Robert Kirkham

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Robert Kirkham [1]

a minister of the Church of England, was one of the Oxford Methodists. He, in connection with the Wesleys and Mr. Morgan, were the four young men who began, in November 1729, to spend evenings together, reading, chiefly, the Greek Test. the inception of that movement which has so changed the religious life of the world. He was the son of Reverend Lionel Kirkham, of Stantori, in Gloucestershire; was a very initimate friend of Wesley's, and earnest in his desire for higher, life, faithfully keeping the rules of the Oxford Methodists. In 1731 he left Oxford and became his uncle's curate. These facts are the limit of our knowledge concerning him. It is to be regretted that no record of his life can be found. See Tyerman, The Oxford Methodists, page 1.
