Dominique De Colonia

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Dominique De Colonia [1]

a French scholar and antiquarian, was born at Aix, in Provence, August 25, 1660. He became a Jesuit, and resided at Lyons for fifty-nine years, where he taught successively the lower studies, rhetoric, and elementary theology. He died at Lyons, September 12, 1741, leaving many works, among which we cite Anliquites de la Ville de Lyon: Pratique de Piete (Paris, 1717): La Religion Chretienne Autorisee par le Temoignage des.Anciens Paiens (ibid. 1718; ibid. and Besangon, 1826): Bibliotheque Janseniste (ibid. 1722, 1731, and elsewhere under different titles). In the Journal de Trevoux various memoirs by Colonia are found. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.; Biog. Universelle, s.v.
