Likeness Of Likeness

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Likeness Of Likeness [1]

1: ὁμοίωμα (Strong'S #3667 — Noun Neuter — homoioma — hom-oy'-o-mah )

denotes "that which is made like something, a resemblance," (a) in the concrete sense,  Revelation 9:7 , "shapes" (Rv, marg., "likenesses"); (b) in the abstract sense,  Romans 1:23 , Rv, "(for) the likeness (of an image);" the Av translates it as a verb, "(into an image) made like to;" the association here of the two words homoioma and eikon (see Image) serves to enhance the contrast between the idol and "the glory of the incorruptible God," and is expressive of contempt; in  Romans 5:14 , "(the) likeness of Adam's transgression" (Av, "similitude"); in  Romans 6:5 , "(the) likeness (of His death); in  Romans 8:3 , "(the) likeness (of sinful flesh); in  Philippians 2:7 , "the likeness of men." "The expression 'likeness of men does not of itself imply, still less does it exclude or diminish, the reality of the nature which Christ assumed. That ... is declared in the words 'form of a servant.' 'Paul justly says in the likeness of men, because, in fact, Christ, although certainly perfect Man ( Romans 5:15;  1 Corinthians 15:21;  1 Timothy 2:5 ), was, by reason of the Divine nature present in Him, not simply and merely man ... but the Incarnate Son of God'" (Gifford, quoting Meyer). See Shape. Cp. Like, B, (b).

2: ὁμοίωσις (Strong'S #3669 — Noun Feminine — homoiosis — hom-oy'-o-sis )

"a making like," is translated "likeness" in  James 3:9 , Rv (Av, "similitude").

3: ὁμοιότης (Strong'S #3665 — Noun Feminine — homoiotes — hom-oy-ot'ace )

is translated "likeness" in  Hebrews 7:15 , Rv (Av, "similitude")

4: ἀντίτυπος (Strong'S #499 — Adjective — antitupon — an-teet'-oo-pon )

is rendered "after a true likeness," in  1 Peter 3:21 , Rv (marg., "in the antitype"). See Figure , No. 2.
