Eliphalet Pearson

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Eliphalet Pearson [1]

LL.D., an eminent Congregational minister, was born June, 1752, in Byfield, Mass. He graduated at Harvard College in 1773, and was soon after licensed to preach. In April, 1778, he was made preceptor of Phillips Academy, then just started, in which place he remained until 1786. when he was elected professor of Hebrew in Harvard College, and after president Willard's death, in 1804, he acted as president. In 1806 he resigned and removed to Andover, where he was very active in founding the theological seminary, in which he was chosen professor of sacred literature in 1808, but resigned this position after serving only one year. He remained a trustee of the seminary, and was a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society and other associations. He died Sept. 12, 1826. He published a Lecture on the Death of President Willard (1804), and four separate Sermons (1811, 1812, 1813, 1815). See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 2:126-131; North Amer. Review, 64:181.
