P.J. Oster

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P.J. Oster [1]

a missionary among the Jews in France, was born h at Strasburg March 5, 1804, where he also studied for the ministry. In November, 1828, he was engaged as a missionary by the London Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Jews, and was stationed at Marseilles, visiting and also preaching to the Jews in Paris, Metz, Colmar, Montbeliard, Besan-on- Lyons, Avignon, etc. In 1835 he was stationed at Metz, whence he undertook extensive journeys through the south of France. After fourteen years' labor in the missionary cause, Mr. Oster resigned his office in 1843, and was during the last four years the minister of the Lutheran congregation in Posen. Too great exertion in the duties of his office had, however, an injurious effect on his health, for the restoration of which he was advised to undertake a voyage to South Australia. He died, however, Oct. 24, 1847, having been eight weeks on the sea. Besides his French translation of Dr. A. M'Caul's נתיבות עולם (the Old Path), under the title Les Sentiers d'Israel, he published also a brochure, Les Conjectures d'un Israelite Frangais sur l'Origine du Culte Mosaique, examinees (Metz, 1840), against a certain Tsarphati, who denied the inspiration and divine authority of the laws of Moses., See the proceedings of the London Society in the Jewish Expositor (London, 1829-31); the Monthly Intelligencer (1830-34); Jewish Intelligencer (1835-43), where Mr. Oster's interesting missionary journals are found. (B. P.)
