Exactly Exact

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Exactly Exact [1]

1: ἀκριβέστερον (Strong'S #197 — Adjective — akribesteron — ak-ree-bes'-ter-on )

the comparative degree of akribos, "accurately, carefully," is used in  Acts 18:26 , Av, "more perfectly," Rv, "more carefully;"  Acts 23:15 , Av, "more perfectly," Rv, "more exactly;" so  Acts 23:20;  24:22 , Av, "more perfect," Rv, "more exact" (lit., "knowing more exactly"). See Carefully , Perfectly. Cp. akribeia, "precision, exactness,"   Acts 22:3 , and akriboo, "to learn carefully, to enquire with exactness,"  Matthew 2:7,16 .
