Ferdinand Stosch

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Ferdinand Stosch [1]

a brother of the foregoing, was born December 30, 1717, at Liebenberg. He studied at Frankfort, was in 1743 con-rector at Lingen, in 1761 professor at the Joachimsthal Gymnasium iin Berlin, in 1771 member of consistory and general superintendent at Detmold, and died August 17, 1780. He wrote, De Nominibus Urbis Thyatirce (Lingen, 1743): De Anqelo Ecclesicae Thyatirence (eod.): De Sepultura Jephtae ad Jud. 12:7 (1746): De Ecclesia Novi Testamenti Prophetis non, Indigente, ad  Ephesians 3:2-3 (1748): De Septeam Epistolarum Apocalypticarum Ordine (1749): De Adamo, Principum Primo ad  Psalms 82:7 (1754): Compendium Archceologiae OEconomica Novi Testamenti (Leipsic, 1769), etc. See Doring, Die gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands, s.v.; Fiirst, Bibl. Jud. s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:78, 274. (B.P.)
