Jacques Goar

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Jacques Goar [1]

a French Dominican monk, was born at Paris in 1601. He entered into the order of Preaching Friars in 1619, and taught rhetoric in sevaeral houses of the Dominicans for some years. He was then sent on a mission into the Leyant, and lived eight years at Chios, where he made the doctrines and ceremonies of the Greek Church the subjects of his isvestigation, and then came to Rome with many collections of MSS., etc. In 1647 he published at Paris, in Greek and Latin, his Εὐχολόγιον , Euchologium Sive Rituale Graecorum (Paris, 1647, folio; Venice, 1730). For the history of liturgies, this in a very valuable and useful work. Goar died at Amiens in 1653. See Echard, Script. Ord. Praed. volume 2; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale , 20:860.
