Samuel Farmar Jarvis

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Samuel Farmar Jarvis [1]

was born at Middletown, Conn., Jan. 20, 1786, and passed A.B. at Yale College in 1805. In 1811 he took charge of St. Michael's Church, Bloomingdale, and in 1813 became rector of St. James's, N. Y. He afterwards became professor of Biblical literature in the Genesis Theol. Seminary, N. Y. In 1819 the doctorate of divinity was conferred on him by the University of Pennsylvania, and the degree of LL.D. in 1837, by Trinity College, Hartford. When rector of St. Paul's, Boston, in 1826, he embarked for Europe to procure materials for a work on Church history. During an absence of nine years, he examined all the important libraries of Europe on the subject to which his attention was directed, and, on his return, commenced A Complete History of the Christian Church portions of it were published in 1844 and 18501, which remains unfinished. He was appointed historiographer of the Church, and occupied various posts of honor in the diocese of Connecticut. He died in 1851. A list of his writings is given by Allibone, Dict. of Ath. 1, 956.
