Samuel Woodward Cozzens

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Samuel Woodward Cozzens [1]

a Congregational minister; was born in Mayfield, N.Y., October 25, 1801. He graduated from Middlebury College in 1828, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1831; was ordained at Marblehead, Massachusetts; became colleague of Reverend Samuel Dana in 1832; in 1837 pastor at Milton; and in 1847 acting pastor of the Second Church, Milton, remaining there until 1851. The Kingsborough (N.Y.) Presbyterian Church was the next in which he labored in the same capacity; and in 1853 he was installed in the Presbyterian Church at Mount Vernon, from which he was dismissed in 1859. During the next nine years he was acting pastor at Weybridge, Vermont; then, in the sarhe relation, he served the Church at South Plymouth, Mass., from 1868 to 1872. He died in Medfield, August 7, 1875. See Cong. Quarterly, 1876, page 422.
