Kostha Ibn-Lika

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Kostha Ibn-Lika [1]

(or Luca), an Arabian philosopher. the originator of Heliopolis in Syria, flourished towards the close of the 9th century. He died, according to Abulfarag, about 890. He translated many works of Greek philosophers into Arabic, and wrote himself many original treatises, among which are, De Animce et Spiritus Discrimeine: De Morte inopinata: Descriptio Spherce Ccelestis:-Liber apologeticus adversus librum astrologi Aba Isce de Mohameti Apostolatu et Prophetia. See Fabricius, Bibliotheca Grcaca, ii, 801; D'Herbelot, Biblioth. Orielntale, p. 975.
