Divorcement Divorce

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Divorcement Divorce [1]

'''A — 1: ἀπολύω (Strong'S #630 — Verb — apoluo — ap-ol-oo'-o )

"to let loose from, let go free" (apo, "from," luo, "to loose"), is translated "is divorced" in the Av of  Matthew 5:32 (Rv, "is put away"); it is further used of "divorce" in   Matthew 1:19;  19:3,7-9;  Mark 10:2,4,11;  Luke 16:18 . The Lord also used it of the case of a wife putting away her husband,  Mark 10:12 , a usage among Greeks and Romans, not among Jews. See Dismiss.

'''B — 1: ἀποστάσιον (Strong'S #647 — Noun Neuter — apostasion — ap-os-tas'-ee-on )

primarily, "a defection," lit., "a standing off" (apo, "from," stasis, "a standing;" cp. aphistemi, "to cause to withdraw"), denotes, in the Nt, "a writing or bill of divorcement,"  Matthew 5:31;  19:7;  Mark 10:4 . In Sept.,  Deuteronomy 24:3;  Isaiah 50:1;  Jeremiah 3:8 .
