Leopold Immanuel Ruckert

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Leopold Immanuel Ruckert [1]

a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born in 1797 at Grosshennersdorf, near Herrnhut, Upper Lusatia. He studied theology and philosophy at Leipsic, was for some time deacon at his native place, and published, in 1821, De Ratione Tractandae Theologiae Dogmaticae. In 1825 he was appointed teacher at the Gymnasium of Zittau, and while there published, Kommentar uber den Brief Pauli an die Romer (Leipsic, 1831; 2d ed. 1839): Kommentar uber den Brief Paul an die Galater (1833): An die Epheser (1834): An die Korinther (1836-37). Riickert wsas made doctor of theology in 1836 by the theological faculty of Copenhagen, and in 1844 he was called to Jena, where he wrote, Theologie (Leipsic, 1851, 2 volumes): Das Abendmahl. Sein Wesen und seine Geschichte in der alten Kirche (1856): Buchlein von der Kirche (1857): Der Rationalismus (1859). Ruckert died April 9, 1871. See Protestantische Kirchenzeitung, 1871, page 309-311; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. s.v.; Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses,. s.v.; Plitt- Herzog, Real-Encyklop. s.v. (B.P.)
