Notable Crime

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Notable Crime [1]

is, in the Anglican Establishment, any offense committed in the ordering of deacons and priests which is of a sufficiently serious character to justify suspension of the ordination of a candidate. The bishop, at the beginning of the ordination office, requires that if any of the people know "any impediment or notable crime" in the person about to be ordained, "for which he ought not to be admitted to" the order of deacon or priest, the accuser shall come forth and declare "what the crime or impediment is." By "notable" is to be understood something of a highly flagrant and scandalous nature, known to the accuser as a sufficient reason, if proved, for the rejection of the candidate. Hence, in the rubric following the bishop's demand, the words "notable crime" are made synonymous with "great crime" with such a crime as will justify the bishop in delaying ordination till it is disproved. Similar remarks will apply to the use of the word "notorious" in the rubric before the Holy Communion.
