Davidley Field

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Davidley Field [1]

a Congregational minister, was born in East Guilford, Conn., May 20, 1781, prepared for college under Dr. John Elliott, of Guilford, and graduated at Yale in 1802. After studying theology under Dr. Backus, he was licensed to preach in 1803, and was installed pastor at East Haddam in 1804. Ho filled this charge with great diligence and success until 1818, and in 1819 accepted a call to Stockbridge, Mass. After eighteen years' pastoral service at Stockbridge, he was called in 1837 to his old parish at Haddam. In 1848 he travelled in Europe. In 1851 he gave up his charge at Haddam, and spent the remainder of his life in quiet retirement at Stockbridge, where he died April 15, 1867. Dr. Field was a man of strong character. His mental powers were vigorous and comprehensive; his culture was at once thorough and varied. His duties as preacher and pastor were always filled with conscientious care; and his long pastorates, with the unusual case of his return to his first charge after an absence of thirty-three years, sufficiently attest the confidence and affection of his parishioners. Of his ten children, six sons are now living, and all eminent as professional men; among them are Cyrus W. Field, the "father" of the Atlantic Telegraph, and Dr. H. M. Field, editor of The New York Evangelist. Besides a number of occasional sermons, Dr. Field published History of Middlesex: History of Berkshire:- Genealogy of the Brainerd Family.-Appleton's Annual Cyclop. 1867, p. 301.
