
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Lesbonax [1]

( Λεσβῶναξ ), a son of Potamon of Mytilene, a philosopher and sophist, lived in the time of Augustus. He was a pupil of Timocrates, and the father of Polemon, who is known as the teacher and friend of Tiberius. Suidas says that Lesbonax wrote several philosophical works, but does not mention that he was an orator or rhetorician, although there can be no doubt that he is the same person as the Lesbonax who wrote Μελεταὶ Ῥητορικαί and Ἑρωτικαὶ Ἐπιστολαί (see Photius, Bibl. cod. 74, p. 52). Smith, Dict. of Greek and Roman Biograaphy, 2:772.
