Friedrich Adolph Philippi

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Friedrich Adolph Philippi [1]

a noted Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born of Jewish parentage at Berlin, October 15, 1809. At the age of eighteen he entered the Berlin University to study philosophy. In 1829 he went to Leipsic for the study of philology, and in the same year joined the Lutheran Church. In 1830 he was promoted as doctor of' philosophy, and acted for two years as teacher at Dresden. In 1832 he returned to Berlin, passed his examination, and in 1833 received the "facultas docendi." He was appointed professor of ancient languages at the Joachimsthal Gymnasium, a position which he resigned after eighteen months in order to prosecute theological studies. Having passed his examination, he was in 1836 made a licentiate in theology, and commenced to lecture in 1837. In 1841 Philippi was called as professor of theology to Dorpat, in 1851 to Rostock, and died August 29, 1882. He wrote, De Celsi Adversarii Christianoraum, Philosophandi Genere (Berlin, 1836): Der thatige Gehorsam Christi (1841): Commentar uber den Brief Pauli an die Romer (Frankfort, 3d ed. 1866; Engl. transl. Edinburgh, 1878): but his main work is Kirchliche Glaubenslehre (Guterslothe, 1854-82, 6 volumes), a learned and able vindication of strict Lutheran orthodoxy. After Philippi's death there were published from his manuscripts, and edited by his son, Erklarung des Briefes Pauli an die Galater (Guterslothe, 1884): Symbolik. Akademische Vorlesungen (1883): Predigten und Vortrage (eod.). See Mecklenburgisches Kirchen- und Zeitblatt, 1882, No. 19-21; Plitt-Herzog, Real-Encyklop. s.v.; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 2:993 sq. (B.P.)
