Hirsch Ben-Mir Chajes

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Hirsch Ben-Mir Chajes [1]

a Jewish rabbi, who was born at Brody, Austria, and died at Kalish, Poland Nov. 12, 1855, is the author of ס 8 תירת נביאים , or dissertations on the oral law (Zolkiew, 1836 ) : Decisions (ibid. 1850, 3 vols.): הש ס הגהות על , or critical notes on the Babylonian Talmud (Vienna, 1840-47): מבוא התלמוד , an introduction to the Talmud (Zolkiew, 1845), etc. See F Ü rst, Bibl. Jud. 1, 156. (B. P.)
