiles who were interested in [[Judaism]] (called God-fearers, Acts 18:7 ) believed in Christ, were expelled from the synagogue, and formed the nucleus for a growing church (Acts 18:5-11; Acts 19:8-10 ). </p> <p> The Acts of the [[Apostles]] gives only a glimpse of the early Christian heroes and heroines with a focus on Peter, Paul, and a few others (Acts 18:1-4 , Acts 18:24-28 ). There were, however, many heroic Christian witnesses unknown to us who first carried the gospel to [[Rome]] (Acts 28:14-15 ) and to the limits of the Empire in India, Egypt, and the outlying areas of Europe. See Apostle; [[Bishop]]; [[Deacon]]; Elders; Missions. </p> <p> Harold S. Songer </p>
== Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary <ref name="term_47623" /> ==
<p> In the Old and New [[Testament]] language, by the church of [[God]] is uniformly meant, the whole body of the faithful, of which [[Christ]] is the Head. The apostle to the Hebrews defines the meaning of the church, when he calls it "the general assembly and church of the first-born, which are written in heaven." (Hebrews 12:23) And the apostle John no less defines it, when he speaks of the names written in the Lamb's book of life. (Revelation 21:27) Yea, our Lord himself fixeth the meaning, when bidding devils, being subject to them, in his name, but because their names were written in heaven. (Luke 10:20) By the church therefore, is meant, the whole body of Christ both in heaven and earth, the elect of God in Christ, given by the Father to the Son, redeemed by the Son, and sanctified by God the [[Holy]] Ghost, and called. And, although we sometimes meet with the expression of churches in the word of God, such as when it is said, the churches had rest throughout all Judea, (Acts 9:31) and again, all the churches of the [[Gentiles]] give thanks, (Romans 16:4) yet, the whole multitude of the people, of what kindred or nation forever, whether [[Jews]] or Gentiles, whether bond or free, from the beginning of the world to the consummation of all things, form but one and the same body, of which Christ is the glorious Head. Such is the church. </p> <p> And it is blessed to see in the word of God how plainly and evidently this church, made up of Christ's members, and gathered out of the world's wide wilderness, is distinguished so as to prove whose she is, and to whom she belongs. </p> <p> The Lord [[Jesus]] himself describes her union with himself under the similitude of branches in a vine, (John 15:1, etc.) and shews, as plain as words can make if, that the vine and the branches are not more closely knit together, and forming one, than is Christ and his church. Yea, the figure doth not come up to the reality; for a branch may be, and sometimes is, separated from the vine, but not so can this take place between Christ and his church, for he saith, "Because I live, ye shall live also." (John 14:19) And his servant, the apostle Paul, describes the intimate connection of Christ with his church, under the similitude of the marriage state. (Ephesians 5:25-32) "This is a great mystery, (saith the apostle,) but I speak concerning Christ and the church." Nevertheless, even here again, this beautiful figure, tender and affectionate as it is, falls far short of the oneness and union between Christ and his church. For death puts an end to all the connections of man and wife upon earth. But in respect to Christ and his spouse, the church, the dying day of the believer is but the wedding day. It is but as an espousal, a betrothing before; but in that day the church is brought home by her all-lovely and all-loving Husband, to the marriage supper of the lamb in heaven. (See those Scriptures, Hosea 2:19-20; Revelation 19:7-9) </p> <p> The best service, I apprehend, which I can render to the reader, under this article of the church, will be (to do what I should otherwise have done under the former, when speaking of Christ, but conceiving it might as well be noticed under this,) to bring into one view the several names which Christ and his church have, in common, in the word of God, which certainly form the highest evidence that can be desired, in proof of their union and oneness and interest in each other. Nothing, indeed, can be more lovely and delightful to the contemplation. </p> <p> It will be proper to introduce this account, with first shewing some of the special and peculiar privileges the church possesseth, both in name and in interest, from her union and oneness with her Lord, and then follow this up with the view of those names and appellations Jesus and his church have in common together. The church is distinguished, by virtue of her interest in Christ, as. </p> <p> The body of Christ, Ephesians 1:23. </p> <p> [[Brethren]] of Christ, Romans 8:29; Hebrews 3:1. </p> <p> The bride, the Lamb's wife, Revelation 21:9. </p> <p> [[Children]] of the kingdom, Matthew 13:38. </p> <p> They are called christians after Christ, Acts 11:26. </p> <p> The church of God, 1 Corinthians 1:2. </p> <p> Companions, Psalms 45:14; [[Song]] of Song of [[Solomon]] 1:7 </p> <p> Complete in Christ, Colossians 2:10. </p> <p> Daughter of the King, Psalms 45:13. </p> <p> [[Comely]] in Christ's comeliness, Ezekiel 16:14. </p> <p> Election, Romans 9:11. </p> <p> [[Family]] of God, Ephesians 3:15. </p> <p> [[Flock]] of God, Acts 20:28. </p> <p> [[Fold]] of Christ, John 10:16. </p> <p> Friends of God. James 2:23. </p> <p> [[Glory]] of God, Isaiah 46:13. </p> <p> [[Habitation]] of God, Ephesians 2:22. </p> <p> [[Heritage]] of God, Jeremiah 12:7; Psalms 127:3; Joel 3:2. </p> <p> The [[Israel]] of God, Galatians 6:16 </p> <p> The lot of God's inheritance, Deuteronomy 32:9. </p> <p> [[Members]] of Christ, Ephesians 5:30. </p> <p> [[Peculiar]] people, 1 Peter 2:9. </p> <p> The portion of the Lord, Deuteronomy 32:9. </p> <p> The temple of God, 1 Corinthians 3:16. </p> <p> The treasure of God, Psalms 135:4. </p> <p> [[Vessels]] of mercy, Romans 9:23. </p> <p> The vineyard of the Lord, Isaiah 5:1, etc. </p> <p> These, with many others of the like nature, are among the distinguishing, names by which the church of Christ is known in Scripture, by reason of her oneness and union with Him. </p> <p> But this view of the intimate and everlasting connection between Christ and his church will be abundantly heightened, if we add to it what was proposed to shew the sameness between them, from being known under the same names, as descriptive of this union. A few examples in point will be known by the name of Adam, as our first father: "As the first [[Adam]] was made a living soul, so the last Adam was made a quickening Spirit." (1 Corinthians 15:45) As Christ is called a Babe, so are they said to be babes in Christ. (Luke 2:16; 1 Peter 2:2) As Christ is declared to be the dearly beloved of the Father, (Jeremiah 12:7) so the church is said to be dearly beloved also, (1 Corinthians 10:14; Philippians 4:1; 2 Timothy 1:2) Is Christ the Elect, in whom JEHOVAH'S soul delighteth? so are they elect, according to the foreknowledge of God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 42:1; 1 Peter 1:2) Is Jesus the heir of all things? (Hebrews 1:2) so are they heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ, (Romans 8:17) And when that Christ, by the spirit of prophecy, is called JEHOVAH our righteousness, the church as his wife, and entitled to every thing in him, is also called by the same name, JEHOVAH our righteousness. (See, compared together, Jeremiah 23:6 with Jeremiah 33:16) Yea, in one remarkable instance, the church not only bears Christ's name, but Christ bears hers. He is called Jacob, and Israel. (Isaiah 41:8 and Isaiah 49:3) </p> <p> [[Without]] enlarging this point farther, for enough, I presume, hath been advanced in proof of the thing itself, nothing can be more plain, and nothing can be more highly satisfactory, than this oneness, from union and participation between Christ and his church. And I trust, the review will be always blessed to the believer's heart, and, under the Holy Ghost's teaching, be always leading out the affections to the full enjoyment of it, agreeably to the mind and will of God. </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_50388" /> ==
<p> <strong> CHURCH </strong> . <strong> 1. </strong> The word <em> ecclesia </em> , which in its [[Christian]] application is usually tr. [Note: translate or translation.] ‘church,’ was applied in ordinary [[Greek]] usage to the duly constituted gathering of the citizens in a self-governing city, and it is so used of the [[Ephesian]] assembly in Acts 19:39 . It was adopted in the LXX [Note: Septuagint.] to tr. [Note: translate or translation.] a Heb. word, <em> qâhâl </em> , signifying the nation of [[Israel]] as assembled before [[God]] or considered in a religious aspect ( Jdg 21:8 , 1 Chronicles 29:1 , Deuteronomy 31:30 etc.). In this sense it is found twice in the NT ( Acts 7:38 RV [Note: [[Revised]] Version.] ‘church,’ Hebrews 2:12 RV [Note: Revised Version.] ‘ <strong> congregation </strong> ’). The term is practically equivalent to the familiar ‘ <strong> synagogue </strong> ’ which, however, was more frequently used to translate another Heb. word, <em> ‘çdhâh </em> . This will probably explain our Lord’s words in Matthew 18:17 . For ‘synagogue’ was the name regularly applied after the [[Babylonian]] exile to local congregations of [[Jews]] formally gathered for common worship, and from them subsequently transferred to similar congregations of [[Hebrew]] [[Christians]] ( James 2:2 ). ‘Tell it to the <em> ecclesia </em> ’ can hardly refer directly to communities of Jesus’ disciples, as these did not exist in the time of the Galilæan ministry, but rather to the [[Jewish]] congregation, or its representative court, in the place to which the disputants might belong. The renewal of the promise concerning binding and loosing in James 2:18 (cf. Matthew 16:19 ) makes against this interpretation. And the assurance of Christ’s presence in Matthew 16:20 can have reference only to gatherings of disciples. But it may well be that we have these sayings brought together by Matthew in view of the Christian significance of <em> ecclesia </em> . There is no evidence that <em> ecclesia </em> , like ‘synagogue,’ was transferred from the congregation of Israel to the religious assemblies which were its local embodiment. But, though not the technical term, there would be no difficulty in applying it, without fear of misunderstanding, to the synagogue. And this would be the more natural because the term is usually applied to Israel in its historical rather than in its ideal aspect (see Hort, <em> Christian [[Ecclesia]] </em> , p. 12). </p> <p> <strong> 2. </strong> <em> Ecclesia </em> is used constantly with its Christian meaning in the [[Pauline]] Epistles. Its earliest use chronologically is probably in 1 Thessalonians 1:1 . But the growth of its use is hest studied by beginning with Acts. Here the term first occurs in Acts 5:11 , applied to the Christians of [[Jerusalem]] in their corporate capacity. In Acts 1:15 St. Peter is represented as standing up ‘in the midst of the brethren.’ [[Thus]] from the first Christians are a brotherhood or family, not a promiscuous gathering. That this family is considered capable of an ordered extension is evident ( <em> a </em> ) from the steps immediately taken to fill a vacant post of authority ( Acts 1:25 ), and ( <em> b </em> ) from the way in which converts on receiving baptism are spoken of as added to a fellowship ( Acts 2:47 AV [Note: [[Authorized]] Version.] ‘added to the church,’ but see RV [Note: Revised Version.] ) which continues in the Apostles’ teaching, and the bond of a common table and united prayer ( Acts 2:42; Acts 2:46 ). This community is now called ‘the assemblage of them that believed’ ( Acts 4:32 ), the word used, as compared with its employment elsewhere, suggesting not a throng or crowd but the whole body of the disciples. In Exodus 12:6 we have the phrase ‘the whole assembly of the congregation (Gr. <em> synagôgç </em> ) of Israel.’ When, therefore, it became necessary to find a collective name for ‘the believers,’ <em> ecclesia </em> , the alternative to ‘synagogue,’ was not unnaturally chosen. For the disciples meeting in Jerusalem were, as a matter of fact, the true Israel ( Galatians 6:16 ), the little flock to whom was to be given the [[Messianic]] [[Kingdom]] ( Luke 12:32 ). Moreover, they were a Christian synagogue, and, but for the risk of confusion, might have been so called. The name, therefore, as applied to the primitive community of Jesus, is on the one hand universal and ideal, on the other local and particular. In either case the associations are Jewish, and by these the subsequent history of the name is determined. </p> <p> <strong> 3. </strong> As [[Christianity]] spread, the local units of the brotherhood came to he called <em> ecclesiæ </em> ( Acts 9:31; Acts 13:1; Acts 14:23; Acts 15:41; Acts 20:17 etc.), the original community being now distinguished as ‘the <em> ecclesia </em> in Jerusalem’ ( Acts 8:1 ). Thus we reach the familiar use of the Pauline Epistles, <em> e.g. </em> the <em> ecclesia </em> of the Thessalonians ( 1 Thessalonians 1:1 ), of [[Laodicea]] ( Colossians 4:16 ), of [[Corinth]] ( 1 Corinthians 1:2 ); cf. 1 Peter 5:13 , Revelation 2:1 etc. They are summed up in the expression ‘all the <em> ecclesiÅ“ </em> of Christ’ ( Romans 16:16 ). This language has doubtless given rise to the modern conception of ‘the churches’; but it must be observed that the Pauline idea is territorial, the only apparent departure from this usage being the application of the name to sections of a local <em> ecclesia </em> , which seem in some instances to have met for additional worship in the houses of prominent disciples ( Romans 16:5 , 1 Corinthians 16:19 etc.). The existence of independent congregations of Christians within a single area, like the [[Hellenistic]] and Hebrew synagogues (see Acts 6:1; Acts 6:9 ), does not appear to be contemplated in the NT. </p> <p> <strong> 4. </strong> The conception of a [[Catholic]] [[Church]] in the sense of a constitutional federation of local Christian organizations in a universal community is post-Apostolic. The phrase is first found in [[Ignatius]] ( <em> c </em> <em> [Note: circa, about.] </em> <em> . </em> a.d. 115; see Lightfoot, <em> Apost. [[Fathers]] </em> , Pt. 2. ii. p. 310). But in the 1st cent. the Church of Jerusalem, as the seat of [[Apostolic]] authority ( Acts 8:1; Acts 8:14 ), still exercises an influence upon the other communities, which continues during the period of translation to the world-wide society. At Jerusalem [[Saul]] receives the right hand of fellowship and recognition from the pillar [[Apostles]] ( Galatians 2:9 ). [[Thence]] Apostles go forth to confirm and consolidate the work of evangelists ( Acts 8:14 ). [[Thither]] missionaries return with reports of newly-founded [[Gentile]] societies and contributions for the poor saints ( Acts 15:2; Acts 24:17 , 1 Corinthians 16:1-3 ). It is this community that promulgates decisions on problems created by the extension of Christianity ( Acts 15:22-29 ). [[Till]] after the destruction of the city in a.d. 71 this Church continued, under the presidency of James the Lord’s brother ( Galatians 2:12 , Acts 12:17; Acts 15:13; Acts 21:18 ), and then of other members of the Christian ‘royal family’ (Eusebius, <em> HE </em> iii. 11, 19, 20), to be the typical society of Jesus’ disciples. </p> <p> <strong> 5. </strong> But already in the NT that ideal element, which distinguished the primitive fellowship as the Kingdom of Messiah, is beginning to express itself in a conception of the <em> ecclesia </em> which, while it never loses touch with the actual concrete society or societies of Christians, has nevertheless no constitutional value. It is scarcely possible to suppose that the adoption of the name <em> ecclesia </em> for the Christian society was altogether unrelated to the celebrated use of the word by the Lord Himself in His conversation with the disciples at Cæsarea [[Philippi]] ( Matthew 16:13-20 ||). Two suggestions with regard to this passage may be dismissed. The first is that it was interpolated to support the growth of ecclesiastical authority in the 2nd cent.; this rests solely on an assumption that begs the question. The second is that <em> ecclesia </em> has been substituted for ‘kingdom’ in our Lord’s utterance through subsequent identification of ideas. But the occasion was one that [[Christ]] evidently intended to signalize by a unique deliverance, the full significance of which would not become apparent till interpreted by later experience (cf. Matthew 10:38 , John 6:53 ). The metaphor of building as applied to the nation of Israel is found in the OT ( Jeremiah 33:7; cf. Amos 9:11 , Psalms 102:16 ). There is therefore little doubt that [[Jesus]] meant His disciples to understand the establishment of Messiah’s Kingdom; and that the use of the less common word <em> ecclesia </em> , far from being unintentional, is designed to connect with the new and enlarged Israel only the spiritual associations of Jehovah’s congregation, and to discourage the temporal aspirations which they were only too ready to derive from the promised Kingdom. </p> <p> <strong> 6. </strong> The <strong> Kingdom of God </strong> , or of Heaven, is a prominent conception in the [[Synoptic]] Gospels. It is rather the Kingdom than the King that Christ Himself proclaims ( Mark 1:14-15 , cf. Matthew 4:17 ). The idea, partially understood by His contemporaries, was broadened and spiritualized by Jesus. It had been outlined by prophets and apocalyptic writers. It was to realize the hopes of that congregation of Israel which had been purchased and redeemed of old ( Psalms 74:2 ), and of which the [[Davidic]] monarchy had been the pledge ( Micah 4:8 , Isaiah 55:3 etc.). [[Typical]] passages are Daniel 2:44; Daniel 7:14 . This was the Kingdom which the crowd hailed at the [[Triumphal]] Entry ( Matthew 21:9 ||). Christ begins from the point of Jewish expectation, but the Kingdom which He proclaims, though not less actual, surpasses any previous conception in the minds of His followers. It is already present ( Luke 11:20; Luke 17:21 RVm [Note: Revised Version margin.] ) in His own [[Person]] and work. It is revealed as a historical institution in the parables of the [[Tares]] ( Matthew 13:24 ff.) and the Drag-net ( Matthew 13:47 ff.). Other parables present it as an ideal which no historical institution can satisfy, <em> e.g. </em> [[Treasure]] hid in a field ( Matthew 13:44 ), a merchantman seeking goodly [[Pearls]] ( Matthew 13:45 ), a grain of [[Mustard]] [[Seed]] ( Matthew 13:21; Matthew 13:32 ). We cannot solve the problem involved in Christ’s various presentations of the Kingdom by saying that He uses the word in different senses. He is dealing with a reality too vast to be submitted to the human understanding otherwise than in aspects and partial views which no powers of combination will enable us adequately to adjust. The twofold conception of the Kingdom as at once a reality and an ideal is finally brought home by those utterances of Jesus which refer its realization to the end of the age. Daniel’s prophecy is to be realized only when the [[Son]] of Man shall come in His Kingdom ( Matthew 24:3; Matthew 24:15 , Matthew 25:31 , Matthew 26:64 ). It is then that the blessed are to inherit what nevertheless was prepared for them from the beginning of time ( Matthew 25:34 ). And all views of the Kingdom which would limit it to an externally organized community are proved to be insufficient by a declaration like that of Luke 17:20-21 . But even when contemplated ideally, the Messianic Kingdom possesses those attributes of order and authority which are inseparable from a society ( Matthew 19:28 ). </p> <p> It is hardly to be doubted, therefore, that the name <em> ecclesia </em> , as given to the primitive community of Christians at Jerusalem, even if suggested rather by the synagogue than by our Lord’s declaration to St. Peter, could not be used without identifying that society with the Kingdom of God, so far as this was capable of realization in an institution, and endowing it with those ideal qualities which belong thereto. The descent of the [[Holy]] [[Spirit]] upon the disciples at Pentecost, fulfilling as it did the expectation of a baptism of fire that was to accompany the establishment of the Kingdom ( Acts 1:5; Acts 2:3-4 , Matthew 3:11 ), connects the Church with the Kingdom, and the scattering of its members after Stephen’s death ( Acts 8:1 ) would begin to familiarize the disciples with the idea of the unity in Christ unbroken by local separation (cf. Acts 8:1 and Acts 9:31 ). </p> <p> <strong> 7. </strong> But it is only in the theology of St. [[Paul]] that we find the Kingdom of the [[Gospels]] interpreted in terms of the actual experience of the Christian <em> ecclesia </em> . The extension of the fellowship beyond the limits of a single city has shown that the ideal Church cannot be identified <em> simpliciter </em> with any Christian community, while the idealization of the federated <em> ecclesiÅ“ </em> , natural enough in a later age, is, in the absence of a wider ecclesiastical organization, not yet possible. It is still further from the truth to assert that St. Paul had the conception of an invisible Church, of which the local communities were at best typical. ‘We have no evidence that St. Paul regarded membership of the universal <em> ecclesia </em> as invisible’ (Hort, <em> Christian Ecclesia </em> , p. 169). The method by which the [[Apostle]] reached his doctrine of the Church is best illustrated by his charge to the elders at [[Miletus]] to feed the flock of God over which the Holy [[Ghost]] had made them overseers ( Acts 20:28 ). Here the local Ephesian Church represents practically God’s Church purchased with His precious blood ( Acts 20:28 ), a real community of which visibility is an essential characteristic, but which by the nature of the case is incapable of a complete manifestation in history. The passage combines in a remarkable degree the three elements in the [[Divine]] Society, namely, the redeemed congregation of Israel ( Psalms 74:2 ), the Kingdom or <em> ecclesia </em> of [[Messiah]] ( Matthew 16:18 ), and the body established upon the [[Atonement]] ( Colossians 1:20-22 , Ephesians 2:13 ). All three notes are present in the teaching of the [[Epistles]] concerning the <em> ecclesia </em> . It is the historical fact of the inclusion of the [[Gentiles]] ( Ephesians 2:18 ) that is the starting-point. Those nations which under the old covenant were alien from the people of God ( Ephesians 2:12 ) are now included in the vast citizenship or polity ( Ephesians 2:13 ff.) which membership in a local <em> ecclesia </em> involves. The Church has existed from all eternity as an idea in the mind of God ( Ephesians 3:3-11 ), the heritage prepared for Christ ( Ephesians 1:10-11 ). It is the people of possession ( Ephesians 1:14 , cf. 1 Peter 2:9 , Titus 2:14 ), identified with the commonwealth of Israel ( Ephesians 2:12 ), and as such the immediate object of redemption ( Ephesians 5:25 ); but through the reconciliation of the [[Cross]] extended ( Ephesians 2:14 ), and, as it were, reincorporated on a wider basis ( Ephesians 2:15 ), as the sphere of universal forgiveness ( Ephesians 2:16 ), the home of the Spirit ( Ephesians 2:18 ), and the one body of Christ ( Ephesians 4:12 etc.), in which all have access to the Father ( Ephesians 2:18 ). The interlaced figures of growth and building ( Ephesians 4:12; Ephesians 4:16 ), under which it is presented, witness to its organic and therefore not exclusively spiritual character. Baptism, administered by the local <em> ecclesiÅ“ </em> and resulting in rights and duties in respect of them, is yet primarily the method of entrance to the ideal community ( Romans 6:3-4 , 1 Corinthians 12:13 , Galatians 3:27-28 , Ephesians 4:5 ), to which also belong those offices and functions which, whether universal like the [[Apostolate]] ( 1 Corinthians 12:27-28 ) or particular like the presbyterate ( Acts 20:17; Acts 20:28; cf. 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 , Ephesians 4:11 ), are exercised only in relation to the local societies. It is the Church of God that suffers persecution in the persons of those who are of ‘the Way’ ( 1 Corinthians 15:9 , Acts 8:3; Acts 9:1 ); is profaned by misuse of sacred ordinances at Corinth ( 1 Corinthians 11:22 ); becomes at [[Ephesus]] the pillar and ground of the truth ( 1 Timothy 3:16 ). </p> <p> That St. Paul, in speaking of the Church now in the local now in the universal sense, is not dealing with ideas connected only by analogy, is proved by the ease with which he passes from the one to the other use (Colossians 4:15-16; cf. Colossians 1:18; cf. Colossians 1:24 and Eph. <em> passim </em> ). The Church is essentially visible, the shrine of God ( 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 ), the body of Christ ( Ephesians 1:23 etc.); schism and party-strife involving a breach in the unity of the Spirit ( Ephesians 4:3 ). Under another figure the Church is the bride of Christ ( Ephesians 5:25 ff.), His complement or fulness ( Ephesians 1:23 ), deriving its life from Him as He does from the Father ( Ephesians 1:22 , 1 Corinthians 11:3 ). </p> <p> <strong> 8. </strong> Thus the [[Biblical]] view of the Church differs alike from the materialized conception of Augustine, which identifies it with the constitutionally incorporated and Å“cumenical society of the [[Roman]] Empire, with its canon law and hierarchical jurisdiction, and from that Kingdom of Christ which Luther, as interpreted by Ritschl, regarded as ‘the inward spiritual union of believers with Christ’ ( <em> [[Justification]] and [[Reconciliation]] </em> , Eng. tr. [Note: translate or translation.] p. 287). The principle of the Church’s life is inward, so that ‘the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ’ remains the object of Christian hope ( Ephesians 4:13 ). But its manifestation is outward, and includes those ministries which, though marred, as history shows, by human failure and sin, are set in the Church for the building up of the body ( Ephesians 4:11-12 ). Just as members of the legal Israel are recognized by our Lord as sons of the Kingdom ( Matthew 8:12 ), so the baptized are the called, the saints, the members of the body. There is no warrant in the NT for that sharp separation between membership in the legal worshipping Church and the Kingdom of God which is characteristic of Ritschlianism. </p> <p> <strong> 9. </strong> The Church in its corporate capacity is the primary object of redemption. This truth, besides being definitely asserted ( Ephesians 5:25; Ephesians 5:27 , Acts 20:28 , Titus 2:14 ), is involved in the conception of Christ as the second [[Adam]] ( Romans 5:12-21 , 1 Corinthians 15:20-22 ), the federal head of a redeemed race; underlies the institutions of [[Baptism]] and the Eucharist; and is expressed in the Apostolic teaching concerning the two [[Sacraments]] (see above, also 1 Corinthians 10:16-18; 1 Corinthians 11:20-34 ). The Church is thus not a voluntary association of justified persons for purposes of mutual edification and common worship, but the body in which the individual believer normally realizes his redemption. Christ’s love for the Church, for which He gave Himself ( Ephesians 5:25 ), constituting a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of possession ( 1 Peter 2:5; 1 Peter 2:9 ) through His blood ( Ephesians 2:13 ), completes the parallel, or rather marks the identity, with the historical Israel. [[Membership]] in Abraham’s covenanted race, of which circumcision was the sign ( [[Genesis]] 17:8 ), brought the [[Israelite]] into relation with Jehovah. The sacrifices covered the whole ‘church in the wilderness’ ( Acts 7:38 ), and each worshipper approached God in virtue of his inclusion in the holy people. No foreigner might eat of the [[Passover]] ( Exodus 12:45 ). The propitiatory ritual of the Day of Atonement was expressly designed for the consecration of the whole nation ( Leviticus 16:1-34 ). So the sacrifice of the Cross is our Passover ( 1 Corinthians 5:7 ). The worship of the Christian congregation is the [[Paschal]] feast ( 1 Corinthians 5:8 , cf. Hebrews 13:10-16 ). In Christ those who are now fellow-citizens have a common access to the Father ( Ephesians 2:18 , Hebrews 10:22 ). Through the [[Mediator]] of a new covenant ( Hebrews 12:24 ) those that are consecrated ( Hebrews 10:14; Hebrews 10:22 ) are come to the Church of the first-born ( Hebrews 12:23 ), which includes the spirits of the perfected saints ( <em> ib. </em> ) in the fellowship of God’s household ( Ephesians 2:19 , Hebrews 10:21 ). See also following article. </p> <p> J. G. Simpson. </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_55405" /> ==
<p> The history of the [[Church]] in the [[Apostolic]] [[Age]] may be treated under the following heads; (1) Sources, (2) Importance, (3) Name, (4) Origin, (5) Growth, (6) [[Conflict]] between [[Jewish]] and [[Gentile]] elements, (7) Character, (8) [[Relation]] to the [[State]] and other systems. </p> <p> <b> 1. Sources. </b> -Our sources of information are not nearly so full as we might wish, but some of them are excellent; and, although we are obliged to leave several important questions open, yet criticism enables us to secure solid and sure results. Our earliest sources are the [[Epistles]] of St. Paul, and the large majority of those which bear his name are now firmly established as his. [[Doubts]] still exist with regard to the [[Pastoral]] Epistles, but it is generally admitted that they contain portions which are by the Apostle, and at any rate they are evidence as to a period closely connected with his age. Hebrews, whoever wrote it, is evidence respecting a similar period. With the possible exception of 2 Peter, all the other Epistles and the [[Apocalypse]] are sources. More full of information than the [[Pauline]] Epistles, though later in date, is the [[Book]] of Acts, now firmly established as the work of St. Luke, the companion of St. Paul. Those who fully admit this differ considerably in their estimate of the value of Acts as a historical document, but the trend of criticism is in the direction of a high estimate rather than of a low one. [[Microscopic]] investigation and a number of recent discoveries show how accurate a writer St. Luke generally is. We have to lament tantalizing omissions much more often than to suspect serious inaccuracies. The [[Gospels]] give some help; for what they record explains many features in the Epistles and Acts. </p> <p> [[Outside]] the NT, but within the 1st cent., we have the [[Epistle]] of [[Clement]] of [[Rome]] to the Corinthians and the Epistle of Barnabas, one representing Gentile and the other Jewish Christianity. [[Within]] the first three decades of the 2nd cent., we have the writings of three men whose lives overlapped those of some of the Apostles-Ignatius, Polycarp, and Papias; and to the same period probably belongs the <i> [[Didache]] </i> or <i> Teaching of the Twelve </i> . [[Something]] of considerable value may also be obtained from two writers near the middle of the 2nd cent.-Hermas and [[Justin]] Martyr; and even so late as the last quarter of the cent. we can find apostolic traditions of great value in the writings of Irenaeus. From outside the [[Christian]] Church we have good material, especially respecting the great crisis of the destruction of [[Jerusalem]] by Titus, from the Jewish writer, Josephus; and also some important statements from the heathen writers, Tacitus, Suetonius, and Pliny, who were contemporary with Clement, Ignatius, and Polycarp. </p> <p> <b> 2. Importance. </b> -The importance of the history of the Apostolic Church is very great, but it is sometimes misunderstood. The sources mentioned above tell us something about the beliefs, organization, and ritual of the first Christians; and they are all very simple. It is sometimes supposed that if we take these simple elements and close our eyes to later developments, we get the essence of Christianity, free from unessential forms, and that this constitutes the importance of the primitive Church. It is the model to which all Church reformers ought to look, with a view to restoring its simplicity. Two considerations show that this estimate is erroneous. [[Essence]] without form is unattainable. The Apostolic Church had forms which were the outcome of the conditions in which the Church existed. Some of those conditions changed very quickly, and the forms changed also. The restoration of the simplicity of the primitive forms will have little value or vitality unless we also restore the primitive conditions, and that is impossible. Secondly, the sources do not tell us the whole truth. On some important points we can obtain nothing better than degrees of probability because the evidence is so inadequate; on other points there is no evidence, and we have to fall back on pure conjecture. If it had been intended that all subsequent ages should take the Apostolic Church as a model, then we might reasonably expect that a complete description of it would have been preserved. A sketch which has to be gathered piecemeal from different sources, and which, when put together, is incomplete both in outline and in contents, cannot be made an authoritative example. ‘Christianity is not an archaeological puzzle’ (J. H. Ropes, <i> Apostolic Age </i> , London, 1906, p. 20). </p> <p> Nevertheless, the importance of this age is real and great, ( <i> a </i> ) The spiritual essence of [[Christianity]] may be said to consist in the inner relation of each soul to God, to His Christ, and to His Spirit, and in the inner and outer relations of all believers to one another. In the first age of the Church this essence existed in such simple vigour that it gave reality and life to forms which had not yet had time to become mistaken for essentials. About the simplicity of these beginnings there is no doubt; it is an established fact; but that does not prove that this primitive simplicity is a binding authority for all ages. ( <i> b </i> ) This ago produced the NT-the group of writings which has had greater influence for good than any which the world has ever known: a group of writings which reflects the ideas and habits of that age and must be interpreted by a knowledge of those ideas and habits. ( <i> c </i> ) This age exhibits the first effects which the gospel produced upon [[Jew]] and Gentile-two very different soils, which might bear very different fruits. ( <i> d </i> ) It is the first stage in the complex development of the Church and the churches; and in order to understand that development, we must study its beginnings. </p> <p> <b> 3. Name. </b> -The name ‘Church’ is in itself strong evidence of the connexion between the Old [[Covenant]] and the New. In the OT, two different words are used to denote gatherings of the chosen people or their representatives- <i> ‘çdhâh </i> (Revised Version‘congregation’) and <i> qâhâl </i> (Revised Version‘assembly’). In the Septuagint, συναγωγή is the usual translation of <i> ‘çdhâh </i> , while <i> qâhâl </i> is commonly rendered ἐκκλησία. Both <i> qâhâl </i> and ἐκκλησία by their derivation indicate calling or summoning to a place of meeting; but ‘there is no foundation for the widely spread notion that ἐκκλησία means a people or a number of individual men <i> called out </i> of the world or mankind’ (F. J. A. Hort, <i> The Christian [[Ecclesia]] </i> , London, 1897, p. 5). <i> Qâhâl </i> or ἐκκλησία is the more sacred term; it denotes the people in relation to Jahweh, especially in public worship. [[Perhaps]] for this very reason the less sacred term συναγωγή was more commonly used by the [[Jews]] in our Lord’s time, and probably influenced the first believers in adopting ἐκκλησία for Christian use. συναγωγή quickly went out of use for a Christian assembly (James 2:2), except in sects which were more Jewish than Christian. [[Owing]] to the growing hostility of the Jews, it came to indicate opposition to the Church (Revelation 2:9; Revelation 3:9). ἐκκλησία, therefore, at once suggests the new people of God, the new Israel. </p> <p> We do not know who so happily adopted the word for Christian use. It is not impossible that [[Christ]] Himself may have used it, for He sometimes spoke Greek. He used it or its equivalent in a Christian sense (Matthew 16:18); but Matthew 18:17, though capable of being transferred to Christians, must at the time when it was spoken have meant a Jewish assembly. St. [[Paul]] probably found the word already in use, and outside the Gospels it is very frequent in the NT. We find three uses of the term: the general body of believers (Acts 5:11; Acts 9:31; Acts 12:1); the believers in a certain place (1 Thessalonians 1:1, 2 Thessalonians 1:1); an assembly for public worship (1 Corinthians 11:18; 1 Corinthians 14:19; 1 Corinthians 14:35). It had already become a technical term with strongly religious associations, which were partly borrowed from a Jewish ideal, but had been so enriched and transfigured as to indicate a body that was entirely new. The Jewish idea of a chosen people in relation to [[God]] received a fuller meaning, and to this was added the idea of a chosen people in relation to the [[Incarnate]] and [[Risen]] [[Son]] of God and to the [[Spirit]] of God. ἐκκλησία is nowhere used of heathen <i> religious </i> assemblies. </p> <p> <b> 4. Origin. </b> -Whether or no the Christian community owes its name of ‘Church’ (ἐκκλησία) to Christ, beyond reasonable doubt it owes its origin to Him. It is a strange misreading of plain facts to elevate St. Paul into the founder of the Christian Church. The theory that in Christianity, as in some other religions, there was a gradual deification of the founder, continues to be advocated, but it will not bear serious investigation. If St. Paul originated Christianity, who originated St. Paul? What was it that turned [[Saul]] the persecutor of the Church into Paul the apostle of [[Jesus]] Christ? It was the indelible conviction that Jesus was the Messiah, and that He had risen from the dead and conversed with him on the road to Damascus, that converted and ever afterwards controlled St. Paul. The conviction that the [[Messiah]] had been crucified, and had risen, and was now the Lord in heaven, was reached very quickly and surely by large numbers, who had good opportunities of ascertaining the truth and staked everything on the result. This conviction was based upon the experiences of those who were quite certain that the Risen Christ had appeared to them and conversed with them. Those appearances were realities, however we may explain them; they are among those things which prove themselves by their otherwise inexplicable results; and the convictions which they produced remain undestroyed and indestructible. It was upon them that the Apostolic Church was built. From the Risen Christ it had received the amazing commission to go forth and conquer the world; about that there was no doubt among those who joyously undertook this stupendous work. The apostles must have known whether Christ intended them to form a Church; and their view of His intention is shown by the fact that, immediately after His withdrawal from their sight, they set to work to construct one. If the new religion was to conquer the world, it must be both individualistic and social; it must provide for communion between each soul and God, and also for communion between its adherents. In other words, there must be a Church. Christ showed how this was to be done. He was not content with being an itinerant teacher, preaching to casual audiences. He selected a few disciples and trained them to be His helpers and His successors. It is manifest that He intended them to found a society; for although He gave few rules for its organization, yet He instituted two rites, one for admission to it and one for its preservation (W. Hobhouse, <i> The Church and the [[World]] </i> [ <i> Bampton Lectures </i> , London, 1910], p. 17ff.). ‘An isolated Christian’ is a contradiction, for every Christian is a member of Christ’s Body. In reference to the world [[Christians]] are ‘saints’ (ἅγιοι); in reference to one another they are ‘brethren’; in reference to Christ they are ‘members.’ In the original constitution of the human body God placed differently endowed members, and He has done the same in the original constitution of the Church (1 Corinthians 12:28). Both are in origin Divine, the product of the creative action of Father, Son, and Spirit. </p> <p> <b> 5. Growth. </b> -The growth of the Apostolic Church was very rapid. The first missionary efforts of the original believers were confined to Jerusalem and its immediate neighbourhood, and the converts were [[Palestinian]] or [[Hellenistic]] Jews who were living or sojourning in or near the capital. At first the [[Hellenists]] were in a minority, but this soon ceased to be the case. [[Persecution]] caused flight from Jerusalem, and then missionary effort was extended to Jews of the [[Dispersion]] and to Gentiles. At [[Antioch]] in [[Syria]] the momentous change was made to a mixed congregation containing both Jews and Christians. Then what had seemed even to the Jews themselves to be a mere Jewish sect became a universal Church (Acts 11:19-26). As soon as it was seen that Judaism, in spite of all its OT glories, would never become a universal religion, missions to the heathen became a necessity. The first missionaries to the Gentiles, the men who took this momentous step of bringing the gospel to pagans, are for the most part unknown to us. Who won the first Gentile converts at Antioch? Who first took Christianity to Rome? [[Whoever]] they were, there had been a long and complex preparation for their work, which goes a considerable way towards explaining its success. This indeed was to be hoped for in accordance with Christ’s command (Matthew 28:18, Luke 24:47) and St. Peter’s [[Pentecostal]] promise ‘to all that are afar off’ (Acts 2:39); but we can see some of the details which helped fulfilment. </p> <p> The only thing which adequately explains the great expansion of Christianity in the 1st cent. is the fact of its [[Divine]] origin; but there were a number of causes which favoured its spread and more than counteracted the active opposition and other difficulties with which it had to contend. </p> <p> ( <i> a </i> ) The dispersion of the Jews in civilized countries secured a knowledge of monotheism and a sound moral code. </p> <p> ( <i> b </i> ) [[Roman]] law had become almost co-extensive with the civilized world. [[Tribal]] and national ideas, often irrational and debasing, had given place to principles of natural right and justice, Roman law, like the [[Mosaic]] Law, was a παιδαγωγός to lead men to Christ. </p> <p> ( <i> c </i> ) The splendid organization of the Roman [[Empire]] gave great facilities for travel and correspondence. </p> <p> ( <i> d </i> ) The dissolution of nationalities by Roman conquests prepared men’s minds for a religion which was not national but universal; and it is not impossible, in spite of the horror which the writer of the Apocalypse exhibits towards the worship of the Emperor, that that worship, which was nominally universal, sometimes prepared people for a worship of the [[Power]] to which they owed existence, and not merely fitful security and peace. </p> <p> ( <i> e </i> ) The [[Macedonian]] conquest had made men familiar with a type of civilization which seemed to be adaptable to the whole world, and had supplied a language which was still more adaptable. [[Greek]] was everywhere spoken in large towns, and in them converts were most likely to be found. Through the Septuagint, Greek was a Jewish as well as a pagan instrument of thought, and had become very flexible and simple, capable of expressing new ideas, and yet easily intelligible to plain men. Greek was the language of culture and of commerce even in Rome. It was also the sacred language of the world-wide worship of Isis. [[Hardly]] at any other period has the civilized world had a nearer approach to a universal language. The retention of a Greek liturgy in the Church of Rome for two centuries was due partly to the fact that the first missionaries taught in Greek and that the Greek [[Bible]] was used; partly to the desire to preserve the unity of the Church throughout the Empire. Its abandonment by the Roman Church prepared the way for the estrangement between East and West. </p> <p> ( <i> f </i> ) There was a wide-spread sense of moral corruption and spiritual need. ‘A great religious longing swept over the length and breadth of the empire. The scepticism of the age of enlightenment had become bankrupt’ (E. v. Dobschütz, <i> Apostol. Age </i> , Eng. translation, London, 1909, p. 39). The prevalent religions and philosophies had stimulated longings which they could not satisfy. Speculations about conscience, sin, and judgment to come, about the efficacy of sacrifices, and the possibility of forgiveness and of life after death, had prepared men for what Christianity had to offer. Even if the gospel had not been given, some religious change would have come. The gospel often awakened spiritual aspirations; more often it found them awake and satisfied them. It satisfied them because it possessed the characteristics of a universal religion-incomparable sublimity of doctrine, inexhaustible adaptability, and an origin that was recognizable as Divine. The Jew might be won by the conviction that the law was transfigured in the gospel and that prophecy was fulfilled in Christ and His Church. St. Peter began his Pentecostal address to the assembled Jews by pointing out that the outpouring of the Spirit was a fulfilment of Jewish prophecy (Joel 2:28-31) and an inauguration of ‘the last days,’ which were to precede the coming of the Messiah in glory. But to the Gentile these considerations were not impressive. The great pagan world had to be won by the actual contents of Christianity, which were seen to be better than those of any religion that the world had thus far known. They were not only new, but ‘with authority’; and they stood the test of experience by bearing the wear and tear of life. Christianity was at once a mirror and a ‘mystery’; it reflected life so clearly and it suggested something much higher. It was a marvel of simplicity and richness. It was so plain that it could be told in a few words which might change the whole life. It was so varied and subtle that it could tax all the intellectual powers and excite the strongest feelings. </p> <p> When the proconsul [[Saturninus]] said to the Scillitan Martyrs, ‘we also are religious people, and our religion is simple,’ one of the Christians, replied, ‘If you will grant me a quiet hearing, I will tell you the mystery of simplicity’ ( <i> Acts of the Scillitan [[Martyrs]] </i> [ <i> Texts and [[Studies]] </i> i. 2, 1891, p. 112]; cf. 1 Corinthians 2:7). </p> <p> The number of Christians at the close of the 1st cent. is very uncertain. We read of a good many centres throughout the Empire; but we know little about the size of each of these local churches. In some the numbers were probably small. In [[Palestine]] they were numerous (Acts 21:20). </p> <p> ( <i> g </i> ) The zeal and ability of the first missionaries were very great. We know the names of comparatively few of them, but we know some of the results of their work. The extension of the Church in the 2nd cent. is proof of the good work done in the 1st. In accordance with Christ’s directions (Mark 6:7; cf. Luke 10:1), these missionaries commonly worked in pairs (H. Latham, <i> [[Pastor]] Pastorum </i> , Cambridge, 1890, p. 296f.). St. Paul as a general rule had one companion, and probably seldom more; and his ability in planning missions is conspicuous. He selected Roman colonies, whore, as a Roman citizen, he would have rights, and where he would be likely to find Jews, and men of other religions, trading under the protection of Rome. A synagogue was at first the usual starting-point for a Christian mission. But very soon the Jews became too hostile; so far from listening to the preachers, they stirred up the heathen against them (T. R. Glover, <i> The Conflict of Religions in the [[Early]] Roman Empire </i> , London, 1909, ch. vi.). </p> <p> It is impossible to say which of the forces which characterized Christianity contributed most to its success: its preaching of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, its lofty monotheism, its hope of immortality, its doctrine of the forgiveness of sins, its practical benevolence, its inward cohesion and unity. Each of these told, and we may be sure that their combined effect was great. </p> <p> <b> 6. Conflict between Jewish and Gentile elements. </b> -It is remarkable how soon this conflict in the Apostolic Church began. Not long after Christianity was born, it was severed from the nation which gave it birth, and, since the final destruction of Jerusalem, it has only in rare cases found a secure hold on Jewish soil. But it is not a just statement of the case to say that the Gentile Church first stripped [[Judaism]] of everything, the [[Scriptures]] included, and then left it by the wayside half dead; or that the daughter first robbed her mother, and then repudiated her. That is an inversion of the truth; it was the mother who drove out the daughter and then persistently blackened her character. As to the Scriptures, there has been no robbery, for both have possessed them. But the daughter has put them to far better account and has increased their value tenfold. Christianity did not come forward at first as a new religion aiming at ousting the Jews. Its [[Founder]] was the Jewish Messiah, the fulfilment of OT prophecies. It was the Jews who forced the opposition. The relation of Judaism to Christianity was, almost from the first, a hostile one. And, as it was the energetic Jew of [[Tarsus]] who led the first persecution of the Christians, so it was the [[Apostle]] of the [[Gentiles]] who caused the final separation of the Church from the Synagogue. In the [[Fourth]] Gospel, ‘the Jews’ are the opponents of the Christ. In the Apocalypse, they are ‘the synagogue of Satan’ (Revelation 2:9; Revelation 3:9; cf. <i> Didache </i> , 8). [[Barnabas]] goes still further: the Jews have never been in covenant with God (iv. 6-9, xiv. 1); the Jews are the sinners (xii. 10). Judaism is obsolete: the Christian Church has taken its place and succeeded to all its privileges, [[Hence]] the lofty enthusiasm of the first Christians, whose language often assumes a rhythmic strain when the Church is spoken of (Ephesians 4:4, Colossians 1:18, 1 Timothy 3:15, Hebrews 12:22, 1 Peter 2:9, Matthew 16:18). It was through the Christian Church that God filled the world with His Spirit; to it belonged the glorious future and the final triumph; for by it the religion of an exclusive nation had been transformed into a religion for the whole world. </p> <p> It was inevitable that the Jews should resent such claims on the part of Christians, and especially of Gentile Christians; and the resentment became furious hostility when they saw the rapidity with which Christians made converts as compared with their own slowness in making proselytes here and there. Until the Maccabaean princes used force, not many had been made. Since then, religious aspirations had combined with interested motives to bring adherents to Judaism, and it was from these more serious proselytes that the Christian missionaries obtained much help. Under their roof both Jews and Gentiles could meet to hear the word of God (Acts 18:7). Christianity could offer to a dissatisfied and earnest pagan all that Judaism could offer and a great deal more. Such inquirers after truth now ceased to seek admission to the [[Synagogue]] and joined the Church, and the downfall of Jerusalem accelerated this chance. The Jewish war of a.d. 66-70 was regarded by the Christians as a judgment for the murder of the Messiah, and also for the more recent murder in 62 of the Messiah’s brother, James the Just. That catastrophe destroyed both the centre of Jewish worship and also the Jews themselves as a nation. The loss of the [[Temple]] was to some extent mitigated by the system of synagogues, which had long been established. But that destruction, both in its immediate effect and in its far-reaching consequences, marks a crisis which has few parallels in history. Christianity felt both. The destruction of Jerusalem left the Gentile Churches, and especially the Church of Rome, without a rival, for the Jewish Church of Jerusalem sank into obscurity, and never recovered; nor did any other community of Jewish Christiana take its place. When a Christian community arose once more in the restored Jerusalem, it was a Gentile Church. Jewish Christianity was far on the road towards extinction. The [[Judaizing]] Christians persisted in regarding Judaism as the [[Divinely]] appointed universal religion, of which Christianity was only a special offshoot endowed with new powers. The Pauline view involved the hateful admission that the OT dispensation was relative and transitory. The [[Judaizers]] could not see that Christianity, although founded on the OT and realizing an OT ideal which had been seen but not reached by the prophets, was now independent of Judaism. Judaizing was a passing malady in the life of the Church, and had little influence on ecclesiastical development. The Judaizing Christians either gave up their Judaism or ceased to be Christian. </p> <p> The [[Tübingen]] theory that the leading fact in the Apostolic Church was a struggle between St. Paul and the Twelve has been illuminating, but closer study of the evidence has shown that it is untenable. There were some differences, but there was no hostility, between St. Paul and the Twelve. The hostility was between St. Paul and the Judaizers, who claimed to represent the Twelve. It is possible that some of these Judaizing teachers had seen Christ during His ministry, and therefore said that they had a better right to the title of ‘apostle’ than he had. In the mis-called ‘Apostolic Council’ at Jerusalem, which was really a conference of apostles, elder brethren, and the whole Church of Jerusalem (Acts 15:6; Acts 15:12; Acts 15:22-23), there was no conflict between the Twelve and St. Paul. St. Paul’s rebuke to St. Peter at Antioch (Galatians 2:11-14) is no evidence of a difference of principle between them. St. Peter is blamed, not for having erroneous convictions, but for being unfaithful to true ones. He and St. Paul were entirely agreed that there was no need to make Gentile converts conform to the Mosaic Law; but St. Peter had been willing to make unworthy concessions to the prejudices of Jewish converts who were fresh from headquarters, by ceasing to eat with Gentile converts. He had perhaps argued that, as it was impossible to please both parties, it was better, for the moment, to keep on good terms with people from Jerusalem. He temporized in order to please the Judaizers. </p> <p> ‘But what it amounted to was that multitudes of baptized Gentile Christians, hitherto treated on terms of perfect equality, were now to be practically exhibited as unfit company for the circumcised [[Apostles]] of the Lord who died for them.… Such conduct, though in form it was not an expulsion of the Gentile converts, but only a self-withdrawal from their company, was in effect a summons to them to become Jews if they wished to remain in the fullest sense Christians. St. Paul does not tell us how the dispute ended: but he continued on excellent terms with the Jerusalem Apostles’ (F. J. A. Hort. <i> [[Judaistic]] Christianity </i> , Cambridge, 1894, pp. 78, 79). </p> <p> The leading facts in the history of the Apostolic Church are-the freedom won for Gentile converts, the consequent expansion of Christianity and Christendom, and the transfer of the Christian centre from Palestine to Europe. When the Apostolic Age began, the Church was overwhelmingly Jewish; before it ended, the Church was overwhelmingly Gentile. Owing mainly to the influence of St. Paul-‘a [[Hebrew]] of Hebrews’-whose Jewish birth and training moulded his thoughts and language, but never induced him to sacrifice the freedom of the gospel to the bondage of the law, the break with Judaism became absolute, and, as Gentile converts increased, the restrictions of Judaism were almost forgotten. The Judaizing Christians, especially after the second destruction of Jerusalem under Hadrian, drew further and further away from the Church, and ceased to influence its development. </p> <p> <b> 7. Character. </b> -The character of the Apostolic Church is not one that can be sketched in a few strokes. [[Simple]] as it was in form, it had varied and delicate characteristics. By its foundation in Jerusalem, which even the heathen regarded as no mean city, Christianity became, what it continued to be in the main for some centuries, a city-religion, a religion nearly all the adherents of which lived in large centres of population. It was in such centres that the first missionaries worked. For eighteen years or more (Galatians 1:18; Galatians 2:1) Jerusalem continued to be the headquarters of at least some of the Twelve; but even before the conversion of St. Paul there were Christians at [[Samaria]] (Acts 8:14), [[Damascus]] (9:19), and Antioch (11:20), which soon eclipsed Jerusalem as the Christian metropolis. </p> <p> It has been pointed out already that the Church is necessarily social in character; and it resembles other societies, especially those which have a political or moral aim, in requiring self-denying loyalty from its members. But it differs from other societies in claiming to be universal. The morality which it inculcates is not for any one nation or class, but for the whole of mankind. In the very small amount of legislation which Christ promulgated, He made it quite clear that in the [[Kingdom]] social interests are to prevail rather than private interests; and also that all men have a right to enter the society and ought to be invited to join it. The Church, therefore, is a commonwealth open to all the world. [[Every]] human being may find a place in it; and all those who belong to it will find that they have entered a vast family, in which all the members are brethren and have the obligations of brethren to promote one another’s well-being both of body and soul. This form of a free brotherhood was essential to a universal religion; and the proof of its superiority to other brotherhoods lay in its being suitable to all sorts and conditions of men. It prescribed conduct which can be recognized as binding on all; and, far more fully than any other system, it supplied to all what the soul of each individual craved. The name ‘disciples’ did not last long as a name for all Christians; the name ‘brethren’ took its place. St. Paul does not speak of Christians as ‘disciples’; that word came to be restricted to those who had been the personal disciples of Christ. He speaks of them as ‘brethren,’ a term in harmony with the Christians’ ‘enthusiasm of humanity,’ an enthusiasm which set no bounds to its affection, but gave to every individual, however degraded, full recognition. The mere fact of being a baptized believer gave an absolute claim to loving consideration from all the rest. This brotherhood of Christians was easily recognized by the heathen. </p> <p> [[Lucian]] ( <i> Death of Peregrinus [[Proteus]] </i> ) says: ‘It was imposed upon them by their original lawgiver that they are all brothers from the moment that they are converted.… An adroit, unscrupulous fellow, who has seen the world, has only to get among these simple souls, and his fortune is soon made.’ By pretending to be a ‘brother’ he can get anything out of them. </p> <p> There is a stronger bond thou that of belonging to one and the same society, commonwealth, and brotherhood. [[Seeing]] that the brotherhood implies that the Father of the family is God, there would seem to be nothing stronger than that. And yet there is: Christians are members of one Body, the [[Body]] of Christ, which is inspired by one Spirit. Just as no one did so much as St. Paul to free the new society from its cramping and stifling connexion with Judaism, so no one did so much as he to develop the idea of a free Christian Church, and of the relation of the Spirit to it. The local ἐκκλησία of believers is a temple in which God dwells by His Spirit; it is Christ’s Body, of which all become members by being baptized in one Spirit. No differences of rank or of spiritual endowments can destroy this fundamental unity, any more than the unity of a building or of the human body is destroyed by the complexity of its structure. In Ephesians, the Apostle looks forward to an ἐκκλησία, not local, but including all Christians that anywhere exist. The same Spirit dwells in each soul and makes the multitude of the faithful, irrespective of locality or condition, to be one (see Swete, <i> The [[Holy]] Spirit in the NT </i> , London, 1909, p. 308). From the ideal point of view, there is only one Church, which is imperfectly, but effectively, represented and realized in the numerous organizations in Christendom. Not that [[Christendom]] is the whole of which they are the constituent parts-that is a way of looking at it which is not found in the Apostolic Church, and it may easily be misleading. The more accurate view is to regard each member of a Christian organization as a member of the universal Church. The Church consists of duly qualified individuals; the intermediate groups may be convenient or inevitable, but they are not essential. </p> <p> [[Separate]] organizations, or local churches, came into existence because bodies of Christians arose at different plates and increased. These bodies were independent, no one local church being in subjection to another. The congregations at Ephesus, Thessalonica, Philippi, Corinth, etc., were independent of one another and of the earlier churches of Antioch and Jerusalem. Their chief bond of union was that of the gospel and of membership in Christ. [[Besides]] this, the churches just named had the tie of being the product of one and the same founder; and, as children of the same spiritual father, they were in a special sense ‘brethren,’ St. Paul appeals to this fact and to their relationship to other churches. But, although he teaches that a church in need has claims upon the liberality of other churches, he nowhere gives one church authority over others. Nevertheless, even in apostolic times, congregations in the same district appear to have been regarded as connected groups, and it is possible that the congregation in the provincial capital had some sort of initiative in virtue of the importance of the city where they dwelt. Thus, we have ‘the churches of Galatia; (1 Corinthians 16:1, Galatians 1:1), ‘the churches of Asia’ (1 Corinthians 16:19), ‘the churches of [[Judaea]] ’ (Galatians 1:22), ‘the seven churches of Asia’ (Revelation 1:4). In this way there arose between the local city church and the universal Church an organization which may he called the provincial Church (A. Harnack, <i> [[Constitution]] and Law of the Church </i> , Eng. translation, London, 1910, p. 160). </p> <p> Besides these close ties of relationship and membership, the first Christians were held together by unity of creed. It is true that primitive Christianity was an enthusiasm rather than a creed; but there was a creed. It may be summed up in two strong convictions, one negative and the other positive. The negative one united the Christians with the Jews; the positive one was the chief cause of separation between the two. Both Jew and Christian declared with equal emphasis that the gods of the heathen were no-gods (Deuteronomy 32:17, 1 Corinthians 10:20): they were <i> Shçdim </i> , nullities. But the Divine nature of the Incarnate, Crucified, and Risen Son of God was what the Christian affirmed as confidently and constantly as the Jew denied it. Here no compromise was possible. The [[Divinity]] of the Crucified, which is such a difficulty to modern thought, appears to have caused little difficulty to the first Christians. It has been suggested that familiarity with polytheistic ideas helped them to believe in the Divinity of the Son. Possibly; but, on the other hand, their rejection of polytheism was absolute, and they died rather than make concessions. [[Heathen]] philosophers, who saw that polytheism was irrational, had a colourless theism which could make compromises with popular misbeliefs. Thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Seneca, and [[Plutarch]] could talk indifferently of God and gods, of the Divine Being and the deities; but for the early Christians that was impossible. They were not theologians, and they had only the rudiments of a creed; but they were quite clear about the necessity of worshipping God and His Christ, and about the folly and wickedness of worshipping men or idols. Hence, with all their simplicity of doctrine they had deep convictions which formed a strong bond of union. The heathen mysteries had something of the same kind. </p> <p> P. Gardner has pointed out three common characteristics, all of which bring them into line with Christianity: rites of purification, rites of communion with some deity, and means of securing happiness in the other world. He holds that the Christian mystery of which St. Paul speaks is ‘the existence or a spiritual bond holding together a society in union with a spiritual lord with whom the society had communion, and from whom they received in the present life safety from sin and defilement, and in the world to come life everlasting’ ( <i> The [[Religious]] [[Experience]] of St. Paul </i> , London, 1911, p. 79). </p> <p> <b> 8. Relation to the State and other systems. </b> -The question of the relation of the Church to the State was only beginning to arise towards the end of the apostolic period. The Church was developing its organization for its own purposes, without thinking of producing a power which might rival and oppose the State. The State had not yet become aware of any Christian organization, and it dealt with Christians as eccentrics, who sometimes became a public nuisance. The Jews were tolerated, less because they were not offensive to the Roman [[Government]] than because it was inexpedient to persecute them; and so long as Christians were regarded as a Jewish sect, they shared the immunity of the Jews and were generally unmolested. When the difference between Jews and Christians became manifest-and the Jews often pointed it out-Christians were persecuted whenever the temper of the magistrates or of the mob made it expedient to persecute. The State was intolerant on principle; it allowed no other corporation either inside or outside itself. While it freely permitted a variety of cults, it insisted on every citizen taking part in the State religion, especially in the worship of the Emperor. It was here that the Church came into complete and deadly collision with the Roman Empire, as the Apocalypse again and again shows. [[Nero]] was not fond of being styled a god; it seemed to imply that he was about to be translated from earth by death, and he preferred popularity during this life to worship after it was over. [[Domitian]] had no such feeling. He was not popular, and could not make himself so; but he could make his subjects worship him; and in the provinces, especially in the province of Asia, where Emperors were not often seen, but where the benefits of good government were felt, subjects were very willing to render Divine honours to the power that blessed them. Domitian began the formal letters which his procurators had to issue for him with the words: ‘Our Lord and God orders this to be done’ (Suet. <i> [[Dom]] </i> . 13). [[Festivals]] for the worship of the [[Emperor]] were often held by the magistrates at places in which there were Christians, <i> e.g. </i> at Ephesus, Sardis, Smyrna, and Philadelphia; and to refuse to take part in them was rebellion against the Government and blasphemy against the Augustus. Some magistrates were friendly, like the [[Asiarchs]] towards St. Paul (Acts 19:31), but the possibilities of persecution for refusing to worship the Emperor or the local deities were so great that we may suspect that many attacks on Christians took place about which history records nothing (Swete, <i> Apocalypse </i> , London, 1907, Introd. ch. vii.; J. B. Lightfoot, <i> Apostolic [[Fathers]] </i> , pt. i. vol. i. [1890] p. 104). </p> <p> Even if this danger had not existed, the mere fact that the Church was a self-governing body, within the State- <i> imperium in imperio </i> -but not of it, was enough to bring it into collision with the Government. The attitude of the Church was as loyal as was possible. The apostles respected the civil power, even when represented by a Nero, as a Divinely appointed instrument for the preservation of order; but they could not allow it to interfere with their duty to Him who had ordained both the civil power and the Church. The Church was no leveller or democrat in the modern sense of those terms. Rulers are to be respected by subjects, masters by slaves, husbands by wives, and parents by children. St. Paul does not teach the fallacy that all men are equal; he teaches that in spiritual things all souls have equal value. As regards the things of this life, all men are brethren, and in this he went far beyond Stoicism; even now, perhaps, we have not yet grasped the full significance of his teaching. To both the Government and the governed the Christians were an enigma. They seemed to regard suffering as a dreadful thing, for they were always striving to relieve it; and yet to disregard it entirely, for they were always willing to endure it. In an age in which there were no charitable institutions, the whole congregation was a free institution for dispensing practical help; and yet, when their cult was in question, they scorned pain and misery. They fought against involuntary poverty as an evil, and yet declared that voluntary poverty was a blessing. And there was another paradox-Christianity was at once the most comprehensive and the most exclusive of all religions. All were invited to enter, because the yoke was so easy; and all were warned to count the cost, because the responsibilities were so great. Converts were told that they must begin by taking up the cross and that they must abjure the world. In practice, the severance between the Church and the world was not insisted upon (1 Corinthians 6:10): it was a difference of thought and life rather than of social intercourse. [[Many]] Christians mixed freely with heathens, and many heathens came sometimes to Christian services, without any thought of seeking baptism. Some heathens thought that the [[Way]] was good, but that there were other ways which were equally good. The mixture of Church and world began very early. </p> <p> [[Among]] rival religious systems, none was more dangerous to the success of Christianity than Mithra-worship. [[Except]] in the form of ‘Mysteries,’ the old Greek religion had not much power; its gods and goddesses were openly ridiculed. But Mithraism was full of life; it could excite not only powerful emotions but moral aspirations as well. It inculcated courage and purity, and it taught the doctrine of rewards and penalties here and hereafter. [[Mithra]] would come one day from heaven, and there would be a general resurrection, after which the wicked world would be destroyed by fire and the good would receive immortality. Some Church teachers regarded it as a gross caricature of Christianity. As a missionary religion, it had the advantage of being able to make terms with paganism; its adherents had no objection to idolatrous rites, and therefore never came into collision with the Government. It probably gained thousands who might otherwise have accepted the gospel. The elastic simplicity and freedom of primitive Christianity exposed the Apostolic Church to perils of another kind. The troubles of Gnosticism, Manichaeism, and [[Montanism]] grew out of the contact of Christianity with Greek and [[Oriental]] systems of religion and philosophy, whose ideas found entrance into Christianity and were sometimes an enrichment and sometimes a corruption of it. The balance was on the side of gain. The gospel continued to supply the plain man with a simple rule of life, and it began to supply the philosopher with inexhaustible material for thought. This is a permanent cause of success. </p> <p> Literature.-In addition to the important works cited above, see W. W. Shirley, <i> The Church in the Apostolic Age </i> , Oxford, 1867; P. Schaff, <i> Apostolic Christianity </i> , Edinburgh, 1883, vol. ii.; A. Harnack, <i> Sources of the Apostolic Canons </i> , Eng. translation, London, 1895; C. v. Weizsäcker, <i> The Apostolic Age </i> 2, Eng. translation, W. M. Ramsay, <i> The Church in the Roman Empire </i> 6, London, 1900, <i> St. Paul the [[Traveller]] </i> 6, do. 1902, <i> [[Letters]] to the [[Seven]] Churches </i> , do. 1904, <i> Pictures of the Apostolic Church </i> , do. 1910; C. Bigg, <i> The Origins of Christianity </i> , do. 1909; H. M. Gwatkin, <i> Early Church Hist. </i> , do. 1909; L. Duchesne, <i> Early Hist. of the Christian Church </i> , Eng. translation, do. 1909-1912. </p> <p> [[Alfred]] Plummer. </p>
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_58803" /> ==
<p> CHURCH, n. </p> 1. A house consecrated to the worship of God, among [[Christians]] the Lords house. This seems to be the original meaning of the word. The Greek, to call out or call together, denotes an assembly or collection. But, Lord, a term applied by the early Christians to [[Jesus]] [[Christ]] and the house in which they worshipped was named from the title. So church goods, bona ecclesiastica the Lords day, dies dominica. 2. The collective body of Christians, or of those who profess to believe in Christ, and acknowledge him to be the [[Savior]] of mankind. In this sense, the church is sometimes called the [[Catholic]] or [[Universal]] Church. 3. A particular number of christens, united under one form of ecclesiastical government, in one creed, and using the same ritual and ceremonies as the [[English]] church the Gallican church the [[Presbyterian]] church the [[Romish]] church the [[Greek]] church. 4. The followers of Christ in a particular city or province as the church of Ephesus, or of Antioch. 5. The disciples of Christ assembled for worship in a particular place, as in a private house. Colossians 4 . 6. The worshipers of [[Jehovah]] or the true God, before the advent of Christ as the [[Jewish]] church. 7. The body of clergy, or ecclesiastics, in distinction from the laity. Hence, ecclesiastical authority. 8. An assembly of sacred rulers convened in [[Christs]] name to execute his laws. 9. The collective body of Christians, who have made a public profession of the [[Christian]] religion, and who are untied under the same pastor in distinction from those who belong to the same parish, or ecclesiastical society, but have made no profession of their faith. <p> CHURCH, To perform with any one the office of returning thanks in the church, after any signal deliverance, as from the dangers of childbirth. </p>
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_65457" /> ==
<p> This [[English]] word is said to be derived from the [[Greek]] κυριακός , which signifies 'pertaining to the Lord,' and is commonly used both for an association of professing Christians, and for the building in which they worship. It is the scriptural use of the word ἐκκλησία, or 'assembly,' that is here under consideration. </p> <p> The word is used in reference to [[Israel]] in the N.T. on one occasion in Acts 7:38 , and to a [[Gentile]] throng in Acts 19:32,41 . Its first occurrence in relation to [[Christianity]] is in Matthew 16:18 , where upon Peter's confession that Jesuswas the [[Son]] of the living God, the Lord rejoins, "upon this rock I will build my assembly," etc. [[Historically]] this spiritual building, (for 'building' never refers to a material edifice) was begun after His death and resurrection, when the [[Holy]] [[Ghost]] descended at the day of Pentecost. In this aspect of the church there is no room for any failure — the "gates of hades shall not prevail against it." It is what [[Christ]] Himself effects by His [[Spirit]] in souls, and it contemplates the full and final result. In 1 Peter 2:4,5 we have the progressive work, "ye also as living stones are being built up a spiritual house," etc. The idea of 'building' here supposes a work so wrought that souls become conscious of forming part of the dwelling place of God, and are rendered able to offer up spiritual sacrifices as a holy priesthood. </p> <p> But there is an aspect of the assembly as a building in which it is viewed in relation to human responsibility, and where consequently human failure has left its unmistakable mark. In 1 Corinthians 3 . the apostle speaks of himself as a wise master-builder, who has well laid the foundation, which is 'Christ Jesus;' but he adds that 'others build thereupon,' and warns every one to take heed how he does so. Here may be found 'wood, hay, stubble,' as well as 'gold, silver, precious stones.' Men may 'corrupt the temple of God,' and alas! this has been done only too effectually, professing [[Christendom]] being the outcome of it. But this aspect of it must in no way be confounded with that which Christ builds, where no failure is found. </p> <p> There is also another view of the church or assembly as the body and the bride of Christ. Ephesians 1:22,23; Ephesians 5:26,27 . By one Spirit believers are baptised into one body. 1 Corinthians 12:13 . They are God's "workmanship, created in Christ [[Jesus]] unto good works. . . . ." Ephesians 2:10 . There is the effectual operation of [[God]] in quickening them with Christ, in raising them (Jews and Gentiles) up together, and making them to sit together in heavenly places in Christ. They are livingly united to the [[Head]] in heaven by the Spirit of God. This body is on earth that the graces of the Head may be displayed in it. His people are to put on, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, longsuffering, etc. Colossians 3:12-17 . It is the mystery hidden throughout the ages, but now revealed, in order that to the principalities and powers in the heavenlies might be known through the assembly the all various wisdom of God. Ephesians 3:9,10 . The assembly will be eventually presented by Christ to Himself as His bride, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. There can be no false members of Christ's body, and no spot or wrinkle in His bride. Those united to Him are 'all of one' with the sanctifier Himself; they are 'His brethren;' they derive from the corn of wheat which has fallen into the ground and died, and which has borne much fruit. Hebrews 2 .; John 12:24 . [[Moreover]] the assembly is one. Ephesians 4:4; 1 Corinthians 12:13 . There is not another. </p> <p> If division has come in on every hand, as it did at Corinth, faith will still recognise that the body is one, and will maintain the truth of it. [[Gifts]] were bestowed on <i> the </i> assembly, and will be acknowledged as such by faith, and their exercise welcomed in whatever feebleness. If the assembly has become like a great house, where there are vessels of gold and silver, as well as of wood and of earth (2 Timothy 2:20 ), the believer is encouraged to purge himself from the latter — the dishonourable vessels — that he may be a vessel unto honour, sanctified and meet for the Master's use, and prepared unto every good work. He is taught in scripture how to behave himself in the house of God, which is the assembly of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth. 1 Timothy 3:15 . </p> <p> It must be carefully observed that the churches or assemblies at Jerusalem, Corinth, Rome, etc., were not separate or independent organisations, as in the modern idea of the [[Church]] of Rome, the Greek Church, the Church of England, and so on. There was only one assembly, the Church of God, though expressed in different localities, in which indeed there were local office bearers, as elders and deacons, and where also discipline was locally carried out. There was entire inter-communion. In the present divided state of God's people, the man of faith will be careful to recognise that every true [[Christian]] is a part of that one body, with which, as has been said, there can be no failure; while, at the same time, he will pursue a path of separation from evil; and will "follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart." 2 Timothy 2:22 . </p> <p> The church will continue on earth until the rapture, revealed in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 . As there were saints on earth before the church was formed, so there will be saints on the earth after the rapture: all will be equally saved, but all will not forma part of the church of God as revealed in scripture. This fills a wonderfully unique place, designed of God that in it the principalities and powers in the heavenlies should even <i> now </i> learn the manifold wisdom of God; and in the ages to come the exceeding riches of God's grace be manifested "in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus." Ephesians 2:7; Ephesians 3:10 . </p>
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_69805" /> ==
<p> Church. The terms which this word represents are variously used by the sacred writers. Matthew 16:18. It may be sufficient to notice two uses of the term. In the New [[Testament]] it is applied particularly to [[Christians]] as a body or community. Acts 16:5. It is also applied to the people of [[God]] in all ages of the world, whether [[Jews]] or Christians, Acts 7:38; Acts 12:1; Ephesians 3:21; Ephesians 5:25; for although there have been two dispensations, viz., that of the law by Moses, and that of the gospel by [[Jesus]] Christ, yet the religion of the [[Bible]] is one religion: whether before or after the coming of Christ, true believers are all one in [[Christ]] Jesus. Galatians 3:28. Of this church or company of the redeemed, the Lord Jesus Christ is now the Head, and the [[Church]] is therefore called the body, Colossians 1:18; Colossians 1:24, and comprises the redeemed who are gone to heaven, as well as those who are, or will be, on the earth. Hebrews 12:23. [[Particular]] portions of the whole body of Christians are also called the church, as the church at Jerusalem, at Corinth, etc. Acts 8:1; 1 Corinthians 1:2; 1 Corinthians 4:17. As the great work wrought on earth and the reigning of Christ in heaven constitute him the [[Founder]] and [[Head]] of the Church, as it now exists, he is compared to "the chief corner-stone" in the building, Ephesians 2:20, on whom the whole structure is dependent. For this purpose God "hath put all things under his feet." Ephesians 1:22. The figurative language which is employed by Christ, himself, as well as by his apostles, to denote the nature of his relations to the church (as composed of all true believers), and its relations to him, is of the most significant character. Some of these have been intimated above; others are that of husband and wife, Ephesians 5:30-32, a vine and its branches, John 15:1-6, and a shepherd and his flock, John 10:11. And it is by many supposed that the [[Song]] of [[Solomon]] is a highly figurative and poetical illustration of the mutual love of Christ and the people of his church in all ages. In modern times the word is applied to various associations of Christians, united by a common mode of faith or form of government; as the [[Episcopal]] Church, the [[Baptist]] Church, the [[Moravian]] Church, etc. The word church is but once (then doubtfully) applied in [[Scriptures]] to a building. 1 Timothy 3:15. The visible [[Israelitish]] church was divided into twelve tribes separated, yet to be united as the people of God: having one Scripture, one sacrifice, one Jehovah. Christ told his apostles, "Ye shall sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." Matthew 19:28. James addresses his epistle, "To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad" ("which are of the dispersion," R. V.). James 1:1. In the progress of the church "there were sealed one hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of Israel," Revelation 7:4, showing that the visible church will continue to be divided into tribes, with one [[Scripture]] and one Saviour. The world seldom was in greater darkness than when for 1260 years it was controlled by one visible church, the Church of Rome. And the clamor of many to make a united visible church by attacking all creeds and confessions holding the great doctrines of the Scriptures, and in their place to adopt the assumptions of idolatrous churches, will never be realized. The church had in New Testament times, elders, overseers or bishops, in each congregation. Matthew 26:3; Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5; Titus 1:7; Acts 20:17; Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:1; 1 Peter 5:3. Compare Exodus 3:16; Exodus 4:29. The various tribes of the ancient visible church were constantly adopting the idolatries of the surrounding nations, and were brought into subjection by them, and at last were scattered and the most of them lost on that account. The most of the prophets were sent to the church to upbraid them for their idolatries and for forsaking God. Christ came to the visible church and was rejected. The epistles speak of errors in the churches founded by the apostles. And as was predicted in the second and third chapters of Revelation, the candlestick of nearly every one of them has been removed. </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_71937" /> ==
<p> Church. </p> <p> 1. The derivation of the word is generally said to be from the [[Greek]] kuriakon, "belonging to the Lord". But the derivation has been too hastily assumed. It is probably connected with kirk, the [[Latin]] circus, circulus, the Greek kuklos, (kuklos), because the congregations were gathered in circles. </p> <p> 2. Ecclesia, the Greek word for church, originally meant an assembly called out by the magistrate, or by legitimate authority. It was, in this last sense, that the word was adapted and applied by the writers of the New [[Testament]] to the [[Christian]] congregation. </p> <p> In the one [[Gospel]] of St. Matthew, the church is spoken of no less than thirty-six times as "the kingdom." Other descriptions or titles are hardly found in the evangelists. </p> <p> It is Christ's household, Matthew 10:25, </p> <p> the salt and light of the world, Matthew 5:13; Matthew 5:15, </p> <p> Christ's flock, Matthew 26:31; John 10:15, </p> <p> its members are the branches growing on [[Christ]] the Vine, John 15; </p> <p> but the general description of it, not metaphorical but direct, is that it is a kingdom. Matthew 16:19. </p> <p> From the Gospel then, we learn that Christ was about to establish his heavenly kingdom on earth, which was to be the substitute for the [[Jewish]] [[Church]] and kingdom, now doomed to destruction Matthew 21:43. </p> <p> The Day of [[Pentecost]] is the birthday of the Christian church. Before, they had been individual followers Jesus; now they became his mystical body, animated by his spirit. On the evening of the Day of Pentecost, the 3140 members of which the Church consisted were - </p> <p> (1) Apostles; </p> <p> (2) previous Disciples; </p> <p> (3) Converts. </p> <p> In Acts 2:41, we have indirectly exhibited the essential conditions of church communion. They are </p> <p> (1) Baptism, baptism implying on the part of the recipient repentance and faith; </p> <p> (2) [[Apostolic]] Doctrine; </p> <p> (3) [[Fellowship]] with the Apostles; </p> <p> (4) The Lord's Supper; </p> <p> (5) Public Worship. </p> <p> The real Church consists of all who belong to the Lord [[Jesus]] Christ as his disciples, and are one in love, in character, in hope, in Christ as the head of all, though as the body of Christ it consists of many parts. </p>
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_77223" /> ==
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_80407" /> ==
<p> The [[Greek]] word εκκλησια , so rendered, denotes an assembly met about business, whether spiritual or temporal, Acts 19:32; Acts 19:39 . It is understood also of the collective body of Christians, or all those over the face of the earth who profess to believe in Christ, and acknowledge him to be the [[Saviour]] of mankind; this is called the visible church. But, by the word <em> church, </em> we are more strictly to understand the whole body of God's true people, in every period of time: this is the invisible or spiritual church. The people of [[God]] on earth are called the church militant, and those in heaven the church triumphant. It has been remarked by Dr. John Owen, that sin having entered into the world, God was pleased to found his church (the catholic or universal church) in the promise of the [[Messiah]] given to Adam; that this promise contained in it something of the nature of a covenant, including the grace which God designed to show to sinners in the Messiah, and the obedience which he required from them; and that consequently, from its first promulgation, that promise became the sole foundation of the church and of the whole worship of God therein. [[Prior]] to the days of Abraham, this church, though scattered up and down the world, and subject to many changes in its worship through the addition of new revelations, was still but one and the same, because founded in the same covenant, and interested thereby in all the benefits or privileges that God had granted, or would at any time grant. In process of time, God was pleased to restrict his church, as far as visible acknowledgment went, in a great measure, to the seed of Abraham. With the latter he renewed his covenant, requiring that he should walk before him and be upright. He also constituted him the father of the faithful, or of all them that believe, and the "heir of the world." So that since the days of Abraham, the church has, in every age, been founded upon the covenant made with that patriarch, and on the work of redemption which was to be performed according to that covenant. Now wheresoever this covenant made with [[Abraham]] is, and with whomsoever it is established, with them is the church of God, and to them all the promises and privileges of the church really belong. [[Hence]] we may learn that at the coming of the Messiah, there was not one church taken away and another set up in its room; but the church continued the same, in those that were the children of Abraham, according to the faith. It is common with divines to speak of the [[Jewish]] and the [[Christian]] churches, as though they were two distinct and totally different things; but that is not a correct view of the matter. The Christian church is not another church, but the very same that was before the coming of Christ, having the same faith with it, and interested in the same covenant. [[Great]] alterations indeed were made in the outward state and condition of the church, by the coming of the Messiah. The carnal privilege of the Jews, in their separation from other nations to give birth to the Messiah, then failed, and with that also their claim on that account to be the children of Abraham. The ordinances of worship suited to that state of things then expired, and came to an end. New ordinances of worship were appointed, suitable to the new light and grace which were then bestowed upon the church. The [[Gentiles]] came into the faith of Abraham along with the Jews, being made joint partakers with them in his blessing. But none of these things, nor the whole collectively, did make such an alteration in the church, but that it was still one and the same. The olive tree was still the same, only some branches were broken off, and others grafted into it. The [[Jews]] fell, and the Gentiles came in their room. And this may enable us to determine the difference between the Jews and [[Christians]] relative to the Old [[Testament]] promises. They are all made to the church. No individual has any interest in them except by virtue of his membership with the church. The church is, and always was, one and the same. The Jewish plea, is, that the church is with them, because they are the children of Abraham according to the flesh. Christians reply, that their privilege on that ground was of another nature, and ended with the coming of the Messiah: that the church of God, unto whom all the promises belong, are only those who are heirs of the faith of Abraham, believing as he did, and are consequently interested in his covenant. These are Zion, Jerusalem, Israel, Jacob, the temple, or church of God. </p> <p> <strong> 2. </strong> By a particular church we understand an assembly of Christians united together, and meeting in one place, for the solemn worship of God. To this agrees the definition given by the compilers of the Thirty-nine Articles of the [[Church]] of England: "A congregation of faithful men, in which the true word of God is preached, and the sacraments duly administered according to Christ's ordinances, in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the same," Acts 9:31; Acts 20:17; Galatians 1:2; Galatians 1:22; 1 Corinthians 14:34; Colossians 4:15 . The word is now also used to denote any particular denomination of Christians, distinguished by particular doctrines, ceremonies, &c, as the [[Romish]] church, the Greek church, the [[English]] church, &c. </p> <p> <strong> 3. </strong> On the subject of the church, opinions as opposite or varying as possible have been held, from that of the Papists, who contend for its visible unity throughout the world under a visible head, down to that of the Independents, who consider the universal church as composed of congregational churches, each perfect in itself, and entirely independent of every other. The first opinion is manifestly contradicted by the language of the Apostles, who, while they teach that there is but one church, composed of believers throughout the world, think it not at all inconsistent with this to speak of "the churches of Judea," "of Achaia," "the seven churches of Asia," "the church at Ephesus," &c. [[Among]] themselves the [[Apostles]] had no common head; but planted churches and gave directions for their government, in most cases without any apparent correspondence with each other. The [[Popish]] doctrine is certainly not found in their writings; and so far were they from making provision for the government of this one supposed church, by the appointment of one visible and exclusive head, that they provide for the future government of the respective churches raised up by them in a totally different manner, that is, by the ordination of ministers for each church, who are indifferently called bishops, and presbyters, and pastors. The only unity of which they speak is the unity of the whole church in Christ, the invisible head, by faith; and the unity produced by "fervent love toward each other." Nor has the Popish doctrine of the visible unity of the church any countenance from early antiquity. The best ecclesiastical historians have showed, that, through the greater part of the second century, the Christian churches were independent of each other. "Each Christian assembly," says Mosheim, "was a little state governed by its own laws, which were either enacted, or at least, approved, by the society. But in process of time, all the churches of a province were formed into one large ecclesiastical body, which, like confederate states, assembled at certain times in order to deliberate about the common interests of the whole." So far indeed this union of churches appears to have been a wise and useful arrangement, although afterward it was carried to an injurious extreme, until finally it gave birth to the assumptions of the bishop of Rome, as universal bishop; a claim, however, which, when most successful, was but partially submitted to, the eastern churches having, for the most part, always maintained their independence. To very large association of churches of any kind existed till toward the close of the second century, which sufficiently refutes the papal argument from antiquity. The independence of the early Christian churches does not, however, appear to have resembled that of the churches which, in modern times, are called Independent. During the lives of the Apostles and [[Evangelists]] they were certainly subject to their counsel and control, which proves that the independency of separate societies was not the first form of the church. It may, indeed, be allowed, that some of the smaller and more insulated churches might, after the death of the Apostles and Evangelists, retain this form for some considerable time; but the larger churches, in the chief cities, and those planted in populous neighbourhoods, had many presbyters, and, as the members multiplied, they had several separate assemblies or congregations, yet all under the same common government. And when churches were raised up in the neighbourhood of cities, the appointment of <em> chorepiscopi, </em> or country bishops, and of visiting presbyters, both acting under the presbytery of the city, with the bishop at its head, is sufficiently in proof, that the ancient churches, especially the larger and more prosperous of them, existed in that form which, in modern times, we should call a religious connection, subject to a common government. This appears to have arisen out of the very circumstance of the increase of the church, through the zeal of the first Christians; and it was doubtless much more in the spirit of the very first discipline exercised by the Apostles and Evangelists, (when none of the churches were independent, but remained under the government of those who had been chiefly instrumental in raising them up,) to place themselves under a common inspection, and to unite the weak with the strong, and the newly converted with those who were "in [[Christ]] before them." There was also in this, greater security afforded both for the continuance of wholesome doctrine, and of godly discipline. </p> <p> <strong> 4. </strong> Church members are those who compose or belong to the visible church. As to the real church, the true members of it are such as come out from the world, 2 Corinthians 6:17; who are born again, 1 Peter 1:23; or made new creatures, 2 Corinthians 5:17; whose faith works by love to God and all mankind, Galatians 5:6; James 2:14; James 2:26; who walk in all the ordinances of the Lord blameless. [[None]] but such are members of the true church; nor should any be admitted into any particular church without some evidence of their earnestly seeking this state of salvation. </p> <p> <strong> 5. </strong> Church fellowship is the communion that the members enjoy one with another. The ends of church fellowship are, the maintenance and exhibition of a system of sound doctrine; the support of the ordinances of evangelical worship in their purity and simplicity; the impartial exercise of church government and discipline; the promotion of holiness in all manner of conversation. The more particular duties are, earnest study to keep peace and unity; bearing of one another's burdens, Galatians 6:1-2; earnest endeavours to prevent each other's stumbling, 1 Corinthians 10:23-33; Hebrews 10:24-27; Romans 14:13; steadfast continuance in the faith and worship of the Gospel, Acts 2:42; praying for and sympathizing with each other, 1 Samuel 12:23; Ephesians 6:18 . The advantages are, peculiar incitement to holiness; the right to some promises applicable to none but those who attend the ordinances of God. and hold communion with the saints, Psalms 92:13; Psalms 132:13; Psalms 132:16; Psalms 36:8; Jeremiah 31:12; the being placed under the watchful eye of pastors, Hebrews 13:7; that they may restore each other if they fall, Galatians 6:1; and the more effectually promote the cause of true religion. </p> <p> <strong> 6. </strong> As to church order and discipline, without entering into the discussion of the many questions which have been raised on this subject, and argued in so many distinct treatises, it may be sufficient generally to observe, that the church of Christ being a visible and permanent society, bound to observe certain rites, and to obey, certain rules, the existence of government in it is necessarily supposed. All religious rites suppose order, all order direction and control, and these a directive and controlling power. Again: all laws are nugatory without enforcement, in the present mixed and imperfect state of society; and all enforcement supposes an executive. If baptism be the door of admission into the church, some must judge of the fitness of candidates, and administrators of the rite must be appointed; if the Lord's [[Supper]] must be partaken of, the times and the mode are to be determined, the qualifications of communicants judged of, and the administration placed in suitable hands; if worship must be social and public, here again there must be an appointment of times, an order, and an administration; if the word of God is to be read and preached, then readers and preachers are necessary; if the continuance of any one in the fellowship of Christians be conditional upon good conduct, so that the purity and credit of the church may be guarded, then the power of enforcing discipline must be lodged some where. [[Thus]] government flows necessarily from the very nature of the institution of the Christian church; and since this institution has the authority of Christ and his Apostles, it is not to be supposed, that its government was left unprovided for; and if they have in fact made such a provision, it is no more a matter of mere option with Christians whether they will be subject to government in the church, than it is optional with them to confess Christ by becoming its members. The nature of this government, and the persons to whom it is committed, are both points which we must briefly examine by the light of the [[Holy]] Scriptures. As to the first, it is wholly spiritual:— "My kingdom," says our Lord, "is not of this world." The church is a society founded upon faith, and united by mutual love, for the personal edification of its members in holiness, and for the religious benefit of the world. The nature of its government is thus determined; it is concerned only with spiritual objects. It cannot employ force to compel men into its pale; for the only door of the church is faith, to which there can be no compulsion;— "he that believeth and is baptized" becomes a member. It cannot inflict pains and penalties upon the disobedient and refractory, like civil governments; for the only punitive discipline authorized in the New Testament, is comprised in "admonition," "reproof," "sharp rebukes," and, finally, "excision from the society." The last will be better understood, if we consider the special relations in which true Christians stand to each other, and the duties resulting from them. They are members of one body, and are therefore bound to tenderness and sympathy; they are the conjoint instructers of others, and are therefore to strive to be of "one judgment;" they are brethren, and they are to love one another as such, that is, with an affection more special than that general good will which they are commanded to bear to all mankind; they are therefore to seek the intimacy of friendly society among themselves, and, except in the ordinary and courteous intercourse of life, they are bound to keep themselves separate from the world; they are enjoined to do good unto all men, but "especially to them that are of the household of faith;" and they are forbidden "to eat" at the Lord's table with immoral persons, that is, with those who, although they continue their Christian profession, dishonour it by their practice. With these relations of Christians to each other and to the world, and their correspondent duties, before our minds, we may easily interpret the nature of that extreme discipline which is vested in the church. "Persons who will not hear the church" are to be held "as [[Heathen]] men and publicans," as those who are not members of it; that is, they are to be separated from it, and regarded as of "the world," quite out of the range of the above mentioned relations of Christians to each other, and their correspondent duties; but still, like "Heathen men and publicans" they are to be the objects of pity, and general benevolence. Nor is this extreme discipline to be hastily inflicted before "a first and second admonition," nor before those who are "spiritual" have attempted "to restore a brother overtaken by a fault;" and when the "wicked person" is "put away," still the door is to be kept open for his reception again upon repentance. The true excommunication of the Christian church is therefore a merciful and considerate separation of an incorrigible offender from the body of Christians, without any infliction of civil pains or penalties. "Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord [[Jesus]] Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which ye have received from us," 2 Thessalonians 3:6 . "Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump," 1 Corinthians 5:7 . "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner: with such a one, no not to eat," 1 Corinthians 5:11 . This then is the moral discipline which is imperative upon the church of Christ, and its government is criminally defective whenever it is not enforced. On the other hand, the disabilities and penalties which established churches in different places have connected with these sentences of excommunication, have no countenance at all in Scripture, and are wholly inconsistent with the spiritual character and ends of the Christian association. </p> <p> <strong> 7. </strong> As to the <em> persons </em> to whom the government of the church is committed, it is necessary to consider the composition, so to speak, of the primitive church, as stated in the New Testament. A full enunciation of these offices we find in Ephesians 4:11 : "And he gave some, Apostles; and some, Prophets; and some, Evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." Of these, the office of [[Apostle]] is allowed by all to have been confined to those immediately commissioned by Christ to witness the fact of his miracles, and of his resurrection from the dead, and to reveal the complete system of Christian doctrine and duty; confirming their extraordinary mission by miracles wrought by themselves. If by "prophets" we are to understand persons who foretold future events, then the office was from its very nature extraordinary, and the gift of prophecy has passed away with the other miraculous endowments of the first age of Christianity. If, with others, we understand that these prophets were extraordinary teachers raised up until the churches were settled under permanent qualified instructers; still the office was temporary. The "Evangelists" are generally understood to be assistants of the Apostles, who acted under their especial authority and direction. Of this number were Timothy and Titus; and as the Apostle [[Paul]] directed them to ordain bishops or presbyters in the several churches, but gave them no authority to ordain successors to themselves in their particular office as Evangelists, it is clear that the Evangelists must also be reckoned among the number of extraordinary and temporary ministers suited to the first age of Christianity. [[Whether]] by "pastors and teachers" two offices be meant, or one, has been disputed. The change in the mode of expression seems to favour the latter view, and so the text is interpreted by St. Jerom, and St. Augustine; but the point is of little consequence. A pastor was a teacher, although every teacher might not be a pastor; but in many cases his office might be one of subordinate instruction, whether as an expounder of doctrine, a catechist, or even a more private instructer of those who as yet were unacquainted with the first principles of the [[Gospel]] of Christ. The term <em> pastor </em> implies the duties both of instruction and of government, of feeding and of ruling the flock of Christ; and, as the presbyters or bishops were ordained in the several churches, both by the Apostles and Evangelists, and rules are left by St. Paul as to their appointment, there can be no doubt but that these are the "pastors" spoken of in the [[Epistle]] to the Ephesians, and that they were designed to be the permanent ministers of the church; and that with them both the government of the church and the performance of its leading religious services were deposited. Deacons had the charge of the gifts and offerings for charitable purposes, although, it appears from [[Justin]] Martyr, not in every instance; for he speaks of the weekly oblations as being deposited with the chief minister, and distributed by him. These pastors appear to have been indifferently called BISHOPS and PRESBYTERS, and with them the regulation of the churches was, doubtless, deposited; not without checks and guards, the principal of which, however, was, in the primitive church, and continues to be in all modern churches which have no support from the magistracy, or are made independent of the people by endowments, the voluntariness of the association. A perfect religious liberty is always supposed by the Apostles to exist among Christians; no compulsion of the civil power is any where assumed by them as the basis of their advices or directions; no binding of the members to one church, without liberty to join another, by any ties but those involved in moral considerations, of sufficient weight, however, to prevent the evils of faction and schism. It was this which created a natural and competent check upon the ministers of the church; for being only sustained by the opinion of the churches, they could not but have respect to it; and it was this which gave to the sound part of a fallen church the advantage of renouncing, upon sufficient and well-weighed grounds, their communion with it, and of kindling up the light of a pure ministry and a holy discipline, by forming a separate association, bearing its testimony against errors in doctrine, and failures in practice. Nor is it to be conceived, that, had this simple principle of perfect religious liberty been left unviolated through subsequent ages, the church could ever have become so corrupt, or with such difficulty and slowness have been recovered from its fall. This ancient Christian liberty has happily been restored in a few parts of Christendom. See EPISCOPACY and See PRESBYTERIANISM . </p>
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_100465" /> ==
<p> (1): </p> <p> (n.) A building set apart for [[Christian]] worship. </p> <p> (2): </p> <p> (n.) The aggregate of religious influences in a community; ecclesiastical influence, authority, etc.; as, to array the power of the church against some moral evil. </p> <p> (3): </p> <p> (n.) A [[Jewish]] or heathen temple. </p> <p> (4): </p> <p> (n.) A formally organized body of Christian believers worshiping together. </p> <p> (5): </p> <p> (n.) A body of Christian believers, holding the same creed, observing the same rites, and acknowledging the same ecclesiastical authority; a denomination; as, the [[Roman]] [[Catholic]] church; the [[Presbyterian]] church. </p> <p> (6): </p> <p> (n.) The collective body of Christians. </p> <p> (7): </p> <p> (n.) Any body of worshipers; as, the Jewish church; the church of Brahm. </p> <p> (8): </p> <p> (v. t.) To bless according to a prescribed form, or to unite with in publicly returning thanks in church, as after deliverance from the dangers of childbirth; as, the churching of women. </p>
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_197670" /> ==
<p> Some types of the Church: </p> <p> Body, John 15:5 (a) </p> <p> Branches, Ephesians 1:23 (a) </p> <p> Bride, Revelation 21:9 (a) </p> <p> Building, Ephesians 2:21 (a) </p> <p> Candlestick, Revelation 1:20 (a) </p> <p> Eve, [[Genesis]] 3:20 (c) </p> <p> Family, Ephesians 3:15 (a) </p> <p> Household, Ephesians 2:19 (b) </p> <p> Jewels, Malachi 3:17 (b) </p> <p> Light, Ephesians 5:8 (a) </p> <p> Loaf, 1 Corinthians 10:17 (margin) (a) </p> <p> Lump, 1 Corinthians 5:7 (a) </p> <p> [[Olive]] tree, Romans 11:17 (a) </p> <p> Queen, [[Psalm]] 45:9 (b) </p> <p> Rib, Genesis 2:21 (c) </p> <p> Seed, Matthew 13:38 (a) </p> <p> Sheep, John 10:11 (a) </p> <p> Stones, 1 Peter 2:5 (a) </p> <p> Temple, Ephesians 2:21 (a) </p> <p> Virgin, 2 Corinthians 11:2 (a) </p> <p> Wife, Revelation 21:9 (b) </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_2243" /> ==
<p> '''''chûrch''''' : </p> <p> I. Pre-Christian History of the [[Term]] </p> <p> II. Its [[Adoption]] by [[Jesus]] </p> <p> III. Its [[Use]] in the New [[Testament]] </p> <p> 1. In the [[Gospels]] </p> <p> 2. In Acts </p> <p> 3. In the [[Pauline]] [[Epistles]] </p> <p> IV. The [[Notes]] of the [[Church]] </p> <p> 1. [[Faith]] </p> <p> 2. [[Fellowship]] </p> <p> 3. [[Unity]] </p> <p> 4. [[Consecration]] </p> <p> 5. [[Power]] </p> <p> V. [[Organization]] of the Church </p> <p> 1. The General and [[Prophetic]] [[Ministry]] </p> <p> 2. The [[Local]] and [[Practical]] Ministry </p> <p> Literature </p> <p> The word "church," which is derived from κυριακός , <i> '''''kuriakós''''' </i> , "of or belonging to the Lord," represents in the [[English]] [[Versions]] of the [[Bible]] of the New Testament the [[Greek]] word ἐκκλησία , <i> '''''ekklēsı́a''''' </i> ; Latin, <i> ecclesia </i> . It is with the signification of this word <i> '''''ekklēsia''''' </i> as it meets us in the New Testament, and with the nature of the society which the word is there used to describe, that the present article is concerned. </p> I. Pre-Christian History of the Term <p> [[Although]] <i> '''''ekklēsia''''' </i> soon became a distinctively [[Christian]] word, it has its own pre-Christian history; and to those, whether [[Jews]] or Greeks, who first heard it applied to the Christian society it would come with suggestions of familiar things. [[Throughout]] the Greek world and right down to New Testament times (compare Acts 19:39 ), <i> '''''ekklēsia''''' </i> was the designation of the regular assembly of the whole body of citizens in a free city-state, "called out" (Greek <i> '''''ek''''' </i> , "out," and <i> '''''kaleı́n''''' </i> , "to call") by the herald for the discussion and decision of public business. The [[Septuagint]] translators, again, had used the word to render the [[Hebrew]] <i> '''''ḳāhāl''''' </i> , which in the Old Testament denotes the "congregation" or community of Israel, especially in its religious aspect as the people of God. In this Old Testament sense we find <i> '''''ekklēsia''''' </i> employed by [[Stephen]] in the [[Book]] of Acts, where he describes [[Moses]] as "he that was in the church (the [[Revised]] Version, margin "congregation") in the wilderness" (Acts 7:38 ). The word [[Thus]] came into Christian history with associations alike for the Greek and the Jew. To the Greek it would suggest a self-governing democratic society; to the [[Jew]] a theocratic society whose members were the subjects of the [[Heavenly]] King. The pre-Christian history of the word had a direct bearing upon its Christian meaning, for the <i> '''''ekklēsia''''' </i> of the New Testament is a "theocratic democracy" (Lindsay, <i> Church and Ministry in the [[Early]] [[Centuries]] </i> , 4), a society of those who are free, but are always conscious that their freedom springs from obedience to their King. </p> II. Its Adoption by Jesus <p> According to Matthew 16:18 the name <i> '''''ekklēsia''''' </i> was first applied to the Christian society by Jesus Himself, the occasion being that of His benediction of Peter at [[Caesarea]] Philippi. The authenticity of the utterance has been called in question by certain critics, but on grounds that have no textual support and are made up of quite arbitrary presuppositions as to the composition of the First Gospel. It is true that Jesus had hitherto described the society He came to found as the "kingdom of God" or the "kingdom of heaven," a designation which had its roots in Old Testament teaching and which the [[Messianic]] expectations of [[Israel]] had already made familiar. But now when it was clear that He was to be rejected by the [[Jewish]] people (compare Matthew 16:21 ), and that His society must move on independent lines of its own, it was natural that He should employ a new name for this new body which He was about to create, and Thus should say to Peter, on the ground of the apostle's believing confession, "Upon this rock I will build my church." The adoption of this name, however, did not imply any abandonment of the ideas suggested by the conception of the kingdom. In this very passage (Matthew 16:19 ) "the kingdom of heaven" is employed in a manner which, if it does not make the two expressions church and kingdom perfectly synonymous, at least compels us to regard them as closely correlative and as capable of translation into each other's terms. And the comparative disuse by the apostolic writers of the name "kingdom," together with their emphasis on the church, so far from showing that Christ's disciples had failed to understand His doctrine of the kingdom, and had substituted for it the more formal notion of the church, only shows that they had followed their Master's guidance in substituting for a name and a conception that were peculiarly Jewish, another name whose associations would enable them to commend their message more readily to the world at large. </p> III. Its Use in the New Testament <p> 1. In the Gospels </p> <p> [[Apart]] from the passage just referred to, the word <i> '''''ekklēsia''''' </i> occurs in the Gospels on one other occasion only (Matthew 18:17 ). Here, moreover, it may be questioned whether Our Lord is referring to the Christian church, or to Jewish congregations commonly known as synagogues (see the Revised Version, margin) The latter view is more in keeping with the situation, but the promise immediately given to the disciples of a power to bind and loose (Matthew 18:18 ) and the assurance "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20 ) are evidently meant for the people of Christ. If, as is probable, the <i> '''''ekklesia''''' </i> of Matthew 18:17 is the Christian <i> '''''ekklesia''''' </i> of which [[Christ]] had already spoken to Peter, the words show that He conceived of the church as a society possessing powers of self-government, in which questions of discipline were to be decided by the collective judgment of the members. </p> <p> 2. In Acts </p> <p> In Acts the <i> '''''ekklēsia''''' </i> has come to be the regular designation for the society of Christian believers, but is employed in two distinct senses. First in a <i> local </i> sense, to denote the body of [[Christians]] in a particular place or district, as in [[Jerusalem]] ( Acts 5:11; Acts 8:1 ), in [[Antioch]] (Acts 13:1; Acts 15:22 ), in Caesarea (Acts 18:22 ) - a usage which reappears in the [[Apocalypse]] in the letters to the [[Seven]] Churches. Then in a wider and what may be called a universal sense, to denote the sum total of existing local churches (Acts 9:31 the Revised Version (British and American)), which are Thus regarded as forming one body. </p> <p> 3. In the Pauline Epistles </p> <p> In the Pauline Epistles both of these usages are frequent. Thus the apostle writes of "the church of the Thessalonians" (1 Thessalonians 1:1 ), "the church of [[God]] which is at Corinth" (1 Corinthians 1:2; 2 Corinthians 1:1 ). [[Indeed]] he localizes and particularizes the word yet further by applying it to a single Christian household or to little groups of believers who were accustomed to assemble in private houses for worship and fellowship (Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:19; Colossians 4:15; Philippians 1:2 ) - an employment of the word which recalls the saying of Jesus in Matthew 18:20 . The <i> universal </i> use, again, may be illustrated by the contrast he draws between Jews and [[Greeks]] on the one hand and the church of God on the other ( 1 Corinthians 10:32 ), and by the declaration that God has set in the church apostles, prophets, and teachers (1 Corinthians 12:28 ). </p> <p> But [[Paul]] in his later epistles has another use of <i> '''''ekklēsia''''' </i> peculiar to himself, which may be described as the <i> ideal </i> use. The church, now, is the body of which Christ is the head ( Ephesians 1:22 f; Colossians 1:18 , Colossians 1:24 ). It is the medium through which God's manifold wisdom and eternal purpose are to be made known not only to all men, but to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places (Ephesians 3:9-11 ). It is the bride of whom He is the heavenly Bridegroom, the bride for whom in His love He gave Himself up, that He might cleanse and sanctify her and might present her to Himself a glorious church, a church without blemish, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing (Ephesians 5:25 ). This church clearly is not the actual church as we know it on earth, with its divisions, its blemishes, its shortcomings in faith and love and obedience. It is the holy and catholic church that is to be when the [[Bridegroom]] has completed the process of lustration, having fully "cleansed it by the washing of water with the word." It is the ideal which the actual church must keep before it and strive after, the ideal up to which it shall finally be guided by that [[Divine]] in-working power which is able to conform the body to the head, to make the bride worthy of the Bridegroom, so that God may receive in the church the glory that is His (Ephesians 3:21 ). </p> IV. The Notes of the Church <p> 1. Faith </p> <p> Although a systematic doctrine of the church is neither to be found nor to be looked for in the New Testament, certain characteristic notes or features of the Christian society are brought before us from which we can form some conception as to its nature. The fundamental note is <i> faith </i> . It was to Peter confessing his faith in Christ that the promise came, "Upon this rock I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18 ). Until Jesus found a man full of faith He could not begin to build His church; and unless Peter had been the prototype of others whose faith was like his own, the walls of the church would never have risen into the air. [[Primarily]] the church is a society not of thinkers or workers or even of worshippers, but of believers. Hence, we find that "believers" or "they that believed" is constantly used as a synonym for the members of the Christian society (e.g. Acts 2:44; Acts 4:32; Acts 5:14; 1 Timothy 4:12 ). Hence, too, the rite of baptism, which from the first was the condition of entrance into the apostolic church and the seal of membership in it, was recognized as preëminently the sacrament of faith and of confession (Acts 2:41; Acts 8:12 , Acts 8:36; Romans 6:4; 1 Corinthians 12:13 ). This church-founding and church-building faith, of which baptism was the seal, was much more than an act of intellectual assent. It was a personal laying hold of the personal Saviour, the bond of a vital union between Christ and the believer which resulted in nothing less than a new creation (Romans 6:4; Romans 8:1 , Romans 8:2; 2 Corinthians 5:17 ). </p> <p> 2. Fellowship </p> <p> If faith in Christ is the fundamental note of the Christian society, the next is <i> fellowship </i> among the members. This follows from the very nature of faith as just described; for if each believer is vitally joined to Christ, all believers must stand in a living relation to one another. In Paul's favorite figure, Christians are members one of another because they are members in particular of the body of Christ ( Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 12:27 ). That the Christian society was recognized from the first as a fellowship appears from the name "the brethren," which is so commonly applied to those who belong to it. In Acts the name is of very frequent occurrence (Acts 9:30 , etc.), and it is employed by Paul in the epistles of every period of his career (1 Thessalonians 4:10 , etc.). [[Similar]] testimony lies in the fact that "the <i> '''''koinōnia''''' </i> " (English Versions "fellowship") takes its place in the earliest meetings of the church side by side with the apostles' teaching and the breaking of bread and prayers (Acts 2:42 ). See [[Communion]] . The <i> '''''koinōnia''''' </i> at first carried with it a community of goods (Acts 2:44; Acts 4:32 ), but afterward found expression in the fellowship of ministration (2 Corinthians 8:4 ) and in such acts of Christian charity as are inspired by Christian faith (Hebrews 13:16 ). In the Lord's Supper, the other sacrament of the primitive church, the fellowship of Christians received its most striking and most sacred expression. For if baptism was especially the sacrament of faith, the [[Supper]] was distinctively the sacrament of love and fellowship - a communion or common participation in Christ's death and its fruits which carried with it a communion of hearts and spirits between the participants themselves. </p> <p> 3. Unity </p> <p> Although local congregations sprang up wherever the gospel was preached, and each of these enjoyed an independent life of its own, the <i> unity </i> of the church was clearly recognized from the first. The intercourse between Jerusalem and Antioch ( Acts 11:22; Acts 15:2 ), the conference held in the former city (Acts 15:6 ), the right hand of fellowship given by the elder apostles to Paul and [[Barnabas]] (Galatians 2:9 ), the untiring efforts made by Paul himself to forge strong links of love and mutual service between [[Gentile]] and Jewish Christians (2 [[Cor]] 8) - all these things serve to show how fully it was realized that though there were many churches, there was but one church. This truth comes to its complete expression in the epistles of Paul's imprisonment, with their vision of the church as a body of which Christ is the head, a body animated by one spirit, and having one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all (Ephesians 4:4; Colossians 1:18; Colossians 3:11 ). And this unity, it is to be noticed, is conceived of as a visible unity. Jesus Himself evidently conceived it so when He prayed for His disciples that they all might be one, so that the world might believe (John 17:21 ). And the unity of which Paul writes and for which he strove is a unity that finds visible expression. Not, it is true, in any uniformity of outward polity, but through the manifestation of a common faith in acts of mutual love (Ephesians 4:3 , Ephesians 4:13; 2 Corinthians 9:1-15 ). </p> <p> 4. Consecration </p> <p> [[Another]] dominant note of the New Testament church lay in the <i> consecration </i> of its members. "Saints" is one of the most frequently recurring designations for them that we find. As Thus employed, the word has in the first place an objective meaning; the sainthood of the Christian society consisted in its separation from the world by God's electing grace; in this respect it has succeeded to the prerogatives of Israel under the old covenant. The members of the church, as Peter said, are "an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession" ( 1 Peter 2:9 ). But side by side with this sense of an outward and priestly consecration, the flame "saints" carried within it the thought of an ethical holiness - a holiness consisting, not merely in a status determined by relation to Christ, but in an actual and practical saintliness, a consecration to God that finds expression in character and conduct. No doubt the members of the church are called saints even when the living evidences of sainthood are sadly lacking. Writing to the [[Corinthian]] church in which he found so much to blame, Paul addresses its members by this title (1 Corinthians 1:2; compare 1 Corinthians 6:11 ). But he does so for other than formal reasons - not only because consecration to God is their outward calling and status as believers; but also because he is assured that a work of real sanctification is going on, and must continue to go on, in their bodies and their spirits which are His. For those who are in Christ are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17 ), and those to whom has come the separating and consecrating call (2 Corinthians 6:17 ) must cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God (2 Corinthians 7:1 ). Paul looks upon the members of the church, just as he looks upon the church itself, with a prophetic eye; he sees them not as they are, but as they are to be. And in his view it is "by the washing of water with the word," in other words by the progressive sanctification of its members, that the church itself is to be sanctified and cleansed, until Christ can present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing (Ephesians 5:26 , Ephesians 5:27 ). </p> <p> 5. Power </p> <p> [[Yet]] another note of the church was spiritual <i> power </i> . When the name <i> '''''ekklēsia''''' </i> was given by Jesus to the society He came to found, His promise to Peter included the bestowal of the gift of power (Matthew 16:18 , Matthew 16:19 ). The apostle was to receive the "power of the keys," i.e. he was to exercise the privilege of opening the doors of the kingdom of heaven to the Jew (Acts 2:41 ) and to the Gentile (Acts 10:34-38; Acts 15:7 ). He was further to have the power of binding and loosing, i.e. of forbidding and permitting; in other words he was to possess the functions of a legislator within the spiritual sphere of the church. The legislative powers then bestowed upon Peter personally as the reward of his believing confession were afterward conferred upon the disciples generally (Matthew 18:18; compare Matthew 18:1 and also Matthew 18:19 , Matthew 18:20 ), and at the conference in Jerusalem were exercised by the church as a whole (Acts 15:4 , Acts 15:22 ). The power to open the gates of the kingdom of heaven was expanded into the great missionary commission, "Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations" (Matthew 28:19 ) - a commission that was understood by the apostolic church to be addressed not to the eleven apostles only, but to all Christ's followers without distinction (Acts 8:4 , etc.). To the Christian society there Thus belonged the double power of legislating for its own members and of opening the kingdom of heaven to all believers. But these double functions of teaching and government were clearly recognized as delegated gifts. The church taught the nations because Christ had bid her go and do it. She laid down laws for her own members because He had conferred upon her authority to bind and to loose. But in every exercise of her authority she relied upon Him from whom she derived it. She believed that Christ was with her alway, even unto the end of the world (Matthew 28:20 ), and that the power with which she was endued was power from on high (Luke 24:49 ). </p> V. Organization of the Church <p> It seems evident from the New Testament that Jesus gave His disciples no formal prescriptions for the organization of the church. In the first days after [[Pentecost]] they had no thought of separating themselves from the religious life of Israel, and would not realize the need of any distinct organization of their own. The temple-worship was still adhered to (Acts 2:46; Acts 3:1 ), though it was supplemented by apostolic teaching, by prayer and fellowship, and by the breaking of bread (Acts 2:42 , Acts 2:46 ). Organization was a thing of gradual growth suggested by emerging needs, and the differentiation of function among those who were drawn into the service of the church was due to the difference in the gifts bestowed by God upon the church members (1 Corinthians 12:28 ). At first the Twelve themselves, as the immediate companions of Jesus throughout His ministry and the prime witnesses of the Christian facts and especially of the resurrection (compare Acts 1:21 , Acts 1:22 ), were the natural leaders and teachers of the community. Apart from this, the earliest evidence of anything like organization is found in the distinction drawn by the Twelve themselves between the ministry of the word and the ministry of tables (Acts 6:2 , Acts 6:4 ) - a distinction which was fully recognized by Paul (Romans 12:6 , Romans 12:8; 1 Corinthians 1:17; 1 Corinthians 9:14; 1 Corinthians 12:28 ), though he enlarged the latter type of ministry so as to include much more than the care of the poor. The two kinds of ministry, as they meet us at the first, may broadly be distinguished as the general and prophetic on the one hand, the local and practical on the other. </p> <p> 1. The General and Prophetic Ministry </p> <p> From Acts 6:1 we see that the Twelve recognized that they were [[Divinely]] called as apostles to proclaim the gospel; and Paul repeatedly makes the same claim for himself ( 1 Corinthians 1:17; 1 Corinthians 9:16; 2 Corinthians 3:6; 2 Corinthians 4:1; Colossians 1:23 ). But apostle ship was by no means confined to the Twelve (Acts 14:14; Romans 16:7; compare <i> [[Didache]] </i> 11 4ff); and an itinerant ministry of the word was exercised in differing ways by prophets, evangelists, and teachers, as well as by apostles ( 1 Corinthians 12:28 , 1 Corinthians 12:29; Ephesians 4:11 ). The fact that Paul himself is variously described as an apostle, a prophet, a teacher (Acts 13:1; Acts 14:14; 1 Timothy 2:7; 2 Timothy 1:11 ) appears to show that the prophetic ministry was not a ministry of stated office, but one of special gifts and functions. The apostle carried the good tidings of salvation to the ignorant and unbelieving (Galatians 2:7 , Galatians 2:8 ), the prophet (in the more specific sense of the word) was a messenger to the church (1 Corinthians 14:4 , 1 Corinthians 14:22 ); and while the teacher explained and applied truth that was already possessed (Hebrews 5:12 ), the prophet was recognized by those who had spiritual discernment (1 Corinthians 2:15; 1 Corinthians 14:29; 1 John 4:1 ) as the Divinely employed medium of fresh revelations (1 Corinthians 14:25 , 1 Corinthians 14:30 , 1 Corinthians 14:31; Ephesians 3:5; compare <i> Didache </i> 4 1). </p> <p> 2. The Local and Practical Ministry </p> <p> The earliest examples of this are the Seven of Jerusalem who were entrusted with the care of the "daily ministration" (Acts 6:1 ). With the growth of the church, however, other needs arose, and the local ministry is seen developing in two distinct directions. First there is the presbyter or elder, otherwise known as the bishop or overseer, whose duties, while still local, are chiefly of a spiritual kind (Acts 20:17 , Acts 20:28 , Acts 20:35; 1 Timothy 3:2 , 1 Timothy 3:5; James 5:14; 1 Peter 5:2 ). See [[Bishop]] . [[Next]] there are the deacon and the deaconess (Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:8-13 ), whose work appears to have lain largely in house to house visitation and a practical ministry to the poor and needy (1 Timothy 5:8-11 ). The necessities of government, of discipline, and of regular and stated instruction had Thus brought it to pass that within New Testament times some of the functions of the general ministry of apostles and prophets were discharged by a local ministry. The general ministry, however, was still recognized to be the higher of the two. Paul addresses the presbyter-bishops of [[Ephesus]] in a tone of lofty spiritual authority (Acts 20:17 :ff). And according to the <i> Didache </i> , a true prophet when he visits a church is to take precedence over the resident bishops and deacons ( <i> Didache </i> 10 7; 13 3). See [[Church Government]] . </p> Literature <p> Hort, <i> The Christian [[Ecclesia]] </i> ; Lindsay, <i> The Church and the Ministry in the Early Cents. </i> , lects I-V; Hatch, <i> Bampton Lectures </i> ; Gwatkin, <i> Early Church History to ad 313 </i> ; Köstlin, article "Kirche" in See Hauck-Herzog, <i> Realencyklopadie fur protestantische Theologie und Kirche </i> ; Armitage Robinson, article "Church" in <i> [[Encyclopedia]] Biblica </i> ; Fairbairn, <i> Christ in [[Modern]] [[Theology]] </i> , 513-34; Dargan, <i> [[Ecclesiology]] </i> ; Denney, <i> [[Studies]] in Theology </i> , Ch viii. </p>
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15311" /> ==
<p> The original [[Greek]] word which is thus rendered, in its larger signification denotes a number of persons called together for any purpose, an assembly of any kind, civil or religious. As, however, it is usually applied in the New [[Testament]] to religious assemblages, it is very properly translated by 'assembly' in the few instances in which it occurs in the civil sense (;; ). It is, however, well to note that the word rendered 'assembly' in these verses is the same which is rendered 'church' everywhere else. </p> <p> In a few places the word occurs in the [[Jewish]] sense, of a congregation, an assembly of the people for worship, either in a synagogue or generally of the [[Jews]] regarded as a religious body . </p> <p> But the word most frequently occurs in the [[Christian]] sense of an assemblage (of Christians) generally . [[Hence]] it denotes a church, the Christian church; in which, however, we distinguish certain shades of meaning, viz.— </p> <p> A particular church, a church in a certain place, as in [[Jerusalem]] (; , etc.), in [[Antioch]] (; , etc.), in [[Corinth]] , etc. etc. </p> <p> Churches of (Gentile) Christians, without distinguishing place . </p> <p> An assembly of [[Christians]] which meets anywhere, as in the house of any one (;; ). </p> <p> The [[Church]] universal—the whole body of Christian believers (;;;;; , etc.). </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_32211" /> ==
<p> Fellowship. — "Church fellowship is the communion that the members enjoy one with another. The ends of church fellowship are, the maintenance and exhibition of a system of sound doctrine; the support of the ordinances of evangelical worship in their purity and simplicity; the impartial exercise of church government and discipline; the promotion of holiness in all manner of conversation. The more particular duties are, earnest study to keep peace and unity; bearing of one another's burdens, Galatians 6:1-2; earnest endeavors to prevent each other's stumbling, 1 Corinthians 10:23-33; Hebrews 10:24-27; Romans 14:13; steadfast continuance in the faith and worship of the Gospel, Acts 2:42; praying for and sympathizing with each other, 1 Samuel 12:23; Ephesians 6:18. The advantages are, peculiar incitement to holiness; the right to some promises applicable to none but those who attend the ordinances of God, and hold communion with the saints, Psalms 92:13; Psalms 132:13; Psal <div> <p> [[Copyright]] StatementThese files are public domain. </p> <p> Bibliography InformationMcClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Church'. [[Cyclopedia]] of Biblical, [[Theological]] and [[Ecclesiastical]] Literature. [[Harper]] & Brothers. New York. 1870. </p> </div> </p>
==References ==
==References ==

<ref name="term_15746"> [ Church from American Tract Society Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_55413"> [ Church from Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament]</ref>
<ref name="term_18470"> [ Church from Bridgeway Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_19416"> [ Church from Charles Buck Theological Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_30856"> [ Church from Easton's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_34982"> [ Church from Fausset's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_39470"> [ Church from Holman Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_47623"> [ Church from Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_50388"> [ Church from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_55405"> [ Church from Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament]</ref>
<ref name="term_58803"> [ Church from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_65457"> [ Church from Morrish Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_69805"> [ Church from People's Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_71937"> [ Church from Smith's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_77223"> [ Church from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words]</ref>
<ref name="term_80407"> [ Church from Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_100465"> [ Church from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_197670"> [ Church from Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types]</ref>
<ref name="term_2243"> [ Church from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_15311"> [ Church from Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_32211"> [ Church from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_32208"> [ Church from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>