Giovanni Politi

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Giovanni Politi [1]

an Italian canonist, was born June 8,1738, at Pinzano (Frioul). He studied at Padua, obtained in 1763 the diploma as a doctor of civil and canon law, and was a professor of literature at the Seminary of Portogruaro, and also of ecclesiastical jurisprudence, in which he was remarkably proficient. In 1800 he repaired to Concordia, where the bishop provided him with a canonicate. He published one considerable work, Jurisor udeotice ecclesiasticae universae, libri 9 (Venice, 1787, 9 vols. 4to), which was approved by a brief of Pius VI. Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. G É neral É , 40, 617.
