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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Ἐμός (Strong'S #1699 — pronoun — emos — em-os' )

a possessive adjective of the first person, often used as a possessive pronoun with greater emphasis than the oblique forms of ego (see below), a measure of stress which should always be observed; it denotes (I) subjectively, (a) "what I possess," e.g.,  John 4:34;  7:16 (1st part); 13:35;   1—Corinthians 16:21;  Galatians 6:11;  Colossians 4:18 (1st clause); as a pronoun, absolutely (i.e., not as an adjective), e.g.,   Matthew 20:15;  25:27;  Luke 15:31 , RV, "(all that is) mine," AV, "(all that) I have;"  John 16:14,15;  17:10; (b) "proceeding from me," e.g.,  Mark 8:38;  John 7:16 (2nd part); 8:37 (here the repetition of the article with the pronoun, after the article with the noun, lends special stress to the pronoun; more lit., "the word, that which is mine"); so in   John 15:12 . Such instances are to be distinguished from the less emphatic order where the pronoun comes between the article and the noun, as in  John 7:16 , already mentioned; (c) in the phrase "it is mine" (i.e., "it rests with me"), e.g.,  Matthew 20:23;  Mark 10:40; (II) objectively, "pertaining or relating to me:" (a) "appointed for me," e.g.,  John 7:6 , "My time" (with the repeated article and special stress just referred to); (b) equivalent to an objective genitive ("of me") e.g.,  Luke 22:19 , "(in remembrance) of Me" (lit., "in My remembrance"); so  1—Corinthians 11:24 .

Affair Matthew 26:12 1—Timothy 1:11

King James Dictionary [2]

MY, pronoun. adj. contracted from migen, mine. Me was originally mig, and the adjective migen. So in L. meus. See Mine.

Belonging to me as, this is my book. Formerly, mine was used before a vowel, and my before a consonant my is now used before both. We say, my book my own book my old friend. Mine is still used after a verb as, this book is mine.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(a.) Of or belonging to me; - used always attributively; as, my body; my book; - mine is used in the predicate; as, the book is mine. See Mine.
