Elnathan Walker

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Elnathan Walker [1]

a Presbyterian minister, was born at Taunton, Mass., Feb. 18, 1780. He was fitted for college at the Academy in his native town, and was a graduate of Brown University in the class of 1803. After leaving college, he made a public profession of his faith in Christ, and united with the Congregational Church in Dighton, Mass. He commenced soon after this the study of theology with Rev. Dr. Emmons, of Franklin, and was ordained Oct. 25, 1809, and, at the same time, was installed pastor of the Presbyterian Congregation in Homer, N.Y., where he remained until his death. At one time there was a little restiveness on the part of a few persons in his Church, and the question of his dismissal was agitated. He interposed no objection, and consented to the calling of a council to consider the matter. It was said that "the moderator opened the session with a prayer of peculiar fervor and earnestness, especially praying for the movers of so responsible a step as severing the pastoral relation. The spirit of the prayer awakened new thoughts and feelings in the assembly. At its close one of the chief agitators requested a delay of the proceedings, and moved, before the Church, a dismission of the matter to be presented to the council, which motion was unanimously carried." At once a remarkable revival commenced, and many persons were hopefully, converted. During his ten and a half years ministry in Homer the Church enjoyed three general revivals. At the time of his settlement the number of communicants was 99. He received into the membership of the Church 468. At the time of his death, after all losses by removals, deaths, etc., the number of members was 427. And yet, although he had been so laborious and successful a minister, he renounced all righteousness of his own as the ground of salvation, and trusted alone in the efficacious work of the Lord Jesus. He died June 4, 1820. See Walker Memorial, p. 55. (J. C. S.)
