Johann Heinrich Daniel Moldenhawer

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Johann Heinrich Daniel Moldenhawer [1]

a German theologian, was born at Halle, October 29, 1709. He was educated at the "Collegium Fridericianum," and later at the University of Konigsberg, where he was a diligent student in ancient languages, especially the Greek and Hebrew. He was appointed in 1733 deacon at Kreuzburg, and in 1737 to the Sackheinsche Kirche at Konigsberg, but had very many difficulties in this new position, and did not live in harmony with his colleagues. He therefore gladly accepted a call to the University of Konigsberg as professor of divinity in 1744. He published there in 1745 his Introductio in libros sacros Veteris et Novi Testamenti, of which Horne says that few treatises of the kind are more useful than this. He shows the canonical authority of the Bible in general, and treats of the author, time of writing, argument, scope, chronology, etc., of each book in particular. He was appointed in 1756 ecclesiastical counsellor, and also librarian of the Wallenrodsche library. He received a call in 1765 as minister to Hamburg, where he died, April 8,1790. Besides several contributions to journals, he published Diss. I et II Acta apostoli Pauli chronologiae digesta (Konigsberg, 1744, 4to): Einleitung in die Alterthumer der Egypten, Juden, Griechen, und Romer (ibid. 1754, 8vo): Grundliche Erlauterungen der schweren Stellen der heiligen Bucher des neuen Testaments (Leipzig und Konigsberg, 1763-70, 4 volumes): Betrachtungen uber das Vaterunser (Hamburg, 1765, 8vo): Huptinhalt der Betrachtungen uber die Heilswahrheiten, welche in den Montags- Betstunden In Der Domkurche 1766-68 vorgetragen worden sind (Hamburg, 1768, 8vo): Der Brief Pauli an die Romer, nach dem Grundtext ubersetzt, nebst Eriklarungen und Amerkungen (ibid. 1770, gr. 8vo). He also translated and wrote commentaries on all the most important books of the New Testament. He was likewise the author of Ausfuhrliche Prufung des funften Fragments aus der Wolfenbittelschen Bibliothek von der Auferstehung Jesu durch welche zugleich die Auferstehungsgeschichte Christi bestatigt und erlautert wird (Hamburg, 1779, 8vo): Ausfuhrliche Prufung des dritten Fragments aus desr Wolfenbuttelschen Bibliothek. von dem Durchgange der Israeliten durch's rothe Meer (ibid. 1779, 8vo): Ausfuhrliche Prufung des zweiten Fragments aus der Wolfenbiittelschen Bibliothek von der Unmoglichkeit einer Offenbarung, die alle Menschen auf eine gegrindete Art glauben konnen (ibid. 1782, gr. 8vo): Der Hauptzweck des Leidens und Sterbens Jesu (Kothen, 1787, 8vo). See Doring, Gelehrte Theol. Deutschlands, 2:557-62.
