
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Sciron [1]


in Greek mythology, was

(1) a notorious robber who established himself on the rocks between Athens and Megara, where he compelled the passers by to wash his feet, and afterwards kicked them into the sea, upon which a large turtle seized and devoured them. Theseus served him as he had formerly served others.

(2) The son of Pylas. He married a daughter of Pandion, and disputed with Nisus, a son of Pandion, the supremacy over Megara. Aeaeus, being appointed to arbitrate between them, gave the government to Nisus. and the conduct of the army in time of war to Sciran. Others designate him as the husband of Chariclo, the father of Endeis, the son-in-law of Cychreus, and the father-in-law of Aeacus.
