
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Ὀσμή (Strong'S #3744 — Noun Feminine — osme — os-may' )

"a smell, an odor" (akin to ozo, "to smell"), is translated "odor" in  John 12:3 , it is used metaphorically in  Ephesians 5:2 , RV, "an odor (of a sweet smell)," AV, "(a sweet smelling) savor," of the effects Godward of the Sacrifice of Christ; in  Philippians 4:18 of the effect of sacrifice, on the part of those in the church at Philippi, who sent material assistance to the Apostle in his imprisonment. The word is translated "savor" in   2—Corinthians 2:14,16 (twice).

 Revelation 5:8Incense.  Revelation 18:13Spice.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [2]

 Leviticus 26:31 (c) The worship which was offered by Israel while they were still living in disobedience and rebellion would not be acceptable to GOD, nor pleasing to Him.

 Philippians 4:18 (a) This describes the fragrance to GOD of the offerings made by willing, loving hearts.

 Revelation 5:8 (b) This type describes the sweetness of the prayers of GOD's people as their praise ascends to His throne.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(n.) Any smell, whether fragrant or offensive; scent; perfume.

Holman Bible Dictionary [4]

 Numbers 28:1-2

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [5]

ō´dẽr  : In the Old Testament the rendering of בּשׂם , besem , "fragrance" (  2 Chronicles 16:14;  Esther 2:12; in  Jeremiah 34:5 , the Revised Version (British and American) "burnings"), and of one or two other words; in the New Testament of ὀσμή , osmḗ ( John 12:3;  Philippians 4:18;  Ephesians 5:2 the Revised Version (British and American)); in   Revelation 5:8;  Revelation 18:13 , of θυμίαμα , thumı́ama , where the Revised Version (British and American) (with the King James Version margin in former passage) has "incense." See also Savor .
