Matthias Jorissen

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Matthias Jorissen [1]

a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, was born at Wezel, Holland, October 26,. 1739, and educated at the University of Utrecht. His first settlement was at Havezathen, whence he was called to Hasselt, and thence, in 1782; to the Hague, to preach to a German congregation. This charge he held up to his death, Jan. 13, 1823. Jorissen's characteristics were clearness and vigor of intellect, warmth of affection, solidity of judgment, and a remarkable talent to read men and things. His native endowments were cultivated by extensive reading, thorough study, and much intercourse with the best society. He was evangelical in sentiment, of eminent personal piety, devoted to the best interests of his flock, and commanded universal esteem and love. He was one of the founders of the Netherlands Missionary Society. A new version of the Psalms in German was prepared by him. To it he added a few hymns. It was welcomed and adopted by German congregations in the Reformed Church of Holland. His other published writings are comparatively few... See Glasius, Godgeleerd Nederland, 1, 186 sq.; Geschiedeneis der Nederlandsche Hervormde Kerk, by A. Ypeij and J. Dermont, 4, 320. (J.P.W.)
