David Bruhn

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

David Bruhn [1]

a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born at Memel, September 30, 1727. He studied at Konigsberg and Halle, was in 1750 con-rector at the Cilnische Gymnasium in Berlin, in 1752 preacher at the military school, in 1754 dean at St. Mary's, and in 1756 arch-dean. He died April 27, 1782. He is the author of some hymns, one of which has been translated into English Der du uns als Vater liebest, "Thou who lovest us as a father," in Sacred Hymns f R Omt The German, page 30. See Koch, Gesch. d. deutschen Kirchenliedes, 6: 231. (B.P.)
