De Keralay

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

De Keralay [1]

a French Roman Catholic missionary, who flourished in the early part of the 18th century, joined the Congregation of Foreign Missions, and. in 1720 took charge of the mission at Mergui. In 1722. he was consecrated bishop of Rosalia, and became coadjutor to M. de Cire, apostolic vicar of Siam, whom he succeeded in 1727. The court, which had at first appeared favorably inclined towards the Christians, soon began, at the instigation of the bonzes, to persecute them violently. The missionaries were forbidden publishing any books in the Siamese language, or teaching their doctrines to the people. Inscriptions insulting to the Christian faith were placed on the front or inside of the churches. Keralay himself also was repeatedly summoned before the authorities, to answer for his infringements of their regulations, but he displayed throughout great firmness and patience. The death of the king and the civil war which followed gave the Christians some respite, but after a short time persecutions began anew, and it was during these that Keralay -died at Juthia, Nov.: 27, 1737. See Lettres edifiantes; Henrion, Hist. des Missions; Pallegoix, Description du royaume Thai (Paris, 1854, 12mo); Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Gnerale, 27:595. (J. N. P.)
