
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Jama [1]

in Hindu mythology, is the ruler of a division of the infernal region (Nark), and the highest judge there, who decides whether the departed souls are to be admitted to heaven or go to hell, in which latter case they begin their wanderings through life anew. A mirror, made of pure fire, portrays to him the deeds of all men. On a golden scale, held by his assistants, he weighs human deeds, and leads those found wanting to Nark, the others to Suerga (heaven). He is a protecting spirit of virtue and justice, and the most honored, companion of Shiva. Nevertheless, he is represented in a frightful appearance, with hideous features, a number -of arms, heavy weapons, and riding on a black buffalo with four horns. He lives in Jamapur (city of Jama).
