Jean Claude Leblanc (De Beaulieu)

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Jean Claude Leblanc (De Beaulieu) [1]

Leblanc (de Beaulieu), Jean Claude

a French prelate, was born in Paris, May 26, 1753. After being canon- regular of St. Genevieve before the Revolution, he became, in 1791, constitutional rector of the parish of St. Genevieve, and subsequently of St. Eitienne du Mont. He was chosen archbishop of Roue n on the death of Gratian; consecrated January 18, 1800, at Paris, and held in his metropolitan church a council of the bishops of his diocese the following October. In 1801 he assisted at the national council held at Paris. After the signing of the Concordat, he gave in his resignation, and in 1802 was appointed bishop of Soissons. He established a seminary in his episcopal city. Being invited, in 1815; to be present at a reception of the emperor after his return from the island of Elba, Leblanc wrote to the minister to give assurance of his fidelity to Louis XVIII. This declaration was published, and the bishop of Soissons withdrew to England. The return of the king recalled him to his diocese, and in 1817 he was appointed archbishop of Aries, re-established by the new Concordat. Having resigned in 1822, he withdrew to the Seminary of Foreign Missions at Paris, took charge of the Savoyards, and was appointed member of the chapter of St. Denis. He died July 13, 1825. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
