Salvi Mundi Salutare

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Salvi Mundi Salutare [1]

another of these passion hymns, is addressed to the pierced feet of Christ, the original of which is given in Trench, Sacred Latin Poetry, p. 137, while Mrs. Charles, in Christian Life in Song, p. 161, has given an English rendering, "All the world's Salvation, hail!" to which we may add another translation by Kynaston in Lyra Messianica, p. 194, "Jesus, hail! the world's Salvation." A German rendering is found in Rambach, Anthologie, 1, 275, and in Konigsfeld, Hymnen und Gesange, 2, 191. That part of the hymn which is addressed to the knees of the Savior and commences, "Salve, salve, rex sanctorum," Thompson has rendered in Lyra Messianica, p. 288, "Hail, O hail! high King of Saints;" who also rendered that part addressed to the hands, and commencing, "Salve, salve, Jesu bone," in Lyra Messianica, p. 301, "Hail! O Jesu, kind and good." (B.P.)
