Mauritian Creole Version Of The Scriptures

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Mauritian Creole Version Of The Scriptures [1]

This version is intended for the mixed population of Mauritius. A translation of the gospel of Matthew was made by the Reverend S.H. Anderson, who was born in Mauritius, and spent thirty-two years on the island, ten of which he was minister to the Protestant negroes. The same gentlemen also states that the Mauritian Creole is spoken by 350,000 of the 360,000 inhabitants of the island, and that it is the only medium of communication among all the languages and dialects of the island. Mr. Anderson's translation was published during the year 1884 by the British and Foreign Bible, Society, and as the report of that society for 1885 states, "the whole consignment was bought up before it was even unpacked, and that half of it was secured by bishop Royston for the inhabitants of Seychelle." (B.P.)
