Joseph De Jouvenci Or Jouvency

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Joseph De Jouvenci Or Jouvency [1]

an eminent Jesuit, was born at Paris Sept. 14, 1643. He taught rhetoric with uncommon reputation at Caen, La Fleche, and Paris, and at length was invited to Rome, in order to continue the "History of the Jesuits" with more freedom than he could have enjoyed at Paris. His other principal works are two volumes of speeches, a small tract entitled De Ratione Discendi et Docendi, and notes on different classical writers. In his history of the Jesuits he attempts to justify father Guignard the Jesuit, who was executed for encouraging the bigoted assassin Chatel in his attempt on the life of Henry IV. In France Parliament prohibited the publication or circulation of the work on that account. See Gorton, Biogr. Dict. s.v.
