Gregorio Pagani

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Gregorio Pagani [1]

an Italian painter, was the son of Francesco Pagani, and was born at Florence in 1558. He first studied under Santo di Titi, and afterwards with Lodovico Cardi, called Cigoli, whose style he adopted. Lanzi says he was praised by strangers as a second Cigoli, and that he was much employed by them; hence there are only a few of his pictures at Florence. His most celebrated work, the Finding of the Cross, in the Carmine, which .has been engraved, was destroyed with that edifice by fire. He painted a few frescos, all of which have perished, except one in the cloister of Sta. Maria Novella, commended by Lanzi, though injured by time. He died in 1605.
