Lalita -Vistaria

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Lalita -Vistaria [1]

is the name of one of the most celebrated works of Buddhistic literature. It contains a narrative of the life and doctrine of Buddha Sakvamuni, (See Buddha), and is considered by the Buddahists as one of their nine chief works treating of Dharma, or religious law. It is one of the developed sutras of the Mahayana system. An edition of the Sanscrit text, and an English translation of this work by Bilbu RI.jendralal Mitra, is publishing under the auspices of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. A French translation from the Thibetan has been made by Ph. Ed. Foucanx. In Chinese there are two translations of it. See E. Burnouf; Introduction A L'Histoire Du Buddhisine Indien (Par. 1844); and W. Wassiljew, Der Buddhismus, Seine Dogmen, Geschichte Und Literatur (St. Petersburg, 1860).
