
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(n.) A nonsense poem of five anapestic lines, of which lines 1, 2, and 5 are of there feet, and rime, and lines 3 and 4 are of two feet, and rime; as - There was a young lady, Amanda,/Whose Ballades Lyriques were quite fin de/Si/cle, I deem/But her Journal Intime/Was what sent her papa to Uganda.//

The Nuttall Encyclopedia [2]

Irish county on the S. of the Shannon estuary, between Tipperary and Kerry, watered by the Mulcai, Maigue, and Deel; hilly in the S., is mostly fertile, and under corn and green crops; cattle are reared and dairy products exported; some woollens and paper manufactured. There are many antiquities. Limerick, the county town, on the Shannon, is the fourth Irish seaport, and manufactures a little lace.
